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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Wikileaks begins their week-long leak of DNC documents
Wikileaks begins their week-long leak of DNC documents
2016-08-09, 10:12 PM #121
I'm sure I'll be ridiculed for sharing this here but I'm curious what people think about this. I don't particularly care since I don't presently see a viable candidate that I can support at this point. I just thought it was odd.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-08-09, 10:43 PM #122
FDR had polio.
2016-08-09, 11:06 PM #123
I can't tell if you're being serious or not, Wookie. She wasn't done answering a question, and she was obviously making fun of getting interrupted by a bunch of reporters asking new questions all at once. The reporters understand this, so they laugh. The comments to that video seem to be full of people triggered by her reaction. Are people this bad at social interaction now?
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2016-08-09, 11:28 PM #124
Calm down, Kroko. Obviously you haven't taken your valium mini maglite injection today.

Edit: preditable complaint "but if it's just a flashlight, why is this SS agent playing with it all the time?". Which is pretty much the fastest way to tell that someone has never held a maglite before.
2016-08-10, 7:52 AM #125
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I'm sure I'll be ridiculed for sharing this here but I'm curious what people think about this. I don't particularly care since I don't presently see a viable candidate that I can support at this point. I just thought it was odd.

It's just some of the signature humor that Hillary Clinton is known so well for.
former entrepreneur
2016-08-10, 10:23 AM #126
I think Eversor's comment is a good response to Kroko's "obviously" theory. I hadn't thought of that possibility but that seems like quite a stretch.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-08-10, 10:57 AM #127
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I think Eversor's comment is a good response to Kroko's "obviously" theory. I hadn't thought of that possibility but that seems like quite a stretch.

Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2016-08-10, 2:14 PM #128
So you are worried about Clinton's health, because she might die?

Have you considered that Trump doesn't even need to die for his mental health to already be a problem?
2016-08-10, 2:37 PM #129
Wookie06 isn't a Trump supporter, he just gets a lot of chain emails.
2016-08-10, 3:50 PM #130
No, I actually don't get chain emails anymore. I'd actually forgotten that that was a thing. I probably got it from The Blaze or something.

I'm neither worried nor concerned about either one of their health. Both of their number two picks are bound to be less bad.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-08-10, 3:59 PM #131
I am both surprised and nonplussed.
2016-08-11, 4:28 PM #132
I'm honestly not convinced that Pence is any better than Trump. Trump doesn't have a solid stance on most issues, but Pence has horrible stances on just about everything.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2016-08-11, 4:35 PM #133
At least he didn't found ISIS.
2016-08-11, 8:59 PM #134
Just wait until the debates, when Trump refuses to do the Fox News debate because Megyn Kelly founded ISIS.
>>untie shoes
2016-08-11, 9:21 PM #135
Has Trump conceded yet?
2016-08-12, 4:36 AM #136
He said hes okay with citizens being tried in military courts. And we know his double down syndrome will prevent him from backing out.

So yes, he's conceded the election, even if he hasn't realized it.
2016-08-12, 2:07 PM #137
Originally posted by Antony:
Just wait until the debates, when Trump refuses to do the Fox News debate because Megyn Kelly founded ISIS.

Well, there was easily enough room to hide in her cave. OHHHH
2016-08-15, 11:07 AM #138
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I'm honestly not convinced that Pence is any better than Trump. Trump doesn't have a solid stance on most issues, but Pence has horrible stances on just about everything.

I'm most angry that he ate at Chili's in New York City. I'm living in Indianapolis right now and it just confirms my growing prejudice that Hoosiers are the most boring people on the planet. It's nearly impossible to find decent food here. Everything new is either some crappy generic pub/wood fired pizza place that must come from some kind of restaurant kit somewhere, or "Upscale Comfort Food". Everything else is a chain restaurant.
2016-08-15, 12:45 PM #139
Really? Wow. I'm in NYC now and I don't even know where a Chili's is around here. You would have to seek that **** out.
2016-08-15, 7:37 PM #140
Everybody knows that Trump meant Obama created a vacuum and lost the peace in Iraq.

Err, never mind.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-08-15, 8:25 PM #141
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Everybody knows that Trump meant Obama created a vacuum and lost the peace in Iraq.

Err, never mind.

Ronald Reagan founded ISIS.

No, that isn't Trumpian bombast. It is a literal, historically accurate statement. Ronald Reagan's government armed, paid, and trained the organization which eventually became ISIS.
2016-08-15, 8:29 PM #142
TBH what I'm picturing there is, someone probably told Trump once that the US government created ISIS (because it literally did, at first, and later created room for it to grow) and he just thought that... well, because we didn't hear about ISIS more than a few years ago, it was Obama's fault.

Edit: basically Trump's wrong in a relatively narrow sense, historically speaking. Future historians probably won't distinguish much between Reagan's Operation Cyclone and Obama's drone assassination campaign. They'll probably look at the Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Clinton-Bush block as a cascade of stupid crooked things done by stupid people to avert stupid problems, much the same way we don't really distinguish between the 'good' and 'bad' emperors when talking about the fall of Rome. Like I'm sure Anthemius wrote some good civil planning laws, but that's not making up for the rest of it.
2016-08-15, 8:40 PM #143
Like I'm sure H̶i̶l̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶C̶l̶i̶n̶t̶o̶n̶ Anthemius wrote some good civil planning laws, but that's not making up for the rest of it.

Ouch, that hurts.
2016-08-24, 5:38 PM #144

I wonder how much I'd have to donate to get an aircraft carrier named after me.
2016-08-25, 6:51 AM #145

That would be an interesting funding structure though. The USS Verizon: Protecting America's largest mobile network!
2016-08-25, 8:42 AM #146
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
That would be an interesting funding structure though. The USS Verizon: Protecting America's largest mobile network!

For some reason this feels... right.

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