Another point about thread management: what would be neat would be a way to allow user voting to section off sections of the thread into a sort of sub-thread-continuum... so that tangentially related digressions all form a sort of cluster, and we can all go on simultaneously without any single debate dominating/derailing.
Anyway, not to preempt any sort of response from Jon`C, but in that spirit, to continue the original theme of the thread:
I read a bit about the numerous shooting sprees that occurred in North America this year, and I noticed that each shooter fell into one of two categories. In reverse chronological order the shootings were these:
In [2] and [4], the perpetrators may have targeted their victims, which may have been an opposing gang/race. What remains in the rest are disgruntled individuals who become so down and out they feel they have nothing to lose. Unfortunately this includes doctoral students as well.
I know I may take some heat for saying this here, but I feel that the way these men expressed themselves has a lot to do with our basic male glorification of violence against each other. We fight each other from an early age, and are reinforced by westerns / star wars, etc.
I bring this up because we really don't have control over who among the down and out feels the need to 'snap', but we do have the ability to change our violent culture, or prevent these people from expressing themselves violently. In the U.S., I'm afraid it will be pretty much impossible to completely reverse the proliferation of weapons, and it will be even harder to restrict them without violating the rights/expectations of gun owners/voters. So I say that we should really look at our own violent culture. Look at the terrible things that men are committing every hour in South and Central Asia, to their wives and to each other. I really feel that if some of these psychopaths didn't live in such a bubble and instead had a chance to visit an uncivilized area of Pakistan for a week, he might think twice about how glorious it is to kill somebody.
Finally, to all those who think we have a shot at stopping somebody who really wants to do some damage, just look at the 'security' situation in Iraq even to this day. If somebody wanted to kill a large crowd, that person would just make a bomb. These idiots purchasing guns are often dedicated gun fanatics that stock up for months or years, but none of them are Ted Kaczynskis. They are buying guns, and the federal government should do everything in its power to track these people, as difficult as this may seem. Maybe one way to make this easier is to further cut down the manufacture and sale of arms... I don't know.