JKE has most certainly deserved being Level of the Week for about 10 years now.
But the time has come for change.
What is Backup Base 1.1?
A level truly ahead of its time.
Backup Base 1.1 was created by Kroko.
Kroko is the future-past son/grandfather of GBK, and the author of the legendary level Backup Base 1.1.
Some say that he spends his nights plotting revenge for the downfall of the Nazi Regime, and that his diet consists entirely of deep-fried garlic snaps.
All we know is, he's called the KROKODILE.
What does Backup Base 1.1 mean for you?
I couldn't look at JK the same way ever again, for it brought tears to my eyes.
I nearly gave up JK editing at that point as I knew I would never be able to exceed Backup Base 1.1.
That's why it's not so high on the download count list. It blew people's minds and would have stopped JK editing way too soon.
It was just so far outside the box, so people couldn't wrap their brains around it.
Not many people know that there was a reason why Kroko didn't include the required custom texture in the first version.
He was trying to save us from the truth.
But eventually he relented and... people just looked away since they were afraid.
They were afraid of his raw genius. His pure creativity.
As it so happens, even Kroko wasn't able to withstand what lied within Backup Base 1.1.
He looked at his creation and wept.
Did Michelangelo weep when he finished painting the Sistine Chapel?
Because Backup Base 1.1 was no lesser feat.
It's time for Backup Base 1.1 to replace JKE on The Massassi Temple's main page.
But the time has come for change.
What is Backup Base 1.1?
A level truly ahead of its time.
Backup Base 1.1 was created by Kroko.
Kroko is the future-past son/grandfather of GBK, and the author of the legendary level Backup Base 1.1.
Some say that he spends his nights plotting revenge for the downfall of the Nazi Regime, and that his diet consists entirely of deep-fried garlic snaps.
All we know is, he's called the KROKODILE.
What does Backup Base 1.1 mean for you?
I couldn't look at JK the same way ever again, for it brought tears to my eyes.
I nearly gave up JK editing at that point as I knew I would never be able to exceed Backup Base 1.1.
That's why it's not so high on the download count list. It blew people's minds and would have stopped JK editing way too soon.
It was just so far outside the box, so people couldn't wrap their brains around it.
Not many people know that there was a reason why Kroko didn't include the required custom texture in the first version.
He was trying to save us from the truth.
But eventually he relented and... people just looked away since they were afraid.
They were afraid of his raw genius. His pure creativity.
As it so happens, even Kroko wasn't able to withstand what lied within Backup Base 1.1.
He looked at his creation and wept.
Did Michelangelo weep when he finished painting the Sistine Chapel?
Because Backup Base 1.1 was no lesser feat.
It's time for Backup Base 1.1 to replace JKE on The Massassi Temple's main page.