I've seen many things. SF_GoldG_01 trying to swindle a bunch of people into a beach scheme of all things. yodason45(sp?) claiming that he had finished a 600 MB Zelda mod for Jedi Knight but just couldn't release it. All kinds of relationship / religious 'discussion' threads. Joren Darkstar. Pagewizard_YKS (who made two bloody good levels, though).
Casperhead and all the other JO/JA multiplayer idiots. darth_canalope(loupe?cantalope?cantaloupe?etc?). Pugler and his "Yoda's House" or the whole "bear" nickname phase. Someone accusing the community of being hypocrites since they weren't editing Republic Commando that had absolutely horrendous editing tools to begin with. MechWarrior. Random degenerates registering out of nowhere, posting something offensive, getting banned - possibly returning back to repeat the process. The ReTard saga of 2005 (along with all #nar and JKDF2.net related issues). Ham Yoyo harassing a 13-year-old girl. THRAWN and his odd mother issues. c@rni Yooled.
Usually I have to click the actual thread to see something outright abysmally decrepit but this time I actually could decipher something about its quality from its title alone. I'm not even one of the oldest members but after all these years, this is the dumbest thread I've
ever seen on these forums. No matter what the original intentions might have been. It is not the most offensive one. Just.
Yet many have also come back from the pits of trash. Time will tell.