--Actually in case you didn't know, I'm 19, not old. (Did it seem like that?) If it did I'm flattered. (I value maturity and wisdom). Anyway, let me see what I can do.--
Merlin found himself directly under the floor of the room, safe, for now, inside his sheild. Now he knew it was up to Gebohq and the others.
Gebohq stood ready for battle. Suddenly he had an idea.
Gebohq: Why do you try facing yourself Apathis?!
Gebohq makes himself look like Apathis. Apathis seems sincerly suprised by this.
Gebohq: What do you do if you don't care about anyone but yourself? You become selfish and without direction.
Apathis: I have all the direction I need!
Gebohq: By following Bazaal? Your not reallyn satisifed with following others are you. But you don't have any choice, do you?
Apathis doesn't reply. Suddenly to giant stone hands shoot from the ground, Scout keeps them at bay by moving very fast, forceing Apathis both focus on Gebohq and his magic.
Gebohq: You don't really want to serve Bazaal do you? DO YOU?!
Apathis: No of course not you fool! I don't care about his plans for domination. As long as I'm having fun.
Gebohq: But your not enjoying it. Your only doing his will.
Apathis: What do you know?!
Gebohq: Cause now I'm you, Apathis.
Apathis: Do you think I care about anyone!
Gebohq: Not even me, who is you.
Apathis: No I don't care about you, NO I DON'T CARE ABOUT . . .
A dark shadow begins to form around Apathis. He starts to fade away.
Apathis: YOU!!!
Apathis fades away in a cloud of darkness. The spell is broken over the others. Gebohq turns back into his normal self.
Scout: How did you do that?!
Gebohq: We he said he did care about me, his mind accepted he didn't care about himself. All his magic was set on himself. I figured as soon as he didn't care about himself, his magic had no base to work from, so it turned in on itself, and him.
With that part of the floor explodes, Merlin slowly climbs out of the crater.
Merlin: I heard everything. Great work Gebohq, I couldn't have done it better myself. I knew you had it in you, even when you didn't.
Merlin found himself directly under the floor of the room, safe, for now, inside his sheild. Now he knew it was up to Gebohq and the others.
Gebohq stood ready for battle. Suddenly he had an idea.
Gebohq: Why do you try facing yourself Apathis?!
Gebohq makes himself look like Apathis. Apathis seems sincerly suprised by this.
Gebohq: What do you do if you don't care about anyone but yourself? You become selfish and without direction.
Apathis: I have all the direction I need!
Gebohq: By following Bazaal? Your not reallyn satisifed with following others are you. But you don't have any choice, do you?
Apathis doesn't reply. Suddenly to giant stone hands shoot from the ground, Scout keeps them at bay by moving very fast, forceing Apathis both focus on Gebohq and his magic.
Gebohq: You don't really want to serve Bazaal do you? DO YOU?!
Apathis: No of course not you fool! I don't care about his plans for domination. As long as I'm having fun.
Gebohq: But your not enjoying it. Your only doing his will.
Apathis: What do you know?!
Gebohq: Cause now I'm you, Apathis.
Apathis: Do you think I care about anyone!
Gebohq: Not even me, who is you.
Apathis: No I don't care about you, NO I DON'T CARE ABOUT . . .
A dark shadow begins to form around Apathis. He starts to fade away.
Apathis: YOU!!!
Apathis fades away in a cloud of darkness. The spell is broken over the others. Gebohq turns back into his normal self.
Scout: How did you do that?!
Gebohq: We he said he did care about me, his mind accepted he didn't care about himself. All his magic was set on himself. I figured as soon as he didn't care about himself, his magic had no base to work from, so it turned in on itself, and him.
With that part of the floor explodes, Merlin slowly climbs out of the crater.
Merlin: I heard everything. Great work Gebohq, I couldn't have done it better myself. I knew you had it in you, even when you didn't.
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."
~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.
So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.
~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.
So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.