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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Trayvon Martin Superthread
Trayvon Martin Superthread
2012-04-05, 12:25 AM #41
No, definitely not. Everyone who was anyone wanted to put nails through Christ's extremities.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-04-05, 5:01 AM #42
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
No, definitely not. Everyone who was anyone wanted to put nails through Christ's extremities.

2012-04-05, 6:27 AM #43
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
The strongest broad-based sentiments I've seen re: Zimmerman, outside the conservative-beloved New Black Panther Party, were about arresting and/or charging him. No one worth mentioning really wants to put nails through his extremeties.

If he does get convicted, I suspect he's going to have a tough time in prison. To be clear I mean: I bet he gets beaten and raped far more frequently than a typical inmate.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-04-05, 9:37 AM #44
When going to prison, is there like a 100% chance of getting raped? Does it happen to everyone, or do you have to be a real trouble maker or dirtbag to be that unpopular to get beaten and raped a lot
2012-04-05, 12:43 PM #45
Originally posted by Couchman:
When going to prison, is there like a 100% chance of getting raped? Does it happen to everyone, or do you have to be a real trouble maker or dirtbag to be that unpopular to get beaten and raped a lot

Not sure anyone at Massassi is qualified to answer that, and I don't want to push my luck by googling 'Prison rape statistics' at work.

My uneducated guess is it probably depends on how tough you are, and the nature of your crime.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-04-05, 1:56 PM #46
According to this graph:


error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-04-05, 2:04 PM #47
raped by his photoshop twin.
2012-04-05, 3:58 PM #48
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
Not sure anyone at Massassi is qualified to answer that, and I don't want to push my luck by googling 'Prison rape statistics' at work.

My uneducated guess is it probably depends on how tough you are, and the nature of your crime.

I'm sure it also depends a lot on who you know. I know it's common, but nowhere near 100%. Some inmates manage to get left alone, and others are the ones doing the raping.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-04-05, 4:55 PM #49
As someone who has a family member that's incarcerated, I feel somewhat qualified to comment - it happens 200% of the time.
2012-04-06, 2:17 AM #50
I'm sure some people can escape or avoid it, and I'm sure what kinda prison it is and how long you're in counts as well, but generally speaking you are almost certainly going to be assaulted, likely sexually.

-Also, I'm hoping cooler heads prevail because it was media hot-headedness that pushed the prosecutor in the Kaylee Anthony case to prosecute a case he couldn't prove, and thus lead to the baby-killer getting out of it. Would hate for the same thing to happen here.
2012-04-06, 9:11 AM #51
Originally posted by Jarl:
-Also, I'm hoping cooler heads prevail because it was media hot-headedness that pushed the prosecutor in the Kaylee Anthony case to prosecute a case he couldn't prove, and thus lead to the baby-killer getting out of it. Would hate for the same thing to happen here.'ve already decided he's guilty, too.
2012-04-06, 10:14 AM #52
My father was incarcerated in Texas for 6 months or so & was never raped. However, this was in the 70's so things may have changed. He was actually put there because he assaulted a homosexual male & "stole" his car (it actually wasn't as bad as it sounds--he was hitchhiking back to his army base (a rather common form of transportation in those days) & the guy that picked him up rubbed his leg in an intimate manner). He does say that it was pretty rough though & that you had to be tough or at least act as if you were. The most popular activity was "chest-punching" (essentially, taking turns punching each-other in the chest until one of you gives up). He says that he never saw any sort of kinky **** while he was there but then again, how likely is it that most people would admit to such a thing, if it did happen?
? :)
2012-04-06, 1:36 PM #53
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:'ve already decided he's guilty, too.

It is my opinion based on the information I've seen that he's most likely guilty. I would like to see him taken to trial.

-So... yeah? I guess? Kinda. It's my opinion, I'm not looking up his address on the internet so I can send him a dung-bomb through the mail or anything.
2012-04-06, 2:25 PM #54
Only 6 months? Was he actually in prison or was he in jail? There's a difference. The main one being there's much less rape in jail because people aren't held as long. Prison is usually more of a long-term arrangement.
2012-04-06, 2:27 PM #55
Can't blame you for that, but my only issue is that I can completely see a situation that occurs within the information that is available in which he really was just defending himself. Essentially I haven't seen any information that PROVES beyond a reasonable doubt (is that a real thing? TV tells me it's a real thing) that he wasn't justified.

See, I often carry a gun, too. And in the past I have been known to get fairly involved in "neighborhood watch" type activities like calling in suspicious stuff, or just checking it out myself. I can completely see a situation in which a string of burglaries in the area would make me extra observant, and seeing someone I didn't recognize walking with a hood on at night in the rain might make me think "hey, I wonder what this guy is up to".

And if something struck me as extra suspicious behavior hey, maybe I'd keep an eye on him for a minute just to find out if it was worth calling the police, and at that point I'd want to keep an eye on him to give them an accurate description. Would I get out of the car to follow him? Probably not. But is that entirely out of line? I don't really see that it is, IF you were sufficiently suspicious of something. Now at that point is it possible that the kid noticed someone was following him and decided to confront him? Yeah, maybe, and there doesn't seem to be any evidence at this time to refute that, that WE know about.

And during this confrontation is it possible that the kid took offense and got angry? Maybe. And is it possible that the kid attacked the person making him angry? Maybe. And if he was slamming my head against the ground would I feel my life was in danger? Probably. And in that case, after yelling for help and getting none, might I defend myself with deadly force? Yes.

Essentially what I'm saying is that EVEN IF Zimmerman is completely racist and that is why he was suspicious of the kid, everything that follows that could EASILY be justifiable under the law. But even then, I have not seen any real proof that Zimmerman was suspicious due to race. That's why I'd like to see the results of the investigations, to see what ACTUAL evidence there is, as opposed to this media hype BS.

I'd rather let a racist dick go free than imprison a concerned citizen for defending himself.
2012-04-06, 4:07 PM #56
Originally posted by Jarl:
It is my opinion based on the information I've seen that he's most likely guilty.
It is my opinion based on Harry Potter that wizards are most likely real.
2012-04-06, 4:37 PM #57
Black people scare me. That's why I will never live in Atlanta, Detroit, New Orleans, Memphis, or god forbid, Chicago's south side. That is all.
2012-04-06, 11:47 PM #58
Originally posted by Roger Spruce:
Only 6 months? Was he actually in prison or was he in jail? There's a difference. The main one being there's much less rape in jail because people aren't held as long. Prison is usually more of a long-term arrangement.

He calls it prison so I've always just taken his word for it. I suppose that it's possible that he uses the terms "jail" & "prison" interchangeably, but I doubt it, because I was in jail once & when describing the situation to him, he used the term "prison" to describe where he had been. I do know that he was incarcerated while he was in the army (if my memory serves me correctly, he was discharged because of this incident), so maybe he was in some sort of military prison? I really have no idea. I just recall my mother telling me that she had to drive to Houston to get him once he was released.

The description that he gave me is very different from what I see on television these days (e.g. Locked Up). He even went so far as to describe an honor system of sorts. He was once beaten up by a guy who had accused him of stealing something of his. Afterwards, when the dust settled, this guys friends asked my father whether or not he stole anything. When he said that he didn't, this group of guys beat the **** out of their own friend. I doubt very much that things in prison now are anything like they were back in the 70's. I think that the gang aspect has probably changed significantly, for instance.

A childhood friend of mine killed a guy in Indiana awhile back & spent several years in prison. I noticed that he has a Facebook & has now moved to California but I'm a bit too creeped out to befriend him just to see if he was raped or not. If he's anything like he was back then, it's likely that he was doing the raping, if there was any.
? :)
2012-04-07, 12:02 AM #59
Originally posted by ragna:
Black people scare me. That's why I will never live in Atlanta, Detroit, New Orleans, Memphis, or god forbid, Chicago's south side. That is all.

I couldn't live in Atlanta just because of The Walking Dead. :(
? :)
2012-04-07, 8:13 AM #60
My opinion about this has evolved slightly. As mentioned before, I hope a person wouldn't just shoot someone for looking suspicious. I would assume something would have to occur between the two people for a gun to be fired. That said, I still think Zimmerman's story was awful convenient, and quite a tone shift from his attitude while on the telephone. I am more inclined to believe that he initiated the scuffle than the person walking home. The worst part about this story is that the finest details really make the case, and we only really have one side of the story, and little to determine the reality of the situation. I can also imagine the kid retaliating against a person following him, or just confronting him and things escalating from there. All in all, I'm still highly suspicious of Zimmerman's case based on his attitude and phonecalls to 911. I'm just less confident that being a racist **** means Trayvon couldn't have made a really poor decision himself that I still couldn't blame him for making. I also still hope deeply that Trayvon really did beat the **** out of this guy to at least validate being shot instead of the possible scenario that this guy just decided to kill him in cold blood.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2012-04-07, 8:42 AM #61
I see where Kirby is coming from here, but I still contend that if Zimmerman wasn't some Batman wannabe who thinks a concealed carry permit makes him a god damned US Marshal or something, then this would never have happened. The simple fact that this kid was minding his own business and this dude decided to follow him for no reason other than "he looks suspicious" does kind of point to this guy being racist. Either that or that jackass Geraldo is right, and hoodies really do make you look intimidating. I don't think that's the case, though, because then one would have to agree that Donnie Darko is an intimidating movie character, and I refuse to consider that a possibility.

One way or another, it's Zimmerman's fault that this kid is dead.
>>untie shoes
2012-04-07, 8:43 AM #62
Originally posted by ragna:
Black people scare me. That's why I will never live in Atlanta, Detroit, New Orleans, Memphis, or god forbid, Chicago's south side. That is all.

I'd also like to point out that people like you are the reason bigotry still exists.
>>untie shoes
2012-04-07, 9:00 AM #63
You guys should come to Buffalo black and white people live in harmony here its a utopia, not to mention the vast job opportunities OH WAIT THIS CITY ****ING SUCKS
2012-04-07, 10:43 AM #64
Originally posted by Antony:
I'd also like to point out that people like you are the reason bigotry still exists.

2012-04-08, 2:15 AM #65
You should feel bad.

-I laughed, and I feel bad, but arguably you should feel worse.
2012-04-11, 1:07 PM #66
Well, they're supposedly going to announce at 6pm eastern time that Zimmerman is going to be charged with something... We don't know what yet. We'll see. My money says 2nd degree murder.
>>untie shoes
2012-04-11, 3:52 PM #67
Resisting arrest.
2012-04-11, 3:58 PM #68
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Resisting arrest.


I think that's literally the only thing we can be 100% sure he didn't​ do.
2012-04-11, 4:02 PM #69
Antony Wins!
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2012-04-11, 4:04 PM #70
Originally posted by Cool Matty:

I think that's literally the only thing we can be 100% sure he didn't​ do.

But arresting people for resisting arrest is all American police know how to do
2012-04-11, 4:05 PM #71
Originally posted by Jon`C:
But arresting people for resisting arrest is all American police know how to do

You must have us confused with a different country. In America, cops shoot those people.
2012-04-11, 4:25 PM #72
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
You must have us confused with a different country. In America, cops shoot those people.

it's not their fault, they just wore their taser on the wrong side that day
2012-04-12, 7:19 AM #73
Originally posted by Antony:
I'd also like to point out that people like you are the reason bigotry still exists.

It's been a while, and then I agree with two of your posts in a row? Shut the **** up, who did you give your password to Antony?

What I just don't get about this story is that US Republicans feel the need to defend the possibility that this was a racially charged attack. Really, being a republican means you're racist now? Seriously Geraldo? Because all of the Democrats are OG, **** whitey.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2012-04-12, 9:00 AM #74
Originally posted by JediKirby:
It's been a while, and then I agree with two of your posts in a row? Shut the **** up, who did you give your password to Antony?

Oh, you might have missed the memo about not taking a lot of the **** I say seriously...

I would add some kind of marker to the end of my posts to identify whether they're troll posts or not, but that would take all the fun out of it.
>>untie shoes
2012-04-12, 7:30 PM #75
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Shut the **** up, who did you give your password to Antony?

Originally posted by Antony:
Oh, you might have missed the memo about not taking a lot of the **** I say seriously...

I would add some kind of marker to the end of my posts to identify whether they're troll posts or not, but that would take all the fun out of it.

Hmmm, apparently the answer is Alan. He gave his password to Alan.
2012-04-12, 7:38 PM #76
Originally posted by Antony:
I would add some kind of marker to the end of my posts to identify whether they're troll posts or not

I thought you were already doing this, and the mark was your signature.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-04-12, 7:48 PM #77
Originally posted by saberopus:
Hmmm, apparently the answer is Alan. He gave his password to Alan.

Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
I thought you were already doing this, and the mark was your signature.

Hey guys, why don't you go **** yourselves?

I love you....
>>untie shoes
2012-04-13, 12:08 AM #78
So here's an honest question, why is everyone such an *******?

-Like, seriously. What is it about Jedi Knight that brings out such awfulness in you? You, specifically, reading this, why are you a bad person?
2012-04-13, 12:14 AM #79
Originally posted by Jarl:
So here's an honest question, why is everyone such an *******?

-Like, seriously. What is it about Jedi Knight that brings out such awfulness in you? You, specifically, reading this, why are you a bad person?

Because you touch yourself.
2012-04-13, 12:45 PM #80
Originally posted by Jarl:
So here's an honest question, why is everyone such an *******?

-Like, seriously. What is it about Jedi Knight that brings out such awfulness in you? You, specifically, reading this, why are you a bad person?

I like everyone, and Jedi Knight makes me happy. :)
I'm just a little boy.

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