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ForumsDiscussion Forum → GTA5 is out soon, cost 270 million to make.
GTA5 is out soon, cost 270 million to make.
2013-09-25, 4:46 PM #81
I wouldn't say it's brilliant, but it's pretty good.
2013-09-25, 4:49 PM #82
There's quite a number of console games that don't do 'snap to target' aiming, and they do it really well (Mass Effect 3, for one). It's just a Rockstar thing, I guess. Still, in Red Dead Redemption you could opt for free aim. Not sure if you can in GTA V, but I'm guessing you probably can. I've only played for a few hours at my friend's place, but I didn't bother to check if you could.

I love what I've seen from the game so far.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2013-09-26, 1:10 PM #83
I've been enjoying the hell out of this game lately. I'm on my second run through single-player (yay for 5 weeks vacation...) and waiting for the Online impatiently.

Any of you creeps planning to play online? I'd be down with playing with the lot of you.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2013-09-26, 3:26 PM #84
I'm down with that if you bastards are on the PS3 rather than the 360.
2013-09-26, 3:32 PM #85
Originally posted by Baconfish:
I'm down with that if you bastards are on the PS3 rather than the 360.

PS3 over here too. Hmm I'm going to hunt down my headset
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2013-09-26, 6:23 PM #86
So whos your favorite character?

So far its a toss up between Trevor and Franklin.
2013-09-26, 11:13 PM #87
i love that the side missions play on each character's personalities and such.

personally, they're all my favorites, because if I feel a certain way I can switch to that character and revel in the continuity granted with playing a certain character geared toward that playstyle.

in previous games (or any sandbox game, really) there was (for me) a strange disconnect when I would play chaotically with a character who is, say, lawfully evil. Someone who has missions that are all about theft of the highest caliber, and lives a sophisticated lifestyle- it makes no sense for me to have to jack a car to get places, I should just have cars nearby, or people who will deliver them to me. In GTA5, if I want to be a punk-ass ***** who doesn't take no for an answer but works hard, i play franklin, if i want to be a total sociopath and murder people, i play trevor, and if i want to be a slick high-roller who plays like a needle in the darkness, i play michael.

it's a perfect balance imo
2013-09-27, 4:20 AM #88
Yeah I have also found myself changing my play style based on my character.
>>untie shoes
2013-09-27, 6:59 AM #89
Theres variation for sure.

But I'm a full tilt murder kind of guy.

I like that with Michael you can stab like 20 cops before bullet time runs out. Franklins slow mo driving is pretty awesome.
2013-09-27, 10:57 AM #90
I actually keep forgetting that the special abilities exist.
2013-09-27, 11:08 AM #91
I do enjoy all characters, but if I'd have to pick a specific one it'd have to be Michael but only by a paper-thin margin. I just enjoyed the bad guy wants to be good spiel. That and the whole dysfunctional family business. And "****IN' A!" They're all interesting, but he's my go to guy. I don't play Trevor quite as much as the others for some reason, but its not really because I dislike the character. I suppose one reason is that Michael and Franklin are more inclined to make tons of cash, which gives me a goal to work towards, while Trevor seems content to live in his own filth. He's more driven by chaos, and looks for excuses to partake in some good old fashion chaos. Still, its quite a hoot to take him out for a ride and rile up the cops.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2013-09-27, 11:13 AM #92
Trevor is best for cop chase mode.

By the time they down your vehicle you have full meth rage mode and can clear out all the immediate danger on the way to the next car.

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