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ForumsDiscussion Forum → People who are overly touchy
People who are overly touchy
2011-09-17, 3:24 PM #41
I smack my friends on their respective butts. Is that related?
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2011-09-17, 3:30 PM #42
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2011-09-17, 9:59 PM #43
I have dreams where I tear mb's intestines out with pliers. Does that count?
>>untie shoes
2011-09-18, 4:51 AM #44
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
"I have been in more pain in one day than you could dish out in a year. I've been in pain so horrible that morphine couldn't get rid of all of it. I may suck at fighting, but I can guarantee you I will outlast you, and I got a lot more motivation to."
2011-09-18, 5:48 AM #45
I've struggled with a violent temper through much of my life. I was even forced by a judge to undergo anger management because of an assault charge (this particular time I was actually defending myself & won't go in to the details because it's family-related). However, I will mention some other incidents (mostly involving "stabbings".A friend of mine was sparring with my younger brother. He roundhouse-kicked my brother in the chest. My brother started crying & appeared to be having difficulty breathing. My friend saw the look on my face & ran. I was much faster than him & flying side-kicked him in the back, which sent him flying in to a doorknob, bruising his ribs pretty badly. He apologized but we continued to argue. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a steak knife & stabbed him in the crotch. It wasn't bad but it could've been. The same friend was pissing me off during a game of Mortal Kombat once. I told him to shut up or I'd set his hair on fire. The next time he opened his mouth, I did just that.My youngest brother broke my guitar strings. He denied it, I got pissed & threw a screwdriver across the room at him. It stuck in his arm & he had to pull it out. He still has the scar.A kid in class kept punching me in the arm & leg. I told him that I'd hurt him if he didn't stop. He did it again so I stabbed his hand with a pencil whilE it was on the table (right in the web part between 2 fingers).I'll post more when I'm at home (I dislike typing on my iPhone).
? :)
2011-09-18, 7:12 AM #46
Wow, Mentat. That's disturbing.

Sugarless: are these girl friends or guy friends?
2011-09-18, 7:35 AM #47
When I was about 14, an adult male neighbor invited me & a few friends in to his home for some beer. I didn't drink anything. Out of nowhere this guy grabs me by my shirt, pushes me up against the kitchen counter & starts repeatedly slapping me in the face. I wasn't seriously hurt but it embarrassed & upset me. A few weeks later I smashed all of the windows out of his pickup truck.
? :)
2011-09-18, 7:39 AM #48
Al Ciao: Both.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2011-09-18, 8:54 AM #49
Let me get this straight: you stabbed someone in the crotch because he kicked your brother in the chest when they were sparring? W... TF.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2011-09-18, 11:33 AM #50
Mentat took this thread to a whole new level, i like this, please share more
2011-09-18, 2:43 PM #51
Originally posted by Mentat:
When I was about 14, an adult male neighbor invited me & a few friends in to his home for some beer. I didn't drink anything. Out of nowhere this guy grabs me by my shirt, pushes me up against the kitchen counter & starts repeatedly slapping me in the face. I wasn't seriously hurt but it embarrassed & upset me. A few weeks later I smashed all of the windows out of his pickup truck.

I would fully endorse your reaction coupled with the filling(sp) of some charges, this guy sounds like a pedo waiting to happen.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-09-18, 3:44 PM #52
Did you key it and slash the tires too?
2011-09-18, 8:50 PM #53
Notice how no one is crying about how dangerous Mentats story was :rolleyes:
2011-09-18, 9:35 PM #54
Originally posted by x25064:

Get over it, girl.
>>untie shoes
2011-09-18, 10:00 PM #55
Originally posted by x25064:
Notice how no one is crying about how dangerous Mentats story was :rolleyes:

I think that's because it's understood by everyone that what Mentat did was about 50 miles over the "crazy" line. Basically, it goes without saying.
2011-09-19, 1:05 AM #56
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Let me get this straight: you stabbed someone in the crotch because he kicked your brother in the chest when they were sparring? W... TF.

Yeah, in hindsight all of these things seem rather ridiculous & I'm certainly not proud of any of it but I was incapable of dealing with my anger in "constructive" ways. It has taken me a lot of time to learn to do so. I think that I'm probably "unrecognizable" at this point. Most people that know me think that I'm too laid back. The anger management sessions were actually very helpful. I was able to discover why I was so angry & what to do about it.

My brother & I laugh about the screwdriver incident now & the friend who I stabbed & lit on fire is still one of my best friends (although our relationship these days is mostly online). We co-founded a JK clan together than ran for about 10 years.
? :)
2011-09-19, 1:09 AM #57
Originally posted by x25064:
Notice how no one is crying about how dangerous Mentats story was :rolleyes:

I wasn't personally bothered by your story but in all fairness I think there's a slight difference. I pretty much admitted up front that I was damaged goods, thus my behavior wasn't rational.
? :)
2011-09-19, 6:15 AM #58
Another social no-no ive been annoyed with lately:

Person X says "You coming over to person Y's house tonight?"

I say "No, Person Y never invited me over"

They say "Oh...alright..see you around"

The next day Person Y will say something like "Hey why didn't you show up last night, you never hang out with us bagdfgdafadbdag"

I don't understand this, I don't like to be indirectly invited someplace. The host should ALWAYS invite, or if something is last minute, they can say something like "invite this person for me when you see them, or bring them along" When people tell me to "go here tonight" without any mention of the host, I don't like it, it could be potentially awkward, I don't know if I'm wanted there. My work group always does this. Why can't hosts invite their own guest. Does this make sense on why it bothers me?
2011-09-19, 7:47 AM #59

Person X says "You coming over to person Y's house tonight?"

I say "I haven't heard about it, am I invited?"

The way you've been doing it comes across as passive-aggressive which means Person X is unlikely to extend the invitation even if they had been told it was okay to.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2011-09-19, 7:58 AM #60
Originally posted by Couchman:
Another social no-no ive been annoyed with lately:

Person X says "You coming over to person Y's house tonight?"

I say "No, Person Y never invited me over"

They say "Oh...alright..see you around"

The next day Person Y will say something like "Hey why didn't you show up last night, you never hang out with us bagdfgdafadbdag"

I don't understand this, I don't like to be indirectly invited someplace. The host should ALWAYS invite, or if something is last minute, they can say something like "invite this person for me when you see them, or bring them along" When people tell me to "go here tonight" without any mention of the host, I don't like it, it could be potentially awkward, I don't know if I'm wanted there. My work group always does this. Why can't hosts invite their own guest. Does this make sense on why it bothers me?

Makes sense to me. This has never happened to me, and I wouldn't want it to.
2011-09-19, 9:12 AM #61
Originally posted by Detty:

Person X says "You coming over to person Y's house tonight?"

I say "I haven't heard about it, am I invited?"

The way you've been doing it comes across as passive-aggressive which means Person X is unlikely to extend the invitation even if they had been told it was okay to.

See, I have a system for conquering this. I call the person who is having the get together and ask them what they're doing that evening. 99% of the time they say "oh hanging out with some folks at my place. you should come."
>>untie shoes
2011-09-19, 12:36 PM #62
I think Im mostly bothered by the fact that dropping someone on their head is 'not such a big deal.' Mentat at least cleared up the issues up front.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2011-09-19, 1:47 PM #63
I like being beaten and tortured.
2011-09-19, 2:09 PM #64
there are a few oddly maladjusted people posting in this thread
2011-09-19, 2:22 PM #65
Hey I don't consider myself too maladjusted. I tell people what's going to happen if they don't stop doing things that annoy me. It's not my fault people don't listen.
>>untie shoes
2011-09-19, 2:40 PM #66
Originally posted by Detty:

Person X says "You coming over to person Y's house tonight?"

I say "I haven't heard about it, am I invited?"

The way you've been doing it comes across as passive-aggressive which means Person X is unlikely to extend the invitation even if they had been told it was okay to.

I like that, it is a good solution, but I'm afraid they will think of me as stupid and say "Yeah..why wouldn't you be you always are". But I hate definitive answers like that. I'm ALWAYS invited. I don't mind being left out of activities some time. Two of my best friends hang out together all the time alone without me even though I COULD attend. I don't care, sometimes people just need to spend time with others and not always me.

Originally posted by Al Ciao:
Makes sense to me. This has never happened to me, and I wouldn't want it to.

It's awful, I just decline to go everytime, and then of course I am always asked the question "Why didn't you show up last night"....its bull**** I tell you

Originally posted by Antony:
See, I have a system for conquering this. I call the person who is having the get together and ask them what they're doing that evening. 99% of the time they say "oh hanging out with some folks at my place. you should come."

Mmm, this works but I think Detty has the better solution. What if that person DIDN'T invite you this time, and then its just awkward because even though you ask "what are you up to this evening?". They know you are really asking "Yo I heard about some wild **** going down at your house, how come you didnt invite me"

People who I dont like but like going to parties/hang outs always try to pull this trick on me, and I tell them I am not available because I have other plans that evening, the plans being the hangout that I don't want them attending
2011-09-19, 3:04 PM #67
If they say that then you know they didn't want you to come, not that they didn't just forget to invite you, which is sometimes the case.
>>untie shoes
2011-09-20, 5:41 AM #68
Couchman, fight fire with fire. Do the same stuff to him and see how he likes it.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2011-09-20, 7:45 AM #69
Or just get over it. If you're so bent out of shape about what someone might think about you if you presume to ask if you're invited, then just keep it to yourself and don't complain. If you are bolder, and end up in some awkward situations because they didn't really want you there, then just don't push for an invitation from that particular person in the future. Go through a couple hurdles to sort this out and then it'll be smooth sailing (combo track 'n' field + boating metaphor, 3000 pts.).
2011-09-20, 7:46 AM #70
I know personally there are plenty of people I've forgotten to invite to things, people who I'm good friends with! When invitations are done by facebook invite and phone address book more often than not, it becomes easier to have someone slip through the net when you're just looking at a screen instead of relying on memory. I've been on the receiving end of this as well, and yeah it's a bit awkward, but it usually turns out to have been an oversight (if the inviting party is someone you are actually friends with).
2011-09-20, 8:02 AM #71
I forget to invite saberopus places on purpose.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2011-09-20, 8:27 AM #72
Originally posted by mb:
I forget to invite saberopus places on purpose.

I invite him, and then humiliate him when he shows up. :D
2011-09-20, 8:37 AM #73
2011-09-20, 11:08 PM #74
Originally posted by mb:
I think Im mostly bothered by the fact that dropping someone on their head is 'not such a big deal.' Mentat at least cleared up the issues up front.

2011-09-21, 4:42 AM #75
No you're right. Dropping someone on their head is TOTALLY SAFE.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2011-09-21, 5:55 AM #76
Is x25064 that fat australian kid who body slammed the skinny one?
2011-09-21, 10:38 AM #77
When I get urges to damage humanity, I fire up the Sims, make a huge family (at least 4 people), and then pen them all up in 2x2 rooms where they can only stand until they pee and die.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-09-21, 11:42 AM #78
Originally posted by Alan:
When I get urges to damage humanity, I fire up the Sims, make a huge family (at least 4 people), and then pen them all up in 2x2 rooms where they can only stand until they pee and die.

I have also done this many times.
>>untie shoes
2011-09-21, 11:43 AM #79
Lately I've been getting extremely pissed, this results in minecraft, which leads to insomnia, which leads to more minecraft, which leads to inevitably falling into lava and losing all of my diamond, which leads to anger.
I think I'm stuck in a loop.
My blawgh.
2011-09-21, 12:24 PM #80
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
Lately I've been getting extremely pissed, this results in minecraft, which leads to insomnia, which leads to more minecraft, which leads to inevitably falling into lava and losing all of my diamond, which leads to anger.
I think I'm stuck in a loop.

Creative mode. All my anger has gone.

Well, most of it. Water still screws me over with its "LOL REDSTONE GO BYEBYE" flooding.

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