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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What are you playing right now?
What are you playing right now?
2014-11-15, 8:30 AM #41
So anyway, I'll be jumping in a slightly modified version of D&D Next over voice chat this afternoon. While I've been playing a lot more board/card/etc. games over the recent years, I've fallen out of the tabletop roleplaying I used to do in college. I'm hoping this session will be more "improv-like."
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2014-11-15, 8:59 AM #42
I'm going to play a game called "have this thread printed and bound into hardcover books" which will make me less dull.
>>untie shoes
2014-11-15, 8:00 PM #43
That idea raises an interesting question: who owns the content of the posts on this forum? The respective authors? Cool Matty?
2014-11-15, 8:01 PM #44
****--it seems that the site is owned by vBulletin:

Copyright © 2013 vBulletin Solutions
2014-11-16, 12:15 AM #45
I went back and forth on this one. It came down to foosball - which I guess I could have liked - and a game that was totally made up called Knife Eaters.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-11-16, 6:29 AM #46
Bought the Serious Sam collection on Steam a while back, finally installed HD: The First Encounter and started playing that a bit.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2014-11-16, 7:20 AM #47
Originally posted by Gebohq:
1) There's a lot of variety in video games these days; it's not all shooters and platformers.
2) For this thread...

If there are NO games you've been playing (board, card, sports, etc.) then I suspect you are a very dull person.

Mario Kart 8 -- quickly trying out the new Cups and racers/karts. Not a fan of how Link's bike handles, but I've found that to be the case with most bikes in 8. The new tracks are neat, and they should just get on with making Mario Kart into Super Smash Kart already. That, and make a new F-Zero game, in-house. Don't get me wrong, Sega did a good job with GX, but I still prefer X and the original.

You're right, actually, I have been looking into Dwarf Fortress, as in memorizing commands and looking up general strategy. However, that game is hardly a game in the conventional sense, and more of an autism simulator. It is very, very fun. I would say DF makes a person less interesting, however.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Depending on how deeply you are willing to dig into philosophy, and how abstract you're willing to get, you could characterize almost any non-artistic, non-remunerative endeavor undertaken for entertainment as a game.

If we agree to restrict the definition to those things which we conventionally describe as games (such as the examples in your post), then no, there are in fact NO (i.e. zero) games I have played recently. I don't play team sports and I don't enjoy passive consumption as much as I used to. Which is what ALL game nerd **** is, by the way: passive consumption, and yes that even includes your esoteric board games and CCGs.

I don't have that much free time, so I'd rather spend it with my wife, or creating things, or learning about things. Games are rarely a part of that, and when they are, I'm always disappointed.

I'm pretty much on board with Jon`C here, I rather view most of the things I work on in life as a sort of game or a challenge, like "can I finish these last 150 pages today?" However, like he pointed out, pretty much nothing is fun now.
Originally posted by Gebohq:
For what it's worth, I apologize to everyone who was insulted by my comment.

I'm not offended, I'd lean toward mildly confused.
2014-11-16, 7:23 AM #48
Originally posted by Gebohq:
So anyway, I'll be jumping in a slightly modified version of D&D Next over voice chat this afternoon. While I've been playing a lot more board/card/etc. games over the recent years, I've fallen out of the tabletop roleplaying I used to do in college. I'm hoping this session will be more "improv-like."

D&D is fun, except there always has to be "that guy" with special snowflake syndrome or who minmaxes and generally works in opposition to whatever the DM has planned.
2014-11-16, 5:36 PM #49
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
****--it seems that the site is owned by vBulletin:

That almost certainly doesn't mean they own the posts; it's probably copyright protection for whatever authorial work they've done in the process of creating a message board framework. Unless there's something in the ToS, which I don't care enough to check, that says posted content is the property of Massassi or CoolMatty or whatever, it's likely any copyrightable content posted to these boards is the property of the individual poster.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-11-16, 5:42 PM #50
I guess that hardcover book will have to wait until Antony gets those 17 signatures.

Hey, that's a lot of members posting in <2 pages--this site is totally not dead!
2014-11-16, 5:43 PM #51
Pretty sure the default registration ToS is just that Massassi has a free open license to do whatever with what you post, not that I'd ever care to take anything to court over it.
2014-11-16, 6:00 PM #52
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Pretty sure the default registration ToS is just that Massassi has a free open license to do whatever with what you post, not that I'd ever care to take anything to court over it.

That's what they all say
2014-11-16, 10:43 PM #53
I wasn't gonna post a joncesque tirade, but that remark by His Gebness did rub me the wrong way when I read it, too. Glad to know it was just hyperbole!

I've been playing a lot of floorball which is what we call a type of indoor hockey (since team sports count...) Besides that, I'm playing a bit of FIFA online every once in a while and starting tomorrow I'll be playing GTA V both online and offline (nevermind the fact that I already played it on the old gen). Both of these are on the PS4, as my PC hasn't cut it for new games in a while now.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2014-11-17, 8:28 AM #54
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
I went back and forth on this one. It came down to foosball - which I guess I could have liked - and a game that was totally made up called Knife Eaters.

Wow, that sounds really dangerous.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2014-11-17, 8:29 AM #55
It's not so bad. It's just like soccer, but played by tiny, wooden men.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-11-17, 8:36 AM #56
No, I meant the knife thing.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2014-11-17, 8:38 AM #57
Oh hell yeah, it's incredibly dangerous. You kidding?

It's played by chewing and swallowing actual knives.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-11-17, 8:48 AM #58
Getting back to my Fallout: New Vegas playthrough next. I love Fallout so much.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2014-11-18, 3:45 PM #59
Dragon Age: Inquisition
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2014-11-19, 4:35 AM #60
I started playing Watch Dogs.

I've gotten 2-3 hours in and I'm losing the will to live.
2014-11-19, 7:07 AM #61
Press X to lose the will to live emirite lelolol
2014-11-19, 8:34 AM #62
I've been playing skyrim again lately, and by playing I mean downloading and installing dozens of mods and never even swinging a sword.
>>untie shoes
2014-11-19, 12:29 PM #63
I'm slowly trying to learn star craft 2. There are so many units and counters you have to learn.
2014-11-19, 7:52 PM #64
Smash Bros on the 3DS. Played a few rounds with a coworker who is good with Villager. I find myself enjoying Pac-man. We also played a round of Sonic vs Mario, where I won as Sonic. Sega does what Nintendon't, it seems.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2014-11-20, 5:15 AM #65
I pre-ordered Far Cry 4. Finally found the time to install it last night. Can't play it. Game locks immediately on start. It's a "known problem" that "might be fixed" in a "future update".

And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2014-11-20, 6:01 AM #66
Originally posted by gbk:
I pre-ordered Far Cry 4. Finally found the time to install it last night. Can't play it. Game locks immediately on start. It's a "known problem" that "might be fixed" in a "future update".


You forgot to mention how Uplay sucks too.
2014-11-20, 7:40 AM #67
When will we finally not give a **** anymore and just accept that things like Uplay and Origin exist, and get back to enjoying the games that launch from them?
>>untie shoes
2014-11-20, 8:29 AM #68
Two issues with that:

1.) "assume the position" isn't a great way of dealing with companies. A better solution is to boycott the companies, regardless of how many great games they make. EA and Ubisoft will never reverse course; the only hope for the industry is if those companies are allowed to die, as an example to the others.

2.) that there are good games on Uplay and Origin is a controversial statement. I've been boycotting EA for almost a decade, and I just realized the other day that I've been accidentally boycotting Ubisoft too, just because in that span of time they haven't made a single game that I'm interested in playing.
2014-11-20, 8:56 AM #69
Originally posted by Antony:
When will we finally not give a **** anymore and just accept that things like Uplay and Origin exist, and get back to enjoying the games that launch from them?

Admittedly finally ending up installing Origin due to Mass Effect 3 didn't really ruin my life as much as I expected. And it took a spectacular game like ME2 to finally make me cross the line anyway.

(I guess if I was more fantasy-inclined, I wouldn't be making these posts due to playing Dragon Age: Inquisition on Origin instead, but eh, whatchagonna do)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-11-20, 9:40 AM #70
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
Dragon Age: Inquisition

If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-11-20, 9:43 AM #71
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
I'm slowly trying to learn star craft 2. There are so many units and counters you have to learn.

Starcraft 2 is a lot of fun. I eventually got kind of okay at it, but haven't played in a while. I may pick it back up when Legacy of the Void comes out, assuming I don't just end up playing DA:I for the rest of my life.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-11-21, 3:42 AM #72
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. I already have >100 hours. If you liked the original, definitely give this one a go. Everything is improved and there are a ton of new items. All running at a sweet 60fps. So far I have about 80% of the achievements and I'm hoping to 100% it. I'm not sure if I'll be lucky/skilled enough to pull it off.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2014-11-21, 6:25 AM #73
What exactly is UPlay? I think the last game I remember playing that had something to do with it was Driver San Francisco.
2014-11-21, 6:38 AM #74
uplay is ubisoft's version of origin only somehow ****tier

the best part... a lot of newer ubisoft games on steam require uplay... and if by some mistake you end up with 2 uplay accounts there is no way to merge them
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2014-11-22, 1:45 PM #75
I'm not thrilled with either Uplay or Origin, but Ubisoft seems to be having some QC issues when it comes to testing their PC ports. There's been a ton of bugs / performance issues with their latest games.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2014-11-23, 2:29 PM #76
To be honest I've never really had any major qualms with Origin; I just hate how it launches everything from a browser window.
2014-11-23, 7:24 PM #77
Yeah, like Battlefield when they completely removed the server browser and put that in the stupid Battlelog browser interface.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2014-11-23, 8:33 PM #78
Originally posted by Baconfish:
What exactly is UPlay?

And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2014-11-24, 7:23 AM #79
Super Smash Bros. For the Wii U/3DS. I'll probably be playing those for quite a while for the time being.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2014-11-28, 8:24 PM #80
If any of you have been following me on Facebook, I've becoming an accomplished archer (at times). So I've been doing that. Plus work. Plus a laughable attempt to getting laid.

That said, I spent on myself and got a PS4 for my birthday. I'm playing Shadow of Mordor and....I'm kind of disappointed. :/
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.

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