This is a continuation of the "fiddlesticks" thread, since the current one has become more than a little messed up due to backwards chapters.
IMPORTANT: PLEASE write everything in past tense from now on, and PLEASE keep spelling and grammar as good as you can. It's easier to read, and makes it easier to be immersed in the story, no matter how silly it might be.
Big the Fry jumps out of the Spooky Taco thread, smelling of evil Mexican foods. however, he lands hard and gets knocked out. He wakes up a week later lying in an alleyway in Atlantis next to an empty beer bottle and an abused barbie doll, which immediately runs away screaming, somehow.
CHAPTER 1 (Mikeyman):
Mikeyman, sitting down in his apartment, stuffed his face with waffles. He then drank some maple syrup to wash it down. Opening a pack of cheese, he noticed he was out of poppyseed muffins. He proceeded shoving cheese slices in his mouth, not noticing that the plastic wrap was still on them. Suddenly he stopped, sitting still. I'm getting tired of this. All I do is eat waffles, poppyseed muffins, and cheese. Then I play with my Waffleman action figures. Then maybe I play Waffleman: The Video Game. The same thing over and over for a year, ever since I went out on my own. I adventure. And I need to stop my addiction to waffles.
Mikeyman sat there for a couple minutes, thinking. Then he burst out laughing. He shook his head smiling and ate some more waffles.
Mikeyman was walking down the street in the city, going to the store, to buy some more muffins. He whistled Waffleman's theme song and checked his wallet to see how much money he has left. He stopped when he saw he was out of money. Mikeyman turned his wallet upside down and shook it. A quarter and two cents fell out. He looked grimly at the change in his hand. Hmm...I need cash. Now. I could street dance...naw, I don't get much money from that. It frightens and nauseates too many people when I belly dance. What else?... He stopped to think. Mikeyman decided against being a hobo, begger, orphan, and just lying in the streets, growing facial hair at an early age. I sat down by a building, frustrated. I'm too young to get any type of job...I can't wait four more years 'till I'm 16! He thought. He sat there, sadly looking down on the ground as he realized he would have to go to some kind of orphanage if he wanted to survive any longer.
CHAPTER 2 (Thrawn42689, Mikeyman, Echoman):
Thrawn42689 the "freelancer" was flying along one day in his Apache helicopter when he spotted an orphanage.
"I wonder if I can hit that from here on my first try." he thought. Then he blew up the orphanage.
"Yes!" he shouted triumphantly. "Now I shall destroy all the orphanages in the world!"
Mikeyman was trudging down the street toward the orphanage. He sighed and put his hands in his pockets. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted an Apache in the sky. He looked and saw several missiles fly out toward the orphanage form the Apache. The building exploded only a few dozen feet in front of him. He heard manical laughter as the Apache flew away. Mikeyman just sat bewildered at what just happened, trying to recollect his thoughts.
Thrawn42689 watched as mikeyman sat pathetically by the front step of the orphanage. "You poor little child." He called from the helicopter. "Have a teddy bear!" Thrawn42689 tossed a big brown squishy fuzzy teddy bear to mikeyman. Little did mikeyman know, the teddy bear was a killer assassin robot from Alpha Centauri! DUN DUN DUN!
Just before the evil teddy bear assassin activated, Echoman squished it with a mallet. As the robot tried to get up, Echoman stamped it down with his foot. Thrawn42689 spotted Echoman and decided to machine gun him down, but at the last moment, Echoman used mikeyman's body as a sheild. By throwing the mallet, Echoman was able to ground Thrawn42689's helicopter for good. But out of the burning wreckage, Thrawn42689 stood up. Now Echoman and Thrawn42689 met face to face...
CHAPTER 3 (Thrawn42689, Echoman):
Thrawn42689 kicked Echoman and hopped into a nearby tank. He sent a depleted uranium shell hurtling into Echoman's midst, then the tank sprouted rockets and flew off to find more orphanages.
But little did Thrawn42689 know, Echoman grabed mikeyman at the very last second to block the shell. Unfortunately, Echoman could not use mikeyman as a shield any more because mikeyman's body had just been blown to 34 million pieces. Echoman cleaned mikeyman's blood and guts off his shirt and got up.
"I'll stop your terror on this world," yelled Echoman.
Echoman followed Thrawn42689's tank tracks. He looked around him to see the destruction of Thrawn42689's.
"I will get you. But you shall come to me. For I have your credit card!" Echoman waved Thrawn42689's Visa card. Thrawn42689 had dropped it when the helicopter crashed!
"Ha!" Thrawn called from his flying tank. "You fool! That card expired two years ago! And I'm going to assassinate George W. Bush now. Ta-ta!"
Thrawn flew away, cackling like an irritated rectum.
"Oh no! This card is useless!" said Echoman. He threw down the Visa card in the dusty dirt. "And now he's gonna kill Bush!! If he dies, there will be nothing for America to laugh at! Not good!"
But Echoman just had an idea. He picked up Thrawn's card and calls the Visa card company.
"Sorry, we don't offer Thrawn's personal credit." said the phone operator.
"I have weed." said Echoman.
The operator was silent for a moment. "Okay, what do you want to know?"
"What did Thrawn buy two years ago?" responded Echoman.
"Well, a lot of gun magazines. And then a killer teddy bear. It came from Massassi Robotics. Their number is 1-800-KILL-BOTS."
Robots! Echoman had a plan. He called up 1-800-KILL-BOTS. Time was running out...
"Hi! Can I order the robot version of George Bush?"
"Ok. Where should I drop it off?" answered the worker.
"In front of the White House please."
"Ok. Are you sexy?"
Echoman now hoped Thrawn would kill the wrong president while Echoman saved the real Bush. The plan had to work...
CHAPTER 4 (Ganondorf, Echoman, Thrawn42689):
Echoman had asked for a robotic Bush, but he got Ganondorf in a Bush mask.
"Get out of the car!" yelled a man from behind, shoving Ganondorf from a black limo.
"Fine! You don't have to shove, and why did you glue this mask on?" said Ganondorf angrily.
But before he could get an answer, the car sped off into the darkness.
"Woah, nice house..." said Ganondorf as he looked over the White House. But deep down inside he wondered why he was there, and what would happen to him in the near future.
"Hmmm, I guess this isn't the best looking robot" said Echoman. He was looking on in a nearby bush on the White House lawn. While Ganondorf wandered aimlessly around the building, Echoman entered the house through a window. He was looking for the real President Bush in every hall and room. He was ready to give up until, suddenly, he found the President.
"President Bush. You are in great danger. You must come with me." exclaimed Echoman.
"Can I put on some pants?" said Bush.
"Ummm...nasty..." was Echoman's response.
Echoman, with the President in one hand, ran down the halls to exit the building. But along the way, he collided violently with Ganondorf. But because time was very short, Echoman accidentally grabbed Ganondorf and left the real George Bush behind. They jumped out a window and landed in front of the lawn. Overhead, the sound of a hovering tank could be heard.
"Crap." proclaimed Echoman.
They both hid in a nearby bush. Echoman didn't know he left the real President in the house.
The tank rumbled to a halt above the White House. An enourmous laser shot down from the tank and the White House exploded!
"Holy poo!" Echoman whispers to Ganondorf. "Good thing you're the real President Bush!"
"Er...yeah." Ganondorf realized he was going to be running the country from now on. And he had some big changes in store for America.
Bush's dead burning corpse flew out of the explosion and landed in the lawn.
"What" yelled Echoman. "You're not the real Bush!! Imposter!" Echoman slapped Ganondorf. Because the first slap was amusing, Echoman slapped Ganondorf again.
"What are we going to do?! Thrawn is destroying the country in his stupid tank. The real president is dead. Mikeyman is still dead. Arrgh, what to do??" exclaimed Echoman. He paced back and forth.
"Wait. Ganondorf, you look like Bush so people will think you are Bush. And in the state of an emergency, you get complete control of the government. Ganondorf, you must use your power to stop Thrawn any way possible! Send in the military or something. Please don't forget what I told you!!" Echoman kicked Ganondorf in the rear. "Get going!"
Now Echoman took a seat on the lawn. "Now what is Thrawn's next target?! I can't think of anything!" babbled Echoman. There were no clues present.
Meanwhile, next to the helicopter wreckage, pieces of mikeyman's body slowly formed together. In a matter of minutes, his body was completely restored...
[This message has been edited by Thrawn42689 (edited October 04, 2003).]
IMPORTANT: PLEASE write everything in past tense from now on, and PLEASE keep spelling and grammar as good as you can. It's easier to read, and makes it easier to be immersed in the story, no matter how silly it might be.
Big the Fry jumps out of the Spooky Taco thread, smelling of evil Mexican foods. however, he lands hard and gets knocked out. He wakes up a week later lying in an alleyway in Atlantis next to an empty beer bottle and an abused barbie doll, which immediately runs away screaming, somehow.
CHAPTER 1 (Mikeyman):
Mikeyman, sitting down in his apartment, stuffed his face with waffles. He then drank some maple syrup to wash it down. Opening a pack of cheese, he noticed he was out of poppyseed muffins. He proceeded shoving cheese slices in his mouth, not noticing that the plastic wrap was still on them. Suddenly he stopped, sitting still. I'm getting tired of this. All I do is eat waffles, poppyseed muffins, and cheese. Then I play with my Waffleman action figures. Then maybe I play Waffleman: The Video Game. The same thing over and over for a year, ever since I went out on my own. I adventure. And I need to stop my addiction to waffles.
Mikeyman sat there for a couple minutes, thinking. Then he burst out laughing. He shook his head smiling and ate some more waffles.
Mikeyman was walking down the street in the city, going to the store, to buy some more muffins. He whistled Waffleman's theme song and checked his wallet to see how much money he has left. He stopped when he saw he was out of money. Mikeyman turned his wallet upside down and shook it. A quarter and two cents fell out. He looked grimly at the change in his hand. Hmm...I need cash. Now. I could street dance...naw, I don't get much money from that. It frightens and nauseates too many people when I belly dance. What else?... He stopped to think. Mikeyman decided against being a hobo, begger, orphan, and just lying in the streets, growing facial hair at an early age. I sat down by a building, frustrated. I'm too young to get any type of job...I can't wait four more years 'till I'm 16! He thought. He sat there, sadly looking down on the ground as he realized he would have to go to some kind of orphanage if he wanted to survive any longer.
CHAPTER 2 (Thrawn42689, Mikeyman, Echoman):
Thrawn42689 the "freelancer" was flying along one day in his Apache helicopter when he spotted an orphanage.
"I wonder if I can hit that from here on my first try." he thought. Then he blew up the orphanage.
"Yes!" he shouted triumphantly. "Now I shall destroy all the orphanages in the world!"
Mikeyman was trudging down the street toward the orphanage. He sighed and put his hands in his pockets. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted an Apache in the sky. He looked and saw several missiles fly out toward the orphanage form the Apache. The building exploded only a few dozen feet in front of him. He heard manical laughter as the Apache flew away. Mikeyman just sat bewildered at what just happened, trying to recollect his thoughts.
Thrawn42689 watched as mikeyman sat pathetically by the front step of the orphanage. "You poor little child." He called from the helicopter. "Have a teddy bear!" Thrawn42689 tossed a big brown squishy fuzzy teddy bear to mikeyman. Little did mikeyman know, the teddy bear was a killer assassin robot from Alpha Centauri! DUN DUN DUN!
Just before the evil teddy bear assassin activated, Echoman squished it with a mallet. As the robot tried to get up, Echoman stamped it down with his foot. Thrawn42689 spotted Echoman and decided to machine gun him down, but at the last moment, Echoman used mikeyman's body as a sheild. By throwing the mallet, Echoman was able to ground Thrawn42689's helicopter for good. But out of the burning wreckage, Thrawn42689 stood up. Now Echoman and Thrawn42689 met face to face...
CHAPTER 3 (Thrawn42689, Echoman):
Thrawn42689 kicked Echoman and hopped into a nearby tank. He sent a depleted uranium shell hurtling into Echoman's midst, then the tank sprouted rockets and flew off to find more orphanages.
But little did Thrawn42689 know, Echoman grabed mikeyman at the very last second to block the shell. Unfortunately, Echoman could not use mikeyman as a shield any more because mikeyman's body had just been blown to 34 million pieces. Echoman cleaned mikeyman's blood and guts off his shirt and got up.
"I'll stop your terror on this world," yelled Echoman.
Echoman followed Thrawn42689's tank tracks. He looked around him to see the destruction of Thrawn42689's.
"I will get you. But you shall come to me. For I have your credit card!" Echoman waved Thrawn42689's Visa card. Thrawn42689 had dropped it when the helicopter crashed!
"Ha!" Thrawn called from his flying tank. "You fool! That card expired two years ago! And I'm going to assassinate George W. Bush now. Ta-ta!"
Thrawn flew away, cackling like an irritated rectum.
"Oh no! This card is useless!" said Echoman. He threw down the Visa card in the dusty dirt. "And now he's gonna kill Bush!! If he dies, there will be nothing for America to laugh at! Not good!"
But Echoman just had an idea. He picked up Thrawn's card and calls the Visa card company.
"Sorry, we don't offer Thrawn's personal credit." said the phone operator.
"I have weed." said Echoman.
The operator was silent for a moment. "Okay, what do you want to know?"
"What did Thrawn buy two years ago?" responded Echoman.
"Well, a lot of gun magazines. And then a killer teddy bear. It came from Massassi Robotics. Their number is 1-800-KILL-BOTS."
Robots! Echoman had a plan. He called up 1-800-KILL-BOTS. Time was running out...
"Hi! Can I order the robot version of George Bush?"
"Ok. Where should I drop it off?" answered the worker.
"In front of the White House please."
"Ok. Are you sexy?"
Echoman now hoped Thrawn would kill the wrong president while Echoman saved the real Bush. The plan had to work...
CHAPTER 4 (Ganondorf, Echoman, Thrawn42689):
Echoman had asked for a robotic Bush, but he got Ganondorf in a Bush mask.
"Get out of the car!" yelled a man from behind, shoving Ganondorf from a black limo.
"Fine! You don't have to shove, and why did you glue this mask on?" said Ganondorf angrily.
But before he could get an answer, the car sped off into the darkness.
"Woah, nice house..." said Ganondorf as he looked over the White House. But deep down inside he wondered why he was there, and what would happen to him in the near future.
"Hmmm, I guess this isn't the best looking robot" said Echoman. He was looking on in a nearby bush on the White House lawn. While Ganondorf wandered aimlessly around the building, Echoman entered the house through a window. He was looking for the real President Bush in every hall and room. He was ready to give up until, suddenly, he found the President.
"President Bush. You are in great danger. You must come with me." exclaimed Echoman.
"Can I put on some pants?" said Bush.
"Ummm...nasty..." was Echoman's response.
Echoman, with the President in one hand, ran down the halls to exit the building. But along the way, he collided violently with Ganondorf. But because time was very short, Echoman accidentally grabbed Ganondorf and left the real George Bush behind. They jumped out a window and landed in front of the lawn. Overhead, the sound of a hovering tank could be heard.
"Crap." proclaimed Echoman.
They both hid in a nearby bush. Echoman didn't know he left the real President in the house.
The tank rumbled to a halt above the White House. An enourmous laser shot down from the tank and the White House exploded!
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"Holy poo!" Echoman whispers to Ganondorf. "Good thing you're the real President Bush!"
"Er...yeah." Ganondorf realized he was going to be running the country from now on. And he had some big changes in store for America.
Bush's dead burning corpse flew out of the explosion and landed in the lawn.
"What" yelled Echoman. "You're not the real Bush!! Imposter!" Echoman slapped Ganondorf. Because the first slap was amusing, Echoman slapped Ganondorf again.
"What are we going to do?! Thrawn is destroying the country in his stupid tank. The real president is dead. Mikeyman is still dead. Arrgh, what to do??" exclaimed Echoman. He paced back and forth.
"Wait. Ganondorf, you look like Bush so people will think you are Bush. And in the state of an emergency, you get complete control of the government. Ganondorf, you must use your power to stop Thrawn any way possible! Send in the military or something. Please don't forget what I told you!!" Echoman kicked Ganondorf in the rear. "Get going!"
Now Echoman took a seat on the lawn. "Now what is Thrawn's next target?! I can't think of anything!" babbled Echoman. There were no clues present.
Meanwhile, next to the helicopter wreckage, pieces of mikeyman's body slowly formed together. In a matter of minutes, his body was completely restored...
[This message has been edited by Thrawn42689 (edited October 04, 2003).]