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ForumsInteractive Story Board → Battle for Massassi...
Battle for Massassi...
2001-06-04, 8:44 AM #1
I, hereby, declare ownership of Massassi.

Thank you for your time.
Two words: Market Dominance.
2001-06-04, 8:49 AM #2
Gravity isn't MY fault--I voted for velcro.
2001-06-04, 8:53 AM #3
*Smites Boba Rhett*
Two words: Market Dominance.
2001-06-04, 9:08 AM #4
Oh my...
*runs away*

I was kicked out of Smurfland for being purple.
1 of 14 | 6-16 Never Forget. | Click.
2001-06-04, 9:13 AM #5
I can see this getting ugly..
2001-06-04, 9:26 AM #6
[storymode]Sarn_Cadrill squints in the sun and steps out into the dusty street. "MSBilly you yellow-bellied hog! Get out here!" he bellows in his deep voice. MSBilly peeks his head out of the doors of the saloon, to see what the commotion is, then steps out, adjusts his hat and says, "I've been waiting for a long time for this moment, Sarn_Cadrill." Sarn_Cadrill replies, "Not nearly as long as I've been waiting, you sniveling coward." "I am no coward!" MSBilly screams into the deserted street, but Sarn_Cadrill just laughs. "Let's end this," Sarn_Cadrill suggests. "We go back to back, and then 20 paces out, turn and draw. Last man standing takes ownership of Massassi." MSBilly thinks for a moment, then agrees. As the sun beats down on the heads of our heroes, they stand back to back, and prepare to step out. MSBilly cracks his knuckles nervousley, while Sarn_Cadrill pushes back his trench coat from around his holster. Then, they begin their pacing. At twenty steps both turn around. Sarn_Cadrill stands confidentally with his hand hovering over the butt of his gun. MSBilly snickers, then goes for his gun. With lightning quick reflexes, Sarn_Cadrill draws his gun, drops to one knee and fires. Blood splatters on the ground, and MSBilly's body falls to the ground, gun still clutched in his lifeless hand. Sarn_Cadrill chuckles evilly, and says, "At last, Massassi is mine! And there's no one to stand in MY way!" Sarn_Cadrill then turns around to see Brian leaning against a fence post. "Oh, ahh... Hi Brian... I was ahh, just about to come and ahh give this to you..." Sarn_Cadrill signs over ownership of The Massassi Temple to Brian. Brian looks steadily into Sarn_Cadrill's eyes and says, "Thats what I thought. Now I'll tell you what you're gonna do. You're gonna go back into that bar, sit down and order a drink, then pretend like nothing just happened. How does that sound?" Sarn_Cadrill sputters, "But Brian, what about the, uhh, body?" Brian smiles and replies, "I'll take care of that, now get going!" Sarn_Cadrill turns and begins walking towards the bar, but Brian calls out, "Oh, and one more thing, Sarn_Cadrill." Sarn_Cadrill stops and turns around, "Yes?" Brian sighs in disguest, and says, "Quit telling these stupid stories." Sarn_Cadrill stammers, "Uhh, right..." then turns around and goes into the bar.

When I was young, they told me that anyone could become president. Now that I'm older, I'm starting to believe them.
The Jedi's Saber
How long has Cave_Demon been falling? Click here to find out.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2001-06-04, 9:39 AM #7
Umm......what's the point of this thread? I know this is a joke but ummm......wouldn't you want to at least get Administor status on the forums before taking on the ALMIGHTY BRIAN himself? He would woop your but no matter I guess it really doesn't matter.. []

Online Gaming Rocks!
To die you must first live, and to win you must first lose....
2001-06-04, 11:56 AM #8
Dammit, i always thought that I owned massassi and Brian was looking after it for me.

never mind......
2001-06-04, 12:55 PM #9
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">"But Brian, what about the, uhh, body?" Brian smiles and replies, "I'll take care of that, now get going!" </font>

Does anyone else get the feeling that this is much more common than anyone could know?
The above is not a waiver of my statutory right to devour your spleen and/or other internal organs at a later date.
May your forehead grow like the mighty oak!
Grendel will bring you the limp and beaten body of Bob Barker.
2001-06-05, 5:24 AM #10
/me sneeks up and runs off with deed to massassi. []

The only way to live a good life is to act on your emotions.
2001-06-05, 5:41 AM #11
[storymode]Brian sighs and steps into the bar. Sarn_Cadrill glances up from where he is sitting in the back corner, and quickly buries his nose in his mug, hoping Brian won't see him. However, Brian is looking specifically for Sarn_Cadrill, and so walks over to the table where Sarn_Cadrill is sitting and says, "Sarn_Cadrill, you're gonna do me a little favor." Sarn_Cadrill glances up nervously and stammers, "W- w- what do you n- n- need?" Brian takes a swig from Sarn_Cadrill's mug and responds, "That dirty outlaw, Lt_Greywolf has stolen the deed to the Massassi Temple, and you're gonna get it back." Sarn_Cadrill sneers and asks, "What's in it fer me?" "Well," Brian answers, "you're gonna do it, or I'm gonna have you thrown in jail for the murder of MSBilly. Now how does that sound?" Sarn_Cadrill stammers, "You're gonna... blackmail me if I don't help you?" Brian just stares menacingly into Sarn_Cadrill's eyes. Sarn_Cadrill tries to hold the stare, but is intimidated, and looks away. "Allright, I'll do it, but I'm gonna need a horse." Brian snickers and says, "that can be arranged." Brian and Sarn_Cadrill walk out of the saloon, and Brian unties a horse from a post. "I'm sure Aglar won't mind if you... "borrow" his horse." Sarn_Cadrill mounts the horse, and as he rides off calls out, "Everyone knows that Lt_Greywolf has operations in the Threed City. I'll head that way and see what I can dig up." Brian smiles and walks back into the bar. (to be continued)

When I was young, they told me that anyone could become president. Now that I'm older, I'm starting to believe them.
The Jedi's Saber
How long has Cave_Demon been falling? Click here to find out.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2001-06-05, 9:53 AM #12
Oh no me and my storm troopers have protected Brian as Massassi ruler for years.
*Beats off rebels with big stick oh yeah and Grenade Launcher*

When You Reach The End Of Your Rope Tie A Knot And Hang On
Save gas fart in a Jar!
Canada has the hottest girls around don't you think!
Life is a highway ride it but don't speed!
Sublime is the number one Stunner
I am a man of few words any questions?
2001-06-05, 10:05 AM #13
*is dead*
Two words: Market Dominance.
2001-06-05, 6:38 PM #14
[Storymode]MonkeyBoy then pushes a big red button that says:"only push in case of extreme emergency". The last sight of the small western town seen is one of a huge mushroom clowd.[/Storymode]

The End

*** Parental Advisory - Censored due to explicit language ***
2001-06-06, 12:56 PM #15
Midget Basher crawls out of the pit, and yawns. He says "I knew there was a reason that I bought these Quantam Armor pajamas." He then looks around for a bit, and then takes a nap.
And meanwhile the bus with legs has destroyed half of disneyland . . . and nobody cares!
2001-06-06, 1:54 PM #16
[storymode]Ace watches the conflict from the cockpit of his M.A.N.T.A. "Hah," he says, relishing the thought of the hoardes of massassians blowing themselves up over a fake deed. He speaks into his in-flight mission log. "Found bearer of imposter deed. The deed was destroyed. The imposter is... out of the way. No one remains to challenge the Sky Legions' complete dominance of this region. Ace Alpha, Sky Lord, over and out." With that he turned, and flew his M.A.N.T.A. off into the wild blue. [/storymode]

I am Ace Alpha, Sky lord, and you will bow before me!!!
*flirts w/ Malli*
I am The Teller of Tales and the courier of Truth in Fiction. I am The Reality Maker.

Dragon 2 Story Tellers Homepage
2001-06-06, 1:58 PM #17
And with the back up of BJ and his hoard Brian retakes Massassi thats your bedtime story now off to bed pleasent dreams!

When You Reach The End Of Your Rope Tie A Knot And Hang On
Save gas fart in a Jar!
Canada has the hottest girls around don't you think!
Life is a highway ride it but don't speed!
Emily is the number one Stunner
I am a man of few words any questions?
2001-06-06, 2:05 PM #18
According to this storyline (which, i point out, is just a story!), Brian, BJ, and BJ's hoard were nuked by MonkeyBoy.

*nukes them again to make sure they're dead*
*goes off to single-handedly bring down the Sky Legions*


You have been conquered...
You have been conquered...
2001-06-06, 2:10 PM #19
And then the zergs take over the Massassi world and infects and destroys all opposers to the swarm. Merry Christmas and all a good night.

Learn from my wisdom...
Learn from my wisdom...
2001-06-06, 2:21 PM #20
[storymode]Interger steps into an open feild, at the foot of a giant military instillation. A lone soldier in a Blue and Black uniform is standing in the feild.
"This is between you and me Interger," the man called to him, "All soldiers aside, we finish this here and now."
"The ______ it's between you and me," Interger muttered. He called to the man, "It isn't just about us, It's about the whole planet. Let them all fight."
Just then, a huge army in Red and Green uniforms exit the trees behind Interger.
"So be it." The man, known as Quetzecoatl said.
At that moment another army of men in similar uniforms to Quetzecoatl's rush in from the other side of the feild. In moments the feild is a full scale battlefield...[/storymode]

I am Ace Alpha, Sky lord, and you will bow before me!!!
*flirts w/ Malli*
I am The Teller of Tales and the courier of Truth in Fiction. I am The Reality Maker.

Dragon 2 Story Tellers Homepage
2001-06-06, 4:15 PM #21
Ahhh I belive you are dead by the anger of the Overmind although this is entertaining uhhh I belive the story has ended I don't know correct me if I am wrong.

When You Reach The End Of Your Rope Tie A Knot And Hang On
Save gas fart in a Jar!
Canada has the hottest girls around don't you think!
Life is a highway ride it but don't speed!
Emily is the number one Stunner
I am a man of few words any questions?
2001-06-06, 4:44 PM #22
[storymode]"AHHHHHHHHH!" Brian sat up in bed, sweating. "It was just a dream.. just a dream," he murmured. Glancing over at the alarm clock, he saw that it was 1:30. "Time for a little snack," he said to himself as he got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen.[/storymode]
2001-06-06, 7:29 PM #23
You know this timeline in the story doesn't exactly match, I mean you guys go from old west to hightech fighting machines capable of destroying entire citys, in less then an hour. that really fits together, so here's what I think. someone maybe that smart brian has invented a time machine, so everyone goes forward in time, that would fit better into the story.

i am transformed
your heart is free.....have the courage to follow it.
2001-06-09, 4:34 PM #24
/me puts it into the story.

Sorry about the war scene, but The Sky Legions vs. All-Earth conflict does take place aroun 2200 A.D. and we couldn't exactly keep the western showdown theme.

Just wondering, did you think that the M.A.N.T.A. blew up the city? If you did I don't know how you got that. The M.A.N.T.A. is a submersable aircraft.

I am Ace Alpha, Sky lord, and you will bow before me!!!
*flirts w/ Malli*
I am The Teller of Tales and the courier of Truth in Fiction. I am The Reality Maker.

Dragon 2 Story Tellers Homepage
2001-06-09, 5:57 PM #25
the only story that should count is Sarn's. His was funny... the others are just ridiculice and boring

"Half of everything I know, I learned at massassi."
2001-06-10, 10:53 AM #26
Humor alone doesn't make a good story.
It takes Characters, a Plotline, a good Setting, and lots of depth.
I am The Teller of Tales and the courier of Truth in Fiction. I am The Reality Maker.

Dragon 2 Story Tellers Homepage
2001-06-10, 11:03 AM #27
I can just see myself shaking my head while the boys blow each other up over a false deed.

Everybody already knows that *I* own Massassi.

[This message has been edited by GeneralTriste (edited June 10, 2001).]
"People are weird."
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

So if people are weird, and we are to act like one another, then is society a breach of normality?
2001-06-10, 11:20 AM #28
Do you support Sky Legions of All-Earth?

I am Ace Alpha, Sky lord, and you will bow before me!!!
*flirts w/ Malli*
I am The Teller of Tales and the courier of Truth in Fiction. I am The Reality Maker.

Dragon 2 Story Tellers Homepage
2001-06-10, 11:37 AM #29
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">the only story that should count is Sarn's. His was funny... the others are just ridiculice and boring</font>
Thank you... And I did have good deep characters and a good plot. The setting *was* good until the nuke appeared... Anyway, we'll just ignore everything that has happened, and continue the story. (I was just gonna let this go, but someone seems to have revived it, so tough luck).

[storymode] Dusk falls as Sarn_Cadrill rides into Threed City. The dirt streets are deserted. A sage brush blows past as Sarn_Cadrill ties his tired horse up outside the inn. He enters the inn and walks up to the front desk. A man with glasses sits behind it. The nameplate on the desk says "Jipe." Sarn_Cadrill says, "I need a room for the night..." Jipe glances up from some papers. His gaze falls to the 6 shooter holstered at Sarn_Cadrill's side. "Would you like a standard room or a suite?" Sarn_Cadrill responds, "Whatever... It doesn't really matter." Jipe hands Sarn_Cadrill a key, and says, "You're in room 5." After inspecting the room, Sarn_Cadrill leaves the inn, and walks across the street to the saloon. Inside, the room is dark and smokey. Sarn_Cadrill walks over to the bar and calls out, "Hey Bartender!" A tall man with baggy eyes turns around and says, "Whaddya want?" Sarn_Cadrill pulls a bill out of his coat, and responds, "I'm looking for someone... Perhaps you can help?" The bartender takes the bill, and says, "I might be able to help, but my memory isn't very good... Maybe if I had something to... help my memory..." Sarn_Cadrill smiles and says, "I like you. What's your name, pal?" The bartender responds, "The name's Septic Yogurt, but everyone around here calls me Yogi... Now how about that reminder?" Sarn_Cadrill pulls another bill from his vest and hands it to Septic Yogurt who smiles greedily and says, "Right... Now see that man at the table in the back there? That's Overmind, and he knows just about everyone in this town, and where to find them." Sarn_Cadrill responds, "thanks a lot, Yogi. I'll go talk to him... But remember, if there's a problem, it will become your problem." Sarn_Cadrill turns and walks to the back of the room. He sits down at the table across from Overmind and says, "I was told you could help me find someone." Overmind responds, "that depends on who yer lookin for." Sarn_Cadrill pulls out another bill and says, "A fellow by the name of Lt_Greywolf." Overmind smiles and says, "Now that's gonna cost you..."
(To be continued)
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2001-06-10, 11:43 AM #30
w00+ this story is getting interesting...
and it has a better plot then simply nuking the admins and talking massassi...
2001-06-10, 11:56 AM #31
This may as well be in the Interactive Story forum, I'm moving it there.
2001-06-11, 7:29 AM #32
And then I nuked the admins and took Massassi.
2001-06-11, 3:13 PM #33
(storymode) massassi is mine u son of a.....

Don't put your hands on my massassi, it is my friend, friend is above all, come friend let us start a story:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

It was a dark and stormy night, and the captain said, "Antonio, tell us a tale." And this is the tale Antonio told:

I don't care about your name, Red. I don't want to know your name. If you survive your first three or so battles, then maybe I'll learn your name. Not before. I used to learn the names, but it was a goddamned waste of time. Soon as I'd get to know a puke, he'd up and die on me. These days I don't bother.

-Horkin, Master-at-Wizardy
I don't care about your name, Red. I don't want to know your name. If you survive your first three or so battles, then maybe I'll learn your name. Not before. I used to learn the names, but it was a goddamned waste of time. Soon as I'd get to know a puke, he'd up and die on me. These days I don't bother.

-Horkin, Master-at-Wizardy
2001-06-11, 3:44 PM #34
I completely disagree with RabidPlatypus's above post!

May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
2001-06-12, 3:06 AM #35
I challenge any SERIOUS competitors to a duel. Choose the form of combat; weapons, arena, you name it. I will see if the terms are suitable. Then, we shall begin. The first man most ungentlemanly-enough to kill his enemy, loses the battle outright, yet you must try your hardest to win. Sound difficult? Good.

And any one-post-story-killers, shoo.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-06-12, 2:00 PM #36
[Murray]I have come to assist BJ the Great in his defence against the traitors who threaten Massassi.Bwahahaha! I bring a couple hundred undead friends that started to follow me (and carry me around) after LeChuck's "ice accident". Most went back to LeChuck when he got out, but some stayed! (this is pure fiction, BTW)Now my army of the undead, who cannot be nuked, will help save Massassi!! Bwahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

"My name is Ricardo Luigi Pierre M'Benga Chang Nehru O'Hara Casaba the Third. But you can call me Admiral Casaba!"-Admiral Casaba
"I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"-Murray
The Curse of Murray: "I shall hide the keys under your cushions, and NEVERMORE will you be able to find socks that match!"-Murray
Viva la Monkey Island!
"I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"-Murray
Viva la Monkey Island!
2001-06-13, 4:13 AM #37
I wasn't a one post story killer, was I?

"I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"-Murray
Viva la Monkey Island!
"I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"-Murray
Viva la Monkey Island!
2001-06-13, 4:16 AM #38
I think DemonicMurray is going through Monkey Island withdrawls...

May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
2001-06-13, 4:19 AM #39
I am NOT! Actually, I played EMI yesterday. Humph! []

"I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"-Murray
Viva la Monkey Island!
"I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"-Murray
Viva la Monkey Island!
2001-06-13, 4:21 PM #40
TLTE walks off into the distance, muttering about "the lack of gentlemen at Massassi"...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998

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