A dark and broken reflection of the weird and wonderful world of the Never-ending Story. First sundered from the fiftieth page by the powerplayer, Highemperor, in his single-minded thirst for grandeur, the Shattered Story has always made manifest dreams both terrible and tumorous. Many have harbored in this wretched world: the Tribunal of Potentials, Darth Vice with his Lost Beta brethren, the successor to Highemperor known now as Evil G, and now even the Ever-ending Plot. Apocalypse after armageddon has devastated this narrative, and now with the Plot spread across every corner, the presence of its concluding chapter can be felt.
As with most all of the Shattered Story, what was once Rome no longer stands. Literally. To describe the surrounding area a wasteland would imply some semblance of story worth sharing, as it once had been before the spread of the Plot. Only decay-filled masses of pus and bloodink stand now, swamping over whatever existed prior, leaving the landscape static and stark in its senselessness. High above, where even the clouds hang heavy with terminal purpose, lightning strikes onto the land, each electric crack scratching through the air with the same plotting weight as the rest of the world. In a stepping strobe effect, the lightning splits, and a plot-hole tears open. Two figures drop onto the ground.
The thunder rumbles.
The End looms.
Chapter 1 - The Connection Between
The two figures groan in pain as they stand up. One is a woman, dressed in a white cultist's cloak, known once in legend as Britt. The other is a trimly-bearded young man in a white-collared shirt and dress slacks, known once as the Main Character of the Never-ending Story, Gebohq. If one squinted hard enough, a resemblance could said to be shared between the two. They'd have to squint awfully hard, though. The two size each other up as they stand.
Britt: "You caused this."
Gebohq: "What are you talking about--"
An axe, having fallen with them and struck the ground, belatedly falls to its side, its echoing clang disturbing the stillness of the surroundings. Britt and Gebohq stop still, awaiting some horror to leap out at them.
Silence passes.
The two relax, and Gebohq postures in an attempt at authority.
Gebohq: "Look, we don't have time for this right now. We need to find shelter... or something. This place is giving me the creeps."
A brief moment passes where Britt considers objecting before she eyes their surroundings.
Britt: "Agreed. But that's mine."
Before Gebohq could comprehend, much less object, to Britt, the woman dashes to the axe, lifting it up with both hands close to her chest. She peers over the head of the axe at Gebohq, waiting.
Britt: "...well? Lead on!"
Gebohq: "Like hell I'm leading! You just want me to be your human shield when we face something nasty."
Britt: "You're not as dumb as you look."
Gebohq: "Yeah? Well, monsters like to sneak up from behind, so have fun with that."
Britt: "..."
Gebohq: "..."
Britt: "Move over."
As Britt takes the lead, with Gebohq tight behind him, the two inch across the ominous backdrop. Each step of theirs seems to upset everything around them, the masses shifting and sliding ever-so-subtly to their existence. Their footsteps echo in the quiet...
...and then other footsteps.
Gebohq: "We're doomed!"
Britt: "Take him first!"
Voice: "Calm yourselves, gentlemen. You're safe."
A man walks into their view. His attire is almost comically pompous, his white fur coat clashing with his gaudy rings and necklaces upon necklaces. On his head, an unusually large and ornate crown sits awkward and heavy. The man, for any who had last attended the Evil World Leaders Summit, would recognize him as Aariadon.
Aariadon: "If you just follow me, everything will be taken care of..."
As Aariadon approaches, though, Britt brandishes his newfound axe towards him threateningly.
Britt: "Yeah, right! Tell us who you are and what you really want. And who else is with you."
Backing off from Britt's threat, Aariadon mechanically pulls a pistol from within his coat.
Aariadon: "As chancellor of this evil land, I order you to drop your weapon and... come with... me..."
Gebohq and Britt watch in confusion as Aariadon drops his own weapon and clutches his head.
Aariadon: "Ouuuuuuch....."
Young voice: "Aari! Hold on, we're coming!"
Three children run out from hiding and towards Aariadon, who has by this point fallen to his knees. Two are boys hardly over seven, and the other is a teenage girl who looks like she belongs in a Final Fantasy game with all the zippers on her clothes. One of the boys wears thick, coke-bottle glasses and a high-tech, cobbled-together circlet with an antennae on his head, and he immediately removes the crown from Aariadon's head. The other boy, wearing a leather coat too big for him, holds a scrappy defensive position to guard Aariadon from Britt and Gebohq. The teenage girl does her best to comfort Aariadon.
Gebohq: "Er... what's going on?"
Scrappy Boy: "Nothing! There's nothing to see here. Don't try anything funny!"
Gebohq: "We won't try anything funny, uh..."
Scrappy Boy: "Chuck."
Gebohq: "Chuck, yes. Nothing funny, I promise."
Britt: "I don't, so keep back."
Gebohq: "Really?"
Britt: "Hey, kids are dangerous. Especially if they live in a place like this."
Nerdy Boy: "Calm down, gentlemen. You're safe."
Gebohq: "Did that kid just...?"
Britt: "Creepy."
Teenage girl: "He's right. We just came to take you two to the waiting place, like the Thand guy asked us to, until the others arrived here in NeShattered."
Gebohq: "Thand? NeShattered? Oh God..."
Britt: "What? Who's that guy? What's a whatever-shattered? Why the doom and gloom?"
Gebohq snaps his attention to the teenage girl.
Gebohq: "What happened after the wedding? Tell us!"
The teenage girl stands up, with the nerdy boy taking her place. She places a hand on Chuck's shoulder, who reluctantly steps back to join the nerdy boy.
Teenage Girl: "The Plot happened. That's what I gather anyway. The palace that the wedding took place in blew up, and then... this."
She gestures to their surroundings.
Teenage Girl: "At first, that evil man pretended it was his doing, monologuing about how he was spreading what he called Plot to kill us all. I and my friends banded together to try and put an end to him, but his defeat seemed to only make this Plot spread faster. My friends were... ended, by this Plot, as were so many others. The evil man disappeared. Something had to be done. I found Aariadon caring for these two children, protecting them from this Plot."
The girl turns to look at Aariadon, who looks almost like an overgrown child among the other two children, who are helping him take off the excessive costume.
Teenage Girl: "He's not a very smart man, but he's kind. We needed someone to escape, to feign that our world was still as it had been, while seeing if we could recruit help. Nobody would take children seriously, though, but with Ed's gift for mechanics, we could have Aari act in our place."
She looks at the nerdy boy, Edward, with a smile.
Teenage Girl: "It was a stroke of luck that the old man Thand visited us when he did. He was able to send Aari with him and back, though I still don't know how. The old man was very secretive, and Aari couldn't explain it to us."
Britt: "I take it your plan didn't work out."
Teenage girl: "We didn't have much time. Thand had sent him back rather abruptly, and just now, he contacted us about you two."
Britt: "Suspicious."
Gebohq: "Agreed. Did he say anything else?"
Teeenage girl: "Just to not take you anywhere near the Demesne. Not that I have any idea what that is--"
Suddenly, Aariadon sits up in excitement.
Aariadon: "OOO!"
He points to a large tower made of brick, off in the distance by a subway stop and strangely not covered in the mass of pus and bloodink, as if it only now appeared.
Aariadon: "Help?"
Gebohq: "Do you think that's the Demmy-place?"
Britt: "Only one way to find out..."
Teenage Girl: "We should just go back and wait like the old man said to do."
Britt: "Aren't you just the least bit curious? Besides, it looks way less creepy."
Gebohq: "He's got a point. What's your name, again?"
Teenage Girl: "Frey--hey!"
As Britt and Gebohq make their way to the tower, Frey turns back and forth before helping Aariadon up, taking him, Chuck, and Edward with her.
Frey: "Wait up!"
The ominous masses of pus and bloodink slowly turn towards the six as they head to the tower, their surfaces spilling and scratching their way behind them...
A dark and broken reflection of the weird and wonderful world of the Never-ending Story. First sundered from the fiftieth page by the powerplayer, Highemperor, in his single-minded thirst for grandeur, the Shattered Story has always made manifest dreams both terrible and tumorous. Many have harbored in this wretched world: the Tribunal of Potentials, Darth Vice with his Lost Beta brethren, the successor to Highemperor known now as Evil G, and now even the Ever-ending Plot. Apocalypse after armageddon has devastated this narrative, and now with the Plot spread across every corner, the presence of its concluding chapter can be felt.
As with most all of the Shattered Story, what was once Rome no longer stands. Literally. To describe the surrounding area a wasteland would imply some semblance of story worth sharing, as it once had been before the spread of the Plot. Only decay-filled masses of pus and bloodink stand now, swamping over whatever existed prior, leaving the landscape static and stark in its senselessness. High above, where even the clouds hang heavy with terminal purpose, lightning strikes onto the land, each electric crack scratching through the air with the same plotting weight as the rest of the world. In a stepping strobe effect, the lightning splits, and a plot-hole tears open. Two figures drop onto the ground.
The thunder rumbles.
The End looms.
Chapter 1 - The Connection Between
The two figures groan in pain as they stand up. One is a woman, dressed in a white cultist's cloak, known once in legend as Britt. The other is a trimly-bearded young man in a white-collared shirt and dress slacks, known once as the Main Character of the Never-ending Story, Gebohq. If one squinted hard enough, a resemblance could said to be shared between the two. They'd have to squint awfully hard, though. The two size each other up as they stand.
Britt: "You caused this."
Gebohq: "What are you talking about--"
An axe, having fallen with them and struck the ground, belatedly falls to its side, its echoing clang disturbing the stillness of the surroundings. Britt and Gebohq stop still, awaiting some horror to leap out at them.
Silence passes.
The two relax, and Gebohq postures in an attempt at authority.
Gebohq: "Look, we don't have time for this right now. We need to find shelter... or something. This place is giving me the creeps."
A brief moment passes where Britt considers objecting before she eyes their surroundings.
Britt: "Agreed. But that's mine."
Before Gebohq could comprehend, much less object, to Britt, the woman dashes to the axe, lifting it up with both hands close to her chest. She peers over the head of the axe at Gebohq, waiting.
Britt: "...well? Lead on!"
Gebohq: "Like hell I'm leading! You just want me to be your human shield when we face something nasty."
Britt: "You're not as dumb as you look."
Gebohq: "Yeah? Well, monsters like to sneak up from behind, so have fun with that."
Britt: "..."
Gebohq: "..."
Britt: "Move over."
As Britt takes the lead, with Gebohq tight behind him, the two inch across the ominous backdrop. Each step of theirs seems to upset everything around them, the masses shifting and sliding ever-so-subtly to their existence. Their footsteps echo in the quiet...
...and then other footsteps.
Gebohq: "We're doomed!"
Britt: "Take him first!"
Voice: "Calm yourselves, gentlemen. You're safe."
A man walks into their view. His attire is almost comically pompous, his white fur coat clashing with his gaudy rings and necklaces upon necklaces. On his head, an unusually large and ornate crown sits awkward and heavy. The man, for any who had last attended the Evil World Leaders Summit, would recognize him as Aariadon.
Aariadon: "If you just follow me, everything will be taken care of..."
As Aariadon approaches, though, Britt brandishes his newfound axe towards him threateningly.
Britt: "Yeah, right! Tell us who you are and what you really want. And who else is with you."
Backing off from Britt's threat, Aariadon mechanically pulls a pistol from within his coat.
Aariadon: "As chancellor of this evil land, I order you to drop your weapon and... come with... me..."
Gebohq and Britt watch in confusion as Aariadon drops his own weapon and clutches his head.
Aariadon: "Ouuuuuuch....."
Young voice: "Aari! Hold on, we're coming!"
Three children run out from hiding and towards Aariadon, who has by this point fallen to his knees. Two are boys hardly over seven, and the other is a teenage girl who looks like she belongs in a Final Fantasy game with all the zippers on her clothes. One of the boys wears thick, coke-bottle glasses and a high-tech, cobbled-together circlet with an antennae on his head, and he immediately removes the crown from Aariadon's head. The other boy, wearing a leather coat too big for him, holds a scrappy defensive position to guard Aariadon from Britt and Gebohq. The teenage girl does her best to comfort Aariadon.
Gebohq: "Er... what's going on?"
Scrappy Boy: "Nothing! There's nothing to see here. Don't try anything funny!"
Gebohq: "We won't try anything funny, uh..."
Scrappy Boy: "Chuck."
Gebohq: "Chuck, yes. Nothing funny, I promise."
Britt: "I don't, so keep back."
Gebohq: "Really?"
Britt: "Hey, kids are dangerous. Especially if they live in a place like this."
Nerdy Boy: "Calm down, gentlemen. You're safe."
Gebohq: "Did that kid just...?"
Britt: "Creepy."
Teenage girl: "He's right. We just came to take you two to the waiting place, like the Thand guy asked us to, until the others arrived here in NeShattered."
Gebohq: "Thand? NeShattered? Oh God..."
Britt: "What? Who's that guy? What's a whatever-shattered? Why the doom and gloom?"
Gebohq snaps his attention to the teenage girl.
Gebohq: "What happened after the wedding? Tell us!"
The teenage girl stands up, with the nerdy boy taking her place. She places a hand on Chuck's shoulder, who reluctantly steps back to join the nerdy boy.
Teenage Girl: "The Plot happened. That's what I gather anyway. The palace that the wedding took place in blew up, and then... this."
She gestures to their surroundings.
Teenage Girl: "At first, that evil man pretended it was his doing, monologuing about how he was spreading what he called Plot to kill us all. I and my friends banded together to try and put an end to him, but his defeat seemed to only make this Plot spread faster. My friends were... ended, by this Plot, as were so many others. The evil man disappeared. Something had to be done. I found Aariadon caring for these two children, protecting them from this Plot."
The girl turns to look at Aariadon, who looks almost like an overgrown child among the other two children, who are helping him take off the excessive costume.
Teenage Girl: "He's not a very smart man, but he's kind. We needed someone to escape, to feign that our world was still as it had been, while seeing if we could recruit help. Nobody would take children seriously, though, but with Ed's gift for mechanics, we could have Aari act in our place."
She looks at the nerdy boy, Edward, with a smile.
Teenage Girl: "It was a stroke of luck that the old man Thand visited us when he did. He was able to send Aari with him and back, though I still don't know how. The old man was very secretive, and Aari couldn't explain it to us."
Britt: "I take it your plan didn't work out."
Teenage girl: "We didn't have much time. Thand had sent him back rather abruptly, and just now, he contacted us about you two."
Britt: "Suspicious."
Gebohq: "Agreed. Did he say anything else?"
Teeenage girl: "Just to not take you anywhere near the Demesne. Not that I have any idea what that is--"
Suddenly, Aariadon sits up in excitement.
Aariadon: "OOO!"
He points to a large tower made of brick, off in the distance by a subway stop and strangely not covered in the mass of pus and bloodink, as if it only now appeared.
Aariadon: "Help?"
Gebohq: "Do you think that's the Demmy-place?"
Britt: "Only one way to find out..."
Teenage Girl: "We should just go back and wait like the old man said to do."
Britt: "Aren't you just the least bit curious? Besides, it looks way less creepy."
Gebohq: "He's got a point. What's your name, again?"
Teenage Girl: "Frey--hey!"
As Britt and Gebohq make their way to the tower, Frey turns back and forth before helping Aariadon up, taking him, Chuck, and Edward with her.
Frey: "Wait up!"
The ominous masses of pus and bloodink slowly turn towards the six as they head to the tower, their surfaces spilling and scratching their way behind them...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories