Wookie, I'm afraid I don't see how your strawman relates to this discussion.
Free speech can be controlled in a limited capacity in its time, place, and manner, but not its content: either the entire public is kept in "free speech zones" or everyone is allowed to line the sidewalk. This separation based on political ideology is therefore a clear violation of Constitutionally-guaranteed rights. I'm surprised someone who pays so much lip service to traditional conservative values would be so accepting of something so fundamentally wrong.
Avenger: Actually, free speech zones around the President are new to this administration. I'm sorry, but your standard response of "everyone does it, so it doesn't really matter" doesn't cut it.
[This message has been edited by Ictus (edited January 18, 2004).]
Free speech can be controlled in a limited capacity in its time, place, and manner, but not its content: either the entire public is kept in "free speech zones" or everyone is allowed to line the sidewalk. This separation based on political ideology is therefore a clear violation of Constitutionally-guaranteed rights. I'm surprised someone who pays so much lip service to traditional conservative values would be so accepting of something so fundamentally wrong.
Avenger: Actually, free speech zones around the President are new to this administration. I'm sorry, but your standard response of "everyone does it, so it doesn't really matter" doesn't cut it.
[This message has been edited by Ictus (edited January 18, 2004).]