Doesn't know that mice use holes.
Posts: 2,517
Edit: re infection, small ones can happen, but if you properly clean and care for them (ie anti-bacterial soap and saline soaks daily while they heal) they're liable to heal well in direct proportion to your responsibility and general hygiene.
Yeah, I'm completely grossed out by people who manipulate their bodies. Piercings, tattoos, dying their hair, wearing makeup, working out, eating healthy, &c. In fact if you do anything beyond drinking breastmilk and wallowing in a crib for the rest of your life, I find that manipulation of your natural body and course of development completely disgusting. Who's with me? [Oh wait, babies smell terrible :/]
Why do people wear clothes or get their hair cut/styled? Isn't wearing clothes unnatural and gross?
It is a fascinating anthropological axiom that- even in cultures who don't/didn't wear clothes- every culture has endemic [and often evolving] means of self-ornamentation.
Except for the dark ages and the early 1900s (before which it was a conservative value), piercings of many kinds have been the nearly-universal human status quo (from Julius Caesar's nipple piercings, the Pharoah's naval ring, the queen of Bavaria wearing nipple rings as another ornament in the plunging-neckline era) and often a mark of nobility (easy way to show off wealth for instance), not the rebellious exception. Even in the Bible, eg nose rings were highly attractive on respectable women.
Before you object "this is just about gauging", I wanted to bring up these examples and ask the question: at what point does it start to disgust you? Is the only thing you object to really well-gauged ears? Where do you draw the line? a quarter inch, half an inch, an inch?
Personally I only object to body-mods if people try to explain them to me ad nauseum (eg they're a hipsterzombie). If there's a compelling story or journey associated with something, excellent, I'd probably be into hearing it. However if (as I see on OkCupid from time to time) you spend more time talking about your tattoo/piercings than yourself, I probably already hate both of you.
That said, I have 8 ear piercings myself so far, three of them are gauged small (10 and two 12s) which is nice on the lower lobes since I can just thread dangling earrings through the eyelets instead of swapping them out if I want to wear something else). I would never gauge my ears very large (ie more than an inch probably) since I'd always imagine them ending up getting caught on something, but I can find varying gauges very striking and/or attractive on people.
But my real question is, why even start a thread about it? Are you trying to reassure yourself that you're not the only one with sensibilities, to create a conversation to coalesce and reinforce your intolerances? What are you actually hoping to gain by finding people with similar values? The marriage pool here?
Any number of reasons. One is that people take pride in their bodies and their experiences. Some consider their body as a framework/canvas for expression, as an artwork that they can develop through their entire lives. (eg I dated a gal who had a backpiece tattoo that she'd been gradually evolving and expanding for about 6 years). It wasn't really until the Puritan conquest of America (and the Dark Ages before, when even bathing was considered basically sinful due to pride) that the idea that you shouldn't be proud of your body or individuate at all was really popularized.
For example? Please, I want specifics. Just asking a rhetorical question does not in any way lend the expected answer credence. Does wearing polos and khakis and no piercings imply that you /don't/ have personality short-comings? Cos I've met a lot of dudebros and frat boys that lead me to question that premise.
This is a logical structure where the overlap between two opposing AT LEAST SOME groups (ie people who mod their bodies a lot who don't have personality short comings and those that do) can prove that NOT ALL body modders have personality short comings, and it's pretty likely that the ratio of those who do and don't isn't so different from the ratio of non-body-modders with personality short-comings who exhibit their maladaption by playing violent Star Wars games and posting on Star Wars gaming forums for attention or the like (which in no way demonstrates that all people who play violent Star Wars games have personality short comings).
Also, I can kill you with my brain.