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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So, Diablo III....
So, Diablo III....
2012-05-21, 6:20 AM #41
The launch was crap, but I haven't had any issues the past couple days.
2012-05-21, 9:35 AM #42
yeah tuesday from midnight until... pretty much all of tuesday... it was a mess

wednesday there were some occasional hiccups but by thursday they had it all sorted for the most part
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2012-05-21, 10:34 AM #43
I have to reiterate how unbelievably stupid single player rubber banding is. I get all of the reasons they did it, but I'm still not happy about it. I also have lots of friends in my area, along with Zloc, who live in rural places that don't have stellar connections. As with Star Craft, the LAN abilities in these games were how we played together. Gone are the days of a weekend at my friend's cabin playing LAN games outside in the woods.

I haven't played a lot with others, because it seems like people are in such a hurry and it isn't very fun. If anyone wants to play, I just started Nightmare and my e-mail is in my signature. I'd hope we can get a skype call going, or perhaps Cooldaddy would let the kids have a Teamspeak server?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2012-05-21, 3:59 PM #44
Originally posted by Jep:
The cartoony style fit Warcraft fine, but I always felt the diablo had a more realistic appearance. Dark, greedy, lifelike proportions, textures and environment. It felt dark, creepy, terrifying.

After playing through the beta, I find that sentiment is completely lost. The new artstyle striped the game of any gritty, scary emotions.

I have the opposite opinion, I find D3 to be a lot darker and grittier than D2. I was a bit miffed about the cartooniness of D2 (but not so much I wouldn't play it) and was glad to see it's going back to a darker game in D3.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2012-05-23, 4:52 AM #45
Originally posted by Deadman:
I have the opposite opinion, I find D3 to be a lot darker and grittier than D2. I was a bit miffed about the cartooniness of D2 (but not so much I wouldn't play it) and was glad to see it's going back to a darker game in D3.


do you mean like gamma darkness? because d3 is in no way darker figuratively than d2

i can't take d3 seriously. diablo taunting you through act 4 is so cliche it literally made me laugh.

leah turning into diablo was super predictable and boring. the amount of high platforms is a joke, ruins the immersion.
how am i supposed to believe an ancient society can build these giant ass structures everywhere? d2 had a much grittier, real feel to it. had nothing to do with literal darkness, the game was just darker in general.

it also kills the immersion when your character brags about how cool they are "i amaze even myself" when you kill a bunch of monsters etc.

yeah, the worlds going to fall to diablo! but your character still builds their own ego up with stupid ass phrases. kills immersion for me. in diablo 2 your character at least realized how grim diablo's return was.

all of the dialogue, setting, everything in diablo 3 feels artificial, like a korean MMO. diablo 2 felt real
2012-05-23, 7:23 AM #46
I personally don't mind the slight upbeat attitude of my Barbarian. In fact, its kinda how I envision them to begin with. Arrogant, vicious bastards with no sense of their mortality.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2012-05-23, 7:50 AM #47
Yeah, I think anyone dumb enough to take on the Prime Evil directly would have to have at least some ego.
2012-05-23, 8:30 AM #48
Diablo 3 exploit allows remote session hijacking by anybody you play a game with, Blizzard in ultimate ass-covering mode deleting every thread that mentions it.

Having your character stripped and looted in a singleplayer game is the future.
2012-05-23, 8:31 AM #49
Oh Blizzard, your inept security strikes again. Keep using those case insensitive passwords while you're at it!
2012-05-23, 9:00 AM #50
Not just case-insensitive. They also hash passwords with a pants-on-head retarded version of SHA-1 where the rotate operations have their operands swapped. It's weaker than SHA-0.
2012-05-23, 9:37 AM #51
I thought the remote session hijacking wasn't a real thing, just some rumor blown out of proportion due to *-~GAMING JOURNALISM~-* and people's accounts are getting hacked due to the classic dumbness of using the same password everywhere and not having an authenticator.
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2012-05-23, 9:50 AM #52
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Diablo 3 exploit allows remote session hijacking by anybody you play a game with, Blizzard in ultimate ass-covering mode deleting every thread that mentions it.

Having your character stripped and looted in a singleplayer game is the future.

Yeah, there's no evidence of this actually happening. Every report of "hacking" was people's passwords getting stolen, and many of them never played a single game publicly.
2012-05-23, 9:53 AM #53
Originally posted by llibja:
I thought the remote session hijacking wasn't a real thing, just some rumor blown out of proportion due to *-~GAMING JOURNALISM~-* and people's accounts are getting hacked due to the classic dumbness of using the same password everywhere and not having an authenticator.
Blizzard has claimed that they haven't investigated a case where an authenticator was used, and *-~BLIZZARD FANS~-* have interpreted it to mean that it's not a problem.

Blizzard has an absolutely abominable security record and a live team that has consistently demonstrated they have absolutely no idea what they're doing w.r.t. authentication. Bnet accounts get hacked with authenticators too, and this is a very different problem by every single report I've read.
2012-05-23, 10:07 AM #54
I haven't read a single report that was backed up by any evidence other than "this dude said he had an authenticator". Seriously, if we were to believe what idiots on forums said, the world is ending in December.
2012-05-23, 10:45 AM #55
And I haven't read a single response from Blizzard that didn't just blame their users for their security problems (as always.)

But, hey, even if all of their customers are liars, all it means is that their security is **** in a slightly different way.
2012-05-23, 1:20 PM #56
Originally posted by Outlaw Torn:
I personally don't mind the slight upbeat attitude of my Barbarian. In fact, its kinda how I envision them to begin with. Arrogant, vicious bastards with no sense of their mortality.

This would be fine - if it were simply the Barbarian.

The entire game has that upbeat feel, like "you killed a bunch of monsters! **** yeah, you're cool!"

Diablo 2 didn't need to tell you you're a badass, that's implied by what you do.
2012-05-23, 1:25 PM #57
oh, and seriously.. why the **** does diablo have boobs?
2012-05-23, 1:36 PM #58
Females have breasts.
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2012-05-23, 3:08 PM #59
Originally posted by llibja:
Females have breasts.

no ****, leah has breasts

why do they carry over to diablo?
2012-05-23, 5:36 PM #60
you've said too much
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2012-05-25, 8:26 AM #61
Just finished my first playthrough with my Barbarian, and I have to say, I was quite impressed.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2012-05-25, 8:52 AM #62
Picked it up over the weekend. It's fairly pleasing so far (and keeps me from having to break out D2 again this summer). My monk can make things light on fire by kicking them. Not even Chuck Norris can compare to that.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2012-05-25, 9:30 AM #63
Started Inferno last night on my barb. It's hard.
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2012-05-28, 8:31 AM #64
Is it just me, or did the character classes seem pretty lame? The barbarian and WIZZARD are pretty standard, the witch-doctor seems like a much lamer copy of the necro, and the monk and demon-hunter just don't sound very appealing for whatever reason.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.

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