This one time I led a charge of M11Ps backed with Bradleys and Chaparrals. All was going well since I was facing a Polish deck so we swept right through his line- the abrams having no difficulty with his T-55s and the Bradleys disgorging marines that made quick work of the obvious ATGM infantry in the forest.
Turns out he had a ****load of BRDM Malyutkas and BMP2s so as soon as I tried to advance past the forest it all died in a hail of ATGM and the 30mm stunned the marines who died to artillery shortly.
Jokes on him though, I had an F117 drop a pave way on that **** so I was able to follow up with a column of M60s and take the sector.
I later won the round when it turned out that idiot left his entry zone insecure so I flew some Delta Force in and took out his CV, followed quickly by an air HQ and then spammed the zone with infantry to secure it, he had no way of calling in more reinforcements at this point so he just threw everything he had at the zone hastily and it all died, rip.
Lost the F117 to a Mig-31 though
Course, that guy died to a Tomcat so I think we came out even on that front.