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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Wikileaks begins their week-long leak of DNC documents
Wikileaks begins their week-long leak of DNC documents
2016-08-02, 10:01 AM #81
I'm in California so my vote doesn't matter, but I'll probably either vote for myself or Bernie.
2016-08-02, 10:03 AM #82
I live in Texas, so I'll be writing in Reid as well.
2016-08-02, 10:49 AM #83
Last election I got three votes, this time I'm hoping to shatter that record. Vote for me and you'll get everything you ever wanted. I'm like the room in Stalker.
2016-08-02, 10:54 AM #84
I remember going to that wish granter's room in STALKER and saying: "I want... satisfactory endings to STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl".

I got all the endings of the game instead.

Yes, ALL the endings.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-08-02, 11:40 AM #85
I wished for the game STALKER was originally supposed to be.

edit: instead I spent four hours railroaded through a mediocre rpg lite with zones and filled with invisible walls "radiation", before I got so sick of the gameplay that I installed a trainer just to witness the worst thing that has ever happened to Pripyat.

edit 2: yes, I am saying the last two chapters of STALKER harmed Chernobyl more than the accident itself.
2016-08-02, 12:22 PM #86
After watching the movie I was tempted to try the game, it's really that bad?

Is it even worth borrowing or is it a don't bother sort of game?
2016-08-02, 12:27 PM #87
While I actually wouldn't recommend it, it's not really that bad. It's definitely worth 3bux (or whatever its current price tag is) and/or one playthrough. You've got to be a masochist to enjoy it, though.

The communities and the worshippers, however, are yet another one of those conglomerations of human individuals that should be shot into the Sun. Twice.

In fact, that was my second wish to the Wish Granter. "I want all the STALKER sycophants to be shot into the Sun."

Instead, they weren't.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-08-02, 1:07 PM #88
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
At this point there is no remaining reason left to vote for Hillary.

2016-08-02, 1:27 PM #89
I'd recommend S.T.A.L.K.E.R. quite highly, Reid. All Jon's criticisms are spot on, but if you're the type to enjoy something for its atmosphere despite major flaws, and you happen to like this atmosphere, you may enjoy it immensely, as I did.

Also if you watched and liked the movie, you can probably fill in the gaps w/ some of that affection. It doesn't approach in any way the conceptual or emotional depth of the film or the novella.
2016-08-02, 1:34 PM #90
The game's half-broken though so you probably have to play with mods.
2016-08-02, 6:51 PM #91
Cool, I'll pick it up on the next summer sale. I'm guessing the fix for Stalker is the unofficial patch?

More news about the Wikileaks stuff, "US DNC CEO Amy Dacey, CFO Brad Marshall & Chief of Communications Luis Miranda have resigned". Now up to four.
2016-08-02, 6:56 PM #92
Also I'll add,

“We don’t know enough to ascribe motivation regardless of who it might have been,” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said speaking at Aspen’s Security Forum in Colorado, when asked if the media was getting ahead of themselves in fingering the perpetrator of the hack.

From the Director of National Intelligence, aka a really important guy with the authority to speak on these things. Is nobody going to criticize the democrats for very directly blaming Russia, when their only source is a literal conspiracy theorist, and in the process do potential damage to our relations with Russia?
2016-08-02, 7:03 PM #93
Remember, Hillary Clinton used to be Secretary of State. You can't really expect her to be careful or diplomatic in these kinds of situations.
2016-08-02, 8:41 PM #94
Just putting this out there, but S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat has been my favorite experience with those games. Far less broken, doesn't follow the book, or film, but it gives you some freedom to explore and be free of factions. Sometimes after work I'll fire it up just so I can stand in a field and embrace the pungent atmosphere of a world gone to crap. I like to think it's preparing me for when it will happen for real in a few months.
My blawgh.
2016-08-03, 12:42 AM #95
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
and be free of factions

That's actually one of the reasons why I haven't played through the game a second time. When I first did it (in March-April 2007 or whenever it was released), there was a superobvious glitch that you could use to not ally yourself with any factions (and if I remember correctly, you could still steal their stuff). That one, however, has been fixed.

The bastards.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-08-03, 12:56 AM #96
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
I like to think it's preparing me for when it will happen for real in a few months.

Better stock up

(I guess the GOP will bring the nuts! Oh ho ho)
2016-08-04, 5:51 PM #97
Did they leak anything really incriminating yet or was this leak a disappointment like everything else this election
2016-08-04, 6:11 PM #98
Not really. It turns out that DNC corruption is the boring kind: patronage.

Clinton showing 91.5% in favor on the 538 now cast. Yee haw, ride em cowboy.
2016-08-04, 7:57 PM #99
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Not really. It turns out that DNC corruption is the boring kind: patronage.

Clinton showing 91.5% in favor on the 538 now cast. Yee haw, ride em cowboy.

It's been up and down, but Hillary has been in position to win for almost a year now. Expecting anything else is too optimistic. And Trump's been saying some pretty extra-stupid **** lately.
2016-08-04, 10:04 PM #100
Originally posted by Reid:
It's been up and down, but Hillary has been in position to win for almost a year now. Expecting anything else is too optimistic. And Trump's been saying some pretty extra-stupid **** lately.

True, but 8.5% is the lowest probability so far. Against a candidate who half of Americans believe may be guilty of treason.
2016-08-05, 8:43 AM #101
Originally posted by Reid:
Holy crap, Trump is actually leading; 538 is no joke

Excuse me, how can the situation have changed into this all of a sudden?

I will not have this.

I will not accept this.


Trump will win. Trump must win.

And I must forever bring it up.

Ad infinitum. Ad finnfinitum.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-08-05, 9:25 AM #102
Niku don' make us do that, please.
2016-08-05, 12:17 PM #103
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Excuse me, how can the situation have changed into this all of a sudden?
Because Trump has spent the last week publicly criticizing the grieving parents of a soldier. He is behaving so poorly after the nomination that some former Trump supporters are starting to say his nomination was a Clinton ploy to run unopposed.
2016-08-05, 12:37 PM #104


Also, some of these estimates are kind of funny.

These ones are not surprising:

These actually surprised me. Oy!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-08-05, 12:39 PM #105
Don't worry about Florida, there's still lots of time to suppress the Hispanic vote.
2016-08-05, 12:42 PM #106
FWIW people should probably take 538 polls plus with a grain of salt. Hysteresis has its place but it's probably not in the 2016 US presidential race.

Trump's chances are probably quite a lot worse.
2016-08-05, 2:42 PM #107
You can also look at the betting odds, which are a little worse than 538 polls plus for Trump (but not a whole lot).
2016-08-05, 5:37 PM #108
The people placing their bets with Johnson must be up to something. Or maybe it's Gary Johnson himself.
2016-08-05, 5:45 PM #109
Maybe they are the same people who thought that inflating Ron Paul's numbers would help him actually win. :-P
2016-08-05, 6:29 PM #110
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Because Trump has spent the last week publicly criticizing the grieving parents of a soldier. He is behaving so poorly after the nomination that some former Trump supporters are starting to say his nomination was a Clinton ploy to run unopposed.

Does Trump not have any real advisers or anyone to help direct this campaign. It's a bit perplexing at this point in the race. The FBI-email fiasco could have been a gravy train yet Trump lets that simmer down. Then the DNC leaks show pure Hillary dirt, but then he turns that opportunity into him seemingly promoting espionage onto the very country he wants to run. And now he's chasing the type of bait touched upon by previously leaked anti-Trump documents.
2016-08-05, 6:36 PM #111
Hillary and Trump are out of touch with anything resembling this world. It's expected they'll say crazy things because they can probably hardly comprehend what life is like for us plebs and why we think what we do.
2016-08-05, 6:39 PM #112
Originally posted by Jon`C:
True, but 8.5% is the lowest probability so far. Against a candidate who half of Americans believe may be guilty of treason.

Trump has made himself this unlikable, he stopped being funny, and Trump being serious is like watching dogs have sex.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
FWIW people should probably take 538 polls plus with a grain of salt. Hysteresis has its place but it's probably not in the 2016 US presidential race.

Trump's chances are probably quite a lot worse.

This is basically true. I wonder how much more literally fascist the Republican Party's rhetoric will become though. The future is going to be fun.
2016-08-05, 6:43 PM #113
I see the Hillary Political Machine working fairly well though. I mean, it seems to be in-touch with the environment it's in; the DNC leaked documents situation shows this, I feel.
2016-08-05, 7:09 PM #114
Yeah, it does seem that way.
2016-08-05, 9:17 PM #115
If only Reid were in power, the world would be a perfect place.
2016-08-06, 12:09 AM #116
I'm an idiot and I don't have a comprehensive political ideology, I just get mad about stuff and pitchfork like any good peasant.
2016-08-06, 9:01 AM #117
President isn't powerful enough to fix the actual problem (congressional populism) and president has to work around it directly every day, while getting blamed for the actual problem by hundreds of millions of people who failed civics. That makes it probably the worst job on the planet. The only people who want the job are insane.
2016-08-06, 12:14 PM #118
The president is mostly a symbolic position. The real problems are much more systemic and ingrained than who sits in the Oval Office.

In other news,

A citizen puts in some effort and breaks another pretty big story, bigger than anything any large media corporation has this year. Pushing out clickbait and figuring out how to spin is what journalism is about.
2016-08-06, 12:45 PM #119
Originally posted by Reid:
In other news,

A citizen puts in some effort and breaks another pretty big story, bigger than anything any large media corporation has this year. Pushing out clickbait and figuring out how to spin is what journalism is about.

Finding hookers online who steel your gun and choking your employees into having sex, and much more. Wow, that is some disgraceful and dangerous behavior.
2016-08-06, 1:43 PM #120
On the plus side, at least the Secret Service didn't cover up the murder and rape of a US female soldier by a male soldier as "suicide"*.


* = <BurgerBoy> That's not the SS's duty, it was up to Gates/Panetta
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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