hmm, let's see...
Sran Cadpill is completely incompetent, and has an ego capable of supporting 15 - 20 men
SpandexX is also completely incompetent, and onlly holds the position of First Officer, because he is constantly sucking up the Captain (and thus, feeding his ego). He also enjoys fishing out demerits to Quinelleq, although this hasn't yet been implimented.
MissusJupiton is completely underappreciated. She does all the work, and the Captain (Sran) and First Officer (SpandexX) take all the credit. She constantly bickers with SpandexX, and is often setting everything up to the point where all the Captain has to do is press a button. He usually screws it up one way or another. She is also occaisionally called GingeraleTesty, although no one is quite sure why (and she doesn't like being called that).
Quinelleq is a leutinant who has been recently promoted from ensign, simply because he's managed to stay alive and out of notice for this whole ordeal. He's incredibly nervous around the Captain and other officers, and inserts the word, Sir, whenever possible. His current duty is simply to guard the door to the bridge and open/close it as other officers move through.
Lerdvaddar is the Chief Engineer. He talks with an accent (Scottish?). Basically think of the old Star Trek movies.
Dr. Gebhock seems to currently play a minor role, although that is likely to change (right Geb?). He has a strange personality, and doesn't get along with the others very well.
Zangordo is a very minor character, and has only shown up 2 or 3 times (although that wasn't my original intention). He is the ship's Chaplain, and always speaks in riddles.
KiteiodTurrastie is a large yet very sensitive beast. Origins unknown, but he very much enjoys beating the tar out of enemies, and sending people to the Brig. He is also very fond of the game Space Invaders, and is incredibly loyal to Cadpill.
Wass is the evil villian. He has a fondness for sticks. He's moderately cliched. His current goal is to take over the Hemo-Sapient race (that is the race that most of our heroes belong to), and make them all slaves.
Yvul_Jaraf is a mercernary accountant, who was employed by Wass to wreak destruction on the Hemo-Sapient's economy. He is incredibly fond of Space Invaders, and was bought off by Cadpill with a Space Invaders arcade machine. He also has a thing for MissusJupiton.
Ok, I think those are all... If I missed any, someone else can post them. And feel free to add to the character descriptions if I missed anything.
hmm, let's see...
Sran Cadpill is completely incompetent, and has an ego capable of supporting 15 - 20 men
SpandexX is also completely incompetent, and onlly holds the position of First Officer, because he is constantly sucking up the Captain (and thus, feeding his ego). He also enjoys fishing out demerits to Quinelleq, although this hasn't yet been implimented.
MissusJupiton is completely underappreciated. She does all the work, and the Captain (Sran) and First Officer (SpandexX) take all the credit. She constantly bickers with SpandexX, and is often setting everything up to the point where all the Captain has to do is press a button. He usually screws it up one way or another. She is also occaisionally called GingeraleTesty, although no one is quite sure why (and she doesn't like being called that).
Quinelleq is a leutinant who has been recently promoted from ensign, simply because he's managed to stay alive and out of notice for this whole ordeal. He's incredibly nervous around the Captain and other officers, and inserts the word, Sir, whenever possible. His current duty is simply to guard the door to the bridge and open/close it as other officers move through.
Lerdvaddar is the Chief Engineer. He talks with an accent (Scottish?). Basically think of the old Star Trek movies.
Dr. Gebhock seems to currently play a minor role, although that is likely to change (right Geb?). He has a strange personality, and doesn't get along with the others very well.
Zangordo is a very minor character, and has only shown up 2 or 3 times (although that wasn't my original intention). He is the ship's Chaplain, and always speaks in riddles.
KiteiodTurrastie is a large yet very sensitive beast. Origins unknown, but he very much enjoys beating the tar out of enemies, and sending people to the Brig. He is also very fond of the game Space Invaders, and is incredibly loyal to Cadpill.
Wass is the evil villian. He has a fondness for sticks. He's moderately cliched. His current goal is to take over the Hemo-Sapient race (that is the race that most of our heroes belong to), and make them all slaves.
Yvul_Jaraf is a mercernary accountant, who was employed by Wass to wreak destruction on the Hemo-Sapient's economy. He is incredibly fond of Space Invaders, and was bought off by Cadpill with a Space Invaders arcade machine. He also has a thing for MissusJupiton.
Ok, I think those are all... If I missed any, someone else can post them. And feel free to add to the character descriptions if I missed anything.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.