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ForumsInteractive Story Board → A Knight's Tail
A Knight's Tail
2004-03-28, 3:09 AM #41
(NSP: Why all of these restrictions? I mean, if you have an idea then that's great, and that should be upheld, but at the moment the point of having multiple writing perspectives is being overlooked a bit. Anyway, this post should clear up my character's motivations a bit, and give you guys an idea where I'm heading with this...)

Arcturo rushes down the steep slope, rapidly approaching the construct battalion which is at camp for the night. Dimly, he can make out the dread Ni'Kash the Immortal's tent, and prepares to do battle-

A black shadow leaps out of nowhere and tackles him to the ground, pinning him against the steep slope. Arcturo tries to pull his sword out from under him, then looks at his assailant; a young woman clad in long furs and adorned in ornamental blue tattoos. She is strikingly beautiful, fierce and proud. Her weapon, a long knife a shade of brilliant blue as though a bolt of lightning in her palm, is trained on Arcturo's chest.

Woman: Few people have gotten this close to me and lived to tell the tale, knight...

Arcturo: The very thought that keeps me warm at night, Shaelassa.

The woman smiles, then helps him up. They stalk upwards to a small plateau on the cliffs, where they sit and light a small fire. Arcturo stares at his sword for a moment, contemplative, then slowly removes his plate armour and makes camp.

Shaelassa: You are so eager to attack Ni'Kash? I thought that Silverpoint was the only city in the land not yet under his sway...

Arcturo: Perhaps. But only because of my father's willingness to bow to Ni'Kash, the so called 'Immortal'.

He shakes his head, staring at the night sky sadly.

Arcturo: If I were king, this would not be...I would aid all the lands in their reclaiming of their territories! I swear, your barbarian tribes would be free, not exiled to the coast and persecuted...

Shaelassa smiles at him.

Shaelassa: The coast is not such an unfit home, my brave knight-prince...the ocean, the beaches, these are the things my people live for now. And what of Silverpoint? Long has it been since our meeting there...

She grins with the memory, but Arcturo's face darkens immediately.

Arcturo: Silverpoint is...troubled. My father is a good king, but he has been afflicted with a terrible illness, a...a curse. As heir to the throne, the task has fallen to me to set things right.

Shaelassa: A curse?

Arcturo: Aye. It is...a long tale, and perhaps best saved for morning.

Shaelassa: Nonsense! Tell me now, so that we might sleep easier...

Arcturo hesitates for but a moment, then begins the tale of his quest...


[This message has been edited by The Last True Evil (edited March 28, 2004).]
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-03-28, 4:25 AM #42
NSP: i wasn't giving you restrictions, TLTE. I was trying to clear up plotholes. WEc an always throw in a twist or something, but we can't jsut have free kingdoms or new dragons popping out of nowhere. we need to explain them.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-03-29, 4:17 AM #43
(NSP: Never mind, never mind. I think this should work out anyway; we're all after an essentially good story anyway. Here's some exposition []

Arcturo begins to relate his story to Shaelassa, the ebb and sway of the fire gently guiding his eyes. Shaelassa stares at him intently, her long blond hair rippling in the warm breeze that passes.

Arcturo: The Drahktil, Shaelassa. What does that title mean to you?

Shaelassa: A rare tribe borne of a fusion of human and dragon. The intelligence and magic dexterity of humans, combined with the sheer force and power of dragon-kind. But...they've been extinct for two centuries, haven't they?

Arcturo laughs, a humourless laugh that is laced with much bitterness.

Arcturo: One would like to think so. The majority of Drahktil were hunted down by Ni'Kash himself, who saw their kind as the only real threat to his power. Their potent magics could withstand the fury of his long-distance attacks, but more importantly, there are few pure humans that can stand against Ni'Kash in a duel.

Shaelassa: Why is that?

Arcturo: Well, it takes a human of exceptional bloodline to maintain mental discipline against Ni'Kash's powers whilst matching his sword skills. Only the kings of sovereign lands have managed to hold their own against Ni'Kash, and to this day every one of them have fallen to his blade. So I might stand a chance against him, but not a great chance. A human with Drahktil lineage, though...

He stares into the night, thinking wistfully. Finally, his thoughts ground him.

Arcturo: But not all Drahktil were slain. A handful survived, through cunning, power or both, and decided individually what to do with the remainder of their hunted, oppressed lives. Some chose a peaceful, though anticlimatic, life of obscurity.

He pauses for a long time.

Arcturo: Others chose violence.

Shaelassa: What kind of violence?

Arcturo: Petty assault, murder, mass genocide...the less moral Drahktil did what their hearts desired. It isn't easy to resist the dragon urge when you are Drahktil, I am told. The desire to hoard treasure, to kill...these are as instinctive to them as breathing is to us. Anyway, six months ago, one of the last of them - a Drahktil named Lycorax - attacked Silverpoint.

Shaelassa: What do you mean, attacked Silverpoint?

Arcturo: He laid siege to it, Shaelassa. He and his magic alone assaulted our city. My city.

Shaelassa gapes at him, astonished. Arcturo stares at the fire, remembering...

Arcturo: I won't lie to you and say that we were underprepared, because we weren't. As the last kingdom free of Ni'Kash's control, our army is always ready. My father's Citadel Guard is among the most highly trained and respected unit in the land. My father used to laugh, wager with me how many days under siege it would take for Ni'Kash to finally overrun Silverpoint. It was true; we would frustrate the tyrant before the end. But Lycorax...he taught us how to fight a siege. One day, he walks into the front gate of our city, stands in the centre - the absolute centre - of the entry, and starts chanting. The spell must have taken a minute or two to complete, because a few of the guards spotted him and started moving to stop him before the end.

He winces at the memory.

Arcturo: According to those who survived, when Lycorax finished the spell, some sort of gate opened. It must have led right into the gates of Hell itself, because that was what came out. All manner of foul creatures, beings from the pit of nightmares, stalked into our city and laid waste to it. Our army was caught in the city centre for three days, fighting a seemingly endless tide of evil. Lycorax himself strode through the city streets, mercilessly slaughtering anyone he happened upon, searching for the royal castle.

Arcturo pokes at the fire with a stick.

Arcturo: I go over and over in my head why he would unleash the demons in the city centre. I mean, it's a tactical move certainly, but...I'm now convinced he did it to slaughter as many innocents as he could, before they could escape.

Another pause. Arcturo looks out onto the plains for a long time. Shaelassa feels herself compelled to prompt him, but doesn't know how. Eventually, he looks back and finishes his tale.

Arcturo: I can still feel the cold steel of this plate mail as my father slid it onto me...feel this sword thrust nervously into my hand as my father told me to fulfill my role as prince and protect the king like any other soldier. I marched with two dozen of the Citadel Guard, through the pouring rain, to the base of the castle. Lycorax stood there, looking almost nerve-wrackingly bored as we approached. We told him to leave immediately or face death. Lycorax laughed. He said death had already found us. He attacked suddenly, with a flail of gold that seemed to shine of all corruption and sin in the world. For an age we battled, our swords flashing, the thunder roaring overhead. I attacked him with righteous indignation, Shaelassa, I did. I fought hard and long against the invader. I fought as the Guard fell, men I had grown up with, men I called friends. I fought through magic spell and cold steel, past pain and beyond endurance. I fought until it was just him and me.

The shame of the memory overcomes him and tears form in his downcast eyes.

Arcturo: To my eternal shame...he overcame me. My sword was knocked from my grasp, and a magical blast threw me through the air. I hit the side of the castle and fell to the ground, unconscious. My thoughts swam and I drowned in them, for a brief, unhappy time. I...I came to slowly, in the gentle rain, to the sight of my fallen and broken comrades. Rushing back into the castle, I began to panic. I raced past bloodied corpses, each one becoming more and more recent, until finally I reached the throne room, where my family lay in wait.

His eyes, stained with red, meet Shaelassa's.

Arcturo: My mother lay on the floor dead, a ruby stain enveloping her royal robes. My father's final guard lay scattered on the floor. My brothers lay with them, offering their bodies in defence of the king. My father the king sat on his throne, awaiting the final blow. That foul beast Lycorax stood over him, laughing with glee and preparing his last attack. It was in this final moment that I seized my chance, and gutted Lycorax on my blade. He clutched at my father in his final moments, uttering some foul incantation I know nothing of. Then, he died, and all was returned to normal...or so we thought.

Arcturo gazes into the nearby Forest, deep in thought.

Arcturo: Silverpoint is under siege again, Shaelassa, but this time the enemy is invisible. Our crops are tainted. Our mighty armies falter. Our land grows black and dies for no reason. And my father has been struck with a degenerative condition. We believe it to be the final curse of the Drahktil. I have been sent to return Silverpoint to its former glory, and to do this I must seek out the last known man of Drahktil heritage; the one called Nirewin.

All is silent. Arcturo smiles for the first time since his story.

Arcturo: Now, sleep easier, as you said you would. We leave in the morning...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-03-29, 6:57 AM #44
NSP: OMFG THIS STORY GOT SECKSAY. I'll write later. []

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-03-29, 12:51 PM #45
NSP: Yah know, TLTE, I’ll forgive the confusion for that last post. That was awesome. Glad to have you on board. Oh, and about the differing points of view, i guess in respect to Ni'Kash's army, I’ll have to apologize. If he were to not know the true extent of his army, he may consider that to be most, and i didn't pick up on that. Anyway, back to the story.

Back at Ni'Kash's camp, Ni'Kash watches a reddish speck sliding down the cliffs.

Ni'Kash: Hmm. So Arcturo returns to the Forest of Wake. No matter. I have given him reign, so long as I myself cannot enter. But his arrival at the same time as Nirewin... that may signify something deeper. I must look into it further.

At that same instant, a crashing is heard from the forest. A tree at the edge falls, and Drogal enters the camp.

Ni'Kash: You fools! You prolong my exodus with your blundering. Wait... Drogal, you are injured! Quickly, into my tent. I must perform a healing quickly.

The two enter the tent, Drogal lurching after his master, clutching at the wound in his chest. Slight murmurs are heard for about 15 minutes. Then it stops, and Ni'Kash and Drogal exit the tent. Drogal looks as good as new.

Ni'Kash: Now tell me of the events in the forest. You returned earlier then I expected. Has Nirewin gained such strength so quickly?

Drogal: No, master. There was another. He was clad in red armor, and very skilled. I could have beaten him if it was only the two of us, but with Nirewin they were too much. The other three were slain. I managed to escape, but only after receiving that wound.


Ni'Kash's yell echoes across the cliffs, reaching the ears of Arcturo and Shaelassa.

Shaelassa: Heh. He doesn't seem too happy. What did you do to infuriate the 'all powerful' Ni'Kash so?

Arcturo: I think i almost took down one of his prize constructs, amoung other things.

Shaelassa laughs, although Arcturo looks troubled at Ni'Kash's announcement. Meanwhile, back at the camp, Ni'Kash turns back to Drogal.

Ni'Kash: It seems that I must now remove the spell I placed on you. It would not do well to have you feel no pain. That wound of your's was example enough

Drogal: Very well, master.

Ni'Kash starts the chant again, to a close observer, it may have seemed that he was saying the exact opposite of what he said the first time. At the end, Drogal suddenly lets out an ear splitting scream and crumples to the ground, clutching his chest.

Ni'Kash: I am sorry, Drogal, but I had to reverse the spell. You shall recover soon enough.


NSP: by the way, in case this doesn’t come across in the writing, I meant Shaelassa to be talking sarcastically about Ni’Kash’s power. And forgive any spelling mistakes on that name. It's a doozy.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"

[This message has been edited by Noble Outlaw (edited March 29, 2004).]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-04-01, 1:28 PM #46

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-04-02, 2:24 AM #47
(NSP: Allow me, Noble. The story of Arcturo, at least, can continue...)

Arcturo and Shaelassa continue their toil through the Forest of the Wake, pushing now upwards to the northeast, where the Forest eventually pulls back, leaving only a treacherous region known as the Plains of Kingmarsh to travel before arriving at Windmeire.

Shaelassa: What will we do when we reach Windmeire, Arcturo? I cannot enter there; the barbarian tribes are feared and reviled in ignorant townships such as they!

Arcturo: One would be ill-advised to call Windmeire ignorant, Shaelassa. Theirs is the oldest established city on this side of the world, and the cornerstone of our civilisation. But you are right that you are unwelcome. How rich and bountiful prejudice is in these parts! A simple disguise should correct our problems, however.

The dense coverage of trees starts to thin, leaving pools of radiant, warm light to filter in pockets next to the otherwise cold, dark touch of the forest floor.

Shaelassa: Arcturo?

Arcturo: Yes?

Shaelassa: The Drahktil curse on your's more complicated than you explained to me, isn't it?

Arcturo stops walking, staring at the ground guiltily.

Shaelassa: Arcturo, what aren't you telling me?

For a time, neither of them moves. Slowly, Arcturo turns to face Shaelassa, with a pained expression.

Arcturo: I have-

He freezes. Shaelassa is staring past him, her mouth open and gaping. Arcturo spins-

Voice: You are here, I see.

A man stands twenty feet away from them, dressed in a robe resembling a monk's, but more intricate, with many layers that fold over themselves, and coloured pitch black. Save his elaborate garments, the monk is bare of distinguishing characteristics, with a bald head and no jewellery. His face is calm and serene, but his features are hard and set. He is totally unarmed, and neither Shaelassa nor Arcturo can see any concealed armaments. The monk - if he is indeed a monk - is not facing them, practicing instead some form of martial art. With movements of unerring speed that seem to leave behind a shadow of darkness, he leaps between two nearby trees, kicking off at the apex of one and landing in the precise centre of them both. Slowly and ominously, both trees topple to the ground.

Arcturo: Hail, friend! I am Kerrigan, a simple knight, and this is my wife, Helena. Can I count you among one of the nearby towns' monastic orders?

The monk turns and stares at them, almost through them.

Monk: Lies are the weakest fallicies of the human condition, Arcturo of Silverpoint. You and your 'wife' Shaelassa should do well to remember that.

Arcturo sighs, caught in his lie. He attempts his most charming smile, but next to him, Shaelassa slowly draws her long knife.

Arcturo: That is an amazing martial skill you have there, monk. Do they teach that so readily these days?

As if in response, the monk's arm snakes out - once again, so fast as to leave a black shadow of its shape - and shatters the tree next to him, sending it sailing through the underbrush to crash loudly in the distance.

Monk: I am above and beyond any monastic order you will encounter, Arcturo. You would do well to remember that also. I am the last of my order, and for good reason. Only the strongest survive in this world, my wayward travellers; and sometimes, the strongest must fight among themselves for that privilege. Such as now, for instance.

The monk takes a step forward, and Arcturo and Shaelassa draw their weapons immediately. The monk smiles.

Monk: Fear. I imagine the two of you do not fear much, under normal circumstances; you are what the common would call 'strong'. But you are not among the common now. You are among the exceptional.

Arcturo: You have us at a disadvantage, monk. You seem to know us, yet I cannot recall the distinct pleasure of us meeting.

Monk: Of course you wouldn't. We have not met. But nobody is a stranger to me, master of the disciplines of life and death. For your part...I am Zanadal, and I am the end of your journey.

Before he can stop her, Shaelassa screams a barbarian war cry, hurling her long knife at their foe. Zanadal's body bends to the side gracefully, his hand closing abruptly over the weapon. Nodding at her, he throws it into a nearby tree.

Zanadal: Come, you have a few lessons to learn before I flay you from this existence.

Arcturo grits his teeth and runs at him, swinging his sword in an overhead arc that should slice the monk's head in two. Instead, Zanadal's hand, fingers together like a knife, flicks upward and deflects the blade. There is a noise like the clash of steel on steel, and Arcturo's blade is knocked to the side.

Zanadal: An impressive blade, knightling. But ineffective against me.

With a roar, Arcturo slashes at Zanadal's waist. Once again, the monk's bare hand parries the blow, as though a blade. Shaelassa joins Arcturo, and producing two silver daggers she attacks. Side by side, the two attack Zanadal, swinging and stabbing at him in perfect unison. But their opponent seems to cheat time itself; moving so quickly now a visible shadow of himself lingers behind him, the monk foils their every move. Finally, Zanadal jumps off the slight incline they are fighting on, spinning at an impossible speed through the air up to the top of the hill. He looks down on them reproachfully, as a disappointed teacher would when reprimanding his students.

Zanadal: Steel. You put too much stock in it. What is steel but a tool to impose authority over your foes? But steel is something you must master, an extra implement to fumble over in your search for its power. I control the body, forge it into something stronger than steel, swifter than the quickest arrow...this is why you cannot defeat me.

Shaelassa sprints suddenly up the incline, daggers pointed at Zanadal's chest. Arcturo runs to follow her.

Shaelassa: DIE!

She thrusts her daggers at Zanadal. The monk backsteps, his open palms striking the weapons at the hilt and shattering them. Shaelassa staggers forward, and the monk lashes out with a fierce kick that sends her tumbling unconscious down the incline, past Arcturo.

Zanadal: The passionate strike is not without merit, but more often than not the most costly mistake a warrior can make. Are you listening to me, Arcturo? You must meditate on these will lessen the pain of death.

Arcturo tries to contain his anger, but to no avail. He leaps at Zanadal, his sword flaming with light from above, but the monk blocks easily and grasping the blade with two hands, forces it backwards. The sword hilt strikes Arcturo and he stumbles back. Zanadal casts the blade aside.

Zanadal: Now, attack me with your hands. They should be a warrior's first, and last, deadly weapon.

Arcturo throws a violent punch, but strikes only the fading shadow of Zanadal. The monk counters with a brutal kick to his side. Arcturo feigns extreme pain, then unleashes a backhanded swing that Zanadal walks under, striking Arcturo's plate and sending him to his knees. The ailing knight grasps at Zanadal's robes, but Zanadal clutches his throat, holding him above his head with astonishing ease.

Zanadal: You fought with as much dedication as was required, knightling. Now die with dignity, and I may yet be impressed by you...

Arcturo, helpless to resist, simply stares into the eyes of his foe, whose eyes seem as black as the robes he wears...

Suddenly, there is a flash of incredible blue in the periphery of Arcturo's vision, and he falls to the floor. Gasping for air and clutching his throat, he stares up at his enemy.

Zanadal stands a few steps away, glaring down past Arcturo. Shaelassa's long knife is embedded deeply in his shoulder, but he betrays no sign of the excruciating pain he should be in. His blood oozes slowly from the wound; it is, like the man himself, black and evil in appearance. Slowly, he pulls the knife out of his shoulder, staring at it blankly as Shaelassa pulls Arcturo up to his feet.

Zanadal: How...interesting. A note of congratulation is appropriate, I suppose; you have surpassed my exceedingly low expectations. As a reward, hold onto your lives for now, and think of the lessons I taught you. There will be more before the end.

Arcturo snatches up his sword, but Zanadal leaps upward, through the coverage of the trees, and is gone. Exhausted, Arcturo and Shaelassa fall on the incline, next to each other. After a moment's rest, Shaelassa starts pulling Arcturo's plate off, inspecting him for wounds.

Shaelassa: Are you all right? Did he hurt you?

Arcturo: Shaelassa...I'm fine.

She looks at him. They stare at each other for a long time.

Shaelassa: We...we should make camp here. Come on, my brave knight-prince. Help me with the fire.

They start up the incline...

[This message has been edited by The Last True Evil (edited April 02, 2004).]
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-04-04, 8:05 PM #48
Geoffrey: You'd think that if they fared us so well, they would have given us insight into the most convenient path to the cave.

Nirewin: Just weeks ago you weren't as whiney as you are now. What happened?

Our two heroes snip at each other like this for hours. Whacking and slicing away at the thick underbrush. The path they cut before them seems to disappear directly behind them, however, Nirewin knows in the back of his mind what is happening. The first of the four pressures of the Forest of Wake is heightened anger. Simply being around one another is driving our heroes to hate. Nirewin knows he must keep control. But he feels something deep within him stirring...

Geoffrey:We're going in circles. Some freaking navigator you are. I wish instead of a tail, you had a superhuman sense of direction. What good does that tail do anyways?

With that, Nirewin could no longer contain himself. His anger had reached a critical point, and he fell to his knees. He let out a blood curtling scream that soon became a roar, and before his eyes Geoffrey saw his companion turn into a raging yellow dragon. With another roar, Nirewin stretched out his wings and thrashed his arms about him. Before them now was a clearing that led to the cave they saught. Nirewin then collapsed and returned to a human state. Unconcious, Geoffrey was left to drag him along before the forest regenerated.!

Geoffrey:What the hell was that?


-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On

[This message has been edited by Yecti (edited April 04, 2004).]
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-04-05, 4:42 AM #49
Meanwhile, across the diameter of the Forest, Sir Arcturo Delyn dreams...

Arcturo: I?

In his dream, Arcturo floats through his castle at Silverpoint, though it is no longer his castle. The city's corpses surround him; some talk, some laugh, some even move to greet him, but all of them are undeniably dead. Aimlessly, his mother walks to him - with one hand, she reaches for him, the other hand trying to keep the blood from spilling out of her royal dress.

Raiya Delyn: What are you thinking, my son?! Quickly! The city is under siege!

There is a distant roar, followed by the sounds of men rallying and steel clashing. The windows are covered up with crimson; Arcturo rushes to leave, but his father stops him, raising a withering hand to his chest.

Cassituro Delyn: What are you doing? Arcturo, Silverpoint is being attacked! You must lead the Guard! Arcturo, must...

Suddenly, horribly, Arcturo's father begins to degenerate before his eyes. His hair grows coarse and white; his skin turns pale, then grey, then rots altogether. This rapid terror continues in front of Arcturo until nothing remains of his father but a crowned skeleton, who falls forward and collapses to dust in front of him. The Silverpoint crown shatters into a million jewelled pieces in front of him.

The mind-numbing horror of the royal court sways and lurches in front of Arcturo; more in retreat than in defiant charge, he draws his sword and rushes up the spiralling stairs, finally reaching the apex of the battlements. The world is a swirling mess as he scans the city for his foe, desperate to unmake the events so recent in his memory.


All of a sudden, a magnificent dragon bursts forth from the pale sky, knocking Arcturo to the ground with the force of its wings.

Dragon: I come, Prince Arcturo; and the end of your world comes with me...

But as Arcturo raises his head from the cold stone, gazing upward to his foe, he sees that the dragon is not the pale, ashen blue that Lycorax was - rather, its scales are such a striking yellow they threaten to kill the sun.

Dragon: The Drahktil were always meant to rule, Arcturo...and now they are all dead, except for me. Even my half-Drahktil lineage places me far and above the rest of the world!

Arcturo: ...Nirewin?!

Dragon: Ni'Kash, you, the barbarian tribes...all of you will bow to me, or all of you will DIE!

Arcturo raises his sword, but dragon-flame engulfs the tower-

Shaelassa: Arcturo!

Arcturo wakes up finally, shaken by his companion.

Shaelassa: We cross now to the Plains of Kingmarsh.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-04-05, 8:53 AM #50
The air seemed to be filling with screams. Geoffrey stopped as he heard yet another pained scream coming from somewhere in the distance. He grew weary dragging Nirewin behind him, and his anger was tempting him to leave alone. Who would notice? Only Nirewin, when he awoke. At this point he wasn't even sure if Nirewin WOULD awaken. Just what had happened earlier? What was that transformation? Geoffrey's head spun with questions and doubts. He feared that if he left his companion that he would certainly be signing his own death certificate. At this point it seemed likely that was going to occur anyways. What had he gotten himself into? The small boy dropped Nirewin to the forest floor and began to cry.

Geoffrey:Mother... why can't I just be rid of this? So long have I searched out the demons that haunt me in my dreams. Finally have I found him? Have I found the beast who destroyed our family? It seems impossible mother. He is too young to my eyes... I AM TOO YOUNG... WHY!?

With this outburst Nirewin awakened. His head throbbed in pain, and his muscles ached sorely. He looked to his friend and saw him quickly wipe the tears from his eyes. Just then, Geoffrey drew a blade from his boot, and backed away from Nirewin.

Nirewin:Geoffrey? What's the matter? Why do you oppose me?

Geoffrey:What are you? What the hell are the Drahktil?

Nirewin:What struck that up? And where are we?

Geoffrey:Like you don't know. Just hours ago you turned into this... this... thing... Gaping jaws, wings, scales... And you think I believe you when you ask what brought it up? What are you?

Nirewin:...That's impossible. I've not the Power of the Ancients. My blood is inpure. Only a full-blooded Drahktil can transform. ... The Drahktil are a hybrid species of man. Enchanted by the Garamoth, Lord of the Dragons, as their protectors and Ambassadors. My mother, was pure. She was the last of the true Ancients.


Nirewin:I told you no. It's not possible.

Geoffrey:It IS possible Nirewin. I saw it with my own eyes. You transformed, and created that clearing...

Hours later the clearing had still not resealed. Instead, the ends of the snapped tree limbs glowed as though burning embers of a fire. The forest moaned angrily, but to all directions, no foe could be seen. A shrieking was heard above, and a falcon bearing Arcturo's crest landed in the canopee above our heroes. From its talons it dropped a scroll. A letter from Arcturo describing his dream, and requesting an audience with Nirewin after the two were done with their respective campaigns.

Nirewin:If I transformed Geoffrey, I assure you, you have nothing to fear from me. I am your friend. Dragon or not, I'm capable of telling friend from foe.

Geoffrey:I wouldn't be so sure... Anyways, let's get on with it. I've been dragging you for too long.

Nirewin:I'm feeling able, hop on my shoulders. We'll travel as one.

Geoffrey gives a queer look towards Nirewin, but sheathes his weapon. He hops upon his shoulders and the two go bolting through the clearing. As they move, once again behind them the clearing closes. The Forest wants them to arrive at the cave.

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-04-07, 1:01 PM #51
NSP: I would like to write, but there's nothing for Ni'Kash to be doing []. I'll jsut have to wait until something big happens, i guess.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-04-10, 6:51 AM #52
As our heroes run closer to the opening of the cave, they pass a man standing at a booth peddling things.

Man: Trinkets, items from the old world, naked pictures of Ni'Kash's fallen daughter, transcripts of the ending of the story, peanuts, popcorn, beer and soda!

Our heroes look at each other and reach into their pockets to buy the necessities...




Peanuts, popcorn, beer and soda.

nsp:needed to get us back on the page. Seriously Outlaw, write something for Ni'Kash to get the story moving again.

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-04-10, 12:44 PM #53
NSP: Ok, i'll try to get something up tonight. i've been really busy these last few days, but i should have enough time tonight.

I don't want to add anouther NSP, so i'll just post here. I haven't had enough time to write the whole post i want to recently, but today i should have enough, as i am coming to the end. it's going to be long. Hopefully Jim will post soon so we can get the real story moving again.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"

[This message has been edited by Noble Outlaw (edited April 12, 2004).]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-04-12, 4:51 AM #54
Then suddenly, a scotsman jumped out of the cave.
Nerewin:Who are you?
Scotsman:I am the great Seamus McArnold
Nerewin:Yeah sure...

Look at me! I got a signature!
Look at me! I got a signature!
2004-04-12, 5:03 AM #55
um.. i'm going to let that go as a bump....

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-04-12, 4:04 PM #56
NSP: sorry, this is a bit, well, I shouldn’t delude myself. It’s hellishly long. I’ve been working on it for several days. Hopefully this will be enough to hold us over until Jim starts the bit with the cave. Oh, and feel free to do anything with the events before or after this period, if you want.

Back in Ni'Kash's camp, the troops still stand in formation, almost more still then the trees themselves. No sounds are heard save the rustling of clothing and leaves in the wind. Almost nothing moves at all, except for Ni'Kash. Bored by constant complacency as he waits for Nirewin to exit the forest, he has retired to his tent, and now dreams, restlessly. He constantly tosses and turns, as if afflicted by some intense discomfort. And, in a way he does, for in his dreams, he dreams of the last time he visited this place, the last time the forest allowed his presence, all those many years ago...

Insert Flashy Flashback Effect Here

5000 years ago, the cliffs surrounding the forest are still present, but the forest is not confined to them. It stretches for miles in all directions, almost reaching the horizons. Unlike the dense trees of Arcturo's time, these are open, but tall, and stretch for hundreds of feet skywards. Light filters through their leaves, illuminating the undergrowth, where many animals live. There are no signs of the chk'tu. A figure walks among the trunks, a brown cloak trailing behind him. He is young, his face full of life. On one shoulder of the cloak, a crest has been stitched, a black book with a stunningly white star, against a blue background with black stars.

This is Ni'Kash, though he is almost nothing like the one in Arcturo's time. He is a scholar of sorts, who studies black magic. He comes to this forest, the Forest of Wake, as it is famous for it's heart, where there are said to be vast reservoirs of black magic. The appearance of the forest belies this fact, as it is a bright and cheerful place, but that is because the immense powers of the heart are kept in place by ancient barriers erected many years ago, by a race no longer remembered in the minds of men.

Ni'Kash stops now, and prepares to set a camp. He gathers some sticks, stands over the pile, and says a short chant. The sticks suddenly glow black, and burst into flames. The sticks then return to their normal color, before being consumed by the growing fire.

Ni’Kash: Ha! And they say black magic can only be used for evil. When I get to the heart, I’ll be able to see ever more clearly how black magic can be mastered. Then I’ll return and show them all. I’ll not be ridiculed again!

He then goes about the normal business of a camp, setting up his shelter, which he makes by levitating some branches to form a lean-to, and getting food. This he does by casting a charm spell on some animals nearby, and then blasting them with a small bit of black magic. He then roasts them on his fire. As he does this, the sun slowly sinks blow the horizon. As he eats his dinner, it goes down completely, bathing the forest in a complete blanket of black, except for Ni’Kash’s small fire. He tosses the bones of the animal aside, and smiles as he rises.

Ni’Kash: Ah, this is a perfect night to practice my new spells. And none of my annoying ‘associates’ to interrupt my practice with their ignorant prattling about the ‘dangers’ of black magic. Ignorant fools.

With this he starts a chant. Nothing happens for a few seconds, and then two small black orbs appear. He smiles, and then the chant changes subtly. The orbs start to rotate around him. Now he gets more complex, moving his hands in patters along with the changing chant. The orbs start to dance, bobbing and weaving among trees, scaring the inhabitants a bit. Then he starts to chant faster, and the orbs split, and the dance gets even more complex. He does this again and again, until he seems covered in a cloud of blackness. Then he abruptly stops, and the cloud disappears. He collapses, and crawls under his lean-to.

Ni’Kash: That is… enough… for tonight. I… gain strength… but… I am still… exhausted… by that spell. Tomorrow… I… shall try… another.

With this he falls to sleep. A troubled sleep. He dreams of darkness, a great cage of darkness, with him, small, confined in the center. A voice speaks, and it echoes around the cage, again and again, finally fading, but not quite. It seems to drill into his mind, opening it like the shell of on oyster. Ni’Kash’s own voice is small and weak, losing strength even as the words are formed in his throat.

Voice: Ni’Kash… you must take the power… hold it within you… control it… and use it! Destroy all that oppose you… destroy everything… burn it all……

Ni’Kash: No! The dark can be used for more then evil! I will master it… I will use it for good!

Voice: Don’t delude yourself… you know your purpose in seeking this power… even if you dare not say it…..

Ni’Kash:No… It is not true. Don’t try to trick me. I know what you are!

The voice laughs now, a slow, deliberate laugh, that sounds more evil then anything Ni’Kash has ever heard before.

Voice: HA… HA… HA… HA… HA… HA! Do you really, weakling? Do you fathom what I really am? Do you dare see from whence I come? You couldn’t possibly… you have no chance of understanding what I am… not until you are willing to be truthful to yourself… But by all means, continue your quest… find the heart of the forest… perhaps there you shall understand…..

The voice fades now, leaving only Ni’Kash in the cage, and an echo of it’s laugh resounding against his ears.

Ni’Kash: No… It cannot be! Leave me, you fiend!

Ni’Kash awakes with a gasp, and scatters the branches from the lean-to in the process. Sunlight filters down through he leaves: it is almost noon. Ni’Kash recovers as he takes in the calm surroundings of the forest, the evil shades of the ream drifting away as warmth from the light permeates him. In a few minutes, it is all but forgotten, simply a strange dream, one of many that have disturbed his nights as of late.

Ni’Kash: Ah, what a fine day. I will be able to travel far today. With a few more days of fine weather, I should be able to reach the heart in no time.

And so he does. It only takes him about four more days to reach the place where they evil energies of the heart still affect the forest. Each night he practices with magic, forming the dancing orbs, creating small animals from the ambient life energies of the forest, combined with his own dark energies, or forming waves of energy that smash into the surrounding trees, although they are by far strong enough to be resistant to his small attacks. And every night, he dreams of the cage and the voice: taunting him, baiting him, and always drawing him forward to the heart. But these are forgotten soon after waking, he does not even realize that his dreams have all been of this, ever since he entered the forest.

At noon on the twentieth day since he entered the forest, he reaches the edge of the area affected by the energies of the heart. The animals stay far away, and the trees grow crooked and scrawny, with bark that is as black as night. Their leaves are simply needles, wicked looking hooks that grab at Ni’Kash’s cloak as he passes them. Ni’Kash grows apprehensive, but continues on. After several hours of walking, Ni’Kash decides that it is time to make camp, though the light has been tinged with gray ever since he entered this part of the forest. Again he summons the orbs, but this time they appear mush larger then before, and fly faster then he ever attempted. When he splits them, it becomes uncontrollable, and soon the whole area around Ni’Kash is smothered in blackness. He quickly stops the chant and they disintegrate, leaving Ni’Kash breathless and confused. He tries to make a small squirrel, figuring that this simple spell could not go wrong. However, the squirrel is created much too large, with fur that is as much black as the ordinary brown, and is very wild, and almost succeeds in severally injuring Ni’Kash before he manages to disband the spell. He decides, at length, that his spells will not work this close to the heart, and so retires to sleep in the open, as he cannot make his lean-to without a risk of lethal flying branches. As a last attempt, he tried so set a fire, but this results in a towering nexus of black fire that scalds one of his hands and burns the leaves from several nearby trees.

Ni’Kash: Ghaa! The power here must be overwhelming! It is grafting itself to my spells to an amazing degree, and I have only just entered this forbidding place. I must be more careful with my spells from now on.

He dreams yet again this night. The cage is smaller, constricting his movements, and the voice is now more powerful, physically battering his body with every syllable.

Voice: You are very close now… very close to completing your quest… yet you still deny your purpose… but not for much longer…..

Ni’Kash: What do you mean, fiend? I shall always be adamant in my purpose. What you say will not sway me.

Voice: HA… HA… HA… HA… HA… HA! After all this time… you have come no closer to guessing my purpose… I have no reason to sway you… that will be done by another… I am here… because you wish me to be…..

Ni’Kash: Stop twisting my thoughts! I have no wish for your presence, this torment!

Voice: Ah, naïveté… within your own mind lives the desire… and yet you dare not give heed to it… only in sleep… soon, though… soon your mind shall be opened… come, weakling… come to the heart… there it shall be made clear…..

The voice fades, and again Ni’Kash awakens with a gasp. This time, however, the memory does not fade. There is no comfort in the gray light that still pervades in this area of the forest, through the scraggly trees it is impossible to see the sun. However, though the memory of the dream stays with him, he again gives it no head, putting down its cause simply to the surroundings. He gets up, and continues on through the forest, despite the protests of his body.

Ni’Kash: Just a little further, and I shall reach the heart, and I can find the power I desire…. No, the control, not the power! I seek only control…

He stumbles on, tripped up by roots from the trees that seem to stretch out to grasp at his feet. Needles scratch his clothes and cloak, and small, vicious looking birds how from branch to branch, looking down at Ni’Kash, waiting for their chance to dive in and take bite of his flesh. However, after only about an hour of this, he comes to an amazing sight, a sight not seen for many years by anyone save the birds and the creatures in the undergrowth which Ni’Kash has yet to notice. A huge wall, stands before him, Towering high into the clouds. It is kept from sight by the outside world with powerful shrouding spells, causing it to fade into the mists unless one is only a few feet from it, as Ni’Kash is now. The walls are engraved with many fantastic images, of cities in the clouds, dragons in flight across the sky, powerful mages casting spells the size of which Ni’Kash has never seen. However, as he walks along the wall, its steadily grows darker. Scenes of carnage cover the walls, dragons fighting the mages, dragons fighting dragons, mages fighting mages, the grand cities crashing into the ground, killing masses of people. The earth was beaten severely, earthquakes and volcanoes spreading across its face in result of the mages’ greatest spells, craters and canyons hollowed out by cataclysmic explosions from dragonfire. And over these scenes of destruction, always one image was prevalent, of a small orb, almost too small to be seen. Ni’Kash disregards it, labeling it as a piece of the background. Soon, he comes to a gate. Two figures tower on either side, flanking the immense opening. One is a dragon, wings spread, his mouth open to display rows of Razor sharp teeth. The other is a mage, with a large, flowing robe, and a staff almost as tall as he is, crowned with a fiery jewel. Ni’Kash stands underneath and looks up at the majestic symbols of these races’ power. He has a moment of vague dread as he wonders for what purpose this immense structure was made, but he overcomes it, and walks through the gate. Suddenly he is thrown bodily back, and slams against a tree in front of the gate. The two figures come to life, and speak, the mage in the human tongue, and the dragon in a strange hissing language that Ni’Kash has not heard before:

Statues: None shall enter this place, until life ceases on this world.

Suddenly, figures appear from the forest. Small stunted versions of orcs and goblins, only about two feet tall, surround him, wielding spears. A small voice reaches his ears:

Creatures: Leave this place! We are the guardians, and we shall kill you if necessary!

Ni’Kash: What, you puny little creatures are the guardians of this place? What sort of idiots would place you in charge of the defense of this immense structure?

However, even as he says this, he is unsure. The creatures all talk at the same time, as if they are controlled by the same mind. As Ni’Kash stands up, they back away and for a ring, and begin to chant. Soon they are surrounded by a green glow, and vines begin to grow at their feet. The stay on the ground at first, and then launch themselves at Ni’Kash, attempting to entangle his limbs and restrain him. He manages to dodge most of them, but one latches onto his arm. He takes a dagger from his cloak, chops it off, and manages to jump out of the circle before another one gets the chance to latch onto him. He quickly casts a wave spell, but the ambient energy of the place makes it grow exponentially. The guardians are blasted away into the deeper forest, and even a nearby tree is uprooted, to crash down with a sound like the vengeance of gods.

However, even as its gigantic bulk settles, more guardians appear from the forest. They advance on him in formation, again chanting in eerie synchrony. The surviving trees around Ni’Kash start to move, their branches whipping at him. The roots of one whip out and throw his legs out from under him. He gets up and flees to the wall, where the trees don’t reach. However, they still attack, launching their needles at him, though he can fend them off with his cloak. The guardians still advance, though, and as they reach the edge of the trees, the chant changes. The trees become still again, returning to their silent malevolency. Now the dirt at Ni’Kash’s feet starts to churn. He jumps out of the way just as a gigantic scorpion reveals itself. It turns on him and flexes it’s pincers before stabbing with his tail in a lightning fast move. Ni’Kash only just manages to dodge the blow, but it still rends his cloak as the point passed right under his arm. Ni’Kash backs further along the wall, unwilling to take to the forest after the guardians’ second spell.

Ni’Kash then turns, and runs much farther along the wall, away from the scorpion. As he runs, he starts another chant. Soon the giant black orb appears and follows Ni’Kash as he continues to run. He speeds up the chant tremendously, yet the orb does not appear to change. However, in a few seconds, the orb shimmers, and parts. It is now millions of tiny spheres that still hold the shape of larger orb. He turns and motions with his hands, and the mass catapults at the scorpion, and through it. Ni’Kash then halts the spell, and the orb disintegrates. The scorpion is still now, and seems almost unaffected, except that it makes no move against Ni’Kash as he creeps up on it. Then, he kicks one of its legs, and the entire thing crumbles to dust. The orbs have made mincemeat of it, literally.

The guardians, now far behind, see what happened to their scorpion, and their chant changes once again. Within a few seconds, a great crashing is heard from the forest in front of Ni’Kash. A giant armored wyrm erupts from the forest, a large snake-like creature with feet and several wicked claws on each, and huge razor-sharp teeth used for rending prey, along with heavy armor plating. It turns to Ni’Kash, and roars. The entire thing is perhaps a hundred yards long, and it’s body it about as high as Ni’Kash. It makes a dive towards Ni’Kash, and Ni’Kash jumps out of the way. The wyrm crashes against the wall, causing a small crater in it. It rounds on Ni’Kash again, and prepares to strike, but Ni’Kash is faster, and launches a wave. However, the wyrm is only pushed back a few feet, its claws digging into the sand. It roars at Ni’Kash again, enraged by this assault. He dives at him again. Ni’Kash takes out his dagger, and, dodging the attack, ran it down the length of the wyrm as it passes. However, this does nothing to the wyrm, and the dagger is worn smooth over the wyrm’s hide. Ni’Kash tosses it away, disgusted at it’s failure.

Ni’Kash: Damn it! When will this assault end? How can I defeat this Wyrm? It can resist my spells, even in this place, where they are magnified tenfold! I need some way to distract it… Wait, I know!

With this, He begins yet another chant. He dodges another dive by the wyrm, and turns to face it as it gathers for another attack. However, just as it prepares to spring, he stops the chant, and seems to blur. Then, myriads of simulacrums split from him and cover the whole area around the wyrm. Enraged yet again, it begins snapping and clawing at these new enemies, but they simply turn to mist beneath it’s assaults.

Meanwhile, the true Ni’Kash snuck past it under the protection of an invisibility spell that he cast in conjunction with the simulacrum spell. He even manages to get past the guardians, hugging the wall so that they don’t notice his passing. Again he returns to the gateway, but this time he is not rash enough to attempt to walk through it. There is a slight shimmer, and once again Ni’Kash becomes visible.

Ni’Kash: How can I pass this barrier? If I attempt to simply walk through it, the guardians shall be alerted to my presence again, and I do not wish to repeat that fight. They won’t fall for such a simple trick again.

Suddenly, he hears a voice from inside his head, an arrogant, evil voice. The voice of the dreams. But he is not dreaming now. He is wide awake, and even more now for hearing the voice.

Voice: You know what to do… use the power… this shield has grown weak through the unimaginable ages since it’s construction… power leaks through… you have felt it already… use the power of the heart… destroy the gateway!

Ni’Kash: But, I must control the power first, I can’t let it consume me…

Voice: Stop being such a weakling!… Embrace the power!… Feel the power around you… you know you can have it all if you just accept it… DO IT!… TAKE THE POWER AND DESTROY THIS GATEWAY!…..

The voice has grown immensely in power, and this last line has Ni’Kash kneeling on the ground, clutching his head, as the words have such power they are even causing him pain.

Ni’Kash: Alright! I shall destroy the gateway!

Ni’Kash begins yet another chant. This one only takes a few seconds to show its effects, as the sand underneath and in front of the barrier begin to glow black. It stays this way for a minute or two, while Ni’Kash finishes the chant. Then, when Ni’Kash stops the chant, the sand returns to its normal color. A fire of rage burning in his eyes, Ni’Kash addresses the voice.

Ni’Kash:Watch this, you fiend, and tremble at my power!!

At this, a wall of black flames bursts from the sand, engulfing the gateway and some of the surrounding wall.

The flames reach high into the sky, vaporizing the clouds that line the wall. The statues seem to writhe in pain in the unearthly light of the fire, before they turn to ash. Much of the wall turns to ash along with the statues, and gigantic gaping hole is left in it. Large pieces from farther up the wall crash to the ground around Ni’Kash. He is flushed, breathing hard after the massive spell. A piece almost lands on Ni’Kash, but right before it hits it gets blasted away, flying deeper into the forest where it lands with a crash. The guardians and their wyrm, alerted to his presence at the gateway, advance on him. The wyrm slithers up and prepares to attack him when Ni’Kash turns on it, and with an outstretched hand, raises it bodily into the air. It writhes, trying to find some purchase as the ground falls away from it. Ni’Kash then slams it against the wall, causing more pieces to cascade off the ragged edge of devastation wrought by the firestorm, before tossing it at the guardians. Only a few manage to dodge it, the rest get crushed by its massive and now bloody bulk. The few survivors start jabbering at Ni’Kash, their hive-mind temporarily broken, and scurry off into the forest.

Ni’Kash turns back to what was the gateway. Behind the wall lies a temple of some kind, massive pillars surround a low, circular building. A small doorway has been cut in a the front, and an eerie, flickering light is seen through it. Ni’Kash heads towards it, the voice now ever-present.

Voice: Yes… go to the light… go to the power… revel in your new strength… go into the temple…..

Ni’Kash makes it to the door, after what seems to be years walking, though the path was all of twenty feet. Inside he sees the strangest and most overwhelming sight he has ever seen. Two orbs sit on two pedestals on either side of the large room. One orb is almost solid black, except for flickers of other colors that flash over its surface. The other is a brilliant white, but with shades of darker colors flashing along its surface, even black on occasion. Between the two, the air is stiff and crackling with power, and flashes of light move between the two on occasion. Lights and shadow play on the walls, strange figures appear from the play of the multicolored lights. Ni’Kash watches this for a long while, and even seems to see figures of men and dragons appear along the walls, fighting, before they fade again into the multitude. The voice has grown dim as he passed the doorway, but now returns, after Ni’Kash spend a few minutes watching the shadows.

Voice: What are you doing?… There is the power you seek… the white orb… the power to lay waste to any enemy… claim it as your own…..

Ni’Kash: But… why not the black orb? It is black magic that I want to control.

Voice: Do not be fooled by it’s exterior… It covers itself in a veil of black to fool those seeking the power of the true orb… the white orb… the Orb of Basantos… contains the dark power… take it!….

With this, Ni’Kash heads over to the white orb, and is about to touch it, when a surge of power flows through the room. Two figures appear, shades of the statues that used to flank the gateway, but now in resplendent color. The mage's cloak is done in rainbow shades, and his hair is completely white. His staff is colored with intertwined bands of red and green, with the red jewel again crowning it. The dragon has golden scales, and multifaceted eyes that swirl into many different colors. Again they speak in tandem, they’re separate languages swirling together to form a rather beautiful sound.

Figures: Step away from the orb. It has been placed under our protection, and we will not allow anyone to disturb its rest.

Ni’Kash: AAAARRRRGGGG!!!!! I have spent almost a month in this accursed forest! I have been assaulted by your own barrier, those stupid 2 foot tall guardians, vines, trees, was almost killed by a scorpion and a wyrm the size of which I’ve never seen before, and through it all have had to deal with this infernal voice in my skull! Mere shades will not deter me now!

With this, Ni’Kash runs and grabs the Orb of Basantos. A blast of energy slams into him from the other orb, and suddenly the world goes black. He finds himself back in the dream world, but now the cage is broken, its ethereal bars spinning off into the emptiness. A person materializes in front of him, another mage. His face is young though, his figure lean. His hair is full and dark. His robe, however, is pitch black, his staff is twisted and bent, and it is crowned by the Orb of Basantos. His eyes, as well, are strange. His Irises are black as his pupils, and the rest of his eye is the flickering brilliance of the orb.

Mage: Ah, Ni’Kash… you have released me from this infernal prison… I may now die in peace…

Ni’Kash: You… you were the voice! Who are you?

Mage: My name was Macht, back when I still merited a name. I took the power of the orb as my own, and when the elders defeated me, they cursed me with eternal prison in the very weapon I used against them. But, over the countless centuries, their barriers grew weak, and I was able to call out to you. Take the orb now, do with it what you will. I go now to my eternal rest…

Ni’Kash:But… wait! What happened here! What were those scenes on the wall? Answer me!

Macht’s voice is fading fast, his form has already faded into nothingness.

Macht: You have no power to make me stay, now that you released me… but the orb holds all the you wish to know… just embrace it’s power…

The dream world fades now, along with his voice, and Ni’Kash returns to consciousness on the ground, with the orb in his hands. The two shades release an unearthly scream, and shatter into countless shards that rebound around the room until they finally fade. The earth under him trembles, and the temple shakes and begins to fall apart. Flashes of lighting streak from both orbs and shatter whatever they hit into dust. Ni’Kash rises and attempts to flee, but the orb seems to be pulling him back to the other one. He screams and wrenches it with all his might, and it breaks free of the pull. For a second, nothing moves, the earth stops shaking, the temple halts the process of tearing itself apart. Then, the other orb begins to have fractures over its previously flawless surface. They divide and spread, joining each other, growing, until the whole orb is covered in fine fracture lines. Again, the world is silent. Then, the orb explodes, its massive energies unleashed. Ni’Kash’s orb creates some sort of field around him, and the blast passes him by, although he is thrown on his back.

The rest of the structure does not fair nearly as well. The blast has passed to the walls of the temple at this point, and most of it has disintegrated under the onslaught. The larger chunks are still being catapulted higher up, as the shock wave continues to rise. Soon it has reached the walls, and even they falter under the tremendous release of power. This, for the most part, doesn’t disintegrate, though, just disassembles into smaller fragments, which are alone the size of a small house. These follow the path of the shock wave as it expands from the center of the temple’s remains. At the blast hit the tree line, several are torn up, and join the other chunks of debris on their destructive path. As the blast expands, it finally begins to wane, but now the chunks of wall and temple and uprooted trees are miles above the tallest trees. They fall back to earth with tremendous force, and as they strike the trees, they crush them beneath their masses. Huge amounts of forest are wiped away in an instant. Some of the lighter pieces even make it to the very edges of the forest, where they fall among town and villages, causing massive damage and death.

The guardians did not fare much better, though they manage to hide themselves from the force of the blast in caves that they fled to after Ni’Kash beat their summoned wyrm. However, the ground did not halt the magical energies released by the blast, and it wrought havoc among them, merging and dividing them, and causing other, even stranger effects. The biggest change brought about was the formation of a cross species of the two guardian beings, the creatures known as Chk’tu in Arcturo’s time.

Ni’Kash gets up after all this has happened. He is not in the center of a massive plain, scrubbed clean by the blast. The trees have not even managed to resist the blast until it had gone a few miles, and even then only a few survived. He starts to walk back towards the tree, bust stumbles constantly. The orb feels like an immense weight, even as it floods his body with power. Then, on the edge of hearing, he hears a voice. It seems to come from the wind itself. It is a gentle voice, but beneath it he can detect undertones of fierce hostility.

Voice in the Wind: Look at what you have you done, you poor, pitiful mortal. Do you realize that damage you have caused in your ignorance?

Ni’Kash: I… did not know… this power… so much power…

Voice: Even now, you are trapped by the Orb, you fool. As long as you are under the sway of that orb, you shall never again enter this forest, upon the pain of death.

Ni’Kash: But.. I have been ender this forest many times before, I have shared in your secrets, learned from you… why do you reject me?

Voice: You ignorant, base animal! You attack my guardians, disfigure them beyond recognition, take the power of the heart, and destroy countless trees and creatures, and you expect me to welcome you back you open arms? Be gone from this place, foul creature, never to return!

With this, a surge of pure pain lances through Ni’Kash’s entire body, dropping him to a fetal position. He screams, and then utters a strange word. Suddenly, a black cloud expands from the orb, enveloping Ni’Kash. Tendrils of black reach out even further, giving it the look of some immense wretched octopus. Then, as suddenly as it expanded, the black cloud retracts, fading to nothing. There is no sign of Ni’Kash

Back in the camp, Ni’Kash awakens with a start. He is no longer scared by the events of that month, so many millennia ago, but they are still a source of pain, to a small extent. But, he brushed the dream from his mind and exits his tent, resuming his wait for Nirewin outside.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-04-13, 7:11 AM #57

/me claps

Let's not develop the Chk'Tu and the ancients too much. I think we have a perfect base now for a spinoff story when this one grows to completion.
[edit] On second thought, I think I'll start working on the spinoff right now. [] Hell, there's two parts to the NeS right now. It's up right now, and I'll post more for AKT later today.
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On

[This message has been edited by Yecti (edited April 13, 2004).]
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-04-15, 5:09 PM #58
Back in the camp, Ni'Kash coughs evily

Ni'Kash: Cough


"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-04-15, 6:36 PM #59
The smell at the mouth of the cave was sickening. The air flowing outward was dank and putrid. Nirewin and Geoffrey gagged upon smelling the foul odor and covered their mouths in retreat. Upon turning away from the cave, the two noticed a lagoon that before they had not seen. Geoffrey reached into his pouch and pulled out two pieces of tattered cloth. He then walked over to the lagoon and soaked the cloth in its waters. He then motioned to Nirewin by holding the cloth up to his mouth covering both his mouth and his nose.

Geoffrey: If we hold the cloth like this, then we can breathe and it will filter the air for us. It won’t be perfect, but at least it will take some of the bite off of that stench.

Nirewin: Take what you can get I guess, right? Anyways, let’s get inside and explore a bit. It’s growing dark, and we’ll need to set up camp soon. I want to know in good time whether or not we can stay inside this cave. If not, we’ll camp here. This lagoon will provide good soft ground on which to make beds.

The two then walked back to the mouth of the cave. Geoffrey looked nervously at Nirewin, and the two took a simultaneous step inward. The air stopped moving once they got past the opening of the cave, and the smell inside was clean and clear. Something was awry. It was as though the smell was a deterrent meant to keep people from entering the cave; a weak one at that. However, Nirewin got a sneaking suspicion that if they weren’t wanted in the cave, the smell was only the first of many deterrents to keep them from their goal. He only prayed he knew what their goal was…


-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-04-18, 3:26 PM #60
Ni'KAsh, finally annoyed completely by the lack of naything goin on, starts a chant. this takes an inordianntly long amout of time, but it doesn't matter, it's not like he's doing anything. After the chant is over, a man-sized portal opens. The world on the ohter side looks familiar, almost as if it were from our world. Ni'Kash stpes through. On the other side, a person sits in a chair in front of a comptuer monitor that is currently glowing green and black. He grabs the person, hauls him from the chair, and puts the edge of his glowing sword against his throat.

Ni'Kash: Are you... Jim?

Jim: the hell are you?

Ni'Kash: You don't recognise me? Think, man. Where do you know a spellcaster with a glowing-black sword from?

Jim: Wait... Ni'Kash? How the heck did you get-

Ni'Kash: That doesn't matter. What matters is this: I am getting bored out of my skull for you to get that pathetic weakling of a hero out of that forest! The writers are getting very impatient, so get back in there and write something, damn you!

Jim: But.. i have other things to do!

Ni'Kash presses his blade harder onto his neck.

Ni'Kash: I think you'll just have to clear your scedual. Do i make myself clear?

Jim: Yes, Sir!

Ni'Kash: Good. Now i hope i won't have to visit you again...

Jim: No, Sir!

Ni'Kash: Excellent. I'll leave you now, but be warned. if something doesn't happen soon, You're going to have a serious lack of head.

Before Jim recovers from the shock of this meeting, Ni'Kash steps back through the portal, which quickly seals itself.


p.s. Jim, Ni'Kash is not acting as me in there, so please don't not like me now.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-04-21, 5:58 PM #61
As the two head deeper into the cave they come to an opening with 2 statues facing each other, one a dragon with firegems for eyes, the other a human knight of an ancient kingdom, both having a peaceful look on their faces as if they stand facing each other as friends...

Nirewin: These statues seem quite interesting...

Geoffrey: Can we just keep going?

Nirewin: alright...

The 2 begin to walk past the statues when they both look to Nirewin

dragon: Only you may pass

Knight: The other must wait here

Nirewin: Geoffrey I think it is best that you listen to them

Geoffrey: I'm not willing to disobey a talking rock... who knows what might happen if i do...

Nirewin walks forward, deeper into the cave, along the walls are images of humans and dragons living together peacfully, then there is the wall above the doorway at the end of this section of the cave...

voice: I am the last

Nirewin draws his sword and swings around

Nirewin: who is there?

Nirewin stands with his sword drawn for a few minutes before turning back to the wall above the door where he reads the writing justabove the door "Vliknaal Betrayer of the Ancients" he holds his torch up higher, the light revealing an image of a very evil looking dragon surrounded by flame

Nirewin: I wonder what's beihnd the door...

Nirewin opens the doors and enters a large round chamber with paintings of ancient knights along the walls and a golden statue of a dragon in the canter. At the other end of the room there is a table with what appears to be weapons

Nirewin: This must be why I was sent here...

Nirewin heads to the table, lifts the longsword int he center of the table and begins to unsheath it...

voice: So you have arrived

Nirewin draws the sword and spins around to find a knight standing behind him

Nirewin: WHO ARE YOU!?

knight: Do you not recognize me?

Nirewin: You seem familiar but i am afraid i do not know you.

knight: I am your father.

Nirewin: You lie, my father died when I was very young, and that was a long time ago.

knight: Well death doesn't exactly stop a ghost... Before I died I came here to leave behind these items for you, they are sepcifically for you

Nirewin: What are you talking about?

knight: these are the weapons of your grandfather, who was the greatest sword master of the Drahktil.

Nirewin: I see, I guess.

knight: now, you must continue to the east, to the other side of the forest, Ni'Kash has become too powerful, and he waits to ambush you, NOW GO

Nirewin: yes father...

Nirewin leaves the room

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-04-21, 7:45 PM #62
Geoffrey: So... talking statues huh? What's that like?

Knight: It's not so bad. We mostly sit around and play with the visionary scroll...

Geoffrey: Visionary scroll?

Dragon: Yes.. The scroll that sits on the table to your left. By saying the words inscribed on its surface aloud, one can see what is occuring in any location, or near any person.

Geoffrey: I see... So what do you look at with it?

Knight and Dragon: Girl's locker room... er... What?

Geoffrey stares with a shocked look upon his face. How could the ancients have been such perverts?!

Geoffrey: So how does one go about getting a visionary scroll?

Knight Take that one if you wish. The wizard who guards this tomb will only write us another. Which reminds me, your friend ought to hurry. He'll be back soon, and Mellaph will keep you here for hours if he actually meets the one the alter waits for. The poor old codger has been waiting his entire life to meet the lineage of Dranalor, greatest of the Drahktil swordsmen.

Geoffrey: Oh crap. Knowing Nirewin he'll stay simply because he's so good hearted... Always the charitable one...

As Geoffrey mutters that last line Nirewin flies past him and runs out through the entrance of the cave. A roar is heard and the bright yellow dragon rests outside the cave door. Geoffrey is stunned, takes the scroll and cautiously walks towards Nirewin.

Geoffrey: What the hell are you doing?

Telepathically Nirewin converses with Geoffrey.

Nirewin: Climb on my back. We haven't much time. We must find Arcturo and then confront Ni'Kash. The wizard grows too strong, and soon he must perrish.[/i]

Geoffrey: No way... uh-uh... No way in hell am I going to climb on your back... You might eat me mid flight! And how the hell did you do that anyways?!

Nirewin: Geoffrey, we don't have time! Get on or you stay here.[/i]

Geoffrey: Hmmmm... ride a flying yellow dragon who used to be my only friend, or stay alone in a forest that can come alive and perhaps kill me... hmmmmmm... FINE...

With that Geoffrey climbs onto Nirewin's back. The two take off nearly vertically and emerge from the canopy directly in front of the cave. They can see Ni'Kash's camp on the outskirts of the forest, and by now Ni'Kash can surely see Nirewin at least. They fly off to meet up with Arcturo. The preperation for battle now begins.


-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On

[This message has been edited by Yecti (edited April 23, 2004).]
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-04-22, 6:00 AM #63
(NSP: Corrections, Yecti; Arcturo doesn't live in a village, he lives in the huge city of Silverpoint. And secondly, they have agreed to meet not there, but at Windmeire, the City of the Ages which happens to be virtually next to the Forest of the Wake.)

After a few days of perilous journeying, Arcturo and Shaelassa traverse the Plains of Kingmarsh. It is bare dawn as they cross the threshold into the great city of Windmeire. A bustling city of trade and commerce, with a rich history dating back to the beginning of written records, Windmeiere is nonetheless a sovereign state of Ni'Kash. If it is oppressed by its ruler, however, the proud and busy nature of its inhabitants seems to cover it well.

Shaelassa: Cities...webs of treachery and villainy. Still, it has its own peculiar charm.

Arcturo: I've only been here once. It is as I remember it; Silverpoint is more tranquil and beautiful, though Windmeire is a far more active city centre.

They walk through the city streets, cloaked so as to not reveal their true nature.

Arcturo: Windmeire is structured in a circular fashion - a massive central courtyard, with its various bazaars and trade-stores surrounding a gigantic cathedral in the city's epicentre. Around these stores, a ring of administrative buildings, inns and general housing form the city's perimeter.

Shaelassa: So what now?

Arcturo: Nirewin should get here around sunset. I will meet him outside the cathedral and detail what I need...what I want from him. You should book into an inn; I'll come to visit you when this is all over.

Shaelassa: You don't want to come with me?

Arcturo: I have some preparations to make first. I probably won't see you until nightfall, or tomorrow. Keep yourself concealed - if they discover you, they may try to kill you.

Shaelassa stares at him, searching for his intent, but Arcturo avoids her gaze. Reluctantly, she gives up. Arcturo turns to leave but she grabs his arm.

Shaelassa: Good luck, Sir Arcturo.

Arcturo's eyes widen slightly, but he covers it quickly with a crooked smile.

Arcturo: He's a good-natured Drahktil. I'll be fine.

And on that note, they part...

(NSP: SO REMEMBER: Windmeire is composed of a massive cathedral, a courtyard filled with markets and stores, and a surrounding perimeter of buildings. Heed these words!)
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-04-22, 8:41 AM #64
NSP: MONKEY!!!!!!!1111111111111111
2004-04-22, 3:46 PM #65
NSP: i'll write really soon. Jsut one question, Jim. could i get some info about Vliknaal? I jsut thought he'd be an awesome character to make my guy in Exile (unless you're planning to join in yourself with Vliknaal).

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
Scions of Light[/i]
The Never Ending Story Squared[/i]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-04-25, 7:55 PM #66
Once long ago, before the first building of Silverpoint was planned, before the Forest of Wake, before Ni'Kash, Before the Drahktil, there was a peace made between the Humans and the Dragons in the ancient kingdom of Trilmnath. The humans and dragons had fought for centuries over control of the land, until one day when Greven Drilmtar, the king of Trilmnath, drew his sword against the dragon Vaarskiht and drove it into the ground instead of Vaarskiht.

This act surprised Vaarskiht, as well as all who witnessed it, and the words of the king "kill me if you will but I fight no longer" inspired the dragon to withdraw from battle. Many months later the peace that has lasted since that day was declared a lasting peace, the war was over. In the Shadow Mountains a single dragon, Vliknaal, general of the dragon armies and older brother of Vaarskiht, was becoming very angry and did not agree with this peace. Centuries passed and Vliknaal's anger grew, he watched the humans and dragons living in peace from his home in the far away mountains.

On the year of the betrayal Vliknaal witnessed the birth of the Drahktil, half human, half dragon, this only served to anger him beyond what he could control. Months after the birth of the first Drahktil Vliknaal attacked the City of Draalthnim, the assault on the city was a warning, one that was ignored. Winter came, and the king had announced the birth of his son Dralanir, who was a drahktil, moments after the announcement it is said that the sound of pure evil came from the shadow mountains, and by the next morning the kingdom was destroyed, all that were still alive went into hiding for years, but Vliknaal was never seen again

NSP: just a little note is that the forest of wake is where the kingdom of Trilmnath was

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-04-26, 3:44 AM #67
Arcturo races through the Windmeire city streets, pulling his brown cloak over him to obscure the royal armour underneath. In a back alley near the centre of the bustling city, a young man clad in similar garb to him approaches him. Unlike Arcturo though, the young man's cloak is hiding the outfit of a squire.

Arcturo: Well met, young Raylen. How does Silverpoint fare in my absence?

Raylen leans forward out of the shadows. He is a thin, nervous boy still caught in the throes of adolescence.

Raylen: P-poorly, my prince...your father the king is faltering in his rule, and the land misses your leadership!

A grim shadow crosses Arcturo's face.

Arcturo: The kingship will be restored to its former glory soon, Raylen...and then, with the gods willing, I will never leave Silverpoint's borders again. Have you the items?

Raylen: I do.

The young squire reaches into his cloak and withdraws an ornate beige satchel, tightly wound up with fine gold strings. He offers it to Arcturo, holding it out to him. Arcturo's hand hesitates as it reaches for the satchel. He stares uneasily at the satchel, seeming to fight some internal struggle as he does so.

Raylen: ...My lord?

Arcturo: seems strange to me, Raylen. I cannot even remember the moment that I lost control of my destiny.

He takes the satchel.


At one of the many side-entry gates to Windmeire, the scene is content. The six guards stationed there sing and drink to the end of their watch, about to be replaced. It is in the heart of this merriment that a lone figure in black robes stalks up to their post, staring past them. One of the more conscientious guards grabs his poleaxe and intercepts him.

Guard: Halt! State your name, you-

Zanadal: I lack the time and the patience for this.

The dark monk grasps the steel end of the weapon, braces it, and with his other opened hand, shatters the weapon in half. Tossing the debris aside, Zanadal executes the Quivering Palm technique - with a flash of discipline and focus, his hand impacts on the guard's breastplate, the resultant energy seeping through steel, flesh and bone, shocking and killing the man underneath it.

Zanadal: Quickly, your death!

In a surprisingly co-ordinated move, the remaining five guards thrust their weapons at Zanadal at once. Once again, the monk demonstrates amazing speed, and in a move similar to the one used on the first guard, he forces all of the weapons together, and bisects them with his seemingly indestructible fists. The guards, realising their predicament, run for help.

Zanadal: Good...the City of Ages breeds intelligent cowards, at least...

He strides into the city, robes flying behind him...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-04-26, 11:46 AM #68
NSP: Heh, I just realized now that you set it up for my post, yecti. Thanks.

Slightly earlier, as Nirewin and Geoffrey were leaving the forest.

Ni'Kash: Damn them! When will they exit this accursed forest? My blade hungers!

Just then, the sounds of several trees falling far into the forest reaches his ears. He gazes into the forest, puzzled by the sound that has broken after all these days of quiet complacency. For a few second, nothing stirs. He is almost going to dismiss the sound when, with a burst of leaves, a bright yellow, almost gold dragon lifts itself from the cover of the trees.

Ni'Kash: NOOO!!! Nirewin has unveiled his shapeshifting abilities! I cannot allow him to grow any stronger. Drogal! Assemble the troops and follow after me. I must make all haste to follow Nirewin.

With this, Ni'Kash runs with surprising speed to his stallion, mounts it, and gallops off after the quickly receding bulk of Nirewin. Drogal, behind him, quickly gets the troops together and heads off after him, although even with their construct discipline, Ni'Kash is already a dot on the horizon when they are fully assembled.

Meanwhile, Ni'Kash is galloping after Nirewin as fast as his horse will carry him. While he is riding, He begins a chant. Within a few seconds, a large black orb appears. Showing amazing dexterity, he releases the reigns and continues the chant with gestures. The orbs shimmers, splits, and, with a final word from Ni'Kash, heads off at an even greater speed toward Nirewin.


Noble Outlaw: Ok, shut it with the commentary and get on with the closing.

But, isn't it a narrator's job to give the commentary?

Noble Outlaw: JUST SHUT IT!!


"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
Scions of Light[/i]
The Never Ending Story Squared[/i]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-05-11, 5:45 AM #69
Just then, a random mage floats into the paths of our heroes. Noticing that the boy riding the dragon and the dragon itself look weak, he prepares a spell.


Behold the revival skills of Mentos: The Freshmaker.

nsp: big fat elaborate BUMP

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-05-29, 12:00 PM #70
Just then, Nirewin swerves to avoid Ni'Kash's orb, and Mentos, not seeing it before hand, is unable to dodge it. it passes through him, shredding him to bits. Ni'Kash continues his pursuit of Nirewin, and soon the spot of the mage's death is far behind them. In a few minutes, Ni'Kash's troops make it up to that point. One of the soldiers on the fringe of the group notices some small pellets on the groud under the place where Mentos was killed. HE picks one up, stares at it for a few seconds, and then pops it into his mouth.

Soldier: Mmm... Minty

NSP: Hah, my BUMP was even fatter and more elaborate. Beat that, Yecti!

PS: Jim and TLTE, where are you?

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²[/i]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-05-31, 11:35 AM #71
NSP: resisting... urge... to kill... Nirewin... off...

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-06-01, 2:07 AM #72
NSP: Don't do it! I'll post soon, I swear.

The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-06-01, 2:54 PM #73
Yay! TLTE is back!

/me does happy dance

Now, if only we can lure Jim back in here.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²[/i]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-07-11, 7:28 AM #74
Nirewin and Geoffrey now fly faster than before with Ni'Kash well aware of their destination. Their only hope is to beat the wizard there. Arcturo is vital to their success, and without him they will surely perish. The quickly arive above the centre of Windmeire. The people in the streets run in fear as the dragon lands next to the fountain. Geoffrey dismounts and Nirewin lets out a fierce roar. With that, he reverts to human form, and the two scurry into the shadows. Now to find Arcturo and formulate a plan to destroy the wizard before he can find them first.

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-07-13, 4:21 AM #75
Geoffrey: You know, you could barely tell that you flew here as a giant dragon to look at them.

Nirewin pays him no attention, pulling him along one of Windmeire's clouded circular streets. The young boy's words are true, though; the city is alive with bustle and commerce, laughter and shouting all on a massive scale, the kind of rare unbridled humanity seen only in the areas of dense human population.

Geoffrey: What are we going to do now? We're looking for the knight in the red armour, aren't we?

Nirewin: Arcturo of Silverpoint, yes. We will listen to his counsel, and see what he can offer us.

Geoffrey: He comes from Silverpoint? My grandmother lives there!

Nirewin: Yes, well, if indeed Ni'Kash is hunting us with his forces, you and I will need every ally still willing to join us. And though Silverpoint is weakened of late, he remains a strong figure in the land; indeed, one of the few strong figures left since the onset of Ni'Kash's reign.

They turn into a side alley, Nirewin leading Geoffrey still.

Geoffrey: But Nirewin, how will we even find him in this place?!

Nirewin: I don't know, but considering the far reach of Ni'Kash's agents, we are safer if we keep moving. If anyone wants to find us, they're going to have to come to us first.

Voice: As you wish.

Nirewin stops, abruptly; a tall, black-clad monk stands directly in front of him. His face is reserved, and his body stance neutral; but his eyes stare at Nirewin, in mingled wonderment and amusement.

Monk: Incredible. The Drahktil live on, as was promised to us...

Nirewin glares at the monk, trying to hide his shock at being discovered - but Geoffrey's eyes widen and he shrinks backward, pulling at Nirewin's hand.

Geoffrey: Nirewin...

Nirewin: You are mistaken, sir. I wish only to take my son to the market. I will take my leave of you now.

Monk: Don't be a fool, Nirewin of the Drahktil! You hide your identity as though you fear it, when it is a precious gift of godly power! It is your destiny!

He stops, composing himself. When he faces Nirewin again, a placid, cold smile is on his face.

Monk: I apologise for my insolence. My name is Zanadal, and this is quite a moment. Meeting you finally is the beginning of the end of my long labours...and I have laboured for so long now...

Geoffrey: Nirewin!

He pulls him down to his height. Zanadal watches on, bemused.

Nirewin: Not NOW, boy!

Geoffrey: We have to leave. Now!

Nirewin: This man knows who I am, Geoffrey! He knows of my lineage! What other men like him must-

Geoffrey: That...isn't a man.

Nirewin stops in his sentence, staring into Geoffrey's eyes. The young boy is not hysterical, or maddened; an icy fear is upon his face, but his eyes are terrible and rational.

Geoffrey: Don't ask me how I know, but I look at him and I look through him to shadow...death...and something more than death...

A tear rolls down his cheek. Nirewin, horrified, glances up at the monk, then back at Geoffrey.

Suddenly, and with great speed, Nirewin draws his blade and slashes upwards, drawing himself to his full height as he strikes. The blade flashes true in the gloom, but Zanadal draws his head back and watches it pass in front of his eyes. The sword instead cuts into the alley brick, and a second flash - Zanadal's bare palm - embeds itself in the same spot, trapping the steel. Nirewin glares at him, pulling at his sword, but Zanadal holds fast.

Zanadal: You must not let the boy dissuade you from listening to me, Nirewin. I have a chance to give you the power to destroy Ni'Kash once and for all.

Nirewin stops tugging at his sword for a moment, facing Zanadal with new wonderment.

Nirewin: You lie.

Zanadal: I do not. Were you willing, I could so infuse you with the power to shatter Ni'Kash's immortal soul into a billion fragments, spreading them so far that they would never rise again.

Behind them, Geoffrey fights back his fear and sobs quietly.

Nirewin: What manner of creature are you?

Zanadal's smiling face relaxes, and he draws in close to Nirewin, their eyes locking with each other.

Zanadal: I am the memory of flesh. I am the gift of power married to the agony of servitude. I am the beacon of the Betrayer, and I will restore his soul to its glorious home...with your aid, of course.

Nirewin: I'll not help you. Your words are threats, thinly disguised. You are a menace to me, carrier of Drahktil blood, and so are you my enemy.

Zanadal: No, you are wrong...

Zanadal's other hands snakes out to grasp Nirewin's throat. Geoffrey leaps forward and grabs Zanadal's shoulder, but cannot move the tall monk.

Zanadal: I am your salvation or your ultimate doom, Drahktil; and one way or another, I will have your aid...

Then, suddenly, a second blade gleams above both of them, and Zanadal drops Nirewin, jumping backward as a green longsword shatters the wall. Nirewin grasps his throat, regaining his breath, as a tall shrouded individual helps him to his feet. As he lifts him up, Nirewin can see a flash of crimson under the dull cloak he wears.

Nirewin: Arcturo..?

Arcturo: Indeed. I see you've met the monk. He gave me somewhat of a difficult time when I met him too.

Geoffrey: He got away!

Arcturo: We haven't seen the last of him, I'll wager. But right now, we must talk, Nirewin...

Part 2 tomorrow!
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-07-15, 5:36 AM #76
Hey, i jsut noticed it was this thread's one year anniversary five days ago. Anyway, i'll get something up about Ni'Kash soon. i've been writing for NeS and Exile lately, though, so it may be a few days.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²[/i]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-08-12, 8:51 AM #77
I really will get something up! i swear!

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²[/i]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2005-02-22, 9:03 PM #78
Nirewin and Arcturo venture off through the alleyways within the city. Looking around, Nirewin is disoriented as Arcturo leads him through a myriad of paths, each changing direction multiple times. At last they come to a spot where there are walls all around and four paths leading away from the corners. The buildings around them are so tall they appear to touch the sky, and the sounds of the city are muffled by the density of the bricks.

Nirewin: Where are we? It seems as though we've lost our way.

Arcturo: Lost? No. Where you stand now is the very center of Windmeire. What was once a small town has grown to expanse radially from this point. These old buildings are safe, and are rarely travelled. We will make camp within one while we formulate our plan to rid this world of Ni'Kash and his minions. The plague upon men shall end, and the genocide of your people must come to rest. I know of another, Nirewin. A girl named Shaelne lives outside of the reach of Ni'Kash's grasp. She is of pure Drahktil blood. The last known. You must help me to destroy Ni'Kash. If we are successful, his reign of tyrany will end, and there is still hope for your race, and our world. For now we rest.

Dumbfounded, Nirewin comlies with Arcturo's suggestion and follows him into an abandoned building. They make camp on the top floor and quickly have a small fire burning in a makeshift stove near a window. The two speak of their hatred for the old wizard, and realize that they are quite similar in their interests and conquests. Night falls quickly and they hear nothing from Ni'Kash or his forces. It appears that they have indeed slipped his sight for now, and may be safe. They sleep... Geoffrey sits restlessly staring out at the stars. The boy was once just a child, but now lives as though he's a seasoned adventurer. His life has been shattered, but it doesn't provide him pain. He feels fufilled. He longs to destroy Ni'Kash. He longs to find a place where he belongs... Quietly he slips into sleep while outside the city of Windmeire is restless. Ni'Kash has reached the city's walls and is entering as the night goes on.

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2005-02-23, 9:10 AM #79
(NSP: Kudos to Yecti for reviving this excellent story. Let us continue!)

When sleep finally reaches Geoffrey, it is heavy and wearisome, and he does not rise until mid-afternoon of the next day. Rubbing his eyes, the young adventurer shuffles into the main room, listening comfortably as Arcturo and Nirewin sit by the fire, still relating their stories to each other.

Arcturo: Truly? You too were involved in the Battle of Ten Thousand Swords? I had sworn that Silverpoint was the only non-barbarian force allied against the corsairs!

Nirewin: On the contrary my friend, you are quite correct. That day, I fought under the barbarian banner.

Arcturo: You were with the barbarians? Impossible! Their membership has been based on heredity for thousands of generations...

Nirewin: True enough. But ten days before the battle, I confided in the wiseman of a sub-clan, who divined my Drahktil lineage and informed his chief of the fact. I was then challenged to a duel by the chief: heedless of reason he attacked, forcing me to defend myself and in doing so, slaying him.

Arcturo: Incredible! But then of course you would be honour-bound to lead that sub-clan into battle, should one arise.

Nirewin: And ten days later, when the corsair fleet sailed to the Fallen Coast and began their invasion, I fulfilled my honour. I led the charge on that bright day, when we finally answered the evil men that lurk just beyond our borders...swift stroke and the immeasurable courage of the barbarian hordes proved too much for the rogues, and they pulled back to the refuge of the crystal sea. I remember standing on that beach before a legion of fallen foes, frustrated that the Pirate Lord Valenoth would escape to plague the people another day, when suddenly, to our collective surprise, a lone sailing vessel pulled alongside the flagship!

He grins, knowingly. Arcturo laughs.

Arcturo: Silverpoint's borders were threatened as well, so I began that day on the frontlines with you: but your barbarian forces had proven so effective against the corsairs, I had time to pull back and enter counsel with my generals! We resolved to cut off the head of the snake, and agreed that a smaller force would have a greater chance of victory than leading a massive assault. So it was that I, disguised as a humble fisherman adrift in the battles of greater forces, sailed into the very heart of the villainous scoundrels. The look on Valenoth's face when I appeared in front of him, sword drawn...I relive that moment in my mind every chance I get.

Nirewin: Did you kill him, Arcturo? It was impossible to tell - from the land, I only saw the sudden inferno rocking the boat that signalled the end of the battle...

Arcturo: No indeed, the dread Valenoth may survive to this day. We crossed swords for some time, and I felt the sting of his cutlass across my side: but just as I gained the advantage and defeated him, an unchained cannon rolled across the deck and discharged, setting off a much larger explosion that split the craft in two.

Nirewin: It was the end of the pirate morale: I was duelling with Valenoth's First Mate, and with that he simply set down his sword and fled. Leadership, apparently, is well valued in the corsair mentality...

Arcturo: Indeed, I do not understand them to this day. As I rushed to jump off the destroyed pirate vessel, which was still racked with blasts and flames, I beheld with horror the entire crew rushing not down into the ocean to save themselves, but below-deck to recover their plundered treasure!

Nirewin: Amazing...what a victory it must have been for Silverpoint: a resounding triumph for you, their leader.

Arcturo: Yes...although I try not to glorify conflict, there is little doubt of its inevitability in this world, and great value it retains in putting a man to the ultimate test. Surely you took much from your own personal success in the Battle?

Nirewin grins again, but it is less pronounced, and he runs a hand through his hair.

Nirewin: It is true, Prince, battle retains some value in testing a man. But if battle is a test, then I have been tested all my life - often beyond the limits of human endurance and comprehension. I have seen many wars, commanded many armies, killed many people: I have won and lost, triumphed and faltered. I have felt the incomparable joy of warfare, and the physical and mental anguish of its consequences. I have seen conflict in every possible incarnation, and in truth, it holds little glory for me. You are a wise man, Prince Arcturo, and with time I have no doubt you will become a great and benevolent ruler. But you will not find glory until you learn to fear battle.

(NSP: I've decided - again - to divide this into 2 parts. My sincere apologies, I'll finish it tomorrow!)
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2005-02-23, 3:49 PM #80
Holy mother of Pearl its back! I'm sorry guys, but right now my school work has just been utterly overwhelming, so i'm not going to be able to write much now. i will try my best to get something up, i know i should try to keep this going since its back, but i jsut don't know. i wil follow as well as i can, though, so as soon as i have the time i'll be able to write something. sorry again, guys.
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis


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