((NSP: Ariana the writer co-wrote her character's part in this post.))
Back in the Cave of Abomination..
Subaru: Ugh... OH MAN, THE SMELL!
Otter: What smell? I don't smell anthing.
Subaru: Aw gawd! I can hardly breathe!
Ricky: Maybe you should give the girl some space.
Otter: Very funny.
Qhobeg: It looks like she's not even conscious of us.
The Otter shakes Subaru. Her eyes light up.
Subaru: Huh? Where'd that smell go?
Subaru turns to see The Otter, and jumps back.
Otter: For cryin' out loud, I'm not contagious!
Subaru: So you say! Ha ha-ha ha-ha...
Subaru continues hopping around the group.
Ricky: We better get out of this cave before we're overcome by...whatever's going on here.
Otter: Yeah, we'll have to be extra careful not to...get preoccupied...
Standing before The Otter was a relatively normal-looking college freshman girl. Relatively, because if this were outside of the NeS, and thus outside the standard Hollywood-esque standards of beauty, this girl would be fairly attractive and certainly not "normal" and un-noticed by the average guy. But that's beside the point. This girl is not just an girl for The Otter. This girl was his first and only girlfriend.
Otter: What? No... not this...
Another figure walks up next to the girl -- a guy this time. Like the girl, he's of the psuedo-normal appearance. They appear to be friends. Good friends... they hold each other's hands unconsciously...
Otter: NO! I don't want to see it!
Girl: Come back...
Otter: GO AWAY!
The world snaps into focus, and The Otter sees himself surrounded by Qhobeg, Ricky and Subaru again. Geb, of course, is standing a little distance away, because his emo-ness demands it of him.
Ricky: Come back!
Otter: I'm here...
Ricky prepares for another slap.
Otter: I'm here!
Ricky: ...oh, ok.
Qhobeg: I hope we find the exit quick, or we'll be stuck in this hell, and not the kind with Mounties.
Qhobeg and the others, dragging Gebohq with them, race down the cavern corridor... scene fade to black.
Fade back to white sillouetting the figures of Qhobeg and the others, the white encompassing as they walk towards it. The white dims, and the characters look out into their new environment -- the peaks of a quiet highland. There is little to no greens of plantlife, and there is little to no whites of snow, or blues of water. Whatever life is in this part of NeShattered is staying as quiet as the air. The monorail that runs through Evil Geb's megatropolis runs through these plateau-ish peaks. The trail of feathers from Ariana leads through a footpass, and appears to end towards a train station, where the monorail track ends.
Upon following the trail, the group finds that their quest does not take them into the station and along the track, but through an open square and into a building that is half-watchtower, half-monument to something (or someone) long forgotten. It is apparent that this structure, which is on the opposite side of the square from the station, is the end of their journey, and yet there appears to be no one in sight, other than themselves.
Qhobeg: I dislike the suspense.
Otter: Well, then let's get this over with and head inside.
Ricky: Before we do that...
Ricky takes off his Pound Puppy helmet and chucks it. Upon not seeing Ricky killed with a sniper headshot, the others gladly strip theirs off as well. The pound puppies fall to the depths of the highlands with much sadness.
Subaru: Poor lil' guys.
Ricky: Oh come on!
*cue sad violin music*
Ricky: What gives? Wearing them was degrading!
Ricky: Everyone agrees! >.>
*music changes to make Ricky look like a bad guy*
Ricky: Let's just get going... -_-
Ricky, Qhobeg, The Otter, Subaru, and Gebohq enter the watchtower-monument. Inside is an antechamber, the sides lined with a facade of pillars which each hide a set of stairs leading to the upper level, the fronts of the pillars adorned with now-unidentifiable statues etched into them, and another set of doors in front. The group closes the door behind them and opens the new doors to see the other half of the building -- simply a large, open chamber, with a psuedo-balcony that looks out onto the highlands. And in the chamber is a large cage, where the trail of feathers definitively ends,,,
Qhobeg: Ariana! We've come to rescue you! Let's get you out before--
SUDDENLY! A huge explosion shakes the building, and blows off the main entrance doors.
Qhobeg: Drat.
Ariana: He should be upstairs.
Qhobeg: Not what I meant.
Ariana: Oh.
Gunfire rips through the air, whizzing by their heads.
Qhobeg: Everybody, back into the antechamber!
Qhobeg, Ricky, Subaru and the Otter run back out into the antechamber.
Subaru: What about Geb?
Qhobeg: Leave him! Maybe he'll get lucky and have a character-changing moment.
Qhobeg winks at Gebohq, and closes the doors behind him. The sounds of conflict are now muted, leaving Gebohq and Ariana virtually alone...
*cue porno soundtrack*
*The porno soundtrack abruptly stops.*
Ariana holds the bars that are keeping her imprisoned, gazing at Gebohq as if she were in a dream, while Geb is looking more despondant and detatched from the world than ever.
Geb: Ariana?
Ariana: Hmm?... *not really paying attention*
Geb: Who are you?
Ariana turns her attention to Gebohq, cocking her head to the side.
Geb: I mean, other than being angel, that is. And who is this Drat who has brought you here? What's he want with you?
Ariana: Whoa whoa, can you get me outta this cage first? It's starting to make me feel just a bit claustraphobic.
She laughs a bit nervously as her wings flutter, but cannot yet expand to their full potential being enclosed in such a small space.
Geb: Sorry... my mind has just been so cluttered with questions that have gone unanswered for so long. I was hoping that finding you would be an answer to my problems, but all that seems to come of my mouth are stupid questions.
Gebohq stares despondantly at Ariana, then at his own feet.
Ariana: Hey -- anybody home?
Ariana looks into Gebohq and giggles.
Ariana: Oh Geb, you are so silly. You must not worry and trouble yourself so much about the future or girls so seriously. The future I must tell you certainly holds great things for you. Why must you trouble yourself with things of this nature, things that seem so trivial to what is happening in our world right now?
Geb: Ah! Hey! How did you know...what? Get out of my head!
Gebohq holds his hands up to his forehead and starts frantically swatting in a manner what can only be described as clinically insane.
Ariana: Dude...um...you can stop freaking out now. I was outta that disaster area you call your head as quickly as I entered...I don't wanna know anymore. Man, you are obsessed...Girls, girls, girls...thats all you think about. When exactly do you have time to be a hero? That
is your job, right? Uh, speaking of...could you get me out of this cage? Hmmmmm? Or are you gonna just leave me here and stare helplessly into the oblivion, wondering what some chick who takes things much too seriously and doesn't even have the hots for you is doing right now?
Geb: Now wait just a minute there!
Ariana waits. Gebohq flounders for words before rising, taking a deep breath, and balancing his thoughts.
Geb: First off, I'll get you out soon enough. And I will have you know I don't have girls on the brain 24/7!
Ariana: *giggles* You know these things I speak of are true. They came from your own thoughts...
Ariana playfully sticks out her tongue and does a handstand, or at least as best as one Angel of Innocent Nonsense can do inside a cage.
Geb: Damn it! You're right. I'm a hero, and heroes need to make sacrifices. Heroes certainly aren't victims of life!
Ariana: Now you're just humoring me, aren't you?
Geb: Oy ve, does it even matter if I speak? Why don't I just talk to you in my head?
Geb mutters as he proceeds the slow process of trying to unlock the lock on her cage (without the key) and release the angel from the cage she was trapped in.
Ariana: Ok, ok, I'm putting the girly issues aside and everything else. On a more serious note, though, I must warn you, Geb. You must be careful you do not want these questions and fears in your mind to consume you. There will always be questions and fears. You know this. But if you let these selfish emotions consume you, it could mean the end of the Geb we know. Things sometimes have the tendency to happen at the worst possible time. IF you lose yourself, what will happen to the rest of us? We need you to hold all of us together. The heroes of NeS need you to lead the way. This might not be what you wanted to hear, but I wouldn't be telling you this if I thought you were as sad as you think of yourself.
Gebohq looks at Ariana with some doubt, then continues the process of freeing Ariana from her cage.
Ariana: As for the questions you were asking me before... those are not to be answered now. Right now, your friends need us out there. The time will come soon for you to know the answers to those questions you ask of me. In time, you will also find that what the future holds for you isn't so frightening. Time will heal the things you hold inside, Geb. Just be patient -- you can do it. Anyway, lets go find our friends. They need our help!
Geb finally gets the lock off and opens the cage. Ariana steps out, stretching her wings out. She hops in silly excitement.
Ariana: Gebohq, great hero and leader of all that is good in this Never-ending Story, take this.
*cue epic chorus music as Ariana draws Geb's hands out and cups them with her own, placing something of great importance.*
Geb: ...a pill?
Ariana: It'll help you in your recovery from emo-itis.
Geb: Wha? But this seems-- Oooooh, I get it! This is a placebo, and its power comes from me believing in myself, right?
Ariana: ....right, it's about believing. Keep on truckin', guy.
Ariana pats Gebohq on the shoulder. Gebohq swallows the pill eagerly.
Geb: Come on! Let's go help the others!
Ariana: Wait! Before I forget, there's something you should know about my captor, the one who calls himself Drat...
Unfortunately, Ariana is not able to tell Gebohq what she wanted to say, as she was interrupted by Qhobeg's body flying through the doors and into her, knocking them both unconscious. The smoke of battle pours through the broken doors, but the battle itself seems to have ended. Reluctantly, Gebohq walks through the smoke...
As the smoke dissapates, Gebohq sees a number of bodies lying unconscious on the ground. Most of the bodies are disposable, overly-cliched minions of his evil, Shattered counterpart, but among them, he sees The Otter, Ricky, and Subaru. In the middle of the square, Gebohq sees the only standing body, wearing a blue collar workshirt and dark workpants...
Shattered Geb.
S. Geb: Well hello! Glad you finally decided to join the party! You missed out on most of the fun, I'm afraid. I always get a kick out of watching my disposable minions get creamed -- I took a few of them out myself.
Gebohq locks his eyes on his evil counterpart, keeping his guard up as Evil Geb walks around aimlessly.
S. Geb: I've been keeping an eye on you ever since you entered my homeland, NeShattered. I was hoping that you all would lead me to whomever this "Drat" figure was that would presume to steal the villainous spotlight from me. It seems he's not around though. Too bad. In any case, your other friends that aren't here are already at my palace for my grand wedding. I'd like all your friends to join me and witness our unholy matrimony, with you as the father of the bride. What do you say, pal?
Geb: You're not going to be marrying anybody, Gebiyl. I'll make sure of that.
Gebohq strikes a martial stance.
S. Geb: Oh Geb, Geb, Geb, Geb, Geb... I had a feeling you were going to say that. Thing is, you're going to be the father of the bride whether you want to be or not, even if it means beating you into submission.
Geb: You'll have to kill me first!
S. Geb: We'll see about that...
HOLY COW! It's Geb vs. Geb, Round Two! Who will win? Will Drat make an appearance? Will Geb the Writer post more than once every month?
Geb the Writer: -_-
FIND OUT, right here on the Never-ending Story Thread!
Geb the Writer: NeShattered.
Geb the Writer: Find out, right here on NeShattered.
A gentle wind dances through the square, adding appropriate dramatic tension in the standoff between the good Geb and the evil Shattered Geb. The sun is slowly setting, its descent obscured by the overcast sky.
(S.) Geb: How about a little swordplay, hmm? We didn't get to do that last time.
Shattered Geb fishes around in his pants pockets before drawing out a rather dark and mysterious, if simplistic, blade.
(S.) Geb: It's no NeSword, I'm afraid. Just your standard villain-worthy weapon. It was good enough against the Answerer, though, and it matches well with that outfit.
He carelessly tosses the dark blade in Gebohq's direction, landing with surprisingly little noise. Gebohq looks at it skeptically.
(S.) Geb: It's not going to bite!
Gebohq crosses his arms.
(S.) Geb: Ugh...
Shattered Geb closes his eyes and waves his hands about in a funny manner that resembles typing on a keyboard and moving a mouse. A few clicks are heard, the fabric of reality tears apart for an almost indicernable moment, and then all returns to normal. Gebohq is surprised to find that he is now holding the mysterious blade in his hands.
(S.) Geb: See, that wasn't so bad, was it? Don't make me do stuff like that again -- it isn't as fun. Now we play!
Reaching his hands behind his waist, Shattered Geb brandishes out of seemingly thin air the NeSword and the dark foil-like blade that is currently imprisoning Vashuko, Helebon, and the Darkside from the year 3000. He giggles like a madman, and rushes towards Gebohq.
The dark blade goes flying out of Gebohq's grasp and plants itself into the ground nearby. A half-second later, Gebohq goes wide-eyed at what just happened.
Gebohq: What just happened?
Shattered Geb sighs, and withdraws.
(S.) Geb: Oh come on, I know you can do better than that!
Shattered Geb waves his hand, and the dark blade hovers back towards Gebohq. Gebohq looks at the floating blade, and at his evil counterpart, but otherwise motionless.
(S.) Geb: Don't make me do it again...
Reluctantly, Gebohq takes hold of the floating blade. Shattered Geb advances again, but this time, Gebohq dodges to the side, stabbing with the dark blade. Shattered Geb pins Gebohq's blade (and body) down with the NeSword, however, and aims the Darkfoil at Gebohq's head. Shattered Geb rolls his eyes.
(S.) Geb: You're so unbelievabley
predictable! I thought maybe the
wielder of NeS could be a little more challanging, but--
Gebohq kicks his counterpart in the leg, which distracts Shattered Geb long enough for him to knock the Darkfoil away from his face with his own blade and grapple Shattered Geb in a half-swordlock, half-control for the handles that they are gripping -- a show of strength over skill. Shattered Geb breaks the lock by kicking Gebohq's leg. A wicked smile spreads on Shattered Geb's face as the two of them clash blades. The sky draws an ever slightly darker red as the sun continues its slow fall, closer to the highland peaks.
The duel between the two of them is considerably drawn out. Gebohq evades impossibly precise attacks as he's never done before, but his Shattered counterpart always seems just a little bit faster, one step ahead, hardly fatigued by their constant movement. Gebohq moves in on the offensive more, and Shattered Geb appears to be playing the part of the defender now.
Gebohq: So, wouldn't you like to reveal your evil plot to me? Or try and break my will?
(S.) Geb: Why yes, I'd love to! But wait, I must hold out a little bit longer to fully enjoy the--
Gebohq drives the hilt of his blade into Shattered Geb's face, which results in a Three Stooges-like effect. Reeling back, Shattered Geb starts a "why I oughta..." round-up when Gebohq points behind him.
Gebohq: Hey, is that a giant tentacle monster, with chainsaws for teeth and Johnny Cochrane for a defense attorney, behind you?
(S.) Geb: What? Where?
Incidentially, a giant tentacle tentacle monster, with chainsaws for teeth and Johnny Cochrane for a defense attorney, IS passing by behind Shattered Geb, and the confusion is enough for Gebohq to knock his counterpart in the back of the head with the the hilt. Shattered Geb stumbles about, with stars floating around his head. Gebohq dashes and ties his opponent's shoes together with blazing speed. Of course, Shattered Geb falls over as he tries to move on our hero, dropping his weapons in the process. Gebohq kicks them aside and stands triumphant over his fallen foe, breathing heavily, blade pointed at his counterpart's fear-stricken face.
Gebohq: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you.
(S.) Geb: Because you're a hero, and killing me would make you a villain.
Gebohq: Oh, right...
(S.) Geb: Also, I'm in your body, and if you kill me, you'll never get your body back.
Gebohq: That too...
(S.) Geb: And just imagine all the aweful paperwork that would follow! Proof of villain's death forms...
Gebohq: OK, that's enough.
(S.) Geb: ...transfer of late-villain's possessions to your name...
Gebohq: Shut up already!
(S.) Geb: ...late-Evil Counterpart trial hearings, possible re-evaluation of your hero's liscense, and let's not even get INTO the tax issues!
(S.) Geb: But even considering all that, you should have killed me. Too late now, though.
Gebohq: Why's that?
(S.) Geb: Well, thanks to the Ever-ending Plot caged inside my mind, no plot detail, however small, goes unnoticed by me now. I've staged our conflict so that, in your exact position, the sun's rays will shine from an open patch of overcast sky as it sinks behind those peaks behind me. See for yourself.
Confused, Gebohq looks in front of him...
In that split-moment, the sun's light shines through an open area of sky between clouds and highland peaks, its rays piercing the sky. Gebohq is blinded by the sudden rays of light, and reflexively covers his eyes. Shattered Geb holds out his hands, and the NeSword and Darkfoil fly back into his grasp. Gebohq notices, and attempts to attack, but Shattered Geb knocks Gebohq's blade away. Gebohq jumps back, trying to regain his sight, as Shattered Geb slices his shoelaces untied and stands. Shattered Geb leaps onto Gebohq's position.
Gebohq's blade flies out of his grip, planting to the ground nearby once again. Shattered Geb, having Gebohq pinned down, moves in for the killing blow--
--and stops. He presses his wrist against his temple.
(S.) Geb: NO! I'm not going to kill him! He's going to be the father of the bride! SHUT UP! I WON'T KILL HIM!
A gunshot cracks in the air. Gebohq screams, clutching his leg. Shattered Geb looks up towards the watchtower, where he heard the voice call out from. On the upper level, in the sole window, there is a cloaked figure wielding a sniper rifle.
(S.) Geb: I thought I killed all my minions that came with me.
Voice: I'm not one of your minions.
(S.) Geb: Then you must be Drat.
Voice: Yes... and no.
(S.) Geb: What's the meaning of this? Show yourself!
Voice: But of course. One moment.
The cloaked figure dissapears from the window. Clutching his wounded leg, Gebohq turns around to face the watchtower entrance. The cloaked figure walks slowly out from the watchtower entrance and towards the two Gebs, stopping after some three meters away. The cloaked figure drops something on the ground -- a VoiceChanger 5000. The figure then unfurls his cloak, to reveal his identity...
Gebohq: Ante???
((NSP: I got Ante's ideas earlier this week, and have written up stuff since he's pretty tied up with work and whatnot. I should have the rest of my stuff up soon, so until then, enjoy!))
Setting: the highlands square. A twilight sky illuminates the players for this scene -- Gebohq, unarmed and wounded, his Shattered counterpart, currently wielding the NeSword and the Darkfoil, and Antestarr, wearing a loose-but-formal white shirt and formal black pants.
Antestarr: Yes, Geb, it's me.
Gebohq: But...but... where's Drat? I'm so confused.
(S.) Geb: For cryin' out loud, man, Drat was Antestarr all along. Was I really ever that stupid?
Antestarr: You say that as if you aren't stupid now.
(S.) Geb: I'm not the one who chose "Drat" as a villainous moniker.
Antestarr: ...Touche.
Gebohq: Could someone explain what's going on here?
(S.) Geb: Yes, do explain, Antestarr.
Shattered Geb crosses his arms and smiles with mild interest.
Antestarr: It's quite simple, really. I kidnapped Ariana to lure the both of you here, relatively alone. I lured you here, Evil Geb, because you need to make
me the father of the bride, not Gebohq. I'm closer to a father-figure than anyone, and unlike Geb, I have no qualms with Young marrying you.
Gebohq: What?
Antestarr: Quiet, Geb. Truth be told, I sort of respect you, Gebiyl. You know the importance of acting for the sake of the story, and you've done it as you've seen fit, not what the writers have seen fit. Granted, I don't quite like
how you've done all of it, but you certainly have more character than good ol' Geb here does, just doing virtually what anyone asks of him, especially the writers.
Gebohq continues to be stunned.
Antestarr: And I lured you here, Gebohq, because I wanted to kill you myself.
Gebohq: Uh, this is a joke, right?
(S.) Geb: I sure hope so. Geb's my arch-enemy -- I'd be a poor villain if he were to die. The story can't go on without its main protagonist.
Antestarr: You give him too much credit, Gebiyl. The NeS was never meant to have a "lead" character in its story. That came about because of the perversion from the writers, as a set-up for the battle with the Ever-ending Plot on page 50. The NeS will thrive without him, and you will still have many heroes and the like to fight.
(S.) Geb: Hmm...
Gebohq: Why do you want to kill me, Ante? I thought we were friends.
Antestarr: You think everyone's your friend, Geb. You think you're doing good, but you're not. Doing good requires you to take your
own actions, but you're incapable of doing that, because you've allowed yourself to become a puppet for the writers. As the Wielder of NeS, you have a dangerous amount of control over the story, and in turn, the writers have control over you. I can't allow the you to endanger the story any longer.
Gebohq: What are you talking about? You talk as if the writers are evil or something.
Antestarr: Geb, listen to me. Do you think that the EeP appeared by chance? The writers created the EeP because they were afraid. They were afraid because couldn't control the NeS, and writers crave control over what they write. They want their characters to serve their own purposes, and those purposes require things to be resolved. Something that is never-ending can't ever be truely resolved, Geb. I want what any human being wants -- freedom. None of us can be free as long as the writers control the story.
Gebohq: And killing me will solve this?
Antestarr: Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kill you out of revenge either. As it is, the NeS is on its way to being free of the writers' control. There's a lot of stuff that I'd rather not explain to you, so suffice to say, you killed the spirit that the NeS was founded on. You sentenced it to death by serving the writers' collective will -- if it weren't for you, the EeP and everything on page 50 wouldn't have happened -- and in your weak attempt to save yourself, you killed it when you "squared" the thread. The NeS will never be the same again, and for that, you must pay.
(S.) Geb: Oooo, very nice, Antestarr. By all means, please fight him. I'm putting my money on Geb, though, no offense.
Antestarr: Once again, you give him too much credit. In any case, I will require that you give Gebohq the NeSword. Since I am fighting the avatar of the writers, the story requires that he be equipped as such.
Gebohq: What the -- ooooooh, I get it now! Yes, give me the NeSword, so that I may defend the will of the writers.
Gebohq winks knowingly towards Antestarr.
(S.) Geb: Are you insane? I'm not going to do that.
Antestarr: You will, and you will also give me the darkfoil. If you don't, I'll destroy it, which will release the demons held prisoner in the blade, and I have a feeling they won't be in a happy mood.
(S.) Geb: You're bluffing.
Antestarr pulls out a high-tech remote and pushes a button. A light on the darkfoil's grip begins to blink and beep, becoming faster over time.
Antestarr: In thirty seconds, the darkfoil will self-destruct, unless I and I alone cancel it. It's really a small request, Gebiyl.
Shattered Geb glares murderously at Antestarr, his fist throbbing, trying to clench on to things that aren't there.
Antestarr: Ten seconds... nine... eight...
(S.) Geb: ALright alright, I'll give.
Antestarr: ...five...four...
Frantically, Shattered Geb tosses the two blades towards Antestarr. Antestarr then presses the button again, and the darkfoil's blinking and beeping stops.
(S.) Geb: I won't forget this.
After huffing like a little kid, Shattered Geb levitates himself a few meters off the ground and sits on an angry little stormy cloud that he conjoured. Antestarr picks up both blades, and hands the NeSword to Gebohq.
Gebohq: Thanks, Ante. THE JOKE'S ON YOU, EVIL GEB! You fell right for his trick, and now the two of us are going to stop you right here and now!
(S.) Geb: Oh? It looks like the joke's on you from here.
Gebohq: What do you--GAH!
Gebohq stumbles out of the way just as Antestarr swings the darkfoil at his head.
Gebohq: What the hell? You were serious?
Antestarr: Part of me wishes you were still emo right now, Geb. Maybe then this whole thing would have been easier.
Gebohq: I won't fight you, Antestarr!
Gebohq spreads his arms out in a gesture of peace.
Antestarr: Oh, but you will.
Antestarr swings with finesse and speed, and Gebohq watches in surprise as his body involuntarily dodges the attack, his sword deflecting the swing.
Antestarr: You see, Gebohq, so long as you serve as the writers' puppet, they won't allow you to die. Not without a fight, at the very least.
Antestarr advances again, keeping Gebohq on the defensive, the darkfoil moving like a calligraphy brush.
Antestarr: There's something you should know, Geb. I like to fight dirty.
Suddenly, Antestarr jerks his knee directly into Gebohq's groin.
Gebohq: >.<!
He then kicks Gebohq in the wounded spot on his leg. As Gebohq lies sprawled on the ground, Antestarr pulls out an aerosol spray can and his lighter, and proceeds to light Gebohq's rear end on fire.
Gebohq runs around in circles with his butt on fire for several moments before dropping to the ground and rolling, putting the fire out. Antestarr walks over to Gebohq, standing over him.
Antestarr: I slept with Maybechild.
Gebohq: ...what did you say?
Antestarr: I rocked her boat. She was a floozie. Everybody had a piece of her. She's all about "free love" and whatnot.
Antestarr then straps on a mask that looks like The Last True Evil's face.
Antestarr: *in a mock TLTE-voice* I'm going to **** your sister and the NeS over so hard, it'll make them cry for God.
Gebohq twitches.
Leaping off of the ground, Gebohq rushes towards Antestarr.
Gebohq: DIE!!!
Gebohq assaults Antestarr with primitive fury, swinging madly with the NeSword. Antestarr manages to match Gebohq's speed, and as Gebohq attempts to charge, Antestarr trips Gebohq, which sends Geb head-first into a wall. He drops the NeSword, and lies prone, breathing heavily, his forehead bleeding. Antestarr moves to Gebohq's position, kicking the NeSword away, and holding the darkfoil over Geb's head.
And holds...
Antestarr plunges the darkfoil into the wall, mere centimeters away from Gebohq's head. Gebohq looks at the blade, then at Antestarr. Antestarr takes the TLTE mask off his face.
Antestarr: I... I can't do it. Not like this.
He pulls the darkfoil from the wall, deactivates it, and puts it in his pocket. With his other hand, Antestarr offers to help Gebohq up. Sighing with relief, Gebohq takes his hand and, with great difficulty, gets up off the ground.
Gebohq: Thanks, Ante. I knew you--
Gebohq jerks, then looks down, as he sees Antestarr's light dagger plunged deep into his chest. Antestarr pulls the lightdagger from Gebohq's chest, blood dripping off of the handle and onto Antestarr's hand. Gebohq opens his mouth, as if to say something, but instead falls over with little grace or time.
Antestarr deactivates his lightdagger, picks up the NeSword, and tosses it in Shattered Gebohq's direction.
Antestarr: Take it. I don't want such trash.
Antestarr coughs some blood as he walks away from Gebohq's last moments of vision.
Then, a small speck of light appears in the distance. The light is inviting, safe, and a little intimidating in its other-worldliness.
A different, neon light illuminates nearby, pointing to the light in the distance. It says "Afterlife: 1/4th mile." Below it, in smaller, blinking text, reads "You're dead, smart guy."
Purpose, wholeness, love... somehow, the distant light show all these things. The light draws closer, brighter, yet not without care. It was very close now, ready to embrace... then, a thought echos.
Stay alive.
The light stops. Slowly, it draws back, farther, dimmer, until it dissapears from the nothing from which it came.
Splotches of color appear from the darkness. The splotches begin to focus into identifiable images. It is the highlands square, and it is nighttime. The stars are obscured by the clouds.
A figure in blue towers above, holding a shimmering blade in one hand. In the other, he is dragging a lifeless body. It looks like the figure above, execpt it's wearing dark and bloody clothes. The towering figure in blue has something less physical on its head, something cold, calculating, with a will of its own. It appears to gnaw on the figure's head, and the figure rubs his head in pain. Voices carry from a nearby distance, but they are not visible.
"No, this can't be..."
"You heard 'em, men. Take them to the palace dungeon."
"You won't get away with this!"
The towering blue figure walks into a train car. The scene falls out of focus. The setting turns into splotches of color, and the splotches fade away.
Flicker. Something flickers in the darkness. The darkness fades, and the whole vision flickers, and moves. It is disorienting.
The vision is of the same towering figure, but sometimes that figure is not towering, but alongside, walking down a hallway. The figure is carrying a candle. The manevolant something is still on the figure's head. Plot? Plotting? The figure quietly opens a door, and enters.
The figure places the candle down onto a nightstand, and looks at a bed. No, looks at a girl on the bed. A small, blue-haired girl. She is smiling... Maybe? No. The girl is not smiling. The figure grabs hold of her, delibrately, but not violently. The figure crawls into bed with the girl, crawls on top of the girl... the manevolant something grins.
No. No. No.
The candle dies, and the vision flickers away.
A soft light disperses the darkness. It is hard to see, though, because the soft light is hard to see past. Sometimes it dims, but there is so much movement, it becomes hard to focus. Wait... the figure.
The figure is Gebiyl. But where is the manevolant something that was on its head?
Gebiyl walks in front of a mirror. He is wearing a formal tux fitting of him -- no, of him. Me. Huh? Who am I? What am I? This body, it's mine, yet it belongs to Gebiyl. Look! On the sink counter lies the shimmering blade, the NeSword. Grab it!
Gebiyl's shadow reaches for the blade, yet Gebiyl himself does not.
Gebiyl: Did my shadow just move on its own?
Gebiyl: ...ugh, my imagination must be getting the best of me. Still, something's not right when I look into this mirror...
Wait... I know who I am!
Geb's shadow:
I'm Gebohq, and I'm...Gebiyl's shadow?
Suddenly, Gebiyl punches the mirror, causing it to split and crack, with a couple pieces falling off.
Gebiyl: Ah, much better. To the wedding!
Geb's shadow: What the hell?
Setting: The wedding day of Gebiyl (the evil, shattered Geb) and Young. A crowd of thousands are gathered inside a large cathedral-like hall within Gebiyl's Palace of Power. At one end of the aisle is an alter, where Morthrandur and Gebiyl stand in front of, awaiting for the big moment. Behind the alter, the world's largest (and deadliest) wedding cake ever made. Nearby Gebiyl is his best man, Ares, and his head ushers, Bhac and Rob X. The whole affair is purely unholy, however, and is only just well-enough disguised to pass off as otherwise.
On the other end of the aisle, off in an aclove, waiting for their cue, is the bride, Young, and the acting father-of-the-bride, Antestarr. Young is decked out in the biggest, poofiest, white dress (though on closer inspection, one notices that it has equal parts bone-white to it as well), and Antestarr is wearing the same outfit as last night, but cleaned up, tightened, and with a formal black coat and tie over his shirt.
Antestarr: How are you feeling, Young?
Young: I'm being forced to marry an evil man.
She says that with little emotion, as if reading off a cue card, with eyes equally vacant in spirit. Antestarr grabs hold of her arms and shakes her into attention.
Antestarr: Young, listen to me! I created you with a clean slate, to be free to do what
you want. You're talking like a writer would have you talk.
Young: I'm sorry.
Antestarr: Don't be sorry, Young. You've been through a lot. I should be the one apologizing, for not being there for you more. The least I could do is be here for you now.
Young suddently buries her head into Antestarr's chest and begins softly sobbing. Antestarr hold her. A long moment passes.
Antestarr: Young, I need to know something, and I need you to be honest with me, ok?
Young: What is it?
Antestarr: Do you
want to marry him? Do you love him?
Young: I... I don't know.
Antestarr: Well, think about it now, and when you get up to that alter, and you're asked if you do, answer what
you want. You're a child of NeS, Young, and free to chose as you wish. Believe in yourself. As long as you do that, I'll be proud of you, no matter what happens.
Young: But... it's not that simple...
Antestarr: Yes it is! The writers tried to make you helpless, but you're not! Don't believe them!
Young: That's not what I meant. I mean...
Antestarr: What is it?
Young: Last night, he... he...
Young stammers for words. Suddently, she blurts out.
Young: I think I may be pregnant.
Antestarr: What? Look, that's not possible. He's evil, which makes him sterile. That's the whole point of this wedding, Young.
Young: But--
The grand organ begins to play. The thousands of people rise from their seats.
Antestarr: No time! We have to go now.
Young: But--
Antestarr: Whatever happens, I'll be there for you. Remember that!
A couple of Gebiyl's disposable overly-cliched minions, decked out in formal wedding attire, prod Antestarr and Young down the aisle. The two walk down the aisle. Antestarr hands Young over to Gebiyl, and the ceremony begins. Morthrandur does his part as the priest, Morris the Cat and Cthulhu (in chibi form) act as ringbearer and flowergirl, respectively...
Scene swipe to the Palace Dungeon, where The Otter and such are being held prisoner.
Otter: Well
this sucks.
Ariana: *doing a handstand* Seems about the same to me.
A guard marches in front of their cell, whistling as he twirls the keys, obviously not the brightest crayon in the box...
Otter: Oh thank God for story conventions...
Meanwhile, back at the wedding ceremony, the ritual is now conveniently towards the end.
Morthrandur: Do you, Gebohq--
Gebiyl: (under his breath) Gebiyl.
Morthrandur: --take this woman, Young, to be your lawfully-wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?
Gebiyl: I do.
Morthrandur: And do you, Young, take this man, Gebohq--
Gebiyl: (under his breath) Gebiyl.
Morthrandur: --to be your lawfully-wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?
Young: I...
Young is distracted, however, when she notices Gebiyl's shadow waving his arms to get her attention. Nobody but her seems to notice, however, as it continues to pantomime, pointing at itself, forming a halo with its hands, and holding his hands as if handcuffed, gesturing to Gebiyl. Gebiyl notices Young's distraction, and looks behind him, only to see his own shadow acting as it should.
Young: ...I do.
Gebiyl's shadow bangs its head against an invisible wall.
Morthrandur: Does anyone here have any objections to this wedding?