Doesn't matter how big the company is. It's the quality of the game that matters. If it is FUN TO PLAY, then good. RS is NOT FUN. It is like Diablo with crappier graphics and a pay by month cycle. And lag is a VERY BIG THING when you are paying for the freaking servers.
As for FFXI, it costs $45 USD where I bought it, and it's $13 for an account. Yes, it costs more, but the game comes on 5 freakin CDs. The game ends up being 6 gigs or so on the HD, after about 100mb worth of updates. [Pretty much what Cloud said above]
Cloud: FFXI has 2 was of playing as I see it. One is to completely skip out of the storyline and play it as a *rush to the high levels* game. Unlike Diablo II, however, this doesn't throw off balance, since to accomplish many missions, you are required to enter areas where your level is limited (thus you drop about 50 levels, and are forced to play with skills you haven't used in a while. Quite fun actually
The second way is to stick to the missions and the storyline. Each city has it's own story to tell. Most of them are based on the same basic storyline, but each tell it a different way. There seems to be a larger and larger feeling of competition growing within the community now, with the "Conquest" system. Basically, the conquest system is where you fight monsters in outerlying areas, after getting a special skill called Signet cast on you by your home town. When there are enough people from one town in an outlying area, that town will take over the area. Alliances have been formed between parties before to do this exact thing. (See They did this just a couple weeks ago)
One thing is, once you hit level 12 or so, partying is pretty much required if you want to progress at any fast rate. However, the entire community is VERY NICE, people will help you out as much as possible. You spend five minutes in a harder area, and you will be in a party. There are plenty of people, and they all want the same thing, to party with others and get some exp and beat some tough missions. And THAT is why I like the game.
.hack//SIGN - The World - Just Believe
(Yes, This is Cool Matty)