I say you write her a note, then sneak it into her purse, or something!!!
..... or not.
But seriously,
Last year I was exactly like you. I have loosened up a little since, with help from a few classes that would require me to give presentations in front of the class, but I've not improved much, but every little bit counts I suppose. Anyway, here is my 2 cents. Who knows it may help you...
Start off by simply going up to her and saying Hi in some way (Hi, Hello, Greetings, Good (Morning/Afternoon/Evening, etc...) If she says Hi back your in pretty good shape as it is, plus it can be a confidence booster because it can show that she is willing to talk to you and not repelled by you.
Then, as mentioned by many others before me, ask her questions such as "Do you go to [insert school here]?" "What's your major?" Just look around for some interests that you might share... but I would not recommend asking stuff like "Do you like [insert activity or hobby here]?" (i.e. "Do you like Star Wars?") I think you would be better off asking something like "What kind of music do you like?" or "What kind of movies do you like?" something to that effect. It leaves room to expand the conversation if you are able to find something you agree with.
You don't want to make the conversation extraordinarily long, as mentioned before, 20 minutes is a good length, but it depends on the setting. Like if you are at a bus stop, I wouldn't recommend talking for very long at all, just something quick until the bus comes or seomthing. If you were at, say... lunch or in class, the conversation can be longer because there's more time. Just don't make the conversation last so long that you wouldn't have something else to talk about the next time. If you feel that the conversation is "running thin" try to end the conversation without lying, and without making it appear that you dont want to talk to her again. This is a great time to ask for her number or some way to contact her. Something like "Well, it's been fun talking with you, but I have got to get some stuff done. Maybe we could get together some time to just hang out or something." Something to that effect.
There's 2 things you need to watch out for... that I can think of anyway...
1) Watch her body language. If she seems uninterested don't push your luck. However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't try again some other time, it just means that you shouldn't try to have a conversation with you if she does not feel like it at that time, which could be for any number of reasons.
2) Watch yourself. Don't let yourself come off as someone you are not. If you are not interested in a certain sport, don't tell her you are. It's easy to get "caught up" in the fact that you are actually talking to the girl, and you might, unwillingly, try to make yourself sound like someone she would accept. If she can't accept you for you, she's not worth your time.
Your main goal, once you get a conversation going, is to learn more about her, and to introduce yourself to her.
Good luck to you!
In rememberance of MaDaVentor...
MaDaVentor Memorial Post
The Limelite Memorial
The MaDaVentor Memorial Pack
RiP MaDa. You will be greatly missed, but never forgotten.
[This message has been edited by FCTuner04 (edited January 16, 2004).]