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This is the static archive of the Massassi Forums. The forums are closed indefinitely. Thanks for all the memories!

You can also download Super Old Archived Message Boards from when Massassi first started.

"View" counts are as of the day the forums were archived, and will no longer increase.

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2023-05-19, 2:52 PM #41
There's only one thread in the galaxies forum and it's not related to galaxies or AC. I'm guessing the previous owner of the forums deleted everything older than some arbitrary date to save space or speed up the forums. Or maybe they got hacked and there wasn't a backup? I don't know. Next time I'm working on my archive program, probably this Sunday, I'll run some searches directly on the database and see if I can find things related to AC that aren't in the Discussion Forum.

I miss AC, also :(
2023-05-19, 3:02 PM #42
Yeah. AC was a truly unique late 90s/early 2000s internet experience. There's an AC-shaped hole in my heart. :(
former entrepreneur
2023-05-19, 3:10 PM #43
You probably know that there's some kinda fan version that still lets you play. BAH_Strike on Discord plays it and contributes somehow. I have never tried it.
2023-05-19, 3:12 PM #44
Yeah, I know about it, but I've never tried it, as curious as I am about it. As someone once said, MMORPGs are pretty much incompatible with adulthood.
former entrepreneur
2023-05-20, 3:41 PM #45
What an inevitable shame. These forums have been a constant in my life since I was a teenager. It probably sounds weird but it's been strangely comforting just knowing they're here! I understand the decision. On a wider note, I do think it's a step backwards having all communities hosted on the same few big platforms these days. It was nicer and created a better sense of community when we had forums like this!

Speaking of the secret forums, I think I might be one of the only people to look through and post in them somewhat recently (well, a year or so ago). ******'s Forum Of Ego was hilarious back in the day. It was blue instead of green, had its own logo and everything. There was also "Forum of love" which I think was an april fools joke but stuck around as a secret forum? That was pink.

I remember we all got told off by Brian because we were trying to see how many views we could get on a single thread in one of the secret forums and set up auto refreshers and ate up a load of bandwidth :XD:
2023-05-21, 12:57 AM #46
Well.. while we're all here - can anyone recommend any good Dark Forces levels? I've been playing various retro-FPS games lately and decided I'd never really given DF SP maps a shot.

I started with the DF-21 hall of fame from the bottom:

And holy balls, Mt Kurek is everything that makes me want to beat my face into my keyboard about user-made single player maps. 30 minutes of spamming the stormtrooper rifle followed by trying not to die in a ridiculous volcano maze.
At one point I had to restart, because I'd pressed the wrong button on an elevator, which trapped me in a room. Chef's kiss stuff.
2023-05-21, 8:11 AM #47
Also, does anyone else occasionally realise that we're now (most of us at least) much older than Darth Evad(34 I think?) and MikeC(37?) were when they were around circa early 00's? They were at that point the wise ancient ones, who had knowledge of such things as "divorce".
2023-05-23, 6:31 PM #48
I was brought to Massassi by my childhood friend MadQuack - the kid with the boxers on his head. This site was such a huge part of my life from 2001 to ~2013, and then a medium part of my life for the next 5 years, then a small part of my life after that. But always a meaningful part. I learned so much here. I grew so much here. Hell, I grew *up* here. There are so many pieces of my personality I trace back to this place. So many late nights, so many friends, so many stupid debates and arguments.

To weird and bad ideas like happydad and Floppy. To friends like MadQuack, Fishstickz, sublimechica182, sugarless5, mavispoo, mbeggar, Dormouse, and so many more. To the statistically improbable number of us that all went to college together. To some of my best friends, and to the trolls. To IRC and teapot. To the secret forums and the TCs that never saw the light of day (I'm still waiting for bombshellrapture's Star Trek TC). To Brian, who - for some reason - dealt with all of us and kept this ship running for 25 years. To the megathreads of breaking news events - 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and more. To the nine million page "What are you listening to right now?" thread where I discovered many bands I still listen to today. To my love of white text on dark backgrounds. To late nights on the Zone. To the internet drama between message boards. To the friends whose names I never knew, and to the friends I'll never be able to track down.

Here's to Massassi. I'll remember you always. You will live on in me.
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2023-05-23, 8:51 PM #49
I blame Flirbnic, as I do for so many excellent things in my life. Teapot shenanigans and support systems, getting reckt and my life sorted out in the CvE forum, storycrafting a detailed NES character and posting barely more than once in the actual fic, all my forever comrades, happydud (who I'm very glad didn't go boom), mavispoo, and the rest of the crew. COGs and GOBs and KEYs oh my, some day I will obviously finish up that AvP TC right.
I reckon it's probably been a decade since I hung out here much at all, but what a time it was to be alive and on the internets.
Bless. xx
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2023-05-24, 1:10 AM #50
Originally posted by GHORG:
Well.. while we're all here - can anyone recommend any good Dark Forces levels? I've been playing various retro-FPS games lately and decided I'd never really given DF SP maps a shot.

I started with the DF-21 hall of fame from the bottom:

And holy balls, Mt Kurek is everything that makes me want to beat my face into my keyboard about user-made single player maps. 30 minutes of spamming the stormtrooper rifle followed by trying not to die in a ridiculous volcano maze.
At one point I had to restart, because I'd pressed the wrong button on an elevator, which trapped me in a room. Chef's kiss stuff.

lol this is classic

God speed!
2023-05-24, 7:01 AM #51
Sup nerds!

I know it's "just a forum" but between this and IRC I found so many buds that have impacted my life in a very real way. It is truly bonkers that so many of us ended up going to the same college, but also pretty great. I was always pretty bad at editing for JK but that didn't stop me from trying! It did help me grow and explore a career in design which has worked out pretty nice.

it's nice to come back and see so many familiar names. if you wanna stay in touch through other mediums:
twitter (for now) @patcartelli
discord mb#0836
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2023-05-24, 7:22 AM #52
Since the cool kids are doing it...I don't do a bunch on social media but I occasionally put hobby stuff up here if you ever want to creep.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2023-05-24, 7:23 AM #53
Originally posted by Dormouse:
Since the cool kids are doing it...[/url]

going to assume this is about me and i accept!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2023-05-24, 7:25 AM #54
grandpa over here not remembering how to quote post properly
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2023-05-24, 11:18 AM #55
I miss Galaxies, and I regret not having played AC :(
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2023-05-24, 12:23 PM #56
Originally posted by Admiral Zarn:
I miss Galaxies, and I regret not having played AC :(

I loved SWG so much. Was just talking about it recently with someone.
My Parkour blog
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2023-05-24, 1:31 PM #57
Originally posted by happydud:
I loved SWG so much. Was just talking about it recently with someone.

Tried any of the private servers? I played one or two of them a couple of years ago. It was fun, but didn't really have an adventuring party to go do shenanigans with.
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2023-05-24, 8:15 PM #58
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Guess I'll never make it to 8000 posts. Can't believe it's been twenty years.

You're only 75 posts away. That sounds like quitter talk
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2023-05-24, 8:57 PM #59
Originally posted by mb:
Sup nerds!

I know it's "just a forum" but between this and IRC I found so many buds that have impacted my life in a very real way. It is truly bonkers that so many of us ended up going to the same college, but also pretty great. I was always pretty bad at editing for JK but that didn't stop me from trying! It did help me grow and explore a career in design which has worked out pretty nice.

it's nice to come back and see so many familiar names. if you wanna stay in touch through other mediums:
twitter (for now) @patcartelli
discord mb#0836

can i follow you on truth social?
former entrepreneur
2023-05-25, 7:23 AM #60
Originally posted by Eversor:
can i follow you on truth social?

you can certainly try!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2023-05-25, 9:53 AM #61
Originally posted by GHORG:
Also, does anyone else occasionally realise that we're now (most of us at least) much older than Darth Evad(34 I think?) and MikeC(37?) were when they were around circa early 00's? They were at that point the wise ancient ones, who had knowledge of such things as "divorce".

Despite the age gap, there was one thing Darth Evad and I had in common. Liv Tyler is h4wt
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2023-05-26, 5:31 PM #62
With the forums becoming static, does that mean I just got one of the last "Happy Birthday" emails?
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2023-05-28, 3:51 PM #63
Huge thanks to Brian and the others who maintained the forum. JKDF2 and Massassi played a significant role in my early teen years back in the late 90's and early 2000's (Posting under a different username). Even though we only released an early beta version of JK Team Battle, it was rewarding working with the likes of Hellcat, Freelancer, Dormouse, Dirtydog etc. and taught me a lot.
2023-05-30, 7:09 AM #64
This has really thrown a spanner in the works for me, I was going to make a thread about tracking down lost mods and levels. Perhaps with a list of lost mods and hacks to see if anyone has a copy or to see if anyone might be able to search for them. I was also going to propose an idea for a project to improve bots to make them more adaptable and able to being used in levels without pathing like the bots in Skulltag are. I was also going to see if anyone thinks that machine learning could be used to improve bots and allow them to learn and explore levels themselves, it is surly possible with modern AI technology. Also I hoped that I would be able to check back for any updates on the situation with etc. I know the fourms must be a pain to upkeep but they are an invaluable resource especially for looking for levels, mods and resources. Taking them down to replace them with the cancer that is discord is really a bad idea.
2023-05-31, 6:03 AM #65
I've been posting on and frequently checking these forums for half of my life. I was downloading levels and mods here as early as 1999, but it wasn't until I was a Junior in Highschool in 2006 that Spook got me interested in the forums because someone here was making a detailed Soul Reaver costume and posting their progress in the Showcase forum.
I didn't expect the culture shock I got after participating in the Discussion forum, when I realized how limited my world views and preconceived notions were. But because of the diverse community at that time I attribute being a more well-rounded person as a result of my interactions and discussions with the community. Thanks Brian for keeping this place alive for so long.
My blawgh.
2023-05-31, 10:18 AM #66
I think I first joined Massassi shortly before my first trip to Iraq in 2003. Unfortunately I look at most of my time on the board as a complete waste of time. There were some real low points that standout to me from probably 2007-2016ish. Fortunately things did improve but then Discord, which is a garbage replacement for forums, essentially killed Massassi. Fortunately Brian started a Massassi Discord and it's a very friendly place and really awesome to see the innovation and energy people still have for this classic franchise.

Brian is one of the classiest people I have met online. It's been a pleasure getting to know him and I'm very appreciative of his kind and generous nature. I 100% agree with his decision to essentially retire this board. Hopefully the perennial old timers that drop in will find their way to the Discord.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2023-05-31, 12:19 PM #67
Just providing an update: I haven't quite finished the export so the forums will stay open at least 1 more month. New plan is July 1st.
2023-05-31, 12:47 PM #68
Originally posted by Brian:
Just providing an update: I haven't quite finished the export so the forums will stay open at least 1 more month. New plan is July 1st.

this was just a trick to get us back here
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2023-05-31, 12:50 PM #69
Originally posted by mb:
this was just a trick to get us back here

If only I was that clever!
2023-05-31, 4:16 PM #70
Originally posted by Brian:
If only I was that clever!

Worked regardless, so take the credit!
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2023-06-01, 4:11 PM #71
I'm late to the goodbye party, but the sincerest many thanks to all the wonderful people I've met here over the years. I've been so busy with a new job (that I'd never have without my experience and knowledge from all of you!) that I've been putting off replying. And of course many thanks, Brian, for all your hard work (and money) over the years, it's meant a lot to many. Those of us out here in the Seattle/PNW area oughta hold one of those OMGWTFBBQs at some point.

Take care everyone,
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2023-06-04, 2:15 AM #72
I've done little more than lurk here for the last 21 years but I've still enjoyed my time. This was the first forum I ever joined. My first step into the weird, wild world of the social internet. The first of a thousand places I would lurk in the shadows trying to feel a part of the conversation without ever contributing to it.

Thanks so much for this place.

Now off I go to lurk on discord.
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2023-06-08, 6:39 AM #73
i know the sun is setting here and things are closing down, but I wanted to take a moment to say:

To loosely quote Brian Simpson - "This isn't about politics. I don't care if you're conservative or just a decent person." if you're out there using slurs and attacking people for their identities, get over it. Grow up. Let people be people. Let people live their ****ing lives.

That is, unless, you're out there living your life and doing harm to other people. You're harming my family and my friends.

If you have a problem with any of this, well, I don't care. ✌️
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2023-06-08, 8:23 AM #74
Or, alternatively: more insults! How about some classics, like "you smell!" or "up yours, pal!"
former entrepreneur
2023-06-08, 10:02 AM #75
Originally posted by Brian:
Just providing an update: I haven't quite finished the export so the forums will stay open at least 1 more month. New plan is July 1st.

I think through 2023 at least would be good. What's the hurry?
former entrepreneur
2023-06-10, 2:14 AM #76
End of an era. Thanks for everything, Brian. Take care guys.
omnia mea mecum porto
2023-06-14, 8:42 AM #77
So are we gonna fight over who gets the last word in before the petrification?

Or do we just let Joncy have it for sake of tradition?
2023-06-14, 10:08 AM #78
Originally posted by Baconfish:
So are we gonna fight over who gets the last word in before the petrification?

You mean frozen in carbonite.
My Parkour blog
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2023-06-14, 2:44 PM #79
Originally posted by Baconfish:
So are we gonna fight over who gets the last word in before the petrification?

Or do we just let Joncy have it for sake of tradition?

**** joncy, be best if it was some rando who hasn't posted in forever
may or may not be DrkJedi82
2023-06-15, 6:13 AM #80
Avenger posting what he's listening to right now.

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