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ForumsInteractive Story Board → A Knight's Tail
A Knight's Tail
2005-02-23, 7:52 PM #81
{NSP} hehe. Glad to see that it wasn't in vain. I can't wait to get this thing going again, maybe to completion? Exile is next, but I'll wait it out. :)
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2005-02-25, 1:59 AM #82
For a time, there is silence in the abandoned building. Arcturo and Nirewin both appear pensive, meditating silently on their shared experiences, connecting the time they had spent together without even realising it. Geoffrey sits between them, watching, trying to see the measure of Arcturo and his relationship with his Drahktil friend. Finally, Nirewin speaks.

Nirewin: So...I suppose the obvious question is: what do we do now?

Arcturo stares at Nirewin for a long moment. A series of unreadable expressions cross his face - and neither Geoffrey nor Nirewin can guess what the young man is thinking. Finally, he grimaces and shakes his head.

Arcturo: In truth, I am not certain. We can only take this one step at a time, I think...

Nirewin: Then let us begin with the fundamental truths. Do we both agree that Ni'Kash the Immortal can no longer be tolerated and must be defeated and slain, if indeed such a thing is possible?

Arcturo: I...I do.

He looks out at the waning sunlight, his shoulders sagging.

Arcturo: I resisted the idea for the longest time, Nirewin, if only for the hesitant peace that my land maintains with the wizard and his insurmountable forces. War may eventually save us, and begin a new age of prosperity and content: but it will also cost many lives, and could well see my city laid to ruin.

Nirewin nods sympathetically.

Nirewin: I understand. And you are correct - many good people may not see the end of our struggle, such is the power of our enemy. But I would rather live one hour in the sun than spend my entire lifetime in darkness!

Arcturo: are right, of course.

Once again, Arcturo looks fixatedly at Nirewin, his eyes seeming to penetrate the Drahktil.

Nirewin: Arcturo?

Arcturo: Oh - my apologies. Very...very well, Nirewin. You shall have my aid, and the aid of Silverpoint, in your quest.

Nirewin: Thank you.

Arcturo: Well, I think the first thing to do is send the boy somewhere he will be safe.

Both of them turn suddenly to Geoffrey, who sits up, startled.

Geoffrey: W-what do you mean?

Arcturo: I mean no offense, lad. But Nirewin and I are about to march to war against Ni' you really see yourself there, on the frontlines of battle? Engaged in warfare against the terrifying and villainous constructs of the wizard's sorcery?

Geoffrey:! I can't go! My place is here, with Nirewin!

He turns to Nirewin for aid, who shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

Geoffrey: Nirewin?

Nirewin Boy....he may have a point.

Geoffrey: No! No!

He shakes his head defiantly, getting up and storming out of the room. Nirewin stands to go after him, but Arcturo gestures him to sit back down

Arcturo Help him later. We need to agree on our next move.

Nirewin: Right, right, of course...well, I never had a true advisor for this case. I had always assumed that the time of trial for my Drahktil heritage would come, but...I guess I should speak with the other Drahktil, the pure-blood. Shaelne?

Arcturo: Yes, her. We must travel immediately to the Barbarian Valleys, then. She resides in a sanctuary called the Temple, in the heart of barbarian occupation. Between the three of us, we must unite Silverpoint, the barbarian tribes and Windmeire, and attack the wizard at his stronghold, the Bastion Arcana.

Nirewin: How did you meet this...Shaelne...anyway?

Arcturo's face cracks into a reluctant smile, and he looks out again on the city.

Arcturo: It was my first true task as a Prince of Silverpoint. I was to lead a legion of my citadel's finest troops through the barbarian territory just outside of our borders. I was woefully underqualified to face the hordes that assailed us, and we were easily overwhlemed without adequate direction. I was made captive, and taken before the Head Chief. His plan, I believe, was to hold me ransom until my father delivered the entire kingdom of Silverpoint to him. It mattered little, for it was in my captivity that I met Shaelassa.

Nirewin: Shaelassa...the eldest daughter of the barbarian hierarchy!

Arcturo: Indeed. She and I travelled here together...I expect her back at any moment. Shaelassa was the only of the Head Chief's five daughters not to torment me. While the others would beat me alongside the guards, she alone smuggled me cups of water and leftover foodstuffs from their feasts, cared for me with the reluctant warmth of barbarian culture, tended to the wounds of my interrogation and so forth. In time we grew to love each other. Such is as I believe, anyway. In the end, I think something about my predicament unsettled her on a basic level - my helpless captivity and torture was grating, obviously, on her own personal ideals of liberty.

Nirewin: She helped you to escape?

Arcturo: Helped? She was my escape! I remember it vividly...even with her care, I was as weak as a kitten. Shaelassa burst into my cell at night, propped me up onto her shoulder and dragged me out of the prison quarters. She was...crying as she did it. Together we limped from the barbarian city. I watched in amazement and horror as Shaelassa, still weeping, set me down and ran ahead, murdering guards and watchmen with brutal efficiency so that we could pass. Then, on the outskirts of the city...we were overmatched.

Geoffrey: The guards had caught up with you?

Arcturo: No, they were too far behind to be of any consequence. Indeed, only one other in the entire city was cunning and intelligent enough to guess our deception: the second-oldest daughter of the Head Chief. Shaelne.

Arcturo shakes his head, at a loss for words.

Arcturo: She...she alone had anticipated her sister's plan. So it was that Shaelassa faced down her four other sisters, forcing them into battle. I lay against the walls of the city itself, watching as before me the full fury of the barbarians was unleashed. With merciless skill, Shaelassa struck down three of her kin, her red eyes nonetheless strained with lethal concentration. Only the two elder daughters remained: Shaelassa and Shaelne, sisters, the most deadly warriors of their entire people.

Nirewin: So what happened? Did either of them win?

Arcturo: Say not so...on that foul day, not one of us emerged the victor. Finally though, Shaelassa gained the advantage, her sky-blue long knife burying itself deep in her sister's side. Shaelne, she let out a piercing wail, and then - to our collective amazement - launched herself into the crisp night air, her fair visage changing at the same time into that of a magnificent, blood-red dragon.

Nirewin looks at Arcturo in astonishment.

Nirewin: A...a red dragon?!

Arcturo: I swear to you, I speak the truth. Shaelassa and I could only flee in terror as the wyrm flew circles above the city, screeching flames into the night sky and wailing in betrayal and despair.

He looks at the floor, his tale finished.

Arcturo: After that, Shaelassa and I drifted apart. I think the dark deeds committed lay in waiting between us, surfacing occasionally in our eyes, speaking of the irreconcilable sins of love that cannot be undone, nor excused. We maintain civility, but I think she dare not care for me...for fear that the part of her that was willing to sacrifice everything for a notion of happiness will once again be given meaning. If I could, though, I would tell her-

Suddenly, the door crashes open. Shaelassa stands there panting, her simple travelling robes shredded to pieces, blood spattered over her warrior undergarments.

Shaelassa: Ni'Kash...he has found us!
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2005-02-28, 5:29 PM #83
{nsp} wow.. just.. wow.. another great twist. :)
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2005-03-14, 8:14 PM #84
hey, i may not be writing, but that doesn't mean you guys can slack off! keep this story going! :p
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2005-03-15, 6:20 AM #85
(NSP: As you wish-)

There is no need for words. At Shaelassa's exclamation, both Nirewin and Arcturo spring to their feet, their hands gliding to their sword hilts.

Nirewin: Ni'!

Arcturo: I had feared that something like this would come to pass!

At that very moment, Shaelassa's entire body tenses, her eyes widening.

Arcturo: They're coming now! We must get out of here!

Geoffrey, who is positioned closest to the door Shaelassa stands in front of, can hear it too: the sound of footsteps coming nearer, in an eerily uniform manner.

Arcturo: Ni'kash's constructs approach...

Nirewin: We are of no use to anyone in this shelter, we have to escape to the streets!

He rushes to the only other opening, a single window to the street, and begins to pry it open. Shaelassa moves to aid him, but a shadow falls on her movement and she pivots on her heel instead, falling into a battle stance.

Shaelassa: Arcturo! Together-

As she speaks, the doors to the building are smashed open. Geoffrey, rushing to a vantage point behind the two warriors, can make out close to thirty of Ni'Kash's constructs: line after line of soulless, identical warriors, all poised to attack with sword and shield.

Geoffrey: Oh, no...

Arcturo: Work quickly, Nirewin!!

He jumps forward, drawing his emerald blade and rushing to block the constructs' entry into the room. Shaelassa ducks in under his first sweeping stroke, moving to support him.

Nirewin: BOY! I need some help here!

Still mesmerised by the sight of battle erupting, Geoffrey pries himself away and rushes to Nirewin. The window's frame has not budged, but a small section of the strong glass has obviously been removed by the Drahtkil's sword.

Nirewin: The lock to open the window must be on the other side. Go, boy!

Obliging quickly, with the sound of conflict behind him, Geoffrey begins to squeeze through the small opening. Nirewin stands away, preparing to join the battle nearby, but spots out of the corner of his eye a strange glimmer just outside the window...

Nirewin: Geoffrey, get back!

He rushes forward and grabs the young boy, pulling him backwards just as the window shatters into a million pieces. Nirewin gazes in shock as a rune sword extends back into the darkness from which it came, reappearing swiftly with its owner-

Drogal: I have found you. The master will be pleased.

Nirewin glares at the horribly impassive expression of Ni'Kash's master construct, stepping past Geoffrey and launching into an attack-

Arcturo: Nirewin!

The Prince of Silverpoint can only spare a moment of concern for his friend, however, before turning and facing his own opponents. Using a combination of cunning and outright aggression, he and Shaelassa have confined the constructs to fighting through the doorway to the building, and many of their number have fallen to their blades - yet at least twenty more are poised to strike, and the sounds of warfare nearby indicate that there are more to be dealt with.

Shaelassa: Arcturo, look out!

Arcturo turns from the left side of the doorway as one of Shaelassa's opponents lunges from the right, bringing up one hand to grab the other's sword hilt. As he does so, he leaves his left flank vulnerable - proven a moment later as a construct brings his shield around, slamming it into his face with full force and sending him crashing to the floor behind Shaelassa.

Nirewin: Arcturo!

He sees his friend fall, but before he can rush to his aid, Drogal closes the gap between them and lashes out viciously with a stab that Nirewin barely ducks under. Next to the besieged opening, Shaelassa spots Arcturo's faltering.

Shaelassa: No! Arcturo!

She pulls her cobalt knife out of one construct's chest, and in an act of sheer desperation, slashes at the top of the door frame. The barbarian blade strikes its mark, and some of the support beams topple from the ceiling, temporarily halting the constructs' progress. Shaelassa immediately spins, pulling up the rising Arcturo.

Shaelassa: We're surrounded! We can't get out!

Arcturo: Down - we have to get further down into this building....all of the central buildings of Windmeire are connected by a system of tunnels!

The constructs begin to hack at the debris in the entry, making rapid progress.

Arcturo: We'll get through there to the clock tower, at the city centre...from there, we'll make our stand and plan our escape from this accursed city!

Without another word, he rushes over to Nirewin, who is still battling furiously with Drogal. Spotting Arcturo from the corner of his eye, Nirewin slashes at the construct and forces him back a step, allowing Arcturo to leap in and strike him with his shoulder. Drogal is already off-balance, and the blow knocks him off his feet.

Shaelassa: RUN!

The four of them turn and race further into the building as Drogal rallies the constructs...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2005-04-16, 12:27 PM #86
(NSP)I swear to god i'll write something soon. I'm sorry guys, i've been swamped with school lately, but tomorrow i'm going to have hours of free time so i'll write. And jsut to ask, wasn't Jim going to be writing again?
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2005-04-17, 12:24 PM #87
As the heroes dashed into the building, Drogal slowly got to his feet, and then barked a unintelligible command at the broken down wall. The rubble slowly moved and finally was blased across the room as the constructs behind it attacked it all at once. After Drogal quickly inspected them all for injury, he turned around and was about to tell them to procede after the heroes when he stopped short and stood stiff, like a soldier at attention. A wisp of black dust swirled into the room and then congealed into the vauge form of Ni'Kash. It spoke:

Ni'Kash: Drogal! What happened here? You were supposed to hold them here!

Drogal: I'm sorry, master. They overpowered us and brought down this dorway to stop the rest of us from coming through. i was just about to follow them and trap them further into the tunnels, master.

Ni'Kash: No, you have failed once already. Leave two of your best warriors here, and go to help the rest of you to overcome the city's gaurd. Windmere has escaped from my clutches for too long, i will add to my empire today. I will arive shortly to lead the rest of the chase for Nirewin and that most annoying prince.

Drogal: As you wish, master.

The shade dispersed as Drogal walked past the crowd of constructs that parted uniformly at his passing. A few seconds later, anouther barked command was heard, and the entire group except for two turned and filtered back out of the building. The two remaining constructs walked over to where the shade had been and stood to attention. Quiet returned, except for the ever-present sounds of clashing metal and occational screams from the fighting outside.

After a minute or two there appeared a curious spot of shade suspended in the middle of the room. It grew fast until it was about 3 feet in radius. Then it suddenly contracted quickly, there was a flash of lightning and Ni'Kash stood in the room.

Ni'Kash: Damn these annoying pests, making me halt my assault on the palace to chase them. Oh, well. Drogal will be more then a match for their pitiful forces. I must make up for the lost time, that teleportation spell takes far too long to cast. Come, my constructs. We must find the annoying pests before they make it out of this city. I cannot allow them to gain any more allies.

With that, Ni'Kash and the two constructs ran off into the further darkness of the building.

NSP: its short, sorry, but its better then what i've managed to do in the last month, which was approximatly nothing :p)
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2005-06-13, 9:01 AM #88
Nirewin, Arcturo, Shaelassa and Geoffrey sprint down endless industrial staircases of wood and steel, running closely together, their heavy breathing and frantic footsteps the only noise to shatter the silence that hangs around them like a maze of blades. Geoffrey runs as fast as the adults, but betrays his courage by constantly looking back over his shoulder: he is certain that if he looks hard enough, he will spot the relentless shadows of the constructs following, chasing, catching them up...

Shaelassa: We must get above ground! It is our only chance for escape!!

Arcturo: No, the people of Windmeire need us! We must rally the city guard-

Nirewin: None of this matters if we can't find the connecting passage underground to the next building!

They reach the bottom of another flight of stairs, and are faced with another crossroad. Left, then right, then left again - with no knowledge of Windmeire's industrial catacombs, the group is left with no alternative but to guess their way through a seemingly endless array of choices. They cannot even use the distant sound of battle as a guide: the trickery of the walls' design makes the noise bounce around them, above them, seemingly everywhere at the same time.

Nirewin: This is a waste of time, we are getting nowhere!

Arcturo: Wait, wait...this section! It's new!

And indeed, the last turn has led them to a section not reinforced by steel walls and furnishing - the walls are solid earth, hollowed out by digging tools still discarded on the floor. Support pylons sporadically placed keep the makeshift roof above their head. The air is musky and stale: yet Arcturo's growing confidence makes them all pause.

Arcturo: This is the new renovation for the clock tower...we must be more or less at the city's epicentre. If we follow these new hallways back, we should be able to get through to the heart of the conflict!

They begin to walk through...but suddenly, there is a noise like a thunderclap and a blaze of red light behind them. As one, the four of them turn, holding a hand up to shield them from the intensity of the crimson glare - then a bolt of pure energy sizzles forward, striking Shaelassa and sending her flying through the air to smash against the walls and crumple to the ground. Geoffrey turns to her, screaming - another bolt catches him in the back and he pitches forward, landing close to her.

Two more expulsions of energy lance through the claustrophobic air - but Arcturo and Nirewin are faster. Arcturo, more through instinct than common battle tactic, draws his emerald sword and brings it to bear against the charge, causing it to be harmlessly absorbed over and through its blade. Nirewin, having a lighter armour than Arcturo, manages to spin gracefully and dodge the blast completely.

They both adapt a battle stance and watch transfixed as the light dims, leaving behind the silhouette of three figures - two elite constructs, flanking none other than-

Nirewin: Ni'kash. We meet at last.

Arcturo: So this is the Immortal Sorceror that has embraced the world in darkness...

The evil mage says nothing at first, taking a measured step forward and grinning dangerously at them

Ni'Kash: And you must be the righteous crusaders that will put an end to the tyrant's rule. A disgraced prince of a dying land...and a mongrel half-breed. Truly it is a bitter pleasure to finally lay eyes upon you, my most 'powerful' enemies...

He looks at them both in turn, eyeing them closely, getting their measure, obviously prepared for the inevitable fight between them.

Ni'Kash: The world has once again disappointed me...if this is the best that life has to offer me in opposition to my rule, I am destined to rule forever!

Nirewin: No, sorceror. You have reached your last days of power.

Arcturo: This is your only chance. Withdraw from Silverpoint, and leave our lands. Never return or we will be forced to destroy you!

Ni'Kash: Withdraw? Why would I withdraw? It's MY land now. Just as Silverpoint will soon be mine, Prince. And then you will be ruler of nothing but your own childish affairs. Still, you'll have the girl, at least.

Arcturo turns his head, briefly. Shaelassa is still not moving, lying inert next to Geoffrey. Ni'Kash's cold eyes focus on the boy for a moment.

Ni'Kash: Is that...a child? You bring...a child...against me? Perhaps you've mistaken me for someone else, half-breed. I don't kill children.

He pauses, and in Nirewin's mind he hears a sudden scream - a scream that sounds strangely immature, and yet manifold. Ni'Kash sees his discomfort and laughs.

Ni'Kash: You heard it, didn't you? Your Drahktil blood grants you great can feel my lie, can't you? You can taste the false nature of my words...and beyond it, you can hear their sobs for mercy, their pleading for clemency. I give them neither.

Nirewin: You...

Arcturo: ENOUGH, mage! Alone you may be a match for us, but together...together we are more than enough to end your wasted existence!

Ni'Kash's patronising smile wavers, then disappears. Venom crosses his features.

Ni'Kash: You are both fools. Fools to think you can even work as a team, let alone defeat me! You really think a Drahktil and a human can co-exist?!

Arcturo and Nirewin share uneasy glances with each other.

Ni'Kash: Why do you think the Drahktil are extinct, half-breed?! It's because they fought with humans. Again and again and again, they fought with humans...not because of many individual circumstances, but because of a natural disposition to fight! To CONQUER! And the humans shared those same goals...except the humans numbered many more. They killed your race, half-breed. They slaughtered your people and now you ally with one to defeat me?

He lets out a humourless bark of laughter.

Ni'Kash: You will cut each other's throats before you are halfway to defeating me, mark my words!

There is a moment of tension, as Ni'Kash's words hang heavily in the air. No one moves.

Then slowly, surely, Nirewin and Arcturo move forward, shifting their body positioning to attack, their swords pointed at their enemy's throat.

Nirewin: Then we had best kill you now, sorceror.

Arcturo: But thank you for the charming story.

Ni'Kash sneers at both of them. His constructs move forward to assist him, but Ni'Kash holds a hand up, ordering them to stand back.

Alone, he steps forward, drawing his own sword. He holds it up in challenge: then draws it back, waiting with patient focus as Nirewin and Arcturo prepare their first assault...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2005-12-05, 8:21 AM #89
Nirewin and Arcturo strike against Ni'Kash simultaneously, as if telepathically linked. The move is as fast as they come: the Drahktil warrior takes a powerful swing at the evil arch-mage's side, whilst the Prince lunges forward to slash at Ni'Kash's chest. It is an impossible move to block, or dodge.

Ni'Kash does neither.

Instead - incredibly, even faster than his opponents - he shifts out of his defensive stance, lashing out with his booted foot at one angle as his skull-sword stabs out at another. With a thud like a cannon, his kick catches Nirewin on the chest: halting him in the middle of his strike and throwing him into the side of the excavated tunnel, which creates an ominous rumble. At the same time, his blade tears across Arcturo's face, leaving a gash that forces the Prince to cry out and take an involuntary step backward. Ni'Kash laughs icily as Arcturo clutches at the blood escaping through the hand held to his face, and shakes his head at Nirewin, struggling slowly to his feet.

Ni'Kash: This is pathetic!

Arcturo grits his teeth in the face of the wizard's scorn, and strategy gives way to naked fury. He leaps again at Ni'Kash, bringing his jade sword up from between both of them. Ni'Kash turns the blade aside with a precise twist of his sword-arm, strafing past Arcturo and bringing his weapon around over his head to angle a slash at his retreating midsection - but Arcturo is a moment too fast, and the blade cuts only air. They turn fully to face each other again, and for a moment they evaluate each other: Arcturo, his young face bloodied and contorted in anger; and Ni'Kash, his pale lean features illuminated only by cold amusement. Again they come together, their slow steps contrasting their lightning-fast strikes and counterstrikes. Ni'Kash this time takes the offensive, assaulting Arcturo with repeated overhead blows - Arcturo backpedals so far that his crimson armour clashes against the wall. Ni'Kash jumps forward and slashes, but Arcturo's footing slips and he falls underneath the decapitating stroke. Arcturo, his sword caught underneath him, has no time to prepare for the end -

Then Ni'Kash spins suddenly, just in time to parry a swift chop from Nirewin into the wall. Their faces brought close by the movement, Nirewin's proud features rage at Ni'Kash, who regards him as he did Arcturo.[/i]

Ni'Kash: Drahktil, you will have to try harder...

And suddenly, he begins to force Nirewin's own blade back towards his throat, his strength impossible, irresistable.

Nirewin: Arcturo! Help me!

Arcturo seizes the moment and abandons all pretence of battle etiquette, planning to stab Ni'Kash in the back and destroy the powerful wizard. But he is again foiled: as he approaches, Ni'Kash half-turns and from his outstretched hand a bolt of pure energy lances into Arcturo's armour, tossing him like a ragdoll across the heavily damaged tunnel to further weaken it. Like Nirewin before him, Arcturo crumples to the ground after smashing into the wall.

However, Arcturo's diversion forces one of Ni'Kash's hands away from the sword-lock, and Nirewin spins out and away from the vulnerable position. Ni'Kash turns back to face him...then sheathes his sword.

Ni'Kash: Please, Drahktil. I indulged you, I really did. This is just embarassing.

Nirewin still brandishes his sword, forcing a grin.

Nirewin: What's the matter? Are we starting to wear you down? Or are you afraid you might lose?

Ni'Kash: Even if I couldn't kill you myself - and I assure you, I could kill you myself - I could say one word and my constructs would come to my aid.

He gestures to the dormant constructs standing only a few feet away from the battle.

Ni'Kash: Drahktil, please. Just surrender. I have been slaughtering your kind since before you were conceived. You are the final piece of my victory - with you and the Prince dead, I will have no rivals to immortality. What say you?

Nirewin, his heart racing, evaluates the situation. Ni'Kash looks completely unfazed by battle: in contrast to their own wounds, Nirewin and Arcturo have not managed to hit the wizard even once. Shaelassa lays still, unmoving: Geoffrey is similarly incapacitated; Arcturo is -

And then Nirewin sees Arcturo, lying on the floor, his armour still smoking and singed from Ni'Kash's attack - his eyes focused intently on Nirewin's. Between them, there is a moment of communication that again resembles telepathy. Arcturo slowly, painfully begins to rise behind Ni'Kash, as Nirewin holds his full attention.

Nirewin: If you want me - the last of the Drahktil - you will have to defeat me in combat.

Ni'Kash only smiles ruefully back at him, drawing his sword.

Ni'Kash: *sigh* As you wish.

Nirewin moves to strike...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2005-12-05, 8:24 AM #90
NSP: Bloody hell, we posted around the same time. Alright, which do you want to keep? Your story, I guess...anyone else got an opinion? I only like mine better because it weighs up Arcturo's abilities as similar to Nirewin's - I was afraid that he would become an ineffective support character, as is implied in DrkJedi82's version (good though it is)
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2005-12-05, 9:48 AM #91
[let's do it this way]

... Arcturo lunges at the sorcerer his sword stopped by the blade of Ni'Kash, then Ni'Kash uses the advantage of such a close range to attack Arcturo with a blast of truly dark energy, Arcturo falls to the ground unconsious.

Nirewin: your sorcery will not have such an effect on me

Ni'Kash: we shall see about that

Ni'Kash attempts the same thing with Nirewin... the blast seemed to pass right through Nirewin, doing no harm as if he wasn't there.

Nirewin: today your tyrany ends sorcerer

Nirewin's blade plunges into Ni'Kash's chest piercing the sorcerer's black, shriveled heart... Ni'Kash falls and as he lay dying begins to laugh

Ni'Kash: you fool, you really think you killed the great Ni'Kash?

Nirewin: just admit it sorcerer... your time has ended

Ni'Kash: [laughing]The real master lives... *dies*

[nsp: i got dibs on next post]
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-12-16, 6:12 PM #92
{nsp}I'm back. I might start writing again. I have to read through all the new stuff. Just a bump for now. :)
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2005-12-16, 8:47 PM #93
NSP: Man, I put a lot of effort into my post to revive this thread! This is just silly...besides, good though your post is, it's only nine lines and wrecks a longer exploration of the Arcturo/Nirewin/Ni'Kash conlfict...

Worst for me, however, is that (like I said to you when we double-posted) it's blatantly obvious how tossed aside Arcturo is. I can almost hear your brain going "these are the important people." I defend to the death that it's your story, but my objection remains.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2005-12-17, 5:44 PM #94
nsp: i have plans... if i revealed them now it would spoil everything
eat right, exercise, die anyway

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