Doesn't know that mice use holes.
Posts: 2,517
@JediKirby: The best ultra-condensed synopsis that I've heard, and my personal brand of conscientious-yet-not-infuriated, goes something like: "Feminism isn't about having to burn your bra, it's about deciding for yourself if you want to or not."
I.e. it isn't about throwing off the varyingly illusory shackles of patriarchal dominance, but about consciously working towards social and personal empowerment, representation, and equity.
That said, I agree with Jon`C for the most part, though in my experience a lot of the outright xenocidal poison was spewed forth more from separatists and second-wave zealots (who I do in fact consider outright bat**** insane) like SCUM, Janice Raymond, and her disciple Germaine Greer, and third-wave has been in a broad sense a vapid spiral of ineffectual failure to connect with reality and their own point. (Not to say there aren't still the toxic xenocides in the new generation, as evidenced by eg Bev Jo's writings in The Magazine Project over the last year.)
If you want an overview, read some Wikipedia articles about it, but if you want to learn something worthwhile, educate yourself about the real damn world and take ownership of how you treat and act towards women, eg how often you catch yourself (or someone you know) ever justifying something based on gender vs merit.
For example, from this video, the guy is challenging how when male workers (or soldiers especially) are discussed, they are only referred to by their occupation whereas women are always mentioned specifically. He claims that this is a ploy to erase men from view and significance, and that (this part is accurate at least) unsexing job titles is a feminist tactic to do that. The point isn't to erase men, it's to designify gender from occupation. He uses examples where he is outraged that apples are different than oranges, eg that soldiers are just called soldiers but when women (and implicitly children) are killed in combat that is always noted explicitly. And yet the women killed in are predominantly /not/ front-line soldiers (since we aren't allowed to be, which at some point later he's confusing upset by also). I'm not sure if he'd rather have it reported like: "Men and women including civilians of both sexes also were killed in combat, many- but not all- of the former being soldiers, and probably none of the latter were."
Also I can personally vouch for the university tack. Ultimately, (almost) nobody actually cares about your specific degree. I was working on an Associate of Arts and dropped out to work for IBM and am living debt-free. In many cases it really doesn't make any economic sense to enslave oneself to student loans for the rest of your life just so you have a "real/hard" degree.
Another point that really exasperates me is that he is so upset that there more stories about men committing crimes. This is not discrimination! He takes pains to point out that crimes are more likely to be the victims of crimes than women, but neglects to point out that the perpetrator is more likely to be a man than a woman as well. Men quite simply do commit more crimes, and are significantly more likely to be repeat offenders, and commit serious crimes than women. If a police officer pulls over three times as many Honda Civics in a day than Hummvs, it's not because he's profiling for Hondas.
Edit: I think really what I find most unsettling and insidious about this guy is he doesn't come off like a ranting chauvinist neo-Maddox, but is fairly composed and well-spoken until you really start paying attention and realize he's such a spiteful bigot.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.