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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Battlefield 3
Battlefield 3
2011-10-03, 12:33 PM #41
Originally posted by saberopus:
That might not really be the case CM. The forum post that said that was removed. It was probably someone saying a bit too much. So probably not a very "high chance" you'll get your EA account banned.

I'd actually say it's more like "oh, we are getting ridiculous amounts of negative coverage for this, maybe we shouldn't announce it". But what the hell, I'll give EA an olive branch. Let's see if they actually make a correct decision for once.

Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Does Origin suck or not?

I just don't want to move away from the comfortable nest called Steam.

I've never even used it and I can tell you with good confidence that it sucks. It's made by EA, it comes with the territory.

Originally posted by Antony:
Cool Matty will be here in a few minutes to tell you why it is everything terrible in the world, Echoman.

And for good reason.
2011-10-03, 12:40 PM #42
Does Origin still think that Puerto Rico is part of Spain? I know for a good while they were redirecting people from Puerto Rico to the Spanish site and trying to make them pay in Euros, lol.
2011-10-03, 12:44 PM #43
Originally posted by Tracer:
I sense that you have a lot of rage, couchman.

Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you.:ninja:
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-10-03, 12:51 PM #44
Couchman's feelings essentially boil down to "oh my god, they made a new game and didn't make it exactly like the last one. THE HUMANITY!"
>>untie shoes
2011-10-03, 3:11 PM #45
Originally posted by Antony:
Couchman's feelings essentially boil down to "oh my god, they made a new game and didn't make it exactly like the last one. THE HUMANITY!"

Oh my god, they made a game thats simpler than the last one and didn't improve on what needed to actually be improved on (shooting someone a millions times and them not dying)

Battlefield 2 was NOTHING like Battlefield 1942, but both are great in their own respect. Battlefield 2 saw in a flaw in 1942, which was, how can we encourage people to work together as a group rather than be a large mess of lone wolves. Implement a squad system. The entire way the game is played was changed. The same rules existed: Capture these points to drain their ticket, but how people accomplished that changed entirely. Making the squad leader a mobile spawn point greatly contributed to this. 2142 had basically the same classes, but that was an entirely different game, it was appropriate.

And what is the deal with this campaign? Who hears the word Battlefield and thinks "needs a campaign." No. We want big battles with our buddies online doing what we want in a big open map. But I'm guessing the train of thought was "Hey, Call of Duty has like an action movie campaign, if we are going to compete, we better have one too." The new Medal of Honor tried that, we all know that was such a hit.

I'm not saying this is the worst game ever, I am far from saying that, we all know that Medal of Honor Airborne takes that slot. All I am saying is that this game is so overhyped and over advertised. None of you are actually going to play or like the game that much when it comes out. Moronic console players aren't going to like it because its not a run and gun like the newer Call of Duty games, and PC players who havent cancelled their pre-orders yet will probably play it and quickly forget about it. The game looks very pretty, but it won't be that memorable.
2011-10-03, 5:14 PM #46
Oh ok... So what you're actually saying is "I don't think I'll like it, so obviously no one else will." Thanks for clearing that up.
>>untie shoes
2011-10-03, 5:22 PM #47
Originally posted by Antony:
Oh ok... So what you're actually saying is "I don't think I'll like it, so obviously no one else will." Thanks for clearing that up.

Nope, didn't say that at all actually, remember when i said "All I am saying is that this game is so overhyped and over advertised". Keep jerking off to all this action packed trailers and keep your hard on for this game going. You probably will enjoy it, I probably wouldn't hate to have a few real games of it, but I doubt it would keep my interest very long and once I stopped playing I would never go back.

Let me state this a different way: This game is NOT worth all the defense you are giving it. It will be average and most of the disappointment will be caused by its own fans who were too hyped up in the first place.

It's obvious we aren't going to change eachothers minds, I'm not trying to come off as butthurt because I could care less, you play the game and I won't its as simple as that to each his own

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be waiting for the MW3 thread so I can laugh at everyone who posts how awesome it is going to be
2011-10-03, 5:33 PM #48
o.O dude you crazy
2011-10-03, 5:33 PM #49
You're excused. Go wait for the next thread to come along where you can explain how refined your tastes are and how much you liked things the way they used to be. After all, we all know Battlefield was great before DICE sold out. [/hipster]

EDIT: And while you wait on that next thread, I'm going to go play the BF3 beta and probably enjoy myself, even though I'm really not any good at it. It's amazing how just because something isn't what you think it should be, it can still be fun. I hate to be the guy that brings up the fact that DICE didn't make this game to suit your tastes. They made it to appeal to as many people as possible.
>>untie shoes
2011-10-03, 6:10 PM #50
Originally posted by Couchman:
Oh my god, they made a game thats simpler than the last one and didn't improve on what needed to actually be improved on (shooting someone a millions times and them not dying)

error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-10-03, 6:11 PM #51
Originally posted by Antony:
You're excused. Go wait for the next thread to come along where you can explain how refined your tastes are and how much you liked things the way they used to be. After all, we all know Battlefield was great before DICE sold out. [/hipster]

EDIT: And while you wait on that next thread, I'm going to go play the BF3 beta and probably enjoy myself, even though I'm really not any good at it. It's amazing how just because something isn't what you think it should be, it can still be fun. I hate to be the guy that brings up the fact that DICE didn't make this game to suit your tastes. They made it to appeal to as many people as possible.

I never said DICE sold out and I am most definately not a hipster. I just know that newer doesn't mean better. Why do people feel the need to play the newest versions of everything. I've liked plenty of things that DICE has done in the past decade and plenty of things that they didn't.

I loved BF1942 and Vietnam (went to a few tourneys for this) and then played BF2 a lot and still do. I don't like Bad Company because it was made for console. But at the same time they made two free to play games. Both of which I didn't put much time into but really respected the time they put into a free game.

You're also wrong when you say that they made it to appeal to as many people as possible. Thats preposterous, their focus was the PC market, they've stated it a million times. The console version holds a maximum of less than half the PC maximum players. The maps are also much more restricted, that is a huge part of the experience that is gone. The graphics are inferior as well (but I could personally care less how my game looks it is about gameplay). Bad Company was the opposite, it took out things PC gamers and fans of the franchise took for granted: JETS, prone, huge maps, 64 players.

Good choice with the word hipster though, seeing as I obviously only enjoy retro things, because BF2 from 2005 is sooooo retro, I mean the game is soooo dead I am the only "hipster" around still keeping it alive, its soooo out of style and old. I also loved DXHR despite the fact that Deus Ex is one of the greatest games ever created. I must be the anti-hipster if a sequel a decade later can bring me the same amount of joy as the original.
2011-10-03, 6:12 PM #52
Originally posted by Alan:

Never even said that...I said I wanted the weapons to do more damage, not on the scale of rainbow six, but something along the lines of hardcore mode in call of duty

don't know where you got auto aim from
2011-10-03, 7:10 PM #53
Yeah, and not everyone wants that. If you don't think the weapons kill people quickly enough in BF3, I don't know what to tell you.
>>untie shoes
2011-10-04, 3:59 AM #54
Was quite impressed with this: Is this Origin thing still sucking up people's hard-drives? Any way around that?
2011-10-04, 6:37 AM #55
Originally posted by Couchman:
Never even said that...I said I wanted the weapons to do more damage, not on the scale of rainbow six, but something along the lines of hardcore mode in call of duty

don't know where you got auto aim from

There is a hardcore mode for battlefield 3 and bad company. I can't stand the "spotting" in non-hardcore mode, it feels cheap. Oh and thank god they added prone! This was a huge pet peeve of mine in BC2. But it makes it very tricky because you can't assume a guy on the ground is dead.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2011-10-04, 7:11 AM #56
Fire ball: they have kind of boom skills
2011-10-04, 10:02 AM #57
Uhh it takes on average 5 bullets to kill a dude, i've used the M16 on single fire to get guys at range. Shotguns tear people apart.
Stop playing it wrong couchman
2011-10-04, 3:16 PM #58
None of the problems mentioned in this thread are even remotely as big as the existence of the tactical light. If you use the tactical light, you are an *******.
>>untie shoes

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