However, as an addition to my previous post with Geinoh Yamashirogumi's name on it, I also have to list
John Barry, who has composed the infamous James Bond-theme, but no-one actually knows him and his other great songs.
And again I remember some great artists, and no-one of you haven't heard anything of them. One of them (again) is
Wendy Carlos, formerly known as Walter Carlos before her sex-change. She made great soundtrack of movie A Clockwork Orange, made electronic versions of many Bach's albums etc. Another great musician, great great great...
And some other bands/artists who actually are known (or were known) around the world, but nowadays they aren't so known (or at least they're not known in America):
Some of their songs are pre-techno (Pocket Calculator, Autobahn, Techno Pop...), some of them are pure gold songs with astounding message (Radioaktivität)
Tangerine Dream
Many of old-school electronic artists (Jarre and Vangelis for example) have been strongly influenced by TD
Klaus Schulze
Another of the great pioneers of electronic music... nowaday's though he's making crappy music :P)
Brian Eno
He invented the ambient music after listening to the sounds of a hospital in early 70's)
Mike Oldfield
One of the pioneers, his music mostly is some kind of mixture beetween ambient and rock, he's also a good guitarist. His most well-known song, 'Tubular Bells' was also the main theme of movie 'The Exorcist'
Jean-Michel Andrè Jarre
To sum up why the hell I like this artist who is called a clown by the media who doesn't respect his influence to the electronic music, most of his songs are great and easy to listen. Even though many of his songs are more pop-oriented, many of his compositions base more on the jazz and classical music. I grew up with his music, and nowadays I've been investigating and analyzing it from the beginning to the present moment. Even though many of his songs are "simple" and not complex, I ***DAMN LIKE THEM AND I DON'T GIVE A **** IF THEY'RE COMPLEX OR NOT!!
And again one of the great pioneers, who actually nowadays is more making neo-classical music, but still he has made perfect tunes what are great to listen. From the early electronic works to electronic masterpieces like Spiral to the amazing movie soundtracks of Antarctica, Chariots of Fire and BLADE RUNNER. He is truly a great artist, and he has avoided the scolding media and kept himself serious in front of the critics unlike J-M.Jarre.
Whew... there was enough ranting from me. Seems like most of the music I listen is electronic.
And I haven't proof-read anything what I've written, so there are dozens of bad grammar and other crap. But who cares, no-one reads it
<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
[This message has been edited by FastGamerr (edited January 04, 2004).]