I never said that no one knows anything about economics. My point throughout, was that I don't know anything about economics, and that anything short of graduate degree in economics is insufficient to allow me to weigh in with an opinion on a topic that hasn't even been decided within the field. Certainly a layman level publication from one point of view won't. As I said, already, economics isn't totally worthless, it's just that it's not been very successful in solving the main objective of the field. Hell, from what you say about Capital in the Twenty-First Century, the thesis of the book is basically that modern economic theory and policy is leading us straight back to where we were 150 years ago. That's not progress. Is it all figured out now that this book has been published? It's not for me to say. Given time and academic consensus, maybe so. But one book, and an endorsement from a noble winning economist isn't enough to convince me the matter has been settled. Maybe that economist represents a faction, or he could be
totally crazy. I'm not saying Krugman is crazy, but an endorsement from a big-shot is not the same thing a strong consensus among relevant experts.
Economists are not stupid. That's not my point either. I was describing the difficulty of that task before them. Economists haven't had a lot of success in predicting and preventing bad market behavior, but that's not because they are stupid, but because successfully extrapolating from purely statistical models is really hard. This is the case in every field. Economists just happen to be stuck dealing with difficult tools, and all the problems that come with them. In the mean time we have the liberal and conservative sides of academia trying to discredit each other, and I don't have a good way to sort it all out. Krugman wants us to believe that his opponents are only disagreeing because they have bad motives, but that's harder accusation to prove than it is to make. I don't have the competence to sort it all out.
The reason I can say I'm confident that climate change is anthropogenic is not because it's my opinion, but because I know that it's the opinion of virtually every single person who has dedicated their lives to studying it. The Koch brothers haven't been able to change that fact. When I see a meta-analysis strongly supporting Piketty's position, than I can assume that he's probably right, or at least that it's the best opinion so far available. Until then I'd be picking winners based on nothing but ideology if I chose to agree or disagree with him. That's for actual subject matter experts to do, not me.
Which is why, in the end, the democratic process is a complete failure when it comes to choosing an economic direction. People can't accept that they don't have the competence to evaluate competing economic theories, so they base their opinion on ignorant, naive reasoning, and then find economists who agree with them to make them feel better about the decision they've already made.