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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Lol
2012-04-03, 9:49 PM #41
Originally posted by PedHead:
I can't agree with this post more. What the hell happened CoolMatty? Is this an experiment?

Exactly what are you even referring to?

Brian ran the site as he saw fit for many years. Then he stopped, and I had to take over. By that point he had already let it go for a long, long time. All I've done since has just kept the site running, really.
2012-04-03, 9:50 PM #42
it's because this site is still stuck in last decade. we're not modern. we've got to adapt.we need to make an iphone game called angry jedi where the player slingshots ysalamiri into crates and bacta tanks to crush stormtroopers for points.
2012-04-03, 9:53 PM #43
Originally posted by PedHead:
All I will do is *sigh*

I'm not trying to berate you, I'm looking for an actual answer. Please provide one.
2012-04-03, 9:54 PM #44
i can feel this thread turning into a 7 page argument already.
2012-04-03, 9:59 PM #45
Originally posted by Jin:
i can feel this thread turning into a 7 page argument already.

Not if it's a silly misconception like I think this is.
2012-04-03, 10:08 PM #46
This farm has too much pokeman stuff goin on in it!
>>untie shoes
2012-04-03, 10:48 PM #47

2012-04-03, 10:59 PM #48
Haha. No, you just ignored the sticky thread at the top of the forums where CM explains that it's an April Fool's joke. And it's been up for a few days, because it's funny.

People like you are the reason April Fool's pranks still exist.
>>untie shoes
2012-04-03, 11:12 PM #49
It's even more funny because I think PedHead was literally the only person to actually fall for it.

But having said that, I can address all your other conspiracy theories:

1. The site's files will never go down. Period. Ever. This has never been up for discussion, or even mentioned as an option. Even during the site redesigns, the files on the site would have been maintained in one manner or another. In the event that I can't host the site anymore, I will either pass it on to someone else capable of actually hosting it, or failing that, throw it up as a torrent for people to share. I've said this for years now, it hasn't changed. I also have no intention of doing so in the near future.

2. I love your description of what is basically Pinterest, as if it's not an effective design for some situations. Oh noes, a site that doesn't use frames! Abandon ship! Seriously, I'm not retarded. Any new actual website design would implement all necessary navigation to, you know, actually browse the site.

3. Seriously, I don't get you. Just because I think your IP board copycat is a waste of time doesn't mean I'm going to just start wiping Massassi. I value the site's files just as much as Brian (maybe more, since I have a more effective backup method!). Your concerns are not valid. How the site is run is not far from how it was ran at the end of Brian's rule. Rather than just ban people left and right to try and bring back Massassi to the ordered days of when it was started, I decided to actually keep Massassi a living community. It's not that I don't value that order, in fact far from it. I just realize how devastating it'd be if I start banning every single person that swears or makes rude comments. I honestly think the forum would be completely dead if I had done that.
2012-04-03, 11:21 PM #50
See my edit above, PedHead.
2012-04-03, 11:24 PM #51
Originally posted by Jin:
it's because this site is still stuck in last decade. we're not modern. we've got to adapt.we need to make an iphone game called angry jedi where the player slingshots ysalamiri into crates and bacta tanks to crush stormtroopers for points.

I would +1 this, but we're not modern enough.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-04-03, 11:32 PM #52
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
I would +1 this, but we're not modern enough.


2012-04-03, 11:40 PM #53
on 05-31-2004:
Originally posted by PedHead:
There is really not much to do at Massassi anymore. I don't know, maybe I'm just outgrowing it.

I wanna see movies of my dreams...

8 years! Welcome back! :o
2012-04-04, 12:32 AM #54
1. You know, nothing is stopping you from just downloading all the files from the site, if you're that concerned. I don't know how you can hold this against me. The same thing could have happened with Brian. He could have died, cancelled his account, etc, and Massassi would be gone. Or Blujay/Kedri could have died and disappeared when they ran the show. I just don't see any point in this conjecture.

2. It's something fresh, and people are enjoying the fake front page. There's no hurry to take it down. The CKeditor problem is due to vB, and is far from the only problem on this site. Seriously, the main Massassi site runs on PHP3. A few buttons are far from a major concern. Keep some perspective. (Or do something about it and make us a new site, buddy! If you got all that free time to do it, go right ahead!)

3. I do the April Fools jokes because, like many many websites (see also: Google), they're entertaining. I kept it around longer because many found it fun to use (as it actually promoted a bunch of levels that people had forgotten, like a nostalgia trip. Why is this a bad thing to you?). The backup method involves backing up the files on a weekly basis to a third party web server, on a different web host, in a different geographical region, and keeps a rolling set of backups to fall back on. IIRC, Brian's backup method was an occassional full download to his desktop.

Yes, I have full control over Massassi. You're the only one scared by this. Brian trusted me enough to run it, and I have been, for years. I also told him that if he ever wanted it back, it was his for the taking. I run the site because someone has to. And although I don't go fixing every little thing every day, I do make sure the site stays functional, I keep the other sites running (TACC and JKHUB) and I keep the forums up to date. This isn't free, both in money and time. But I think I've earned my reliability over the years I've been running it. It's probably coming up on the same amount of time Brian ran Massassi, in the next year or two (keeping in mind that Blujay and Kedri ran Massassi for a period).
2012-04-04, 1:03 AM #55
Originally posted by PedHead:
1. Give us a torrent. It's only a rebuttal from your comments of reliability. It doesn't make sense for you to portray yourself in this light of being blamed.

I'm not going to compile a 10GB torrent just for you. If you want the files, I'm sure you could script something up via wget to get them all in real quick. If you want to make a torrent from that, by all means.

2. No hurry to take it down eh? You still were in an ass in your response to #2. Funny how you don't adjust to the insulting remarks you make and resort to - "You do it!".

There's absolutely nothing wrong with putting your money where your mouth is. If you don't like how I'm running the site, make a new one. God knows I've been asking for help for years to do just that, with little more than a wimper. Because everyone knows exactly how much work that entails.

3. Geographical location. No access for ones who you depend on go MIA and the same happens to you - see solution to #1. Definitely considering your ****** solution to #1 besides providing the community to a torrent.

I don't even understand where you're going with this anymore, other than you somehow expecting me to die. Is this some sort of vague death threat? (I'm kidding.)
2012-04-04, 1:15 AM #56
Doing anything serious or time-consuming with Massassi would be dumb, dumb, dumb. There is no community, there hasn't been for several years, because nobody gives a **** about a 15 year old game. You can't even use the domain as a springboard to anything interesting, because the damn site is named after a LucasFilm mark. The whole thing is so stupid that even BrianL doesn't care enough to do anything with it that takes more effort than pissing and moaning about the job CM is doing.

Take a ****ing hint.
2012-04-04, 2:15 AM #57
I'm still curious what PedHead actually expects me to do, as site owner. He obviously hates me, but I don't hate him. I just think he doesn't think on the level. Too caught up in nostalgia.
2012-04-04, 4:42 AM #58
God, I love Shred18 and the things he comes up with.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-04-04, 5:12 AM #59
Never heard of this pedhead kid

a lot of nerds need to take a hit from their inhaler and push in their glasses ASAP
2012-04-04, 5:13 AM #60
Sorry, Couchman, but you have.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-04-04, 5:18 AM #61
JHS FF NH 4EVA LOLOLOL make it happen Matty
2012-04-04, 5:33 AM #62
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
I'm still curious what PedHead actually expects me to do, as site owner. He obviously hates me, but I don't hate him. I just think he doesn't think on the level. Too caught up in nostalgia.

I don't know what PedHead is trying to achieve by being argumentative but what he is saying in a rather rude manner is a valid point. I think a fair suggestion would be to let someone (trustworthy!) else have FTP/Hosting account information just in case. An insurance policy, of sorts. Zaq/JKHub is a good example.

edit: haywhat? I had over 6000 posts the other day
2012-04-04, 7:43 AM #63
Paranoia over Matty either dying or deciding to I guess screw us and just remove access to everything and bail seems so weird. Honestly, if it's the state of the community, you just gotta accept that this has been a gradual decline in numbers and an inevitable shift in administration strategy. Not only would banning everyone who made some insult or swore a bit probably halve our numbers, but at this point I'd guess the average poster can recognize the name of every other poster and could even describe a thing or two about who they are or the way they post. It's a bit tighter-knit, in a sense, despite possibly being less polite.
2012-04-04, 7:44 AM #64
Also in this thread it's fun noticing the difference between CM's "my facts are right" argument strategy and his (sometimes, occasional, almost never does it) "my opinions are right" argument strategy ;)
2012-04-04, 7:46 AM #65
Originally posted by Ni:
I don't know what PedHead is trying to achieve by being argumentative but what he is saying in a rather rude manner is a valid point. I think a fair suggestion would be to let someone (trustworthy!) else have FTP/Hosting account information just in case. An insurance policy, of sorts. Zaq/JKHub is a good example.

edit: haywhat? I had over 6000 posts the other day

No one is getting hosting account info, as my server has many other people hosted on it. As for FTP info, I'm not sure who I'd trust with that info (that is still active). It's also not foolproof, because let's be honest, the only way you guys will realize I'm dead is when the site goes down. And when that happens, it's too late.
2012-04-04, 7:47 AM #66
saber you dont **** about the way i post
2012-04-04, 7:48 AM #67
Couch Matty
2012-04-04, 7:53 AM #68
The thing is, if CM were to just drop dead and access to levels/mods is suddenly gone, what's the big deal? I think if there are certain mods levels that you would honestly intend to play in the future, or value enough that maintaining a copy is worth doing even if you don't plan to play, you should seek those out and keep a backup of them. There can't be *that* many. And if you somehow want there to always be an online repository of thousands of levels so you can browse and select whenever you feel, well, that's hoping for a lot... and despite that, CM seems pretty committed to doing it. Wanting more than his assurance that he's dedicated to it is kinda weird.

And if you're just seriously all about it and want to secure the future 100%, which is fine, then you should do it yourself. If you don't have the skills to do it yourself (I personally would have no idea how to script something up via wget bla bla), then approaching the person who could help you with a little less scorn would be good.
2012-04-04, 7:55 AM #69
Originally posted by saberopus:
The thing is, if CM were to just drop dead, what's the big deal?

A-HA! I knew you were up to something.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-04-04, 8:09 AM #70
PedHead apparently decided to bug Brian and ask for his (rather dusty and old) backup of the site. That's real professional. Christ dude, if you're too lazy to get them yourself, why make Brian do the work for you?
2012-04-04, 8:34 AM #71
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
PedHead apparently decided to bug Brian and ask for his (rather dusty and old) backup of the site. That's real professional. Christ dude, if you're too lazy to get them yourself, why make Brian do the work for you?

[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2012-04-04, 10:11 AM #72
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
A-HA! I knew you were up to something.

haha whoops. poorly phrased.

in the sense that it was transparent enough for SneakFinn to see my true intent
2012-04-04, 12:25 PM #73
let's finish sith2 yo
2012-04-04, 8:10 PM #74
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Sorry, Couchman, but you have.

Jesus christ, so have I (no i am not telling you which of those people are me)
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-04-04, 10:10 PM #75
Originally posted by Reid:
let's finish sith2 yo

Please do.
2012-04-04, 10:12 PM #76
I would totally, seriously, unironically commit code to a sith2-type project, as long as: 1.) I didn't have to lead it, 2.) whoever lead it knew what they were doing, and 3.) I didn't end up being the main committer.
2012-04-04, 10:20 PM #77
would u b willing 2 write in scheme?
2012-04-04, 10:23 PM #78
no, a functional programming language is honestly not a good choice for a large game so that would eliminate my #2 requirement
2012-04-04, 10:39 PM #79
Write it in Crayon then...
>>untie shoes
2012-04-04, 10:41 PM #80
Originally posted by Jon`C:
no, a functional programming language is honestly not a good choice for a large game so that would eliminate my #2 requirement

Hah, you found me out. I'm out of my depth.

Nevertheless, Scheme can be imperative, and if you're interested you might look at the second paper on the following page (by Steele and Sussman):

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