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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Forum or site bugs? List them here.
Forum or site bugs? List them here.
2016-02-11, 1:56 PM #41
On that subject:

Originally posted by Edward:
But I guess that's the Massassian reputation we've all come to know.

Edward, I understand your disappointment. It is reasonable and natural to become emotionally invested in the wellbeing of a community in which you have contributed. We have all contributed to JKHub too, whether by regular early use or with free hosting and administration services, and regardless of our individual opinions about the future of the site we all do notice and appreciate the great community that has been built around it.

Unfortunately, the administrators of jkhub have been neglectful. CM only agreed to host the site, but over the years he has had to do more and more in to keep the site running. That's responsibility he never wanted, but he did it anyway because he saw the value that the jkhub community offered. Unfortunately he doesn't have time to do that free work anymore, and neither does Brian.

That's why comments like yours aren't helpful. You see us as angry outsiders shutting down a site you enjoy, and that isn't fair. This isn't a vindictive decision, it's just the sad fate of a site when nobody has time for it anymore. Keeping the hub alive ultimately has to fall on Zeq Giraffe or HR.
2016-02-11, 4:38 PM #42
In my opinion Cool Matty should give us ( the JKHub url so we can set it to redirect to as most of us are done with being separated. has better coding and a dev who properly keeps it updated. Maybe a few at the Hub would disagree, but most there are done being apart of all this anyways.

This way i think everyone gets want they wants. Matt no longer has to host JKHub and we get our own thing.

Also Fastgamer, why you so mad? Was it cause TODOA MP was never played but like once. All that work and no one played it. I guess i would be mad too damn.
2016-02-11, 5:02 PM #43
we the people
2016-02-11, 5:13 PM #44
Originally posted by Trank:
In my opinion Cool Matty should give us ( the JKHub url so we can set it to redirect to as most of us are done with being separated. has better coding and a dev who properly keeps it updated. Maybe a few at the Hub would disagree, but most there are done being apart of all this anyways.

This way i think everyone gets want they wants. Matt no longer has to host JKHub and we get our own thing.

Also Fastgamer, why you so mad? Was it cause TODOA MP was never played but like once. All that work and no one played it. I guess i would be mad too damn.

The domain doesn't belong to CM. Jkhub was never CM's site.
2016-02-11, 5:42 PM #45
Ah ok, I understand that. Well whoever has the domain. Just shut this **** down.
2016-02-11, 8:04 PM #46
Originally posted by Trank:
Also Fastgamer, why you so mad? Was it cause TODOA MP was never played but like once. All that work and no one played it. I guess i would be mad too damn.

I'm not FastGamerr, so I only speak as a fan of his. From what I gather, what you say wouldn't have bothered him very much. TODOA MP was a bit of a novelty, with the focus being on TODOA proper. FGR always said he wasn't into multiplayer and I'm absolutely certain he knew by 2009 that a Jedi Knight multiplayer level would not attract a large number of players. The main mod, on the other hand, pretty much accomplished what you could have reasonably expected of a top notch JK mod released in January 2010.

So if he's mad about anything, it's definitely not that.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2016-02-11, 10:18 PM #47
Originally posted by Krokodile:
So if he's mad about anything

Mad... about nothing?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-02-12, 11:47 AM #48
Also, I hope that people aren't using their JKHub passwords anywhere else.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-02-12, 1:33 PM #49
Ok, I'm sorry if I seemed overly annoyed. I didn't know that CM started investing that much time into JKHub like that. Thought it was all in Giraffe and HR's hands. It's just that CM posted his announcement on the Massassi forums where all Massassians would see it. But he did not post anything anywhere on JKHub where the Hubbers were sure to see it. If these 2 groups were 100% separated (sticking to their own pages) the Hubbers would never know what was happening and suddenly everything's gone.
Again, I'm sorry for how I sounded. I could have misinterpreted the meaning and formulation in the words written here, I may have had a pissy day, or the word formulation from my fellow Hub members was so completely off. I don't know who to trust to tell me who the enemy is anymore...
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2016-02-12, 5:48 PM #50
Unfortunately I do not have access to anything administrative concerning JK Hub, nor have I for quite a few years. If Giraffe isn't answering from his gmail account I am at a loss for what to do.
-Hell Raiser
2016-02-12, 11:10 PM #51
Originally posted by Edward:
the word formulation from my fellow Hub members was so completely off

Yeah, well, I think I know who you're talking about. That kid's a bit touched in the head; one time he basically called everyone in #massassi Hitlers because we don't play JK much anymore. In the future, if he says something it's probably best to chalk it up to hysterics, and save yourself some embarrassment.
2016-02-13, 7:49 AM #52
Originally posted by Edward:
I don't know who to trust to tell me who the enemy is anymore...

That's a touch dramatic there, Ed.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2016-02-13, 8:27 AM #53
shut the **** up korko
2016-02-13, 3:29 PM #54
Originally posted by Edward:
I don't know who to trust to tell me who the enemy is anymore...

And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2016-02-13, 4:01 PM #55
You can trust me. ;)
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-02-14, 1:47 AM #56
Originally posted by gbk:

BUG: The YouTube tag doesn't seem to work.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-02-16, 3:16 PM #57
It's because Brian switched the site to HTTPS and it's making an HTTP request. The YouTube tag has to be modified to use https embedding.
2016-02-16, 4:33 PM #58
2016-02-16, 9:58 PM #59
Appears to be - cheers, man.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-02-17, 10:41 AM #60

Nikumubeki still a member
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2016-02-17, 10:45 AM #61
Originally posted by mb:

Nikumubeki still a member

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-02-18, 3:15 AM #62
mb lost some weight.
Sorry for the lousy German
2016-02-18, 7:17 AM #63
Bug: when the reply box loses focus the background is set to white, but the text color is also white.

Originally posted by Impi:
mb lost some weight.

And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2016-02-18, 8:59 AM #64
Yeah the reply boxes are all sorts of screwed up. I have no idea why they'd have a different bgcolor when focused vs. not focused. I also have no idea why vbulletin wouldn't offer a dark theme for their "rich" editor. It's on my list to fix.
2016-02-18, 9:53 AM #65
I think I got the quick reply background to be black and stay black. I think I got the word wrapping working properly in the quick reply as well. I have no idea what else this could have screwed up. vBulletin sucks, and the ckeditor sucks really bad, too. The ckeditor is what they embedded for editing, and it is even active when the quick reply should just be a plain textarea.
2016-02-18, 10:11 AM #66
2016-02-18, 10:33 AM #67
Argh, now can't press "enter" in the quick reply box.
Working on it.
2016-02-18, 10:40 AM #68
Think I fixed it maybe.
2016-02-18, 8:35 PM #69
That weird music interlude is gone. Thank god
2016-02-19, 8:51 AM #70
I need to make a rule somehow that you can't embed non-secure images. Hm.
2016-02-19, 11:44 AM #71
Secure THESE

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-02-19, 11:52 AM #72
Dude, all you have to do is put https:// in front of the image url most of the time. It works on imgur but apparently photobucket sucks.

In other news, I think I got email working again for the forums, so maybe now I'll get notified of new private messages. Thread subscription notification worked for me.
2016-02-23, 7:50 PM #73
wow, it is good to be back! Good on you Brian for keeping Massassi going :)

I've been checking back intermittently for many years, and tried to get my old account back this year but ran into issues as it had the Massassi email and then finally was able to re-register. I'm using my name this time rather than an alias, I was part of the JK Team Battle mod. It has been a while!
2016-02-24, 7:50 AM #74
Glad to have you back! If you want to try to recover your old username just send me an email (address in submission instructions or use the contact form at the bottom of the forum) or PM me.
2016-02-24, 2:20 PM #75
It's all good, this is setup and working fine :)
2016-03-08, 9:44 AM #76
Has anyone else experienced issues with the attach image feature lately? At least for me in FF, it seems to consistently think images have incorrect URLs or issues attaching from a computer. I haven't thoroughly isolated beyond this yet though.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2016-03-08, 9:54 AM #77
Testing image attachment.

2016-03-08, 9:54 AM #78
Seems to work for me. I'm on firefox, too. (but on a stupid mac)
2016-03-08, 10:34 AM #79
What pretty trees. :)

A'ight, well if I think I can repro it better later, I'll bring it up, but otherwise, I'll chalk it up to some wacky edge case fluke or whatnot.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2016-03-08, 12:33 PM #80
I think I got it from

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