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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Donald Trump
Donald Trump
2016-07-09, 2:05 PM #361
As I said earlier, Comey outlined a tremendous case against her in his briefing and further condemned her during his congressional testimony. I'm sure the new State Department investigation into her email practices will get to the bottom of this.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-07-09, 2:21 PM #362
Originally posted by Wookie06:
As I said earlier, Comey outlined a tremendous case against her in his briefing and further condemned her during his congressional testimony. I'm sure the new State Department investigation into her email practices will get to the bottom of this.

“As a non-lawyer, as a non-investigator, it would appear to me you have got a hell of a case,” an exasperated Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-Ga.) told Comey.

“I’m telling you we don’t, and I hope people take the time to understand why,” Comey responded.

Scathing remarks.

But, hey, I'm sure George W. Bush's deputy attorney general has no idea what he's talking about, and no interest at all in prosecuting a Clinton if he could get away with it.
2016-07-09, 2:22 PM #363
Maybe we can get to the "bottom" of where your head is, Wookie06.

Eh? Eh? Get it?
2016-07-09, 2:28 PM #364
Originally posted by Wookie06:
As I said earlier, Comey outlined a tremendous case against her in his briefing and further condemned her during his congressional testimony. I'm sure the new State Department investigation into her email practices will get to the bottom of this.

Barring your obviously sarcastic closing sentence, you are indeed correct. Comey lacked the will to prosecute unless he had a full confession from Clinton admitting everything she did was intentionally. There is a double standard in effect, and things have now gotten out of control. I expect to see lots of escalating social unrest in the near future.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2016-07-09, 2:39 PM #365
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Scathing remarks.

But, hey, I'm sure George W. Bush's deputy attorney general has no idea what he's talking about, and no interest at all in prosecuting a Clinton if he could get away with it.

Let's be fair, the only reason HRC wasn't prosecuted was because she's HRC. A white wealthy American woman, intimately connected and a presidential candidate. Comey claims he did not let politics influence him, but instead used politics to to interpret the law.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2016-07-09, 2:41 PM #366
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Barring your obviously sarcastic closing sentence, you are indeed correct. Comey lacked the will to prosecute unless he had a full confession from Clinton admitting everything she did was intentionally. There is a double standard in effect, and things have now gotten out of control. I expect to see lots of escalating social unrest in the near future.

Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Let's be fair, the only reason HRC wasn't prosecuted was because she's HRC. A white wealthy American woman, intimately connected and a presidential candidate. Comey claims he did not let politics influence him, but instead used politics to to interpret the law.

You have no clue what you're talking about.

Based on what they found, and what is considered standard practice at the State Department, a prosecution would have been political. It would have been thrown out immediately on constitutional grounds.
2016-07-09, 3:29 PM #367
Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry all ran private e-mail servers, which "obscured information from the public record, a crime, and mishandled classified information in such a manner to make it highly likely to be intercepted by those not authorized access to it. Another crime." The FBI found this all out during their investigation; the State Department is busted, this **** happens all the time, from both parties, and it's never been prosecuted before or even investigated in a serious way.

And you jokers are here, saying that choosing not to prosecute her is political? lol, gtfo. You can't selectively enforce laws for people you personally dislike.
2016-07-09, 5:28 PM #368
That's not true, Jon. Ask black people.
>>untie shoes
2016-07-10, 4:51 PM #369
Oh the ****ing irony. Now we're terrible people for not wanting to prosecute black people.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-07-10, 10:24 PM #370
>>untie shoes
2016-07-11, 11:12 AM #371
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry all ran private e-mail servers, which "obscured information from the public record, a crime, and mishandled classified information in such a manner to make it highly likely to be intercepted by those not authorized access to it. Another crime." The FBI found this all out during their investigation; the State Department is busted, this **** happens all the time, from both parties, and it's never been prosecuted before or even investigated in a serious way.

And you jokers are here, saying that choosing not to prosecute her is political? lol, gtfo. You can't selectively enforce laws for people you personally dislike.

For Powell and I believe Rice, the information was classified many years later by another administration. While controls must be used with documents that contain information that the author reasonably believes may become classified, this was clearly not the state department's view at the time. The real issue is that Hillary handled information that had already been classified on her server, which was extremely careless. While it technically violated the law, the law itself is on sufficiently shaky constitutional grounds, that a decision to prosecute would probably get the law itself overturned in the Supreme Court.
2016-07-15, 12:11 AM #372
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
For Powell and I believe Rice, the information was classified many years later by another administration. While controls must be used with documents that contain information that the author reasonably believes may become classified, this was clearly not the state department's view at the time. The real issue is that Hillary handled information that had already been classified on her server, which was extremely careless. While it technically violated the law, the law itself is on sufficiently shaky constitutional grounds, that a decision to prosecute would probably get the law itself overturned in the Supreme Court.

The entire law, or the gross negligence part of the law? Somehow I doubt the SCOTUS wants to repeal the entirety of that law. There needs to be legal consequences for that level of gross negligence. Essentially, HRC didn't pay any attention (or at least is pretending 24/7 that this happened ) to any of the protocols and requirements when handling such data. The sad part is, and like Gowdy said, there is still no precedent or legislation that can prevent this from happening again.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2016-07-17, 12:19 PM #373
So we took a day trip to Atlanta yesterday and we passed a billboard that read:
Pray For Our Nation
Take Our Country Back

I think praying for our nation is an ignorant notion. If you truly want to try to better our nation through prayer then I think praying for the hearts and minds of its people would be far more useful. Praying for people to find it in their hearts to be good towards others, especially those different from them.

Take our country back? While I don't ascribe sinister notions, necessarily, to the person that commissioned the billboard take it back from whom? Who gets it then?

What I personally find offensive about this is even if we consider the most noble of motives behind the words on the sign, what it the hell makes any clear thinking person that Trump...

Never mind. I found a new way to interpret the sign. President Trump. Pray for our nation and let's take our country back.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-07-19, 10:46 AM #374
I wish everyone would give FGR 5bux each
Sorry for the lousy German
2016-07-19, 10:50 AM #375
Originally posted by Impi:
Edit: Nevermind

edit: double nevermind
2016-07-19, 10:59 AM #376
Originally posted by Impi:
I wish everyone would give FGR 5bux each

It's true
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-07-19, 11:22 AM #377
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
It's true

think again, buddy
2016-07-19, 12:46 PM #378
Sorry for the lousy German
2020-12-12, 11:26 PM #379
lol oops wrong thread
2020-12-25, 10:40 PM #380
The original Trump thread wow
former entrepreneur
2020-12-28, 5:01 PM #381
Originally posted by Wookie06:
As I said earlier, Comey outlined a tremendous case against her in his briefing and further condemned her during his congressional testimony. I'm sure the new State Department investigation into her email practices will get to the bottom of this.

Or maybe it'll mostly ignore it, and no one will care because they'll be busy getting stirred up over a long series of fresh bull**** that the administration will generate.

I wonder if anyone will remember Trump's incredibly lame pseudo-coup attempt in four years.

I wish I could send this post back in time.
2020-12-29, 10:41 AM #382
I hope the sarcasm in my post wasn't lost on you.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2020-12-31, 2:33 AM #383
Lol, I guess we better start this up again
2021-01-06, 9:23 PM #384
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Or maybe it'll mostly ignore it, and no one will care because they'll be busy getting stirred up over a long series of fresh bull**** that the administration will generate.

I wonder if anyone will remember Trump's incredibly lame pseudo-coup attempt in four years.

I wish I could send this post back in time.

Update: It's still incredibly lame, but they'll probably remember.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.

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