These are easier than pop culture implies they are.

If you can balance and pivot on one foot without falling or rupturing a tendon, and your other leg can extend without similar injuries, you can pull off a roundhouse kick.
I think it's common sense to use apostrophes in their appropriate settings. One person's standard of common sense
is not necessarily a successful definition of the majority concept of common sense. There are people who consider it common sense to wear heavy clothing in extreme desert heat, and to a certain extent this is successful at perpetuating survival for those people. To another extent, it is successful at making them appear alien, goofy, frickin' nuts, and/or oppressive of females, according to the standards of other groups of people.
As for that last sentence... it smacks of a particularly ugly sense of superiority and entitlement which I find not less than disgusting. If you are going to judge the merits and social values of a stranger exclusively based on how he visually presents himself, when he is clearly doing you absolutely no harm (nor to anybody else), then the only significant difference between your judgments and racially-based judgments are the concession that people of a different race didn't
choose to look the way they do, so they're okay.
In the event you didn't mean to sound so pathetically narrow-minded, presumptive, condescending, etc., please do forgive me for jumping down your throat over that post.
In the event you
did mean it with complete sincerity and belief in your statements... then all I see in you is a thing to be quarantined and avoided, lest I catch its unfortunate and contagious ideology.
Before somebody decides to call my attention to it, yes, I know I use too many words.