Aaah! The Ignore feature is useless if I don't bother logging in first.
Anyway, as I'm off tomorrow I'll be playing some Battlefield 3 in 20 minutes.
My Battlelog Id is DrKoobie.
I'll be with some friends but do feel free to join (that goes for everyone who has BF3, obviously)!
PS. About writing. Here is something that worked for Jim Butcher. The reason his opinion counts to me is because I've lost sleep listening to 7 and a half books by the man in a month and a half. I'm rewriting
my draft using the structure he talks about (scene, sequel). Keep in mind that it's entirely possible that in the off chance that the Distinguished Professor of Edinburgh had read The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, he might have hated each book.
If you're writing fiction, then you're probably writing in scenes and sequels. It may prove helpful to consciously keep track of both in your writing. Here are the elements of scenes and sequels.
You can read the full article by Jim Butcher (The Dresden Files, Codex Alera) via the link below; what follows is my paraphrased summary.
What is the main character trying to accomplish in this scene? What does she want?
How is the antagonist in the scene preventing her from getting what she wants? What does she have to overcome? Preferably happens between characters.
Does she accomplish her goal? If she does, what other problems arise because of her accomplishing said goal? If she doesn't, did she just create more problems for herself?
How does your character react on an emotional level to what just happened in the scene? What's on her mind?
Now that she gets her emotions in check, she can think about what's going on more rationally. What does logic tell her about what she should be doing?
What can happen should she decide to do one thing or the other?
She decides to do something, and now it's time for another scene!