I've played (and even run) bunch of different systems over the years. We even had come campaigns off and on in the #teapot for VtM, SWD6 [which was really pleasing in how little math was involved vs say AD&D], D&D.
When I was young, my older brother and I spent years developing and running campaigns in a sort of Star-Wars-centric GURPS spinoff called SWORDS (Star Wars Occupational Role-Playing Development System).
Later on (early high school) I got involved with a Big Eyes Small Mouth campaign for a year, as well as a few online forum-based RPGs eg for Wheel of Time.
It's probably been four or five years since I was really involved in anything though, except for an evening filling in on a Savage Worlds (50 Fathoms) campaign which sort of reinforced my disappointment (same as for playing MtG) that to play a campaign (in person at least) I have to spend time in the same room with the sort of people who play RPGs regularly. (I know this is sort of a broad stroke, but if you've got the time, look up a documentary called Game Masters, it's pretty crushingly depressing and familiar when it comes to like every GM/group I've known locally at least).
That said, if I could find some tolerable people in the area, I'd probably be playing D&D right now.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.