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This is the static archive of the Massassi Forums. The forums are closed indefinitely. Thanks for all the memories!

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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Forum or site bugs? List them here.
Forum or site bugs? List them here.
2016-08-26, 7:36 PM #81
Is anyone else having issues with lack of word wrapping when writing posts? I'm using Chrome and have yet to check other browsers to see if it's browser-specific.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2016-08-27, 8:15 AM #82
I have the same issue
I had a blog. It sucked.
2016-08-27, 11:33 AM #83
Thirded. It's especially bothersome when trying to make ham sandwich and burgerboy comments via smrtphone.

Also, seems to affect the non-WYSIWYG Quick Reply only.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-08-27, 5:16 PM #84
I brought it up earlier and I think Brian tried to correct it. Probably low priority. Ironically, I think these and some other issues are related to upgrading the forum software. A previous less feature rich version just seemed to work better.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-08-29, 8:47 AM #85
It's not that it's low priority. I spent a few hours on it and nothing I did seemed to help. I can't figure out why anyone would want the current behavior nor what even causes it. If anyone can come up with an html snippet/modification that actually works I will be happy to try it out. It's really annoying. Makes me post less, that's for sure.
2016-08-29, 6:27 PM #86
What the heck. I'm gone for a little while, and suddenly everyone is having delusions of grandeur... it's total chaos; cats... dogs... living together... I see Brian back on the board with a post that's not from 2007... my world has turned upside-down...
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2016-08-30, 1:22 AM #87
Originally posted by Brian:
It's not that it's low priority. I spent a few hours on it and nothing I did seemed to help. I can't figure out why anyone would want the current behavior nor what even causes it. If anyone can come up with an html snippet/modification that actually works I will be happy to try it out. It's really annoying. Makes me post less, that's for sure.

There are three selectors with white-space rules for textareas in editor.css:
.cke_skin_kama textarea.cke_source
.cke_skin_kama textarea
.cke_skin_kama *, .cke_skin_kama a:hover, .cke_skin_kama a:link, .cke_skin_kama a:visited, .cke_skin_kama a:active

And if you remove the background rules from those selectors the background color should be fixed as well.
Sorry for the lousy German
2016-09-02, 2:26 PM #88
Originally posted by Brian:
It's not that it's low priority. I spent a few hours on it and nothing I did seemed to help. I can't figure out why anyone would want the current behavior nor what even causes it. If anyone can come up with an html snippet/modification that actually works I will be happy to try it out. It's really annoying. Makes me post less, that's for sure.

Just to be clear, I didn't mean it was so low priority that you weren't concerned with fixing it. Just that it wasn't high enough that you were going to keep pounding your head against a wall to do it.

Originally posted by Chewbubba:
What the heck. I'm gone for a little while, and suddenly everyone is having delusions of grandeur... it's total chaos; cats... dogs... living together... I see Brian back on the board with a post that's not from 2007... my world has turned upside-down...

I was going to send you a PM a couple weeks back as it had been exactly a year since we were having a conversation about paying down debt. You, Brian, and I were all to some degree on the same plan.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-09-05, 9:07 AM #89
We were on it for a bit, and then fell off the wagon, and have been back on it again for ... well, maybe it was a year ago when we got back on board. Anyway, the budget helps a lot. We still accrue more medical bills than we can pay off, first with my wife, and now with me. But the $5000 a year for achieving National Board Certified Teacher status helps. Anyway, we don't have a payoff date, and we've paid off a few small bills, but the big ones that are left are pretty big.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2016-09-05, 10:17 AM #90
I've not fallen off this time and was on track to be done in December but life happens and vehicle issues might tack a couple more months on. We have had some medical issues as well but we're pretty blessed with a great healthcare situation so it hasn't affected us financially. Best wishes.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-09-28, 11:41 AM #91
The word wrapping is now working properly for me in quick reply and in "Go Advanced" using the plain editor (you can change this in settings). Still trying to verify the "advanced" editor.
2016-09-28, 11:43 AM #92
Top right of page; Settings -> General Settings -> Misc Options -> Message Editor Interface -> Basic Editor

The basic editor is working for me. Still testing the others.
2016-09-28, 2:03 PM #93
I really hate vbulletin. I think I sort of fixed the profile pages. Well at least you can see the content now. They have so many layers of css and so many ways to set the values that it's virtually impossible to fix crap like that. If you see any weird colors popping up anywhere on the forums (orange, pink, red, bright green, etc.) let me know, I probably accidentally left them there during debug.
2016-09-29, 5:12 AM #94
Now the font color of the title field in Post New Thread is black, like the background.

Edit: It's apparently the case for all inputs. Just add the color to
.textbox, textarea, select


Holy ****, just now noticed the URL.
Sorry for the lousy German
2016-09-29, 6:18 AM #95
vbulletin is a nightmare. The css "file" is generated from a massive number of database fields _and_ files on the filesystem (which get completely overridden each upgrade). Finding the correct one, the order they get put, etc., is virtually impossible. I must have mucked something up. Working on it.
2016-09-29, 6:22 AM #96
I may or may not have fixed it.
2016-09-29, 6:26 AM #97
Success! It's fixed.
Sorry for the lousy German
2016-09-29, 8:08 AM #98
Now the only thing left is to change the main forum/post icons, they look terrible. I'm thinking I bring back the old ubb ones. Or perhaps the wwwboard ones. (just a bullet point/dot)
2016-09-29, 8:35 AM #99
And hex postcounts!!!!!111111oneoneoneeleven
Sorry for the lousy German
2016-09-29, 8:41 AM #100
2016-09-29, 9:37 AM #101
Originally posted by Brian:
I really hate vbulletin.

I've heard the hate for vbulletin elsewhere too. Out of curiousity, if you were to go with a new, free forum service, would you still go with vbulletin as the best of the worst/free. or with something else? I largely ask because I'm likely going to hunt for one myself in the near future.

Thanks for solving the word wrap! It'll definitely be helpful come wrapping up the current NeS thread. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2016-09-29, 9:43 AM #102
I don't know what I would go with. vBulletin isn't free. I talked to CM about this when I came back and he didn't have anything good to say about any forum systems out there :( The problem with free ones is that they will litter your forum with ads and track all your users. Really sucks.

There were like ~170 templates (which are rows in the db that contain psuedo-html with some custom markup language in them) that had been updated in a release but had been locally modified so they weren't being used; once I reverted them to the release version most of the issues went away. The issues with profile pages and colors were solved with "custom" css added in some textarea interface in the admin panel. For most colors they have form fields to fill out, but it seems they forgot a bunch that show up on the profile pages so there's no way to customize the colors in the interface.
2016-09-29, 7:40 PM #103
There's Discourse, which is open sores. And has upvoting and infinite scrolling because the person who made it isn't very good at designing stuff. But it's free and probably better than VB.
2016-09-29, 7:50 PM #104
Let's build our own!

Community project!
former entrepreneur
2016-09-29, 8:37 PM #105
Originally posted by Jon`C:
There's Discourse, which is open sores. And has upvoting and infinite scrolling because the person who made it isn't very good at designing stuff. But it's free and probably better than VB.

Discourse's community moderation features were designed by Jeff Atwood, better known as the co-founder of Stack Overflow, a site with such badly designed community moderation features that the whole thing has been taken over by insufferable IRC voting rings. If you used Discourse, I strongly recommend disabling the community moderation features entirely, if it is possible.

Closed as off-topic by butthurtcomputerjanitor, webdev4hire, Dennis Cheng, rob-594
2016-09-29, 9:06 PM #106
Yeah I'm really not a fan of discourse. I don't like the layout, the infinite scroll, all the javascript, etc. I contributed a few posts to stackoverflow before getting annoyed. I actually do have a perl-based message board system I have been working on but it's not quite polished enough. And it's been a long time so there are a lot of cpan libraries I'd need to update. I keep thinking about bringing it back from the dead so I can get rid of vbulletin.
2016-09-30, 3:33 AM #107
I think that rolling your own is the way to go, assuming it's worth it to you. Nearly any forum software that you use is going to eventually come down with a case of featuritis, regardless of their naive minimalistic intentions. Also, Perl-based? I'm sure that GBK approves.
? :)
2016-09-30, 11:20 AM #108
Originally posted by Brian:
vBulletin isn't free.

Ah, my bad. Thought it was for some reason.

Originally posted by Mentat:
I think that rolling your own is the way to go, assuming it's worth it to you. Nearly any forum software that you use is going to eventually come down with a case of featuritis, regardless of their naive minimalistic intentions. Also, Perl-based? I'm sure that GBK approves.

Worth it? I would hope so. I am, however, a dumbass with anything even resembling coding, so it's more likely I'll have to figure out which one is the least of the evils and go from there.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2016-09-30, 12:34 PM #109
Writing a forum is either a weekend long project or a career long project, depending on your requirements and skill level.

And no, there are no steps between the two. Those are options not a scale.
2016-09-30, 4:09 PM #110
Argh, I just used my linux laptop/firefox to visit the forums and eveything has a weird white curved border around it. Is anyone else seeing this?
2016-09-30, 7:57 PM #111
Hm, and ubuntu updated my firefox and now the white borders are gone.
2016-09-30, 8:05 PM #112
Gosh I like how these looked:
2016-09-30, 10:05 PM #113

ugh, flat designs are so overdone
2016-09-30, 10:39 PM #114
You're going to hate the ones I'm writing.
2016-09-30, 11:48 PM #115
Geesh, I wrote them in 2011 apparently. Doesn't seem like it's been that long. It didn't take long to get them back up and running locally. Here's a screenshot.
2016-10-01, 7:47 AM #116
I have to admit that I didn't like many of the changes to the site as they progressed but now I'm perfectly happy with it as it is. If you change it I'm going to hate it. Until I get used to it. Then I'll most likely be perfectly happy again.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-10-01, 10:52 AM #117
I'm so acclimated to Reddit's upvote / downvote system that a temporally sorted forum is disorienting for me yet.
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2016-10-01, 11:27 AM #118
Hey here's a bug: too little activity!
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2016-10-01, 1:25 PM #119
Originally posted by Yecti:
I'm so acclimated to Reddit's upvote / downvote system that a temporally sorted forum is disorienting for me yet.

I'm not a huge fan of online popularity contests. You know, like all of reddit and facebook and whatever.
2016-10-01, 2:29 PM #120
Originally posted by Krokodile:
Hey here's a bug: too little activity!

Thoughts on how to "fix" that?

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