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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Black Mesa: Source
Black Mesa: Source
2012-09-15, 9:31 PM #41
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Is anyone else experiencing motion sickness or headaches when playing this? I've noticed that after a few hours of play, I'll start getting headaches and slight motion sickness and it persists for the rest of the day. Today, the symptoms didn't even fully set in until like an hour after I stopped playing and continue to linger.

Turn the bobbing down or off, it's awful.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2012-09-15, 9:36 PM #42
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Turn the bobbing down or off, it's awful.

Can't say I noticed (or maybe I'm just too used to even worse from ye olde days of Doom and Quake). Still, I will do just that and see if that helps.

Also, as for your idea posted before, while I can certainly see it as a fun expansion or after-series or whatnot, I feel the main HL series should stick to (and presumably end, hopefully with HL3/Episode 3/whatever) with its current format as it mostly stands. Don't get me wrong -- as I've stated before, I would love nothing more than just simply being able to explore the entirety of the Black Mesa Research Facility as an open world. Just walking around without anything else to do would be great. I don't have quite the same attachment to City 17, though I could see others having a similar feeling for it.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-09-16, 1:13 AM #43
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Is anyone else experiencing motion sickness or headaches when playing this? I've noticed that after a few hours of play, I'll start getting headaches and slight motion sickness and it persists for the rest of the day. Today, the symptoms didn't even fully set in until like an hour after I stopped playing and continue to linger.

Uh.. that sounds like a personal problem. Why would this game out of hundreds magically make you sick?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2012-09-16, 1:24 AM #44
Try adjusting the FOV if you haven't already.
2012-09-16, 9:06 PM #45
I disabled both the weapon bobbing and the tilting when strafing, and that seemed to fix it. Thanks!

Just finished it. Overall, awesome! It's pretty much what I wanted Valve to do with Half-Life: Source in the first place. Some thoughts:

1) I'm a little disappointed that the developers seem to think the Training Course is pointless as their reason for not including it. I still think how they did the Training Course in the original HL was great, as it taught you things you needed to know in an in-universe fashion and yet was optional so it didn't force you to take it. The Opposing Force mod really had the best though in that regard.

2) The opening train ride was beautiful. It re-captured what I loved about it when first playing the original HL. I want to go back and use cheats so I can no-clip around it all.

3) The re-done voice acting was executed rather well, and if anything, the times they seemed to have included the original voice acting threw me off more. The extra and changed lines felt appropriate, or at least not bad in their changes.

4) I realize they likely opted to make the alien slaves more in line with HL2, and it seemed odd. It didn't bother me after a while, and at first, it didn't seem right. Not that I think they should have been screaming "Die!" in a high pitched voice like in the original, but something else seemed to be needed.

5) Freaking headcrabs seem way more annoying than they ever did in HL1 or HL2! Props for making them relevant.

6) I don't think this is something they could have really changed, but ladders still frustrate me to no end. I'll end up falling all the way back down because getting off a ladder is so troublesome.

7) The music was pretty fitting. I still always have a place for the classic Valve soundtrack, and I think in some ways, this soundtrack is less cliched, which is nice.

8) The Marines are an actual threat! They were fairly challenging and 'smart' in the original HL, and I recalled how 'dumb' the Combine in HL2 seemed to be in comparison, so it's nice to see that a combination of enemy placement and whatever reworked code they did helped keep them a tactical obstacle. The first time you go to the 'surface' in We Got Hostiles, I really felt like I had been bombarded with an actual military opposition. They continue to act as enemies you have to be smarter about too.

9) The Gargantua was a little too focused on you as the player. When I first encountered it, I watched it kill the Marines, and then it blocked the entrance waiting for me, and never gave me a chance to run past it.

10) The fish monster feels surprisingly LESS threatening than in the original HL. I think it has to do in part with the sound and jerky speed the original had which made you go "OH F---" and get all disoriented when it attacked you. IN this, it doesn't really make much noise, it doesn't seem scary-fast, and I don't recall its attack disorienting me.

11) I had secretly hoped that the developers would have used some of their tweaking to 'fix' some of the more obvious map inconsistencies. I think they may have in some parts (such as the initial train ride, though I'm not sure), but it seems at least the part around the cliffside battle in Surface Tension was left the same, which ends up having the overall Black Mesa environment overlapping each other. That particular part could have been an easy fix too, since it just involves having a pipe go one direction instead of the other.

12) By "Forget About Freeman" it seemed that the developers were more inclined to stick to the original level designs rather than some of the 'tweaking' they had done before this point. That's perfectly fine, it's just slightly noticeable. However, in the parts they did retweak, it was somewhat confusing when they'd add parts that were essentially mini-dead ends. Nothing as flagrant as you'd see in amateur level mods, just slightly below the professional level they otherwise have throughout the mod.

There were other minor things that confused or irked me as I played, and they really didn't bother me significantly enough to think this mod is anything other than a professional remake of HL1. I really would like to see the same done with Opposing Force, Blue Shift, and Decay now.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-09-16, 9:21 PM #46
Just a side note, there were no re-used lines of dialogue from HL1. It was all recorded by their voice actors.
2012-09-16, 10:11 PM #47
Originally posted by Zell:
Just a side note, there were no re-used lines of dialogue from HL1. It was all recorded by their voice actors.

Well then whoever did some of the Barney voices later on was dead-on. I mean DEAD-ON.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-09-16, 10:17 PM #48
Originally posted by Gebohq:
8) The Marines are an actual threat! They were fairly challenging and 'smart' in the original HL, and I recalled how 'dumb' the Combine in HL2 seemed to be in comparison, so it's nice to see that a combination of enemy placement and whatever reworked code they did helped keep them a tactical obstacle. The first time you go to the 'surface' in We Got Hostiles, I really felt like I had been bombarded with an actual military opposition. They continue to act as enemies you have to be smarter about too.

Actually, I'll contradict myself here and note something that's been noted on their forums as well. At times, it did seem that the Marines were unfairly superhuman in their ability to notice and attack you. There were parts where you should be rewarded for stealth attacks, and you don't get the chance as they instantly turn to see you when you pass a certain point. They seem surprisingly able to hit you from quite a distance as well, though that's something more of a minor complaint.

Some others have noted that the general tone of the Marines needing to fall back due to the alien forces seems to be lacking as well, since the Marines are still kicking all sorts of ass even towards the end, which I'd agree to some extent.

On a random note, I'm not sure how I feel about the part where you have to manually load the TOW launcher. It seemed somewhat unnecessary.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-09-17, 1:37 AM #49
I will say, I don't remember this game being that hard.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-09-17, 8:41 AM #50
Alan, I would have said the same thing, and I think it may just be the small differences in controls and design that make it seem like that. I think my first playthrough of Half-Life was likely similar in some ways to my playthrough of Black Mesa. Any easier time I have with the original is likely due to familiarity with the controls and design. I recall when I played Hard in the original that I got very attached to the security officers (as I needed them bad) and inching through the game to snipe and such where I could. I only played Black Mesa on Normal, though, so maybe its Hard mode is even harder.

Speaking of guards, they are surprisingly effective against the Marines, but at least one dropped like a fly against alien grunts, which is weird, considering that the Marines in Black Mesa: Source generally don't have much of a problem taking on the aliens (I never saw the Marines lose anyway).
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-09-17, 5:00 PM #51
Yeah those first marines and their sentries. it's actually pretty mind wracking until i give up thinking and start hurling grenades
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-09-17, 6:09 PM #52
This is really impressive. Good for them for getting it done, I remember one time when people were slamming the mod and I bought into that kind of talk, thinking "why are they bothering to remake a bunch of stuff that's already in HL2?" Looks like they showed me.

I also remember Tibby repeatedly insisting that this would never ever come out HEYOOOOO
2012-09-18, 12:22 AM #53
Yep, I'm on Blast Pit and it's still pretty awesome. The only complaint I have is that some of the areas are so detailed that it's easy to waste time poking around a dead end thinking that it's the way forward (the biggest example of this was an area in Office Complex). Black Mesa is pretty sweet given that we have no idea when HL3 will ever come out.
2012-09-18, 1:00 AM #54
Originally posted by Tracer:
I also remember Tibby repeatedly insisting that this would never ever come out HEYOOOOO

Turns out Tibby was wrong about TODOA, Black Mesa and just about everything else in general.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-09-18, 6:45 AM #55
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Turns out Tibby was wrong about TODOA, Black Mesa and just about everything else in general.

And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2012-09-18, 8:43 PM #56
Man, I really forgot just how awesome this game was.

I echo the comments about difficulty btw. I totally forgot that enemies were able to see you across big areas. It's enough to be slightly challenging, which is great compared to HL2.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2012-09-19, 6:55 PM #57
Originally posted by Gebohq:
6) I don't think this is something they could have really changed, but ladders still frustrate me to no end. I'll end up falling all the way back down because getting off a ladder is so troublesome.

I play a lot of Source games and I've always hated the ladders. But then I realized - press 'e' and you get off. Usually safely.
2012-09-20, 5:22 PM #58
Originally posted by Vin:
I play a lot of Source games and I've always hated the ladders. But then I realized - press 'e' and you get off. Usually safely.

Woah.....*brain splode*. Never knew that....
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2012-09-20, 7:10 PM #59
Don't feel bad.

Half-Life 2: 33 hours
Half-Life 2: Episode 1: 10 hours
Half-Life 2: Episode 2: 16 hours
Half-Life: Source: 11 hours
Left 4 Dead: 58 hours
Left 4 Dead 2: 212 hours

And I just realized that.
2012-09-21, 8:10 PM #60
so far, i'm having fun. i dont get to play often, but its good.

still hate jumping puzzles though.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2012-09-22, 6:34 AM #61
OK, even though I'm only on Forget About Freeman, it's time for my WACKY and CLASSIC review!

So I still think this is a really impressive mod, and it has a lot of polish. It looks and sounds great, they added so much detail to the world in terms of making Black Mesa look like a top secret R&D facility instead of a bunch of random hallways and corridors. However you can tell it's a mod - the gameplay is really uneven. Some of the levels are very well done. I'd say Unforseen Consequences, Office Complex, Blast Pit, We've Got Hostiles, and Power Up all seemed to hang together really well in terms of the challenge presented to the player. But there were some wierd levels: Residue Processing was very empty, there just weren't many bad guys to shoot, and Surface Tension was really really hard. Like REALLY hard. I read on the official forums that the guy who was building Surface Tension quit the mod, so maybe that had something to do with it (I think that's also why On a Rail was so short). That level just had so many sequences where the player was put at a large disadvantage and I found myself getting killed over and over by the same thing. Which is too bad, because it's one of the nicest levels visually and has some great scripted sequences. It's not just that level though - there a frustrating moments like that all over the game. For example, in the beginning of Forget About Freeman a roof caves in and crushes you which is pretty much a gauranteed death because there's no way to see it coming. There are some other minor annoyances as well like the fact that you can only see a few feet in front of you when under water (so prepare for more BS deaths by those underwater alien shark things). Also the regular jump is useless - you need to crouch jump over basically every obstacle so I don't get why they didn't just make crouch jump the regular jump. :confused:

I didn't mind the platforming given that there was so much of it in HL and they're trying to stay true to the original, and they did make a couple good improvements to the gameplay (using your flashlight underwater no longer causes Gordon to drown, and you have unlimited flashlight batteries/sprinting). There seems to be a lot of extra dialog that expands upon the events happening at Black Mesa, and there are some nice nods to the rest of the series throughout (an appearance by Kleiner and Vance is one of the better ones). There are so many variations in the NPCs, so you're not encountering the same 3 scientists and security guard the whole game.

So I guess my WACKY and CLASSIC verdict is that for a mod, it's exceedingly well done but the gameplay doesn't quite stack up to HL2 + Episodes. Well worth the price of $0.
2012-09-22, 7:04 AM #62
I wish the mod authors had combined several of the smaller levels together, for a more seamless experience. It was probably done to remain faithful to the original but since the Source Engine and modern hardware is so much more capable than it was when HL1 was released there could have been fewer 'Loading' screens.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-09-22, 7:43 AM #63
Originally posted by Tracer:
OK, even though I'm only on Forget About Freeman, it's time for my WACKY and CLASSIC review!

So I still think this is a really impressive mod, and it has a lot of polish. It looks and sounds great, they added so much detail to the world in terms of making Black Mesa look like a top secret R&D facility instead of a bunch of random hallways and corridors. However you can tell it's a mod - the gameplay is really uneven. Some of the levels are very well done. I'd say Unforseen Consequences, Office Complex, Blast Pit, We've Got Hostiles, and Power Up all seemed to hang together really well in terms of the challenge presented to the player. But there were some wierd levels: Residue Processing was very empty, there just weren't many bad guys to shoot, and Surface Tension was really really hard. Like REALLY hard. I read on the official forums that the guy who was building Surface Tension quit the mod, so maybe that had something to do with it (I think that's also why On a Rail was so short). That level just had so many sequences where the player was put at a large disadvantage and I found myself getting killed over and over by the same thing. Which is too bad, because it's one of the nicest levels visually and has some great scripted sequences. It's not just that level though - there a frustrating moments like that all over the game. For example, in the beginning of Forget About Freeman a roof caves in and crushes you which is pretty much a gauranteed death because there's no way to see it coming. There are some other minor annoyances as well like the fact that you can only see a few feet in front of you when under water (so prepare for more BS deaths by those underwater alien shark things). Also the regular jump is useless - you need to crouch jump over basically every obstacle so I don't get why they didn't just make crouch jump the regular jump. :confused:

I didn't mind the platforming given that there was so much of it in HL and they're trying to stay true to the original, and they did make a couple good improvements to the gameplay (using your flashlight underwater no longer causes Gordon to drown, and you have unlimited flashlight batteries/sprinting). There seems to be a lot of extra dialog that expands upon the events happening at Black Mesa, and there are some nice nods to the rest of the series throughout (an appearance by Kleiner and Vance is one of the better ones). There are so many variations in the NPCs, so you're not encountering the same 3 scientists and security guard the whole game.

So I guess my WACKY and CLASSIC verdict is that for a mod, it's exceedingly well done but the gameplay doesn't quite stack up to HL2 + Episodes. Well worth the price of $0.

Ok whew now I can play it.
2012-09-22, 4:34 PM #64
Made a couple Fraps vids of the blast pit. Here are the finer moments:

Sorry, don't know how to play this video :(
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2012-09-22, 4:36 PM #65
Sorry, don't know how to play this video :(
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2012-09-22, 8:40 PM #66
Originally posted by saberopus:
Ok whew now I can play it.

haters gonna etc
2012-09-22, 10:27 PM #67
I played through it. It's really good. Only major problems I had with it were the lack of specialist headcrabs or headcrab zombies, which I guess can be explained away, and the fact that you have to crouch-jump to get anything done.

-Fantastic game.
2012-09-22, 11:03 PM #68
Most of Tracer's complaints, as well as Jarl's above, is mostly I believe to stay more 'true' to the original HL game. It's arguable that they could have taken the opportunity to introduce some (since they're canon in HL2), and as much as part of me would have loved to see stuff like that incorporated, I think they generally did the right thing by opting to remain mostly true instead of trying to 'fix' things. In short, I'd rather be complaining about problems found in the original HL than problems introduced by the mod.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-09-23, 1:06 AM #69
It actually came out.
It's good.
Welp, we're living in bizzaro world, where BM:S is out and good, and DNF is a piece of ****.
2012-09-23, 6:07 PM #70
Is it a good idea that I'm experiencing Half Life 1 for the first time through this mod (I own the original, but only played through a bit of the first section)? Also how long does it take to finish this? About the voice acting, some of the random scientists' acting were off, but the primary characters are fine.
2012-09-23, 6:35 PM #71
Originally posted by Tibby:
DNF is a piece of ****.

How topical!
>>untie shoes
2012-09-23, 8:24 PM #72
It was fantastic experience. Glad to see this mod come out to the light of day.

I echo other people's issues with platform jumping. Although my frustration comes in the form of tripmines. For some reason I can't seem to gauge the right jump launch to clear the laser because I don't know where my legs are. So I set off those damn things often.

The only time I no-clipped during my playthrough was at the part with those teleporting orbs. It pissed me off back in HL, and it pissed me off in this mod (but in nice colorful, high-definition). Just going in and out of those things, plus the platforming, the drops and backtracking was too much and too unfun. Sorry.

I was temped to no-clip my way through the Waste facility part, but I decided to stick with it. I never liked that area in the original Half-Life. I think I spent like 50 mins running around, trying to figure out where to go. Probably because I didn't remember you had to jump to and from these conveyor belts, I flushed the majority of that part of the game out of my memories.

Were the shark creatures much harder in the original? Because I just crowbar these things to death, don't even bother shooting.
2012-09-24, 12:28 AM #73
HI,"I can't say it looks particularly impressive at this stage, with the mismatched grass/dirt textures, no textures on the trees, and the blank HUD I guess is what that marble is, but I'm sure it'll look better as more work is done on it. "
2012-09-25, 8:49 AM #74
Originally posted by john48:
HI,"I can't say it looks particularly impressive at this stage, with the mismatched grass/dirt textures, no textures on the trees, and the blank HUD I guess is what that marble is, but I'm sure it'll look better as more work is done on it. "

Well spoken :tfti:
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2012-09-25, 9:38 AM #75
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
damn... every place is having downloading issues. lol.

Originally posted by Vin:
I don't think I've ever seen a bigger swarm.

Reminds me of back in the day (2002/2003/2004). Every time they released an update for Day of Defeat, all the download sites would be hammered. It'd take hours to download a 200 meg update...
2012-09-25, 7:51 PM #76
I just hope that the Black Mesa I feel like the original HL have done for me to explore a huge underground facility.
He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.
2012-09-25, 8:28 PM #77
OMG the spambots are getting... smarter?
2012-09-26, 12:41 AM #78
Classy sig at least.

-Started playing again to get all the achievements. What's this "hidden hat" they refer to? I... guess it's pretty well hidden, since I never found one.
2012-09-26, 6:08 PM #79
Originally posted by Vin:
OMG the spambots are getting... smarter?

Shockingly. Although his post in the JK Editing forum makes no damn sense whatsoever. O_o
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2012-09-27, 9:37 AM #80
Originally posted by Jarl:
Classy sig at least.

-Started playing again to get all the achievements. What's this "hidden hat" they refer to? I... guess it's pretty well hidden, since I never found one.

I think it is in Lambda Core.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."

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