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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Dr. Massassi or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Misanthropy
Dr. Massassi or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Misanthropy
2014-10-16, 1:27 PM #41
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Nothing of value has ever come from Twitter.

Nobody of value has ever posted on Twitter.

I presume you feel the same towards 'twitter revolutions' that have come about?

To clarify, I don't necessarily the use of Twitter for such an intention was only possible through that, nor do I think Twitter is a tool useful for much other than junk. I did find the contents of this Twitter account amusing though:
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2014-10-16, 6:25 PM #42
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:

Originally posted by Gebohq:

yea ok those are p good

Originally posted by Gebohq:
I presume you feel the same towards 'twitter revolutions' that have come about?

Are you asking me if I think those revolutions resulted in significant positive change, or are you suggesting that a centralized and easily-blocked commercial microblogging service enhanced the organizational abilities of revolutionaries rather than being the weakest link in the chain of trust?

Because either way, in the aggregate my answer would be yes, I do feel the same
2014-10-16, 6:33 PM #43
Maybe a better name would be 'smartphone revolutions' because smartphones are what enabled the agility and communication of those movements, while twitter and facebook were the single points of failure that let governments attack them in the first place. Evil, opportunistic, capitalist points of failure, legally obligated to deliver maximum profit to shareholders regardless of the ethical consequences. And even if you don't doubt their intentions, they're still subject to the laws of the countries in which they operate, which includes secret orders delivered by secret agents authorized by secret courts under secret laws even in the ****ing good countries to say nothing of places like Syria.

So yeah, really, twitter is garbage.
2014-10-16, 6:37 PM #44
Either, I suppose. I was mostly interested in your take on how those weren't posts of value/how the tool didn't bring about any value, as they're the only things (apart from the ST:TNG S8 account) I could see disagreeing with you on the point, and I'd been secretly hoping you'd answer in a way that'd allow me to hate on Twitter more than I already do.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2014-10-16, 6:42 PM #45
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Maybe a better name would be 'smartphone revolutions' because smartphones are what enabled the agility and communication of those movements, while twitter and facebook were the single points of failure that let governments attack them in the first place. Evil, opportunistic, capitalist points of failure, legally obligated to deliver maximum profit to shareholders regardless of the ethical consequences. And even if you don't doubt their intentions, they're still subject to the laws of the countries in which they operate, which includes secret orders delivered by secret agents authorized by secret courts under secret laws even in the ****ing good countries to say nothing of places like Syria.

So yeah, really, twitter is garbage.

Yup, I agree on the focus on smartphone versus application focus.

And now, it seems, I've abandoned my own satirical intent in this thread. Oh well.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2014-10-18, 8:26 AM #46
2014-10-18, 8:58 AM #47
Originally posted by Reid:
defense of free will as a coherent idea, repetition of biblical facts, a seeming unwillingness to make one bad comment about christianity, mocking arguments against religious morality and an incredibly condescending comment toward me about nietzsche in another thread? yeah, it's not just one thing

You must have me confused with someone else.

I'm a proponent of physical non-determinism, usually when I quote the bible it is out of spite, I've made plenty of negative comments about Christianity, if I've mocked an argument against religious morality it's because it was a bad argument, and I actually like Nietzsche and so if I made a condescending remark that I don't remember you probably didn't understand the point I was making.

But yeah, I am a Christian. I've never concealed that fact...? Is it really such a big deal that you'd call someone out in a thread over it?
2014-10-18, 9:52 AM #48
2014-10-18, 9:57 AM #49
I wouldn't put much weight on the words of a German mental patient.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-10-18, 12:24 PM #50
Originally posted by Reid:
"spend more time in philosophy rather than in philology"
A joke you didn't get, despite making the same one up-thread.
2014-10-18, 12:41 PM #51
Reid I enjoy philosophy so I understand why you would choose to study it, but you probably shouldn't take yourself so seriously b/c nobody else is gonna
2014-10-18, 5:40 PM #52
2014-10-18, 6:08 PM #53
2014-10-18, 7:10 PM #54
I sympathize with you, Reid. Sometimes these conversations get unnecessarily cryptic (altough, most good intellectual humor is at least a little cryptic).
2014-10-18, 7:49 PM #55
Originally posted by Reid:
So you were joking about my claim to not be philosophical and then posting about language?
You (basically) made fun of people who apply strict formal logic to informal human expression. Then I said "I literally disagree with everything you say" which is a clearly absurd statement when understood literally. Then you started getting weepy and off-putting and now I just don't know anymore.

You really have a problem with insulting and bullying

I'd say you're the one with the problem TBQH
2014-10-18, 8:38 PM #56
2014-10-18, 10:05 PM #57
Originally posted by Reid:
we lose a large aspect of communication over the internet

This is profoundly true.

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