Like I said before, my email was not in response to his entire article. Obviously, if the stock is suffering (fact), it is suffering. I never said that was a personal opinion. I failed to quote the parts I was talking about in my email though, so I'll try to find the ones that my email is in response to.
"People, this is insane. This is 10,000 times worse than the worst thing anybody thinks Michael Jackson ever did to a little boy - or than any lie the feds think Martha Stewart ever told them, or any line in any song that Bruce Springsteen ever sang that rankled a cop in the Meadowlands."
This is part of his opinion. He thinks the GAME is worse than Jackson molesting a kid. That's a pretty screwed up opinion. I'd rather have my kid play Vice City every day than have Mr. Jackson spend the night once.
"This whole age-cutoff thing is simply garbage - just like "Grand Theft Auto" itself - and sooner or later, I would imagine, we'll come to our senses and ban these games from public commerce, just like we ban child pornography and entertainment spectacles such as cock fighting and dwarf throwing."
Once again, he compares the GAME to child porn and human degradation. This is his opinion, and I disagree with it. That's also where those references came from (in case you weren't reading
And to show that I'm not saying he's an idiot and should be shot or something...
"WHAT would be left of an outfit like Take- Two Interactive if its bizarre version of digital snuff porn were outlawed?
Frankly, not much. The company's latest three-month and nine-month financial results, covering the period through July 31, show "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" and an earlier version of the same ghastly program ("Grand Theft Auto III") to have accounted for just under half the company's sales."
That may be fact. I don't know and don't care about how the company would fare if it's games were outlawed. It's not my job to care, it's his. That is not what i responded to in my email though.
Next time, I'll remember to quote things like that. It was late after all.
Truth is in the eye of the beholder.
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