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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Need some advice...(Girls)
Need some advice...(Girls)
2004-01-16, 1:52 PM #41
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by MFalse3:

here's the link:


Thanks for the link! I've been reading it. Actually, when I read some of it I thought, "cool. That's already me."

"Fact: Women love long hair! It's an instant chick magnet" [] If that's actually true then i'm sorted []

"If you doubt this, buy a leather jacket, grow your hair out" Again, cool. That's already me.

If nothing else, this has boosted my confidence a little.

2004-01-16, 3:20 PM #42
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">One thing you as a geek are remarkably good at is learning from your mistakes. When you write a line of code that causes your compiler to barf, you don't just call the whole deal off -- you go back and look at the code and try to figure out what went wrong. Likewise a rejection doesn't need to be a disaster. Go back and look at what happened with a view to making it better next time. Chances are your next woo-pitching expedition will be more successful. So don't freeze up, or you'll never debug the process!</font>

Best relavent (s?) advice for this forum ever.

MadQuack on Military school: Pro's: I get to shoot a gun. Con's: Everything else.
"I'm going to beat you until the laws of physics are violated!!" ! Maeve's Warcry

RIP -MaDaVentor-. You will be missed.
My Parkour blog
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2004-01-16, 5:28 PM #43
I skimmed through the first part of the site and some things they said were incorrect.

I am the god of dating! You will respect my authoritah!

[This message has been edited by Kieran Horn (edited January 17, 2004).]
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-01-16, 6:00 PM #44
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Fact: Women love long hair! It's an instant chick magnet. It's better than walking puppies in the park! Wash it and wear it down. Toss it around on your shoulders a lot. When my guy does this, women will just walk up and start touching his hair! Wouldn't you like this to happen to you?</font>

*bang head on desk*

Why did I get rid of my hair??? And it's true, thinking back on it. Some females did touch it...

I have a signature.
I have a signature.
2004-01-16, 6:05 PM #45
I don't belive that was said...

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Burrie|WatchingFromTheShadows holds up a skeleton's head. "= or !=. That is the statement."</font>
2004-01-16, 6:47 PM #46
I say you write her a note, then sneak it into her purse, or something!!!

..... or not.

But seriously,
Last year I was exactly like you. I have loosened up a little since, with help from a few classes that would require me to give presentations in front of the class, but I've not improved much, but every little bit counts I suppose. Anyway, here is my 2 cents. Who knows it may help you...

Start off by simply going up to her and saying Hi in some way (Hi, Hello, Greetings, Good (Morning/Afternoon/Evening, etc...) If she says Hi back your in pretty good shape as it is, plus it can be a confidence booster because it can show that she is willing to talk to you and not repelled by you.

Then, as mentioned by many others before me, ask her questions such as "Do you go to [insert school here]?" "What's your major?" Just look around for some interests that you might share... but I would not recommend asking stuff like "Do you like [insert activity or hobby here]?" (i.e. "Do you like Star Wars?") I think you would be better off asking something like "What kind of music do you like?" or "What kind of movies do you like?" something to that effect. It leaves room to expand the conversation if you are able to find something you agree with.

You don't want to make the conversation extraordinarily long, as mentioned before, 20 minutes is a good length, but it depends on the setting. Like if you are at a bus stop, I wouldn't recommend talking for very long at all, just something quick until the bus comes or seomthing. If you were at, say... lunch or in class, the conversation can be longer because there's more time. Just don't make the conversation last so long that you wouldn't have something else to talk about the next time. If you feel that the conversation is "running thin" try to end the conversation without lying, and without making it appear that you dont want to talk to her again. This is a great time to ask for her number or some way to contact her. Something like "Well, it's been fun talking with you, but I have got to get some stuff done. Maybe we could get together some time to just hang out or something." Something to that effect.

There's 2 things you need to watch out for... that I can think of anyway...

1) Watch her body language. If she seems uninterested don't push your luck. However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't try again some other time, it just means that you shouldn't try to have a conversation with you if she does not feel like it at that time, which could be for any number of reasons.


2) Watch yourself. Don't let yourself come off as someone you are not. If you are not interested in a certain sport, don't tell her you are. It's easy to get "caught up" in the fact that you are actually talking to the girl, and you might, unwillingly, try to make yourself sound like someone she would accept. If she can't accept you for you, she's not worth your time.

Your main goal, once you get a conversation going, is to learn more about her, and to introduce yourself to her.

Good luck to you!

In rememberance of MaDaVentor...
MaDaVentor Memorial Post
The Limelite Memorial
The MaDaVentor Memorial Pack

RiP MaDa. You will be greatly missed, but never forgotten.

[This message has been edited by FCTuner04 (edited January 16, 2004).]
2004-01-16, 8:20 PM #47
Simplest way is just to go up look in her eyes open your eyes wide and say "how you doin"

Nightfire Mod
Spoting an error in post will result in a $100 reward.
Offer expires on 6/6/06. Valid one per customer, per day.

2004-01-16, 9:20 PM #48
The problem isn't your ability to talk to girls, that's the result of your problem - lack of confidence.

Duel Zero : Released the beta. Probably the end of it. Not to worry though, I'm working on Randsaber, which is a lot better.
2004-01-17, 2:19 AM #49
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by TheJkWhoSaysNi:
Thanks for the link! I've been reading it. Actually, when I read some of it I thought, "cool. That's already me."

"Fact: Women love long hair! It's an instant chick magnet" [] If that's actually true then i'm sorted []

"If you doubt this, buy a leather jacket, grow your hair out" Again, cool. That's already me.

If nothing else, this has boosted my confidence a little.


Not true. Since I've grown my hair I've had girls telling me to get it cut since. Also my hotornot rating dropped from 9.1 to 7.3

Want more evidence? I'm keeping the hair because I like it, I don't care what girls think.

tristan is the best friend of the jedi

"I am the signature virus! Copy me into your signature so that I can take over the world! Moohahahee!"
tristan is the best friend of the jedi

"I am the signature virus! Copy me into your signature so that I can take over the world! Moohahahee!"
2004-01-17, 2:57 AM #50
Kieran, its worked in the past, so i guess you're wrong.

mmm, smells like something burning.
2004-01-17, 4:03 AM #51
Checksum is right. Confidence is everything.

BV's rendition of Titanic: Let's have sex. I won't let go. I don't need this stone.
The End.
~ Wolfy
That painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.
2004-01-17, 6:00 AM #52
Learn Elvish, Chicks diggit. *snigger*
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2004-01-17, 6:44 AM #53
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by TheJkWhoSaysNi:
"Fact: Women love long hair! It's an instant chick magnet"

This site speaks the truth. []

* Seb goes around singing "I'm too sexy for my body"
* Wolfy goes around singing "I'm too sexy for Seb's body"
* Cave_Demon steals Seb's underwear (underwear stolen: 39)
"NAILFACE" - spe
2004-01-17, 7:07 AM #54
Long hair doesn't work all that great...
But having long hair and cutting it seems to work. Lots and lots of girls were like "Woah... you got your hair cut" and "nice haircut" and "I like your hair"

All you need is love.
It's not the side effects of cocaine, so then I'm thinking that it must be love
2004-01-17, 7:09 AM #55
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by clan ruthervain:
Learn Elvish, Chicks diggit. *snigger*</font>

aaaah zee language of lurrrrvee

<Genki> oh, where are you going, with beards all a waggin, no knowin no knowin what bring dear Mr. Baggins, and Balin, and Dwalin, here down in the vally Ah ha!
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2004-01-17, 7:13 AM #56
Maybe I just need to wait until my hair is actually long. It's not at all that I don't wash it enough, I wash it at least once every 2 days.

tristan is the best friend of the jedi

"I am the signature virus! Copy me into your signature so that I can take over the world! Moohahahee!"
tristan is the best friend of the jedi

"I am the signature virus! Copy me into your signature so that I can take over the world! Moohahahee!"
2004-01-17, 9:58 AM #57
I think what they really meant is that women prefer long hair over short hair on men that can achieve it well. Some people just look awful with long hair and should keep it short.

When bread becomes toast, it can never go back to being bread again.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-01-17, 1:16 PM #58
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Septic Yogurt:
Kieran, its worked in the past, so i guess you're wrong.


*blinks* What are you talking about?

Anyway, I want to post something from one of the places that I learned from. This guy's name is David and he says he used to be a total nerdo until he got fed up with it one day and started watching guys who knew what they were doing. Then he made a book and some kind of CD-rom. Most of what he says not only makes sense, but I've also seen it proved right every time.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Before you read further, I'd like you to take a
minute and think about what the word ATTRACTION
means to you.

By the way, I'm talking about the romantic
concept of ATTRACTION... not gravitational
attraction, etc.

If you can, WRITE DOWN exactly what you think
the word ATTRACTION means. The process of writing
down your thoughts helps you to organize them (I
recommend that you also keep a journal of your
experiences as you improve in this area of your
life). There are no right or wrong answers here,
so think about it for a few...





OK, did you do that? Nice.

So what did you come up with?

A lot of guys seem to think that ATTRACTION is
when one person wants what another person has.

Some think of ATTRACTION as the result of being
good-looking or otherwise "attractive". In fact, I
think a LOT of people confuse ATTRACTION with

When I think of the concept of ATTRACTION, I
think of it primarily as an EMOTION. It seems to
me that it's more a COMBINATION of powerful
emotions that come together to form a very, very
special new SUPER-emotion.

However you think about it, there is a process
that happens that keeps men and women getting
together to have sex...

You are reading this right now, which is a

Think of the thousands upon thousands of
generations of ancestors that you have had... and
think about the fact that NOT ONE OF THEM DIED A

And not one of them died in childhood.

And then think about the fact that you beat out
about five hundred MILLION other sperm-racers to
get to the egg first.

You are the result of and represent probably
the most amazing process I have ever heard of.

One of the parts of this process that
fascinates me is how each pair of your ancestors
decided to get together with THAT PARTICULAR

I know that some people will be upset that I'm
talking about this whole concept in such an
analytical, detached way... women in particular
seem to love fantasy of two people being "soul
mates" and "knowing that your special someone is
out there" and "it just happening".

If you're one of those people, stop reading
now! lol...

After working on this area of my own personal
life for a few years, and trying all kinds of
techniques, it finally dawned on me that

If a woman feels ATTRACTION for a man, then
nothing else really matters.

Looks, age, nationality, wealth, religion,
personal loss, peer pressure from friends and
family... none of it matters!

On the other hand, if a women DOESN'T feel
ATTRACTION for a man, then nothing else matters in
that case either!

You can't "talk" a woman into feeling
ATTRACTION, any more than you can "talk" a person
who hasn't eaten for three days out of feeling

I mean, if you really wanted to be fancy you
could learn to be a hypnotist and talk them into
it that way...

But I'll tell you a little secret: Even that
isn't the best way to do things! (I actually know
several people who use this method of hypnotizing
women... and I haven't met one yet who could use
this technique alone to get women... there's
ALWAYS something else going on.)

What I'm trying to say is that one day it hit
me like a ton of bricks that ATTRACTION IS THE KEY

If you don't know what it is or how to create
it, you'll wander around trying different
techniques... and probably never land on something
that works consistently.

And once I realized this, all kinds of things
that didn't make sense before INSTANTLY made sense
to me.

All of a sudden I realized why women dated
abusive jerks... ATTRACTION.

I realized why women dated men who were clearly
using them and cheating on them... ATTRACTION.

And I also saw the FLIP SIDE!

I realized why women pass up guys who are
honest, stable, attractive, and wonderful for
losers... ATTRACTION.

Think of ATTRACTION like a drug (which it
really is). If a woman is under the influence of
it, then she's gone. She'll do anything to get

If she's NOT under the influence, then YOU'RE
gone. Nothing you do will matter if she doesn't
feel it.

If you doubt what I'm saying, ask the next 10
SUPER HOT women you see what they think of this.
Read this newsletter to them, and watch their
reactions. You'll see.

OK, now that you're heard a little bit more of
my personal perspective, I'd like you to look back
into your life and think about all those
situations with women that made no sense at all...

Think about the women that you treated
wonderfully that passed you up for the jerks...
and think about all the women "friends" you had...
the ones who told you about how mean and
inconsiderate their boyfriends were... while you
looked at them thinking "I would kill my own
mother for just one date with you".

Is it all making sense now?



It's harsh to think about, but it's true. (By
the way, if you don’t do something to learn how to
make women feel ATTRACTION, then this is going to
keep happening to you for the rest of your life,
most likely.)

I have to point one more thing out. As I
mentioned earlier, I think a lot of guys confuse
the idea of being "attractive" with the emotion

You can make a woman feel an INCREDIBLE
ATTRACTION, even though you're not what most
people would think of as "attractive". Of course,
you have to know how...

The point is that if you're not tall, handsome,
and dashing, you can LEARN how to make women feel
this wonderful emotion called ATTRACTION.

It's a skill. It's taken me YEARS to be able to
even talk about this stuff in simple terms like
this that make sense, and it's taken me the same
time to figure out how a regular guy like you or
me can make women who we used to think of as "out
of our league" feel ATTRACTION for us.

How, you ask, can we do that?

Well, you've read about the technique called
"Cocky and Funny"... that's a part of it.

But there are several other pieces of the
puzzle, from voice tone and body language, to
specific ways to touch a woman to get her
physically turned on, and everything in between.
It's a system, and it all works together.

There are two KEY aspects of learning how to be
successful with women and dating:

1) The Inner Game

2) The Outer Game

The INNER GAME is all about learning how to
THINK and how to manage your thoughts and
emotions. It's also about understanding how and
why attractive women feel that amazing emotion
called ATTRACTION for some men, and not for MOST

The OUTER GAME is all of the techniques, what
to say, and such.

Which is more important?

Well, they're BOTH important.

But what I notice is that most guys want to
learn the OUTER GAME first.

In other words, they want pick up lines, fancy
tricks, and other things.

I can remember when I first started learning
this stuff.

I had this idea in my mind that if I could
learn how to get women to give me their numbers
that I'd be the MAN.

Well, I learned that. I can get just about any
woman's phone number in a few minutes.

But guess what?

Once I learned how to get women's phone
numbers, I ran into a much BIGGER issue... the
women usually flaked out on me, didn't show up,

And the ones that DID show up were difficult.

Nothing happened.

I realized that there had to be more.

And, as it turns out, there is. A LOT more, in

The REASON that the "Inner Game" is so
important is that attractive women don't judge you
on your "pick up lines".

And just because a woman gives you her phone
number or email address DOES NOT mean that she
FEELS anything inside (like ATTRACTION).

Women don't DECIDE to feel ATTRACTION for a

ATTRACTION is something that happens on its
own, for its own reasons.

Attraction Isn't A Choice!

The way to cause women to feel ATTRACTION for
you is to UNDERSTAND how and why it works, and
then communicate in a way that makes it happen.</font>

I am the god of dating! You will respect my authoritah!
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-01-17, 1:40 PM #59
Could I have my five minutes back? The above post could have been reduced to ONE LINE, and to which I would say DUH.

When bread becomes toast, it can never go back to being bread again.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-01-17, 1:57 PM #60

oh yeh wlel i jsut gots finesht wiht my morrwoind mod for teh JO An it takes up teh 900 gigabiets of spaec but i wlil not sowh yuo gyz teh scrnshoots becasue we dunat kare wut u gyz tihnk ne1 no wear i kan get ti hostad 4 dounlowd!!!!11!111 --Checksum
2004-01-17, 2:03 PM #61
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by MFalse3:

here's the link:


A bunch of that stuff is just not true

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.

[This message has been edited by fishstickz (edited January 17, 2004).]
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-17, 7:17 PM #62


If there is a 50% chance that you are going to be right, there is a 90% chance that you will choose the wrong one ~SithNazgul, the 50-50-90 rule
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2004-01-18, 2:44 AM #63
and women breed with them.

mmm, smells like something burning.
2004-01-18, 8:04 AM #64
Women are into beastiality.

I am the god of dating! You will respect my authoritah!
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-01-18, 9:39 AM #65
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by MadQuack:
*bang head on desk*

Why did I get rid of my hair??? And it's true, thinking back on it. Some females did touch it...


I TOLD you girls like long hair. But nooooo.... See? You gotta listen to me more []

There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
The Matrix Unplugged|The Valley of the Jedi Tower|Smaug's Lair
2004-01-18, 9:48 AM #66
Well, I suggest you...

*Realizes I know even less about the subject than the average Massassian*

...keep doing whatever you're doing...

"Your entire base belongs to us."

"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
2004-01-18, 10:17 AM #67
David DiAngelo, yeah, that guy has some damn good advice.
2004-01-18, 10:44 AM #68
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Genki:
aaaah zee language of lurrrrvee</font>

It's like wiping your *** with silk.

"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
NMGOH || Jack Chick preaches it || The Link of the Dead
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken

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