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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Redlettermedia update, plinkett episode 1 commentary track.
Redlettermedia update, plinkett episode 1 commentary track.
2012-02-12, 4:15 PM #41
In closing, when you actually pay attention to the business side of the film industry, you can start talking about how much money it makes. You're like the people who think that because Tom Brady makes 13 million a year, that all NFL players make that kind of money. Just because a lot of movies do very well, doesn't mean that the thousands of other ones released each year do too.

It's nice to see the voice of reason in these threads for once. I feel the same way about the music industry.
2012-02-13, 8:01 PM #42
Originally posted by natsuto:
Anakin has never been good with non-native parts, bottles and bottles, and really the whole Gang Geng abnormal behavior of the species is likely to be the most annoying concept thought

If this isnt a bot, then this guy needs help.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-02-13, 8:25 PM #43
I don't know, I've seen FGR posts that make less sense.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-13, 8:28 PM #44
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
If this isnt a bot, then this guy needs help.

Bots have gotten pretty good, I could almost buy it as someone new to English.

A quick glance at the sig, however, gives the game away.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2012-02-13, 8:30 PM #45
Bye bye bot.

2012-02-13, 8:55 PM #46
>>untie shoes
2012-02-13, 10:54 PM #47
What the!!!??? that bot stole parts of my post!!!
check this out... It even replaced Jar Jar with bottles and bottles...and Gungan with Gang Geng... ooooohhhh this is getting creepy!!! It even copied my poor punctuation!!!! GAHHHHH!!!
Anakin is consistently poorly acted with the exception of non speaking parts, Jar Jar, and really the entire Gungan species are quite possibly the most annoying concept ever thought up,

Anakin has never been good with non-native parts, bottles and bottles, and really the whole Gang Geng abnormal behavior of the species is likely to be the most annoying concept thought
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-02-13, 11:12 PM #48
chances are it's actually a poor chinese person.

2012-02-13, 11:22 PM #49
oh, poor Chinese person i can deal with. thats a lot less creepy that super tricky spam bot.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-02-13, 11:27 PM #50
I really can't stand this Red Letter Media guy. He has an annoying voice and I don't find him at all funny. Though it seems like I'm in the minority here.
2012-02-14, 5:10 AM #51
Originally posted by Antony:
I don't know, I've seen FGR posts that make less sense.

How dare you forget.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-02-14, 5:11 AM #52
plagarism take him to court man
2012-02-14, 5:27 AM #53
Does your data include international data, because international takings can make a big difference in final money made, even in films that are tanking in the US.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2012-02-14, 7:47 AM #54
That's very true, but the international distributor takes a much higher percentage of the gross than the domestic. Additionally, most of the smaller movies I'm talking about don't get international distribution anyway.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-20, 6:57 PM #55
Necro post! I just came back from seeing TPM in 3D. I was impressed with how well it was done. It was almost as good as seeing it the first time in theaters. Was disappointed at podrace and dotf 3D effects, but overall a job well done.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM

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