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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So there's this girl I'm confused by...[WARNING: LONG POST]
So there's this girl I'm confused by...[WARNING: LONG POST]
2013-11-07, 10:34 AM #41
Oh, and I can't believe that no one (including me) has asked this yet, but... does she happen to be a member of the educators' profession?
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-11-07, 11:30 AM #42
2013-11-07, 2:22 PM #43
Yeah, I guess I'm not used to that because of outspoken my ex was.... for better or for worse.

Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
Oh, and I can't believe that no one (including me) has asked this yet, but... does she happen to be a member of the educators' profession?

People still remember that? No.... though she does work for administration and IT for some online university.
2013-11-07, 2:26 PM #44
So yes. :cool:
2013-11-07, 5:09 PM #45
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
Anyone thinking of asking for advice (about anything) here at Massassi should read this thread first.

Dare I speak true
or should I lie?
I have no clue,
my butterfly.

What should I do
when a tear rolls down your cheek?
Dare I speak true,
that I am dreaming of a geek?

That in my dreams, she is a writer,
she games and reads,
she lights her joints with my lighter
as sweat rolls down her breasts in beads.

Or should I lie,
and tell you that we'll go to sea,
just me and you, my butterfly,
each night to dream of her and D&D?
2013-11-07, 6:04 PM #46
It is crucial that you never emulate Koobie's behavior.
>>untie shoes
2013-11-07, 6:27 PM #47
Originally posted by Reid:

I'm calling serious bull**** on the biological determinism part.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2013-11-07, 6:40 PM #48
I am imagining that Cloud has had a troubled dating life ever since the debacle with his teacher.

I tried to find the thread, but only found one from 2008 referring to Cloud's teacher tale, in which it's described as "ancient." #old
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2013-11-07, 6:43 PM #49
Originally posted by Antony:
It is crucial that you never emulate Koobie's behavior.

Very crucial. You might fall down on your face and die.

Living on the edge.

2013-11-07, 6:53 PM #50
Forgot to mention, this "Mirgarlaevixor" was a real person?
2013-11-07, 7:30 PM #51
2013-11-07, 7:42 PM #52
Originally posted by Cloud:
Forgot to mention, this "Mirgarlaevixor" was a real person?
More of a consortium, really.
2013-11-07, 11:00 PM #53
Originally posted by Cloud:
People still remember that?

This is Massassi.

Originally posted by Emon:
I'm calling serious bull**** on the biological determinism part.

What? How can you say that? This is a newspaper attempting to report on a scientific study!
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-11-07, 11:18 PM #54
2013-11-07, 11:30 PM #55
All other primates become full-on psychotic when deprived behavior-forming social contact, hallucinations and all. You're welcome to confirm their findings on human subjects.
2013-11-07, 11:34 PM #56
2013-11-07, 11:41 PM #57
2013-11-08, 12:05 AM #58
2013-11-08, 12:07 AM #59
2013-11-08, 12:13 AM #60
You can immediately discount any theory proposed about any 'natural' asocial human state because such a state has never been studied. I'm not saying there isn't an evolutionary basis for much of what we consider social behavior; I believe there is one, but at the moment, under current international standards, specific claims are both brazen conjecture and ethically unfalsifiable.
2013-11-08, 12:27 AM #61
2013-11-08, 12:38 AM #62
Most psychologists play pretty fast and loose with the whole 'science' thing (especially the ones who run their mouths off at the science journalists while waiting for their LaTeX to finish compiling). If any course purports to be a science and doesn't place an emphasis on empiricism, it's being taught incorrectly. It's your professors' fault.

It aint an evo psychologist if they don't make at least a dozen unsubstantiated claims to the media before breakfast.
2013-11-08, 12:53 AM #63
2013-11-08, 8:05 AM #64
2013-11-08, 11:05 AM #65
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It's time to sit down with an older man you respect and talk about women. I'm not saying you won't still have the same problems - confidence and social intelligence are hard, you have to work at them just like anything else - but at the very least you shouldn't be so bothered when a girl has mentally discarded you after one date.

The advice I got was I would be better off slamming my dick in a car door.
2013-11-08, 8:21 PM #66
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
The advice I got was I would be better off slamming my dick in a car door.

That's damn good advice.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2013-11-08, 8:48 PM #67
Originally posted by Reid:
I have some serious laughing to do if you seriously don't believe in any biological determinism

No no, I mean as a way to explain the differences in behavior of men and women. More often than not it's used to justify existing oppressive systems and does nothing to really understand the root cause of behavior. Saying "results are different when the experiment is run against men vs women" doesn't really tell you anything.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2013-11-08, 8:52 PM #68
Originally posted by Reid:
but the idea that men and women think the same or have the same brain is not true.

But the problem is that this line of thinking is almost always used as a way to justify misogynistic behaviors and beliefs. It's easy to say "must be a difference in how we think" than to actually understand why there's a difference. It sounds like you're suggesting we should believe in it just because it can be possible. Very bad place to be.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2013-11-08, 9:55 PM #69
Originally posted by gbk:
That's damn good advice.

Yeah, seriously. I never realized it before, but it's clear now that I, too, would be better off slamming ECHOMAN's dick in a car door.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-11-09, 2:29 AM #70
2013-11-09, 4:26 AM #71
2013-11-09, 6:30 AM #72
>>untie shoes
2013-11-09, 11:05 AM #73
Privilege has compounding returns.
2013-11-09, 11:37 AM #74
A survey of Fortune 500 CEO height in two thousand and always revealed that they were on average 6 ft 0 in (1.83 m) tall, which is approximately 2.5 rich parents taller than the average American man.

I mean, **** dude.

Bill Gates is the grandson of a banker and was gifted a multi-million dollar trust fund at birth, so he would never need fear any risk of entrepreneurship. His father was a wealthy corporate lawyer, who ensured Bill attended the most prestigious Seattle-area private school. His mother was a wealthy and well-connected board member of several prominent companies and charities, who was working friends with board members from IBM, the highly successful company we are told foolishly gave a top-level executive meeting to some "unknown" kid, and was then conned into contracting a major software product from Microsoft, sight unseen.

b-b-b-b-b-but surely bill gates is just a born leader.
2013-11-09, 11:49 AM #75
2013-11-09, 12:01 PM #76
Originally posted by Reid:
I don't see a convincing reason to believe that "since men and women are completely equal, unless women hold half of power positions, then there is oppression", or ideas that "until men and women earn the exact same amount of money in every field, then it's clear there is discrimination".

1.) Women are actively socialized against pursuing careers in certain fields, such as high-paid professions and leadership. Those who do pursue such careers can look forward to being regularly groped at conferences or barraged with unnecessary sexist humor. No great surprise, then, that women tend to concentrate in low-paid people-oriented positions, such as customer service and HR, where sexist behavior is forbidden by nature of the job.

2.) Within the same profession, men generally stand out more because of the detrimental lifestyle choices we make, like unpaid overtime, working/no vacations, refusing paternity leave, etc.. Hardly a stunning example of men just being "better workers". We aren't dying younger than women because of our biology, you know.

Speaking on purely economic terms, it makes sense to structure society hierarchically close to how it's structured in nature.
Complete nonsense. Economically, it only makes sense to structure society based on comparative advantage. Comparative advantage has absolutely nothing to do with how society would be structured in "nature" -- assuming there even was such a thing.

You see, many people love to think that you can learn any skill, such as leadership, but there is evidence that suggests the opposite. Something as simple as height has a large impact on leadership abilities.
Correlation does not imply causation.

You know what else correlates with height? Parent height.

You know what else correlates with CEO jobs? Parent socioeconomic status.

ding ding ding much more probable causative factor identified
2013-11-09, 12:12 PM #77
Well, this thread turned Reidtarded quite fast.

(Funny how Reid became Sarn 2013 and Koobie and Tibby share the PedHead 2013 award)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2013-11-09, 12:16 PM #78
Originally posted by Reid:
I don't remember, was I trying to justify American wealth, exploitation of poor nations, class struggle, the model of tech industry, etc?
You were trying to justify a disturbing notion about human society, framed by a frankly sophomoric understanding of heredity and evolution, quite obviously tinted by an overexposure to poorly-reasoned mensrights diatribes, which is a frighteningly small amount removed from Adolf Hitler's opinions on the same subject. (Again, I am not exaggerating.)

No, you are not genetically programmed to be best-suited to a particular profession. Nature has no such thing as profession. Nature doesn't have pipefitters and PR reps. Nature doesn't have CEOs, nor is that job particularly demanding or difficult by any actual study conducted of those people. It's like you read Profession and took away the complete wrong message.

I feel the profits from tech should have been socialized as the public funded it's research anyhow.
Red herring. (Aside: most publicly-funded things were either socialized or produced under government contract anyway. A few pieces of publicly-funded research like Google's ranking algorithm weren't, but the NSF allows institutions to hold patents developed using public funding to reward the most successful universities.)
2013-11-09, 12:26 PM #79
2013-11-09, 12:35 PM #80

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