Aren't you the guy that made JHS? My clan mates & I have probably played your level for hundreds of hours each. You may have been a teenager & it certainly shows, aesthetically, but I think that you should be proud of this level. Few Massassians, despite their often justifiable & sometimes harsh criticism of said level, were ever able to accomplish anything that was so well received by the players. JHS was one of those rare levels that was appreciated by both the expert & newbie players alike, & though I'm certain you'd adjust much of the gameplay had you set out to built it today, it was pretty damn good for the time. I have fond memories of playing 2v2 NF JHS with my friends & "enemies" & few things have made me laugh harder in this game than catching someone with the traps or knocking someone off the roof to their death. The JKDF2 "community" was quite divisive & unfortunately, JHS was the poster level of the rift between the editors & the serious players.
I disagree with Brian about his rant on guns (which I'll get to later if I get a chance), but I'm with him when it comes to giving people the benefit of the doubt when they come back after doing or saying something controversial (I didn't read the specifics & don't care). I was in favor of Wookie coming back & expressed this opinion, even though his opinions annoyed me. I'm a living testament to how much people can change over the years (right-wing fundamentalist evidence-denying Christian --> lifelong learner, atheist, & skeptic) & I'd hate to think that others wouldn't be given that opportunity. However, my advice is that you not get butt-hurt about it, ignore the naysayers, & demand your respect by showing them how wrong they are. I know that Massassians can be annoying (someone once bothered me for days, claiming that I didn't know the meaning of a word that I knew the meaning of, & then that person's supporters piled on instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt) & tribalistic, but there
is some value here, even as we approach what appears to be death's door.
As far as discouragement towards JKDF2 & its remaining community, it'd be helpful if you consider that there's context that you may not be aware of. For instance, by the time you brought up your proposed community website, dozens of others had already come up with a similar idea, & the success rate has been nearly 0%, I'd imagine. I briefly took a stab at
a similar idea, but my approach was different, & not only did I not receive any negativity, the people in the chat room were nice enough to give me a much needed & requested SQL-injection 101 course. I suppose that the primary difference was that I was coming at it from an "I'd like to teach myself HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, & Rails." perspective, while also being fully aware of the fact that it'd likely never be used by anyone, & the best I could hope for was a constant hemorrhaging of "members" & eventual failure.