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ForumsDiscussion Forum → New Star Wars Gaming Announcement Coming
New Star Wars Gaming Announcement Coming
2012-05-28, 11:59 AM #41
It's got a lot of fixes in addition to restored content, iirc.

There's a similar patch for San Andreas if you're into the whole BLAT BLAT thing
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-05-28, 2:42 PM #42
Did a little research. Apparently about a year go LucasArts signed a multi-year licensing agreement using the Unreal Engine 3. Lucas has also registered "Star Wars 1313," which is very close to a code name Boba Fett used in some incarnation, CT-1313. Because it is indeed said to be a new franchise and not a sequel to anything, people are concluding that it's a Boba Fett game using Unreal Engine 3. I'm picturing something akin to Arkham Asylum, but with Boba Fett and not as good.
Completely Overrated Facebook:
A community dedicated to discussing all things entertainment.
2012-05-28, 2:51 PM #43
And definitely no editing capabilities!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-05-28, 2:59 PM #44
Originally posted by Ni:
Did they fix the bugs? I tried to play KotOR 2 when it first came out and got frustrated that I was hitting bugs that meant I couldn't finish quests so gave up. I might give it another try, I still have the CD somewhere.

I think they at least tried to fix most of them. It's hard for me to be sure because I was mostly following the doomed Team Gizka patch while this one was being worked on.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-05-28, 3:01 PM #45
Originally posted by Darth J:
Did a little research. Apparently about a year go LucasArts signed a multi-year licensing agreement using the Unreal Engine 3. Lucas has also registered "Star Wars 1313," which is very close to a code name Boba Fett used in some incarnation, CT-1313. Because it is indeed said to be a new franchise and not a sequel to anything, people are concluding that it's a Boba Fett game using Unreal Engine 3. I'm picturing something akin to Arkham Asylum, but with Boba Fett and not as good.

star wars bounty hunter 2

just what the franchise needed!
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-05-28, 3:08 PM #46
Bounty Hunter never happened.
Completely Overrated Facebook:
A community dedicated to discussing all things entertainment.
2012-05-28, 4:53 PM #47
Hey now, I enjoyed Bounty Hunter.

But I was also ten years old and probably am wearing my worst nostalgia glasses right now.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2012-05-29, 7:58 AM #48
Originally posted by Darth J:
Did a little research. Apparently about a year go LucasArts signed a multi-year licensing agreement using the Unreal Engine 3. Lucas has also registered "Star Wars 1313," which is very close to a code name Boba Fett used in some incarnation, CT-1313. Because it is indeed said to be a new franchise and not a sequel to anything, people are concluding that it's a Boba Fett game using Unreal Engine 3. I'm picturing something akin to Arkham Asylum, but with Boba Fett and not as good.

You could've saved yourself a lot of research by reading my post.
? :)
2012-06-01, 12:28 AM #49
Looks like the rumors were mostly true. I think this game has a lot of promise and I'm interested in seeing what they have to say at E3 next week.
Completely Overrated Facebook:
A community dedicated to discussing all things entertainment.
2012-06-01, 12:33 AM #50
It's going to be a SW-themed knockoff. Maybe Gears, maybe Arkham Asylum.

Yeah, unless it's Dark Forces 5 or TIE Fighter 2, I'm really not getting my hopes up about Star Wars games.
2012-06-01, 4:00 AM #51
Unless it's Super Bombad Racing 2 I couldn't care less.
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2012-06-01, 5:28 AM #52
Guess its that 1313 game, third person mature action adventure or something

its third person and for PC and consoles, so doing the math I can assume its a console game that theyre going to do a lousy PC port like the force unleashed

not interested
2012-06-01, 6:10 AM #53
Official website:

2012-06-01, 10:48 AM #54
A "cinematic" third-person shooter with cover system?

They really have to sell it hard for me to get excited... because that's the sort of game that pretty much defines this generation. I bet the settings offer alot of metal corridors to shoot in too.

I'm intrigued though. But they have to undo some serious bias in me. "Cinematic" games tend to be short, and the emphasized "cover-shooting" -based mechanics might imply tedious, slow gameplay.
2012-06-01, 4:49 PM #55
Cinematic, third-person cover-based shooting and platforming gameplay with epic set pieces, fast-paced combat and mature themes. Gameplay focusing mainly around human skills and gadgets.

Boba Fett: Arkham Coruscant.
2012-06-01, 11:40 PM #56
If it's anything like Gears of War, they can shove it up their pee holes.
? :)
2012-06-02, 1:32 AM #57
I just watched a video of this gears of war thingy... looks like Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine but in a shooter rather than adventure context. Like taking the non-realism of Max Payne to an even greater extreme. (And why are all the heroes uniformly fatter than MB?)
2012-06-02, 8:29 AM #58
Originally posted by Mentat:
If it's anything like Gears of War, they can shove it up their pee holes.

YES! Gears is one of the worst games ive ever had the misfortune of playing!!! Its Disgusting!!!!!

Ya know what massassi, **** You.

You really got my hopes up on this one.

The thoughts of Battlefront 3 or of even a new Jedi Knight game.......

The prospect still makes me quake with excitement.

I should of knows they would throw some bland freeze-dried school lunch at us, like its a privilege.

The trend seems to be find a franchise that sells and then produce about a thousand games just like it as quick as you possible can....

Look at: Call of Duty, Assassins Creed, Uncharted, Battlefield, Gears, Mass Effect

You would think in the mist of all this sticking to one ip trend, that they would draw from the well of infinite star wars characters and ideas.

Wouldn't it be easier to just put out another game from an established franchise? Less work, time, and money. And you know how much that means to the corporations.

We just have to settle for the same game we've been playing since 07. Hide and shoot. Cool.

THis is exactly i still download the jk levels. They are 100000 times better than any game i could possibly play now.....
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2012-06-02, 8:40 AM #59
Originally posted by Alco:

so... some images a little music and a facebook link.... seems a bit lazy to just make a placeholder that points to facebook
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2012-06-02, 9:37 AM #60
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
Ya know what massassi, **** You.

You really got my hopes up on this one.

The thoughts of Battlefront 3 or of even a new Jedi Knight game.......

The prospect still makes me quake with excitement.

If you would have read the announcements they clearly stated it was a new FRANCHISE, meaning not an addition to any previous franchise, some illiterate people on this website may have gotten your hopes up but it was clearly stated in every article about the announcement it was something new. Also I don't know why you would get excited about sequels to those games anyway. They would be ****, and they would ruin your memories forever.

Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
The prospect still makes me quake with excitement.

I think I see what you did there
2012-06-02, 9:38 AM #61
Sadly enough it still makes me feel like "you know, I wonder if I had finished all of these mods for outdated games back when they were less outdated (so, the early/mid-2000s) and had become adept in UE2.5, maybe I could be the one making maps for a SW Unreal Engine game!".

But ALAS, it was not MEANT to be. []
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-06-02, 9:41 AM #62
I was working on a coop unreal 1 mission pack about one year ago, you should finish it for me
2012-06-02, 9:46 AM #63
GT is on top of things. Looks like we'll see the E3 demo on June 4th:
Sorry, don't know how to play this video :(
2012-06-02, 2:40 PM #64
Originally posted by Couchman:
They would be ****, and they would ruin your memories forever.

Yeah, I did in fact see that it was supposed to be the unveiling of a new franchise, yet this didnt diminish the desire burning within my loins. The stinging, passionate, lust for these franchises and our blissful memories together would never falter under the reign of a "new" game using the old name as a clever guise.

I indeed started to hope the unveiling would be a surprise made all the better by the assurance of a new franchise. I was wrong.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2012-06-02, 7:24 PM #65
All your dogging on Gears has made me want to go shoot locust. I think I shall.

Star-wars themed Gears? Yes please.
2012-06-02, 7:40 PM #66
^ terrible taste in games

see you at ESEA season 12 CS 1.6 open kid

better take a few advils for those one deags ill be dishing out on yo punk ass
2012-06-02, 7:59 PM #67
I like 24/7 office insta-respawn!
2012-06-02, 8:34 PM #68
I think I'll open 2-port banshee and not even BOTHER getting cloak so that you waste your mins on detection! BOOYAH!
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2012-06-02, 9:15 PM #69
Gears of War was great. The first one, I mean. The second one had bad pacing.

I wouldn't object to the idea of a Star Wars-themed GoW on principle. I just don't think LucasArts has access to the kind of talent to make fun games anymore. A normal run-and-circle-strafe FPS is fast enough to be interesting no matter how badly designed the rest of the game is, but cover-based shooters require much more careful level design.
2012-06-02, 9:34 PM #70
They did just restructure and lay off a third of their employees and have some Ubisoft Montreal guy that worked on Splinter Cell as their creative director. Maybe they finally know what they're doing.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-06-02, 9:54 PM #71
this sounds like it's going to be uncharted with a bounty hunter. AWESOME
2012-06-05, 12:22 AM #72
just in case you haven't seen it yet. Sorry, don't know how to play this video :(

Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-06-05, 1:27 AM #73
That actually looks pretty awesome. Don't be put off by that first hot lava cameo. (Forget all about Hayden surfing or falling in Coruscant). I do suppose that Harry Plinket was right about Lucas' genius in jamming every market segment into every movie; I should have known that this extends to merchendise, games, etc.

As for the game - I think this won't actually be Gears of War, but instead (based on the style of play at 3:50 or so in the video) I think it's clear that we are looking at Rebel Assault 3: The Hidden Jagon -- rated M for mature. (Especially considering that you are to play the role of what seems to be a rookie!) Sadly, it seems that it won't run on Tibby's PC.
2012-06-05, 4:48 AM #74
That way more Uncharted than it is Gears of War.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2012-06-05, 4:53 AM #75
Oooooh wow, I want it.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-06-05, 7:04 AM #76
Originally posted by cazor:
this sounds like it's going to be uncharted with a bounty hunter. AWESOME

The second you said that my fear was alleviated quite a bit.

Seeing the in-gameplay footage, i can now sleep easy.

While im still not too big a fan of cover based gameplay, and a lack of force powers, but it looks amazing.

I bet they eventually incorporate a jet pack and possibly a flamethrower. Very Boba Fett esk.

One of the many things i hate about gears is how clunky your character feels. That was what i was afraid this game would be.

Obviously this is not the case...

There isn't a better way to describe it. Uncharted: Star Wars: Only your a Bounty Hunter: kinda like a Boba Fett Simulator: instead of an Indy Jones one....

I myself have a 360. I wonder how good the game will look on that hulking piece of ****.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2012-06-08, 4:53 PM #77
Originally posted by Alco:

I love how the game was already announced and revealed, yet there still isn't **** on the website.

I may be the only person left on the planet who has never had a facebook, so i don't get all the updates that they announc though the fb. (as you cool hip kids call it.)
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "

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