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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Conservative Clearinghouse 2012: "Christian" Americans react to gay marriage
Conservative Clearinghouse 2012: "Christian" Americans react to gay marriage
2012-05-26, 3:31 AM #161
Originally posted by Jon`C:
fwiw, Vin is gay.

Yeah I've known that for years.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2012-05-26, 6:06 AM #162
? :)
2012-05-26, 9:42 AM #163
this is boring where the **** is antony
2012-05-26, 10:44 AM #164
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Empathy doesn't necessarily come into it. I'm just saying that if we stop looking at everything in terms of a pissing contest or a circle jerk of hatred, you can start asking more interesting questions, like "Why?" or "How?". At some point, discussing what is "bad" becomes a bit dumb. It's too subjective and small minded. I'm not trying to be a hippie over here, I'm just saying, that practically speaking, discussion of issues could yield more interesting results if we had a better attitude. Massassi hasn't changed much since high school, which makes me a bit sad. There is a hell of a lot more to life than anger.

I agree, meta-discussion in an effort to motivate change is an ineffective but time-saving alternative to guiding the discourse by contributing to it meaningfully in the manner you describe.
2012-05-26, 11:56 AM #165
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I believe a wise man once said,

I'm sure you mean THE WISEST MAN.

Anyway, here's another "Christian" American reacting to gay marriage (or several, if you count his highly appreciative audience):

If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-05-26, 12:25 PM #166
I'm not sure you get to arbitrarily quote "Christian" in this case. If he truly believes in the Bible, then the hypothetical son wearing a dress is in fact an abomination.
"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." -- Deuteronomy 22:5

Unless of course not following the Bible (and eschewing porridge-sugar) is what makes a True Christian.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2012-05-26, 12:57 PM #167
Originally posted by Dormouse:
I'm not sure you get to arbitrarily quote "Christian" in this case. If he truly believes in the Bible, then the hypothetical son wearing a dress is in fact an abomination.

Unless of course not following the Bible (and eschewing porridge-sugar) is what makes a True Christian.

If he truly believed in / followed the Bible, he would realize that legalism is an untenable position and that Christians are not subject to the ancient Hebrew laws. Specifically they are rejected as having been written by men, to shepherd early men, that they are no longer necessary thanks to Christ, and Christians are specifically cautioned to understand the real purposes of these laws before subjecting themselves to them blindly.

In other words, yes, someone who follows Deuteronomy 22:5 is indeed a "Christian."
2012-05-26, 1:05 PM #168
Originally posted by Jon`C:
If he truly believed in / followed the Bible, he would realize that legalism is an untenable position and that Christians are not subject to the ancient Hebrew laws. Specifically they are rejected as having been written by men, to shepherd early men, that they are no longer necessary thanks to Christ, and Christians are specifically cautioned to understand the real purposes of these laws before subjecting themselves to them blindly.

Let me count the number of Christians that believe this way:
2012-05-26, 1:14 PM #169
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Let me count the number of Christians that believe this way:

Galatians 3:23-25
Colossians 2:16-23
Romans 14

"Christians" are free to believe whatever they want about the book they've never read.
2012-05-26, 1:22 PM #170
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Galatians 3:23-25
Colossians 2:16-23
Romans 14

"Christians" are free to believe whatever they want about the book they've never read.

You're doing it backwards.
2012-05-26, 1:56 PM #171
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Galatians 3:23-25
Colossians 2:16-23
Romans 14

"Christians" are free to believe whatever they want about the book they've never read.

So just to be on the same page I think, True Christians are only those who do not follow any of the laws and rules before/outside of Jesus's teachings? E.g, does this also include rejecting teachings in the NT from the disciples (eg Paul) who added a great deal on to the teachings of Jesus?

For that matter, did the coming of Jesus fulfill the Ten Commandments as well, or are those not counted under the Moseic covenants?

Edit: Based on reading this at least:
It appears that the laws and commandments are no longer required of the true believer since the Holy Spirit will guide them to do what is right in the eyes of god instead. And that basically the only thing Christians are required to do to be actual Christians is to love each other, their brothers, and neighbors.

So anyone who still preaches from the OT laws or the 10 Commandments (eg wants them installed in courthouses) is by Jesus' definition not a True Christian. Am I following?
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2012-05-26, 2:49 PM #172
Yeah, any work of fiction will fall apart if you subject it to enough scrutiny.

-I always thought that Jesus should totally have turned out to have faked his death and gone into hiding in a foreign country, and eventually became Elvis.
2012-05-26, 3:45 PM #173
Originally posted by Jarl:
Yeah, any work of fiction will fall apart if you subject it to enough scrutiny.

-I always thought that Jesus should totally have turned out to have faked his death and gone into hiding in a foreign country, and eventually became Elvis.

I think you mean Tupac.
2012-05-26, 9:43 PM #174
Nah, Tupac hangs out with Elvis Christ. I suspect they live across the street from one another in Monaco, and have adventures and solve crimes between releasing "newly discovered material" to fund their insane mortgages.

-Tupac probably is the laziest death faker I've ever heard of, though. I mean, appearing live on stage at a festival that began years after you died, man? Poor form.
2012-05-27, 6:46 PM #175
Originally posted by Dormouse:
So just to be on the same page I think, True Christians are only those who do not follow any of the laws and rules before/outside of Jesus's teachings? E.g, does this also include rejecting teachings in the NT from the disciples (eg Paul) who added a great deal on to the teachings of Jesus?

For that matter, did the coming of Jesus fulfill the Ten Commandments as well, or are those not counted under the Moseic covenants?

Edit: Based on reading this at least:
It appears that the laws and commandments are no longer required of the true believer since the Holy Spirit will guide them to do what is right in the eyes of god instead. And that basically the only thing Christians are required to do to be actual Christians is to love each other, their brothers, and neighbors.

So anyone who still preaches from the OT laws or the 10 Commandments (eg wants them installed in courthouses) is by Jesus' definition not a True Christian. Am I following?

if you want a really simplified way of looking at it... old testament: God lays down massive amounts of complicated rules and the punishment for breaking said rules is doled out by fellow men and by god.
New testament: god says "scratch that... Mr. Jesus here has now payed the price for any of the rules you a**holes keep breaking. now just worry about loving God and each other."

like i said, very over simplified and elementary. if your just looking for weak links to poke at and shout AHA!!! when someone is stumped then never mind the aforementioned example.

also if your asking, are people who use the old testament to condemn and spew hatred at others wrong in doing so? I believe that, yes they are. But if your asking does that "disqualify" them from being christian? i personally dont think it does. just means they are poor examples and human.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-05-28, 9:49 AM #176
Originally posted by Vin:
So you think gayness is wrong? Who the **** cares?

I think heterosexuality is ****ing disgusting and should be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately it's a necessary evil if we want to keep the species going... at least for now.

To each his own.

Saying that heterosexuality is disgusting and should be avoided at all costs makes you no different than people who talk about how they're repulsed by gay people because anal sex is unnatural. Way to spread the hate, Vin.

Originally posted by Vin:
Oh and to all you liberals claiming "there's nothing wrong with gays - they're just like us!", bull****. Gays are possibly the most ****ed up group of people on the planet, or at least the country.

It's really great to see someone deliberately pigeonholing themselves along with millions of others. I'm glad that, as a member of the group, you are able to speak intelligently about the entire group. It's incredible how no one sees the ignorance in that.

Originally posted by Vin:
I love being gay. But gay people are really ****ed up.

See above. Additionally, did you ever consider that maybe it's just the gay people you hang out with? I mean, call me crazy, but I would venture a guess that the gay meth amphetamine subculture might be a little different than gay culture at large. I assume you and Barney Frank don't share too many characteristics other than your preference for other dudes.

Originally posted by Freelancer:
Also doesn't mean gays as a group can't be more likely than other groups to exhibit behaviors that Vin doesn't like. It's not necessarily an issue of homophobia.

Actually homophobia is exactly what you just described. Saying that a group of people are more likely to do something based on a characteristic like sexual orientation (unless you're talking about gay sex) is exactly homophobia. This is no different than saying that black people are more likely to do something because they're black. Please stop pigeonholing people.

Originally posted by Couchman:
this is boring where the **** is antony

Right here, buddy. Right here.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-28, 3:07 PM #177
Originally posted by Antony:
Actually homophobia is exactly what you just described. Saying that a group of people are more likely to do something based on a characteristic like sexual orientation (unless you're talking about gay sex) is exactly homophobia. This is no different than saying that black people are more likely to do something because they're black. Please stop pigeonholing people.

Making scientific/statistical observations about groups of people does not automatically make you an -ist. That is what sociologists do for a living. When Vin says that gays are messed up as a group, notice that he is not necessarily implying that the cause of this behavior is genetic. If I had to hazard a guess, people who are ostracized or otherwise treated differently tend to behave differently. Is that such a stretch? Gays have a higher rate of suicide than straights, after all. Or is that forbidden to point out by the PC police?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2012-05-28, 3:11 PM #178
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Making scientific/statistical observations about groups of people does not automatically make you an -ist. That is what sociologists do for a living.

Apparently it DOES make you an -ist!

And maybe if we were discussing specific behaviors, I might lend a little more credibility to this. Saying that group x is the most ****ed up group in the world without providing any examples is ridiculous.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-28, 3:12 PM #179
Originally posted by Antony:
pigeonholing themselves


error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-05-28, 4:37 PM #180
I'd like to think I'm not ****ed up. Then again, I'm not a meth-head.

-... I just like dick.
2012-05-29, 8:22 PM #181
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Making scientific/statistical observations about groups of people does not automatically make you an -ist. That is what sociologists do for a living. When Vin says that gays are messed up as a group, notice that he is not necessarily implying that the cause of this behavior is genetic. If I had to hazard a guess, people who are ostracized or otherwise treated differently tend to behave differently. Is that such a stretch? Gays have a higher rate of suicide than straights, after all. Or is that forbidden to point out by the PC police?

Given the deeply (even violently) homophobic world most queer folk live in, is it any frigging wonder that so many more of us feel driven towards suicide than the straight people who aren't constantly oppressed and reviled based solely on ancient dogma?

Citation needed? " in a Southern Poverty Law Center 2010 Intelligence Report extrapolating data from fourteen years (1995-2008), which had complete data available at the time, of the FBI's national hate crime statistics found that LGBT people were " far more likely than any other minority group in the United States to be victimized by violent hate crime."[SUP][6]"

Also, to be fair, "sociologists" /are/ "-ists". Geeze.

Here is a good start.

In a study of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents Mark Hatzenbuehler examined the effect of the county-level social environment [SUP][17][/SUP] . This was indexed by the proportion of same-sex couples and Democrats living in the counties. Also included were the proportions of schools with gay-straight alliances as well as anti-bullying and antidiscrimination policies that include sexual orientation . He found that a more conservative social environment elevated risk in suicidal behavior among all youth and that this effect was stronger for LGB youth. Furthermore, he found that the social environment partially mediated the relation between LGB status and suicidal behavior. The problem of LGBT suicide is thus the result of hostile cultural conditions rather than pathology inherent to LGBT individuals.

That said, though, declaring all gay people as "really f***ed up" isn't by any remote stretch a scientific/statistical/sociological observation. It's a fairly bigoted and closed-minded blanket statement of an incredibly diverse group of people. Feel free to try applying it to other often-oppressed minority groups. "Blacks are really f***ed up", "Jews are really f***ed up". Does the existence of sociology prevent those from being racist statements?
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2012-05-30, 6:50 PM #182
I also don't see how "You're so whiny about being denied your civil rights due to your sexual orientation" somehow justifies "You should be denied your civil rights due to your sexual orientation."

-Then again, I'm not evil, so maybe it's just something that they pick up along the way.
2012-06-01, 8:02 AM #183
2012-06-01, 8:35 AM #184
Is that semen on his mouth LOLOLqwrw?afa???!?!?!?!! wtf is that
2012-06-01, 2:39 PM #185
So, am I like, breaking rules by having ambiguous sexuality?

Maybe it's the combination of people thinking Marines are scary and deserve respect and not having a sexual identity that people easily identify as wrong, but I have run into nearly no issues when people (Marines even) discover that I have sex with whoever I want, men, women, inbetweeners. I don't understand how I am so lucky to avoid the hate that goes on so often.

Or maybe, just maybe, I am part of a large and diverse group of people that have incredibly different life experiences because, while your sexual orientation is a significant part of your identity, it does not define everything about you.

Or something. I don't ****ing know. I'm drunk since midday, so who cares.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2012-06-07, 5:05 PM #186
"Mitt Romney sharpened his attacks on President Barack Obama’s economic record today, accusing him of presiding over “a moral failure of tragic proportion” by letting more Americans go without jobs and slip into poverty."

Mitt Romney made literally all of his money by paying himself out of loans he took out under LLCs. Yes, listen to Mitt Romney, industry-leading expert at moral failures that cause Americans to go without jobs.
2012-06-07, 5:32 PM #187
“Sadly, it’s become clear that this president simply doesn’t understand or appreciate these fundamental truths of our economic system,” - Mitt Romney

Hmm, fundamental truths of the American economic system.

You know, what? I'm glad someone in the American government is being honest for a change. It's true: Mitt Romney knows more about the American economic system than Obama does.

A kleptocracy is an economic system formed when an entire legislative body undergoes regulatory capture by the financial industry. Kleptocracies are typified by a preponderance of economic agents who abuse legal and political processes to siphon total wealth without having to contribute anything at all to society in return. Symptoms of kleptocracy include accelerating economic inequality, decaying infrastructure and other public goods, declining total wealth, and a reduction in the legitimate creation and exchange of goods and services.

Not only is Mitt Romney a leading expert in American economics and a grandmaster kleptocrat, but he's very obviously the perfect choice for solving America's economic woes. After all, four years with Mitt Romney in the White House is four years without Mitt Romney on Wall Street.

Thanks for the pro-tip, Mittface.
2012-06-07, 5:39 PM #188
Mitt Romney still literally on the payroll of his former financial firm while acting as governor and presidential candidate.

Just more proof that he's the perfect candidate for a kleptocratic america.
2012-06-07, 5:45 PM #189
ugghh, Jon`C, you are such a retard. When Mitt Romney builds his palace of gold and ivory he is, like, totally gonna have to buy more food to feed his slaves. If you cut his taxes by 10% it means he can make his palace 10% bigger, which means 10% more slaves and 10% more food. It's trickle-down economics. Quit being a retard Jon`C.
2012-06-07, 5:46 PM #190
A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote to make Mitt Romney's palace of gold and ivory 10% bigger.
2012-06-07, 5:56 PM #191
I can't tell if JonC hates Obama AND Mitt Romney, or just Mitt Romney, or if he doesn't hate him.

Maybe he likes some of his ideas

Surely he isn't talking about an actual palace
2012-06-07, 6:16 PM #192
don't be stupid couchman, I have a deep admiration for Mitt Romney and how he was able to steal so much money but still somehow isn't intelligent or creative enough to find anything interesting to do with it.

putting all of your money into self-managed trust funds and retiring into a half-witted vanity political career is the rich man's life equivalent of sitting around 24/7 in a downtown bachelor's apartment stoned out of your mind, spending all of your time watching simpsons reruns while lazily masturbating.


2012-06-07, 7:56 PM #193
Originally posted by Jon`C:
sitting around 24/7 in a downtown bachelor's apartment stoned out of your mind, spending all of your time watching simpsons reruns while lazily masturbating.

For the record were watching South Park reruns
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2012-06-07, 9:48 PM #194

I was watching Simpsons reruns.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-06-07, 10:30 PM #195
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
For the record were watching South Park reruns

I'm watching hella re-runs.

2012-06-08, 1:20 PM #196
Originally posted by Jon`C:
A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote to make Mitt Romney's palace of gold and ivory 10% bigger.

A vote for Mitt Romney is support for Mormonism. Like all good Mormons, he pays 10% of his income to the church. Historically, being president makes you richer.

I'm actually really surprised how little his religion has been attacked. I guess conservatives hate liberals more than mormons.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2012-06-08, 2:59 PM #197
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I guess conservatives hate liberals more than mormons.

which seems a little ridiculous. mormons are even crazier than most "conservatives."
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2012-06-09, 10:54 AM #198
Mitt Romney will get richer if he's elected, but not for the usual reasons that presidents get richer (increased speaker fees and such). Mitt Romney will get richer because as President, Mitt Romney's number one goal will be to decrease Mitt Romney's tax burden.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-06-09, 12:16 PM #199
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
Mitt Romney will get richer if he's elected, but not for the usual reasons that presidents get richer (increased speaker fees and such). Mitt Romney will get richer because as President, Mitt Romney's number one goal will be to decrease Mitt Romney's tax burden.

Mitt Romney will get richer if he's elected, but not for the usual reasons that presidents get richer (increased speaker fees and such.) Mitt Romney will get richer because as President, Mitt Romney's number one goal will be the repeal or limitation of regulations that currently prevent Mitt Romney from embezzling even more money out of the financial markets.
2012-06-09, 1:06 PM #200
how do i get in on this?
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob

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