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ForumsInteractive Story Board → Battle for Massassi...
Battle for Massassi...
2001-06-14, 7:47 AM #41
[uncle-sam mode]
Then Cave_Demon walked into the bar, and people inside the bar, started suddenly disappear, Cave_Demon sat to the same table with Sarn_Cadrill, Sarn looked Cave_Demon a few seconds, stood up and said: "Excuse me, mister demon, i've got to use the ladies room...", Cave_Demon ordered a glass of beer and a pizza.

Cave_Demon was eating pizza, when sarn_cadrill returned, looked cave_demon and said:"Uh, cavey... where'd you get the money for the pizza and beer?" Cave_Demon pointed sarn's wallet, which sarn had forgotten to the table: "there..." Sarn took his cell phone, and called to the police of the massassi temple: "Uh, excuse me, Mr. polizei..."
"Someone stole my monnay and bought a pizza..."
"I apologize..."
"No, you don't understand... I want YOU to arrest him!"
"I see... We'll be right there... Oh, who's the dude who stole your monnay?"
Cave_Demon looked at sarn: "yes?"
sarn threw cave_demon with an apple:"Nothing, now sit down and shut up!" Cave_Demon did what sarn told him to, at the same moment he heard when Mr. Polizei yelt:"Cave_Demon? HOLY JUMPING MOTHER OF GOD, NO! I WILL NOT COME INTO SAME BUILDING WITH CAVE_DEMON!"
Sarn was a bit freightened: "Excuse me?"
Cave_Demon threw sarny to the showcase forum, into the missle thread, forced sarny to look at the missile, and said:"Doesn't it look a bit like a dil..." Mr. Polizei jumped through the roof window, and shot cave_demon, but because Mr. Polizei used shotgun, he killed sarny at the same time...

*** The End ***
[/uncle-sam mode]
2001-06-14, 8:45 AM #42
Then EL3CTRO poped into the chat to clear up the mess
Generating Electro Vibes™ for the masses on Massassi
Go To: BiTsToRm Forums or L3CY's Topsites
Boba Jules: You ever read the bible TK-421?
TK-421: No?
Boba Jules: Oh, ok...
2001-06-14, 12:23 PM #43
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by The Last True Evil:
TLTE walks off into the distance, muttering about "the lack of gentlemen at Massassi"...</font>

Considering 1/3 of us are girls on this site we better not all be gentlemen. []

I am a man of few words any questions?
I am a man of few words any questions?
2001-06-14, 2:53 PM #44
BJ, "us"? I thought you were a guy.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2001-06-15, 4:09 PM #45
I am a guy I ment that only 1/3 of the Massassi is girls sorry for the confustion. Ask Sublime I'm a guy!

I am a man of few words any questions?
I am a man of few words any questions?

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