Oh, I'm thrilled. I think there are going to be a lot of good things that come out of a Trump presidency:
For starters, NAFTA can go to hell. Free trade really means "unequal trade", because individuals and small businesses don't have the resources to take advantage of globalization, but most acutely experience the consequences of it. The result is that, basically, free trade is just another hand-out to huge corporations, who get privileged access to certain arbitrage opportunities that drive their costs down far below what is possible for a local manufacturer dealing with local suppliers. So I'm not a fan of free trade on an economic basis. NAFTA's even worse than that, though; like every other free trade agreement negotiated by the US, it effectively subordinates all signatory governments to a secretive panel of pro-trade, pro-corporate arbitrators. Effectively what this means is, if a certain law - an environmental protection or public health law, say - would cause a foreign corporation to lose expected profit, the government that passed the law must compensate the corporation. Which is purestrain bull****. So if the US follows through on their intention to renege upon NAFTA, it will at worst give Canada the opportunity to do the same, which is fantastic.
Second, Trump is the third in a series of high-profile examples of public faithlessness in democracy causing a horrific result. First we had Boaty McBoatface, then we had Brexit, and now we have President McPresidentface. I hope Canadians can learn from this and we can avoid Prime Minster McPrime Ministerface.
So I think it'll be fairly good for Canada.
For America, though? Ahaha.
Regarding taxes: TBH I haven't paid a lot of attention to Trump's tax plan (I won't be a US tax resident by then), but basically from what I've gathered you shouldn't expect much. It's same-or-worse from $115k up to $410k, which pretty safely covers the competitive SV tech track salary range. (I'm guessin' you aren't a technical fellow, or a director/VP.)