Emon - don't torture yourself like this - the Bible has little to no factual basis. Not in biology or geology or history etc...
Right now, not being remotely theist in any classical sense of the word, I have come to appreciate the Bible though.
It begins with paradise: inner peace, love, joy, etc... the REAL thing as opposed to our fakery. We don't know anything about this realm, except in brief moments of timeless grace which we have all experienced (although this I-sense was invariably gone in those moments - things and actions just flowed)
Then a snake, a voice whispers to us from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Which is just another way of saying 'Tree of Judgment'. This snake of judgment is talking in our heads most of the day trying to convince us to judge and condemn and hate and say 'thing/person/event A is good and thing/person/event B is bad'. With this psychological illness ("the devil", "ego", etc...) , paradise ends and now plagues, hate, fire and brimstone enter the picture.
This is the state we are in now - if you think you aren't, just watch your ****ty, hostile face and your internal flames ("hell") next time someone cuts in front of you in traffic or something. You're in hell all day long. I know all of this because I'm in that same hell. This hell IS internal torture, sleepless nights, headaches, walking around in a daze with hollow eyes. This is the state of the whole world (including all of you). Brood of vipers. Wolves in sheep's clothing. All extremely hostile and unhappy pretending to be decent and happy. I know all about it first hand btw!
This hell ends when you FORGIVE, AFTER the day of the LAST JUDGMENT (I don't think it can be any clearer than this) this internal hell calms down and you move to heaven/the kingdom (peace and joy, an internal sense of timelessness, etc ....) again. So, you forgive and stop judging not because you're a saint or something, but because you're sick of this eternal torture. This is what Jesus teaches. Turn the other cheek, forgive, love, etc... and you'll be in heaven. Your day is full of opportunities for this, but we of couse squander them all the time, lashing out and thus feeding the internal flames some more, suffering till the day we die.
Now a question - who of you RIGHT now has a voice in his/her head telling you to strike at this post: telling me off, putting me down (and you "up"), making a sarcastic, hostile comment? Who will be the first dude NOT to indulge that demon and actually have a truly happy, free life? What about the guy who cuts in front in traffic? What about the wife who cheats on you? That to me is what the Bible teaches, as do Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, etc...
He said to them: "You examine the face of heaven and earth, but you have not come to know the one who is in your presence, and you do not know how to examine the present moment." - Gospel of Thomas