i love that the side missions play on each character's personalities and such.
personally, they're all my favorites, because if I feel a certain way I can switch to that character and revel in the continuity granted with playing a certain character geared toward that playstyle.
in previous games (or any sandbox game, really) there was (for me) a strange disconnect when I would play chaotically with a character who is, say, lawfully evil. Someone who has missions that are all about theft of the highest caliber, and lives a sophisticated lifestyle- it makes no sense for me to have to jack a car to get places, I should just have cars nearby, or people who will deliver them to me. In GTA5, if I want to be a punk-ass ***** who doesn't take no for an answer but works hard, i play franklin, if i want to be a total sociopath and murder people, i play trevor, and if i want to be a slick high-roller who plays like a needle in the darkness, i play michael.
it's a perfect balance imo