I'm not talking about dressing scantily clad. I'm talking about wearing a meat suit because she lacks the cognitive ability to actually speak out on a subject and has to resort to cheap theatrics instead. Yes, she says that she's trying to promote awareness and acceptance of the gay community and everyone who's a little different. That is good. The way she goes about it is what sets a bad example.
And you don't see the harm in talking about riding disco sticks? In music that's marketed to pre-teens? Really? Yes, other bands have innuendo and sometimes more in their lyrics. Thinking Big 10 Inch from Aerosmith. Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love. Those weren't marketed to 12 year olds.
On a side note, she claims that listening to Zeppelin, Stevie Wonder, and other popular, classic artists from that era is the reason she turned out the way she did. So... what happened to the rest of the world?