I'm not saying that Gris, all i'm saying is that it's absurd and unapologetically ignorant to claim that Bush is evil of an extent and commision never before seen by God and man, as seems to be a popular opinion.
I think that these measures may be a bit out of proportion or the like, but i'm certainly not going to claim that had Bush not done them someone else would have. Look at all the stuff that so many people are furious at Bush for, and then realise that a lot of that is either hold-overs from Clinton or things that Clinton did exactly the same, and i didn't see Democrats howling about those policies or actions or whatever then.
You want progressive, this /is/ progressive. Everything moving to comprehensive database systems is almost unilaterally envisioned as the future of administration and organisation. Agreeing or disagreeing with it is somewhat irrelevant at best and just as likely to get you branded a 'luddite' by 'progressives'.
Do i think they're necessarily going about it quite right, not as such, if theyre going to adopt that sort of system they should damn well be id'ing everyone, we've had our share of American and/or white terrorists in the past. And honestly it's not as thuogh passengar manifests of airlines haven't been available for investigations or the like for years already.
Do i think it's wrong for enforcement agencies to have access to a national databsse of driver's license and infractions and such.. no not particularly, if someone has a record for consistent drunken reckless endangerment, i want them to be tagged for that even when theyre in another state y'know.
Basically /everyone/ is collecting all sorts of information abuot everyone. There's a case in thecourts or soon to be at least, around here, abuot banning supermarkets from using shopoper discount cards on the basis that they ostensibly sell the personal information you give them while signing up, and inflate prices to give you a 'discount'.
Then you've got your national voter registry, and beyond that.. look the draft bureau; let's talk abuot mandatory database registration and inclusion here shall we. Then as has been mentioned very appropriately earlier, there's passports. I don't necessarily feel any better abuot having all my information and picture in another massive national registry for that, but unless you plan to stay in this country your whole life you have to get that done [how's /that/ for irony, for those who wish to go to europeor the moon or whatever if the ever so very evil and malicious Bush gets elected again eh]. I was personally more than a little reticent to get my passport renewed [last time used it was a trip to germany like 5y ago], but eventually went and did it against my better judgement and so now have a passport where i look like an IRA terrorist trying to pass as a Berkeley activist, but yannow.
Basically as long as there's computers there's gonna be databases, and is the wont of people with technology, theyre gonna keep wanting to find new and different and more complicated ways of using it; again may i reference the rather more likely oncoming of Brave New World vs 1984.
Yes of course there's rampant chance for abuse of the system or whatever, but that follows for every human system ever created. Sew. I hate to end with a cliche, but i think that generally this falls under the heading of: "The only ones who need fear the law, are those who are breaking it."
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Capite Terram]
Applecore scowled. "What does that mean, 'real'? Amn't I real, you? If you cut me, do I not bleed? If you piss me off, will I not kick you up the arse?" -War of the Flowers
Also, I can kill you with my brain.