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ISB character sheets
2012-05-17, 9:26 PM #81
Story: The Never-ending Story Thread (first appearance here)
Name: Michael MacFarlane
Nicknames: Michael McLongname
Titles: The Twice-Forgotten One, former leader of the Forgotten
Alignment: Currently in the service of Knowsoul, a bad guy and shade of his former self
Home: Uncertain, possibly a resident of the United States. Currently has no established home.
System: Appears to be a wholly-original character.
Synopsis: Something of a forgettable heroic Everyman-turned-haunting villain, the epitome of a Forgotten character in many ways.

Age: Likely in his late 20's.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human, white. He may be technically considered a NeShade now, however - one of the Forgotten.
Height: Likely average.
Build: Likely average.
Hair: Nothing memorable.
Eye color: Nothing memorable.
Unusual features: As a Twice-Forgotten character in the service of Knowsoul, Michael's form can dissipate into numerous black pages.
Outfits: An unremarkable attire.
Stance: At first glance, his walk and stance seem rather ordinary. Upon further examination, he tends to stand and walk with a subtle confidence, or perhaps more accurately, detachment of the material world.
Diction: Forgettable, though sometimes surprisingly cruel in its kindness.

HISTORY Once something of an Everyman among the NeS heroes, having built a romance with Losien and a strong friendship with The Last True Evil, Michael became one of the Forgotten. Having fallen as a shade of his former self, Michael set out to unleash the other Forgotten into the world and focused his revenge upon Losien and TLTE, having died at TLTE's hands. Michael was brought back to apparent life, suffering from amnesia, only to be Forgotten once again. Now in the service of Knowsoul, Michael seems to have renewed his thirst for revenge all the more, wishing to plunge the whole of NeS into forgotten oblivion.

Personality: Despite his obvious desire for revenge, Michael often comes off surprisingly friendly, which only makes it all the more unnerving as he coldly executes villainous acts.
Perceptions: Everyone should be thrown into despair and regret, lost and forgotten as he is.
Politics: His previous political affiliations are unknown, though it's unlikely he supports any now.
Religion: His previous religious affiliations are unknown, though it's unlikely he follows any organized religion now. His way of life is dedicated now to his new beliefs and perceptions.
Beliefs: Memory is a cruel and merciless king of characters, and he plans to overthrow him (a metaphor not meant literally, noted since many metaphors in NeS manifest literally).
Fears: Michael is afraid of being Forgotten.
Drives: To hurl everyone into a state of regret and loss for the likes of him as Forgotten and to raise himself into a remembered character.
Social status: He was previously of an average social standing. He now stands only with Knowsoul and other Forgotten.
Occupation: His previous occupation is unknown, though his current one could be said to be Knowsoul's second-in-command.
Family: Unknown.
Relationships: Once former serious boyfriend of Losien, close friend of The Last True Evil, often leader of the Forgotten.
Hobbies: Unknown.
Likes: Unknown.
Dislikes: Unknown.

Potential: Michael has the potential to be a haunting reminder of what was lost and forgotten, now holding power over even the memory of other characters.
Twice-Forgotten: It's uncertain how much of Michael's power derives from being a Forgotten character, being twice-forgotten, and from being a servant of Knowsoul. It is certain, however, that upon touch, Michael can apparently cast away the very memory of that thing from the NeS itself. He is also able to transform into numerous black pages in an ethereal fashion, disappearing and reappearing from a scene.

Fighting Competency: Michael is able to hold his ground in a fight against the likes of The Last True Evil.

Equipment: None.

Concepts: It is unknown what driving concepts are behind the creation of Michael, though it's likely that he was an autobiographical extension of the original author.

Choice: Who is your character? What choices (or lack thereof) define them, or could define them?
He is the epitome of a Forgotten character, and thus any choice relating to memory, loss, regret, nostalgia, and the like would be both his strength and weakness.

Chance: What events revolve around them, plot or otherwise? What elements outside of their (and your) control have particular significance to them? What chances are you willing and hoping to take with the character?
The likely-futile atempt to become remembered in the story.

How does their point-of-view(s) challenge and co-exist with everyone and everything else? What conflicts do you see arising in and out of the story with them?
Any conflict relating the past with the present and future would be in his domain, co-existing with the past and challenging the present and future that would forget the likes of him.

Where and when do they interact, and how are those settings significant to them? What is their context in and out of the story?
The past, memories, and the like.

Why do they exist? What themes do they bring forth? What conventions are you following and fighting against with them?
The forgettable Everyman, the angry ghost, the mix of the two.

Character Goals and Obstacles: What is the relationship between the character and their goal, what obstacles and antagonists are in their way, and do they transform to overcome it? See here
Michael aims to have the likes of him - the Forgotten - to be remembered, and to throw everyone into despair and loss in revenge. Obviously, anyone not Forgotten stands in his way, particularly those like Losien and TLTE with stronger history with him. As a former shade of himself, Michael has little hope of transformation, and only his sheer drive and story convention allows him a chance at success.

Character Function: What role(s) does the character serve? See here
Primarily as antagonist.

Character Traits: What tags, etc. apply to this character? See here under "Chraacters" and here
Introductory as an Everyman, the epitome of anti-exaggeration. He isn't thrown into an exotic position either (relative to him anyway). Anything that establishes his status as a Forgotten shade of a character is applicable.

Character Grid: Where do other characters relate to this character on a grid of friendly/hostile and dominant/submissive? See here
Michael is "friendly" and somewhat submissive to Knowsoul, he is both friendly and hostile (and dominant) to TLTE and Losien, friendly and dominant to most other Forgotten, and hostile and dominant towards most non-Forgotten. He would likely only be hostile and submissive to those like Thand.

Character Web: How does this character feel about the other characters? See here
Losien: Is both still attached romantically to her and hates her.
TLTE: Is both considerate of TLTE as a close friend and disgruntled at what TLTE has apparently done to him.
Knowsoul: Considers him a means to an end, believing that Knowsoul's goal is synonymous with his own and that Knowsoul has more power to execute that goal.
The Forgotten: Comrades at arms.

Character Status: What is the character's general status? How is it shown? Is there a conflict of status with other characters? Does the character change in their general status in any circumstances? See here
As a Forgotten, he holds a mysterious status, considered by most to hold no status at all. He often acts in a higher status out of a detachment for the material world, only possibly lowering his status to those like Knowsoul and Thand.

Character Transformation: What transformation does the character make? How is it shown? Is it enough of a change? Is it surprising and interesting? Is it believable? See here
Michael transformed from an Everyman to a villainous Forgotten, which was relatively believable. His current status as Twice-Forgotten seems only believable if envisioning Michael as almost a forgotten memory himself, a ghost rather than an actual living character.

Miscellaneous: N/A
Notes: N/A
Art: N/A
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-05-21, 7:53 AM #82
Mostly to be completed later

The Never-ending Story Thread (first post here)
Name: mavispoo/maevie
Alignment: Good? ish?
Home: London, UK

Age: early-to-mid 20's.
Gender: Female.
Race: Human, white.
Height: Average. (5'5")
Build: Average.
Hair: Not-quite-blonde or pink, depending on effort
Eye color: Blue
Unusual features: a few scars
Outfits: Pyjamas. Occasionally jeans.
Diction: Queen's English.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2012-06-02, 4:10 AM #83
Story: Introduction into the NeS.

Name: Real name is "Rosebud Simon". Rosebud was inherited from Al Ciao, Simon is from her "father", Losien Simon.

Nicknames: Apple

Titles: None.

Alignment: NeS Hero by default - her father is the Main Character. However she was raised by Arkng Thand, so her alignment is warped. Mostly neutral, doing bad things in the name of good.

Home: HHH

System: No.

Synopsis: Apple is a mysterious character that appeared in the NeS as an unusual "femme fatale" with a job proposition for Hawthorne, making him the Detective on a case to find Citizen Rex. She is black with very long black and red hair that is worn in a cyber-punk fashion. When not being mysterious in her cloak, she usually wears a cyberpunk outfit of black leather, red accents and revealing cuts. She has the power to turn invisible, but the effects are worn down by additional objects. The more clothing, or otherwise, the less transparent she actually is. She's got a dark personality, sometimes somewhat flirtatious, but above all she's currently dealing with parent-issues surrounding Losien Simon and Arkng Thand. She is a woman of many underworld jobs, especially assassin and sometimes thief due to Thand.

Age: Twenty-three.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Species: Human/Black

Height: 5'78''

Build: Apple has an athletic build, with prominent muscles and a lithe figure. However she is not a muscle-bound grunt and her legs are her strongest asset, clearly built for speed.

Hair: She has very long black hair that is worn in a very messy cyber-punk style. It is loosely tied back in a high knot, using some of the hair to perform the tying function. Throughout the hair, especially as a thick streak at the front, is crimson dye. Even when tied up her hair reaches the middle of her back.

Eye color: Brown.

Unusual features: None.

Outfits: She usually wears a thick, black cloak to conceal herself in. If she cannot wear the cloak due to social conventions, or Writer's lack of character knowledge, she would be wearing as little as possible; such as a hot-pants or mini-skirt; this would be easier to keep transparent than a long, flowing dress. Generally she will wear a cyberpunk style costume of leather with red accents and minimalistic cuts.

Stance: She is aware that she is often considered attractive and would ply this during social situations with male characters. Otherwise she is often rough and casual, likely to put her feet up (when clothed in something not her cloak). When wearing her cloak she will be acting aloof and mysterious, keeping her distance and likely appears concerned by sudden movements.

Diction: She has a high-class American accent.

It was revealed that Apple has confused parentage. She was raised, along with Amal though they rarely met, by Arkng Thand. She considers Thand to be her Master and father, though she always knew she was adopted. However she was given one clue about her birth - the name "Rosebud". In time she learnt that the Hero Force One member, and Highemperor clone, Citizen Rex had spoke the word "Rosebud" upon his death. She hired Detective Hawthorne to track down Citizen Rex, who had gone missing. Eventually he discovered Al Ciao was also Citizen Rex and Apple became enveloped in the story. High Imp, who was once High Angel, planned to corrupt the destiny of Highemperor's child - a destiny that red his child would be the greatest powergamer after Highemperor himself and born from a woman with red hair. Because Apple happened to have some red in her hair, that was enough leeway in the prophecy to allow High Imp to artificially impregnate Apple with Al Ciao's child. Apple sought help and it came from Evil G. He decided that the best solution to foil High Imp's plan was to change the father. The only character with DNA strong enough to override such a strong plot was the Main Character of the story, which meant Losien Simon. The chances were 50/50 that either could be the "father" of Apple's child.

At the end of Memory Lane, however, Apple gave birth to a daughter. When she met the past version of Arkng Thand she realised she was stuck in a time loop and that she was, in fact, her own mother! Losien turned out to be the father, leaving the fate of Highemperor's child unbroken. Now she stays with the NeS Heroes to discover herself, but still regards Arkng Thand in higher favour than her biological parent.

Personality: Generally Apple is selfish and greedy for wealth. She can be quick to betray but she hates to be betrayed and is prone to hold a grudge for a very long time. She can consider someone as a friend and when she betrays them it just hurts more, but won't stop her. She accepts jobs of theft frequently, but also acts as a go-between. She also works for herself if she sees a prize worth having she will work towards that goal. She is not one for brute force and is likely to use cunning in all things, preferring subtlety in her actions. And yet her social skills are often the reverse as she will outright offend someone without considering the implications. She is aware that she is desirable and will often use that trait to her own advantage, though she is unlikely to actually commit to any sexual act as she also fears intimacy. She finds it difficult to make friends and often mistrusts those she works with.

Perceptions: Apple likes to think of herself as a Robin Hood character, taking from the rich and giving to the poor. However the poor is herself. When acting as an assassin she believes she is taking out someone who deserved it, as nobody would pay her price unless they were really worth killing.

Politics: By nature, Apple is dead-set against politics and politicians and would believe herself to be an anarchist. However she requires the most institutionalised of governments to manage her own luxurious career as a cat-burglar. Thus the more corrupt a political system, the better for her.

Religion: Atheist.

Beliefs: She has very little principles other than the prize. She would look down on street crime and pick-pockets as lowlier than herself. She also hates oppression and bullies.

Fears: Being caught is not a fear for her, but being placed in a prison she couldn't eventually escape from would be. She has been caught several times but can always escape a prison. Being permanently trapped would be her worst nightmare.

Drives: She is obsessed firstly with wealth. Not just having money but the accumulation of it. Secondly she thirsts for the thrill of her jobs. The more difficult and grandiose, the better for her mood.

Social status: Apple's charisma is mostly locked into her mysterious "femme fatale" nature. She was clearly born into money and is likely a woman who grew very bored of her high-born life.

Occupation: Primarily she is an assassin, however she will occasionally take a thieving job or construct one of her own if she deems the prize worthy of her time.

Family: Arkng Thand is her adoptive guardian. Losien Simon is her "father". She is her own mother. Gebohq (and technically Evil G) is her uncle. She regards Amal as a kind of brother.

Relationships: Unknown so far.

Hobbies: Unknown so far.

Likes: Apple likes her job and the thrill of wealth. She does enjoy some material wealth too, but it is often in precious stones or literal gold bars rather than jewellery. She would rather have the solid stones in a box than on a necklace. She also likes vehicles, especially fast ones.

Dislikes: She dislikes rational, intelligent and good-natured people but she also loves to dislike them. She will often speak to someone she dislikes deliberately to enjoy the thrill of being frustrated by them. This may be because she regards Thand as smarter than everyone else - thus they could never have a worthwhile thing to say to her.

Potential: At best Apple could be a heroic thief with a begrudging noble side to her that serves good people and helps the poor and the weak. At worst she could become a senseless killer, consumed by all of the deaths she has caused. Yet she does have the blood of the Main Character in her veins and may have a higher role to play.

Powers: Apple is able to become invisible. When naked this effect renders her completely invisible, including any heat-sensors, motion-sensors, x-ray or otherwise. She is truly "Unseen". However the more equipment or clothing she has, the less and less this effect will have. If she were in her underwear she would still be very transparent so that only the most keen of eyes might see the faint trace of her underwear float by. If she were wearing a snow-coat she might appear just a little discoloured. This means she couldn't turn someone else invisible, only herself

Abilities: She is also incredibly agile, able to perform seemingly super-human feats of agility that would give Spider-Man a run for his money.

Equipment: Unknown so far.

Concepts: Apple is one of my oldest characters with a lot of backstory on other forums though this version of Apple is her own entity. In fact, so much so, that Apple has fallen out of use in other places and is now solely a character for the NeS.

Choice: None so far.

Chance: None so far.

Conflict: Unknown so far.

Context: Apple is the daughter of Losien Simon, thus follows the main group.

Convention: Unknown.

Character Goals and Obstacles: None thus far.

Character Function: Unknown.

Character Traits: Unknown.

Character Grid: Apple would be dominant and verges on hostile under almost every scenario, however she isn't outright evil and shows no signs of cruelty.

Character Web: Nothing so far.

Character Status: Unknown.

Character Transformation: None so far.
2012-06-02, 4:14 AM #84
2012-06-11, 8:03 AM #85
The Neverending Story Thread.

Name: High Imp, nee High Angel

Nicknames: High Imp, "Hey you", "RUN!"

Titles: Bane of Highemp. Bearer of the Lightside. Pactmaker.

Alignment: Neutral Evil.

Home: Was "born" in the mysterious, rarely-seen realm of Heaven in the mists before the dawn of time. Dwelt in Atlantis at its height. His current base of operations, if any, is unknown.

System: N/A

Synopsis: He hates Highemp, yet identifies with him, as they are much alike; indeed, they loved the same woman.


Age: As old as time. His bestial traits bely any attempt at resembling an age.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Fallen angel; apparently Caucasian humanoid, before his transformation into a more demonic aspect

Height: Close to 7 feet

Build: Is broad-shouldered, with a fair amount of muscle bulk.

Hair: His golden hair fell out when he took on a demonic aspect.

Eye color: Molten red.

Unusual features: He has spiraling horns jutting out of his temples. His skin is the color of rust. He has goats' hooves/legs and a lashing tail. He has six black-feathered wings, each covered in many eyes the color of dripping blood.

Outfits: His outfit resembles Highemp's to some degree, in bitter mockery, with red shoulder pauldrons and black cladding.



Pre-Story History: High Imp began his existence as High Angel, archangel second only to the WriterGod. He was blessed to be the avatar of the Lightside - the spirit of all heroes past, present, and future. Approximately 10,000 BC he was sent to Atlantis to join their superheroic team, the Champions of Atlantis, where he met and befriended the time-traveling, universe-hopping Highemperor. After each left the Champions and parted ways, High Angel continued to serve the WriterGod through the long millennia... until the 1990's, when he fell in love with the princess Alole. Unfortunately for him, Highemp also fell in love with Alole, and it was his love that she returned, not High Angel's. High Angel left them in distraught bitterness, and only returned when Alole had died in childbirth. He and Highemp buried Alole together, in silence, and then High Angel swore vengeance upon his once-friend. Invoking dark pacts with all the great powers of the NeSiverse, he took on a demonic aspect of incredible power, taking the name High Imp. Highemp sorrowfully set out on a quest to cut off the sources of his power (the gods and entities granting the pacts) and successfully imprisoned High Imp... for a time.

Story History: High Imp first appeared (though not by name) in the NeS around page 6 or so, when Semievil, in a cursing rant, invoked the names of numerous archdevils, demon lords, and dark gods. These being the same entities that had empowered High Imp, the invocation free him from the lost netherworld to which he had been banished. High Imp then established himself in Canada, bringing it into Hell's fold. Jim Seven, the Devil, allowed High Imp to do what he wished, mostly because he couldn't stop him. At the final showdown of NeS page 50, High Imp led an devilish army out of the Tenth Hell to the Arena, and dueled Highemp in a climactic showdown, which resulted in both of their deaths. Naturally, in death, High Imp was banished to the Ninth Circle of Hell, otherwise known as Canada, where Jim Seven promptly imprisoned his depleted spirit in the bowels of the Great Granite Fortress.

Recent History: There was a mass jailbreak of supervillains from the Great Granite Fortress in the late 20's or early 30's of NeSquared, including High Imp. High Imp joined a villainous league led by the Atlantean wizard-turned-lazy JM, from which position he used to draw Highemp into another duel. Highemp won the duel offscreen, but High Imp recently showed up at a Grand Conclave of the NeSiversal powers, where the various powers agreed to channel yet more energy into High Imp, to safeguard them from the terrors Al Ciao and Britt the Writers could unleash upon them. Most recently, as of page 36, High Imp has impregnated the mysterious assassin Apple with the DNA of Highemp, in an attempt to thwart fate.


Personality: High Imp exists entirely to be the only true rival to Highemp, and he knows it. This creates rather a sort of bitterness to him, in addition to the pathos of the love he and Highemp held in common for the princess Alole. He is rarely as bestial or raging as his appearance would imply, however; he radiates a quiet menace, backed up by action when required.

Perceptions: High Imp is unhappy. As unhappy people tend to spread unhappiness, he relishes in using his power for destruction and evil, especially if it hurts Highemp. He views Highemp with both jealousy and hatred: Highemp won the love of the woman whom High Imp had loved. He is respectful to Master Arkng Thand, due to their long-ago membership in the Champions of Atlantis.

Politics: Apolitical. Was once involved in the politics of Hell, inasmuch as he integrated Canada into the Ninth Circle of Hell, but this was merely a part of grander, more sinister goals.

Religon: As far as belief, High Imp is a NeStian. He no longer worships the WriterGod, but acknowledges him as the Creator and Supreme Writer of the cosmos. He knows the WriterGod by all his aspects: supreme writer of the NeSiverse, supreme deity of the NeSiverse, and one true God of all realities.

Beliefs: Has a streak of nobility mitigated by casual cruelty, but is otherwise unprincipled.

Fears: Though he is loath to admit it, Highemp. Nothing else, not even the WriterGod, fazes him.

Drives: High Imp's one obsession is Highemp. He has tunnel vision in that regard.

Social status: High Imp was always charismatic as High Angel, and still is when he wishes to be. He used to be second in power and authority only to the WriterGod, and is still granted respect - and fear - among those entities in the know.

Occupation: None. See Drives, above.

Family: None known.

Relationships: Something like friendship with Master Thand. Former friendship, current rival and enemy of Highemp. Is known to the powers of the NeSiverse. Employer of the mysterious assassin Apple.

Diction: Despite his bestial appearance, he has a noble, cultured voice, albeit one delivered in a growl.

Hobbies: Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking.

Likes: Revenge, retribution, bloodshed, evil, things that hurt Highemp

Dislikes: His past, himself, High Imp


Potential: His best was when he was High Angel, a Champion of Atlantis and comrade-in-arms with Highemp. Somewhere within his cankered soul a remnant of this personality survives - or so it must be, for how else could he retain possession and control of the Lightside matrix? His worst, other than destructive rampages across the universe, has yet to be seen; but he is capable of fantastic cruelty when it comes to Highemp.

Powers: As rival to a powerplayer, High Imp can do whatever is required. As the Pactmaker with nearly every powerful being in the NeSiverse (pacts that he came out ahead on, much to those beings' chagrin), he has more raw power than possibly anyone else in the NeSiverse.

Abilities: Again, whatever is required. He is a master of melee weapons and hand-to-hand fighting, however.

Equipment: He has a sword of black flame, counterpart to Highemp's crackling white sword Drynyrn. The sword's name, if any, has yet to be revealed; and High Imp has shown the ability to metamorphose its form, as in NeS1999 when he transformed it into a pitchfork or trident.


Concepts: High Imp was created to be a rival to Highemp, both in pathos (they loved the same woman) and in power (High Imp's powerplayed dark pacts vs Highemp's uber powerplaying).

Choice: One major choice defines him: leaving Heaven and discarding his archangelic status in order to court the mortal woman Alole. This turned out to be a disastrous choice, as she fell in love with Highemp instead, and his path has been forever dominated by that decision.

Chance: High Imp could be a major villain in the NeS, not merely a rival to Highemp. He has the power for it, and given that there is a bit of powerplaying in him, he could have the ambition. Given all the dangling threads with Al Ciao/Highemp, there are many permutations of what he could do; in fact, Britt (the real writer) has already come up with a brilliant subplot regarding his employ and artificial insemination of Apple.

Conflict: Out of story, he can be considered far too imbalancing; although as he mostly focused on Highemp, this can be mitigated. In-story, he is feared, loathed, and respected, all at once.

Context: Atlantis is significant to him, given that he met Highemp in ancient Atlantis, and the princess Alole was the sole descendant of the royal Atlantean dynasty.

Convention: Why do they exist? What themes do they bring forth? What conventions are you following and fighting against with them?


Miscellaneous: Anything else significant about your character should be mentioned here.

Notes: Random blubs, thoughts, etc. you have on your character.

Art: Descriptions and crediting art relating to your character.
2012-06-20, 12:39 AM #86
Story: NeS2 Page 20

Name: Hero Force One

Nicknames: HF1

Alignment: Good generally, but ultimately their alignment is Uh-mer-uh-can.

Home: Various locations known; Hero Force One Hovercarrier (currently over London), Hero Force One Space Station.

System: Super-Hero Comic-style characters.

Synopsis: Hero Force One are a rival hero group to the NeS Heroes. Unlike the NeS Heroes, HF1 are often far more competent and famous with support from the American authorities. The group currently consists of Dr R. Deep, Magick Snowflakes, Qhobeg #2, Seraphim, Judge. One missing member is Citizen Rex (alter-ego of Al Ciao). Former members are Acidspitter and The Patriot.

Dr R. Deep

Once described as "Bad-ass Incarnate", Dr R. Deep is the vice-leader of Hero Force One and, in many ways, the true leader of the group. He is the primary magick user and has dual magickal swords (purple in colour). He looks and dresses akin to Morpheus from The Matrix, that is to say he wears a lot of black complete with a black, leather trench coat and shades. He is usually reserved, stern and enigmatic.


Revealed to be a former angel of heaven (now considered a Fallen Angel) who has permanently vacated Heaven. She wears a very thin and revealing dress of pure light that barely seems to cover the essentials. She is described as incredibly beautiful, almost unbelievably so. She has some vague holy powers, such as blinding light and healing but she also has the power of flight (absent wings) and super-strength making her both adept at combat and supporting the team. She is often calm and mellow, verging on cold. However she also views her duty seriously and is known to cause great destruction during her fights or simply entering a room (her signature move is to smash through a ceiling when entering or exiting).


Originally placed on the Hero Force One team on loan from Great Britain, she has since been accepted as permanent member as HF1 branched out from America into a more world-wide policing force. She has long, untamed black hair and a strong but clearly feminine figure. She wears a long trench coat patterned with the British flag, underneath this she wears super-hero clothing; that is to say, underwear, also patterned with the British flag. She is much more relaxed than many other HF1 members, seeming nonchalant and casual. She is often found with Seraphim and is also just as likely to destroy everything around her. She has powers over telekinesis, which causes a glow of purple to cast an aura. She is capable of throwing heavy objects over great distances.

Magick Snowflakes

The youngest member of Hero Force One. She is the younger sister of Voodoo Snowflakes, a NeS Hero, and travelled through time from the future to the present (her past). She is usually dressed in 90s-esque clothing, complete with a backwards baseball cap with her hair worn in a scruffy ponytail. She has magickal powers of various kinds and constantly learns from Dr R. Deep.

Qhobeg #2

One of the many clones of Gebohq, former Main Character of the NeS. Qhobeg #2, so named as he is the second clone created by Jim 7 the first being, simply, Qhobeg. Unlike other Gebohq's in the NeS, Qhobeg #2 is capable of utilising Storywielding through grammomancy. He is much like Gebohq but has much more confidence in himself and his teammates.
2013-09-17, 3:03 AM #87
Story: NeS
Name: Frank Smith
Nicknames: None
Titles: Agent Smith
Alignment: Lawful Good
Synopsis: Frank Smith works for TEA (Time Enforcement Agency), which is run by "Mysterious Person". Frank is a 40 year-old gay man going through a bit of a mid-life crisis. He is a detective from 1000 years into the future and must bring in a time warped individual with the help of his A.I. Cynthai.

Age: 40
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Chinese Half-White American human.
Height: 6'1"
Build: He is very fit and muscular, though aged. He trains regularly to keep in shape for his job. He has broad shoulders and a bit of a "DC chin".
Hair: Black, cropped quite short, but greying at the sides.
Eye color: Brown.
Outfits: Normally in his blue Time Cop uniform.

Pre-Story History: He has worked for TEA for many years though he has only recently become so high-profile that he has been granted direct missions from the head of TEA, "Mysterious Person". He also left his husband, got himself a toyboy and bought a motorbike is a sudden mid-life crisis event.
Story History: He arrived back in time after being given a mission by "Mysterious Person" to arrest a time warp individual. He is currently in Burundi where Team Losien is trying to get Al Ciao a new penis.

Personality: TBA
Perceptions: tba
Politics: tba
Religon: tba
Beliefs: The Time Law!
Fears: tba
Drives: tba
Social status: tba
Occupation: Time Cop
Family: One ex-husband.
Relationships: tba
Diction: American accent.
Hobbies: tba
Likes: tba
Dislikes: tba

Potential: tba
Powers: tba
Abilities: Frank does have an uncanny ability to read people, often able to see more in a person than they would realise themselves. He is normally able to tell if someone is lying by reading their face and he can often tell the desires of a person by reading their face also.
Equipment: CynthA.I. Mk XIV (Cynthai). Originally design by Proctor Research, TEA bought several installments of Cynthai for their organisation. However they prefer to use the holographic version of Cynthai and their Cynthai units all have "H" stamped into their foreheads for clear identification. Cynthai does have a personal and will often make jokes -- however they are often dead-pan and most wouldn't be able to tell if she was joking or rattling off a fact.

Concepts: tba
Themes: tba
Challanges: tba
Who?: tba
What?: ​tba

The original design of this character was done by a Chinese student of mine as part of a competition.

Character Name: Frank

Age: 40
Species/Race: Human / White (American)
Height: Very tall.
Physical Description: Thin and good-looking.
Colouration: Blonde hair, black eyes.

Clothing: Jacket and jeans
Jewellery: None.
Weapons: Has a small knife.
Magic Items: Magical watch.

Magic: Knows everyone's hearts (Britt: desires; possibly using the watch).
Talents: He can speak many languages.

Full Name: Frank Smith.
Personality: Outgoing and friendly.
Voice: He sounds nice.
Sexuality: Gay.
Ambition: He wants to be a great policeman.
2014-02-09, 9:12 AM #88
Name: The Potentials

Story: Never-ending Story

Synopsis: The Potentials are a group of characters who are the physical embodiment of various Characters' potential. These Potentials, though similar to their original counterparts, are also their own unique persons and may believe in different ideals than the original character. Originally three Potentials were let loose upon the NeS but were defeated. Now more Potentials have been created.

Erronem was the Potential of Gebohq.

Alexan was the Potential of Highemperor/Al Ciao.


Phoenix was the Potential of TLTE.

Venedite is the Potential of Maeve and one of the first "New Wave Potentials". She has striking, long, pink hair and wears a night hood over the top of it. She also wears a very short night that is rainbow patterned and on her legs are stockings. She is much like the original Maeve, though Venedite is far more arrogant. Although she can fly, her true power is to control dreams. She is the "Sandman" of the NeS. However she also claims to be The Hand of the NeS, seeking to replace Bhac and Mayaal as respective Right and Left Hands of the NeS.
2015-01-25, 12:18 AM #89

The Never-ending Story Thread (first introduced here, named here)
Name: Ohqeanos Or Simon
Nicknames: Qean (like 'Cian'), Ohq, Nos, Or.
Titles: Unknown
Alignment: Unknown
Home: Between North and West Liberty (the 'Nest'), Iowa, USA
System: N/A
Synopsis: Father of Gebohq and Losien, husband to Polly

Age: 60s/70s
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Race: Human, of largely UK ethnicity
Height: 5'10"
Build: At his age, both skinny and fat in ways that age and lack of activity defines
Hair: Once he had fiery red hair, his receding hair is now grey
Eye color: Brown
Unusual features: Unknown
Outfits: Currently in a hospital gown
Stance: He's starting to show his age with something of a hunch
Diction: Soft, not unlike Losien.


Personality: What is your character's general attitude and behavior? What makes your character tick? What are their character strengths and flaws? This could be similar to the synopsis.
Perceptions: What is their perception of themselves and others? What about their environment and life?
Politics: What political party do they support? Which one do they fight? How do they feel about certain governments and organizations, at least their immediate ones?
Religion: Does your character follow an organized religon? What is their philosophy and way of life?
Beliefs: What principles do they believe in? These may be tied into their religion, or politics, or more likely something independent.
Fears: What is your character afraid of? How scared are they of it? The deeper, the better.
Drives: What are your character's goals, hopes, ambitions, obsessions?
Social status: What is their economic and political class? How charismatic are they?
Occupation: What is their job? Is it a career? A vocation? Just something to pay the bills? Do they get paid?
Family: Who are their parents or guardians? Do they have siblings? A spouse and kids?
Relationships: Do they have any specific friends? Acquaintances? How about enemies? Pets?Hobbies: What do they like to do for fun? What activities do they do aside from work?
Likes: What sorts of things do they enjoy? Include the usual, such as food, movies, TV shows, books, games, and sports, as well as the unusually specific, such as etymology and the smell of napalm in the morning.
Dislikes: What sorts of things annoy them? What are their pet peeves?

Potential: What is the best and worst your character can do, act, perform, and be as a whole? Think of this as a synopsis for what your character would have at their disposal in a conflict, physical or otherwise.
Powers: What powers does your character have? In general, powers refer to a talent bestowed on the character such as a divine magic, vast riches, or innate feats of strength.
Abilities: What abilities does your character have? In general, this refers to skills that, at least in theory, anyone could obtain with practice, such as training in a martial art, calculating pi to the hundredth place, or heavy knowledge of a holy scripture.
Equipment: What weapons, items, possessions, and the like do they have? If they own a lot, just list their most used or 'signature' items generally found on their person.

Concepts: What was the initial or driving concepts behind your character? What concepts are you working with in regards to your character now? How much of yourself is in your character? This could be considered a synopsis of your character as understood "outside" the story.

Choice: Who is your character? What choices (or lack thereof) define them, or could define them?

Chance: What events revolve around them, plot or otherwise? What elements outside of their (and your) control have particular significance to them? What chances are you willing and hoping to take with them?

How does their point-of-view(s) challenge and co-exist with everyone and everything else? What conflicts do you see arising in and out of the story with them?

Where and when do they interact, and how are those settings significant to them? What is their context in and out of the story?

Why do they exist? What themes do they bring forth? What conventions are you following and fighting against with them?

Character Goals and Obstacles: What is the relationship between the character and their goal, what obstacles and antagonists are in their way, and do they transform to overcome it? See here

Character Function: What role(s) does the character serve? See here

Character Traits: What tags, etc. apply to this character? See here under "Chraacters" and here

Character Grid: Where do other characters relate to this character on a grid of friendly/hostile and dominant/submissive? See here

Character Web: How does this character feel about the other characters? See here

Character Status: What is the character's general status? How is it shown? Is there a conflict of status with other characters? Does the character change in their general status in any circumstances? See here

Character Transformation: What transformation does the character make? How is it shown? Is it enough of a change? Is it surprising and interesting? Is it believable? See here

Miscellaneous: Anything else significant about your character should be mentioned here.
Notes: Random blubs, thoughts, etc. you have on your character.
Art: Descriptions and crediting art relating to your character.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-01-26, 12:16 AM #90

The Never-ending Story Thread (first seen here, first named here)
Name: Polly Simon
Nicknames: Polly, "Geb's/Los's Mom"
Titles: Queen of the Jupiterian Empire
Alignment: 'Good', family and empire-focused
Home: Unknown
System: N/A
Synopsis: Mother of Gebohq and Losien, wife of Ohqeanos. In many ways, she embodies an overprotective mother towards Gebohq and an over-demanding mother towards Losien. She both exhibits qualities of a 1950s housewife (brandishing a rolling pin) and an adventurer (donning an adventurer's helmet and unafraid to do adventurous things). She seems highly concerned both for her family and for the future of the Jupiterian Empire.

Age: She's in her 60s, and looked that way until a wish granted by Baba Yaga made her appear young again (so 20s/30s)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Race: Half-human, half-Jupiterian/alien. Her human side likely has some northern-European origins
Height: Same as Losien, possibly a touch shorter
Build: She likely had a stereotypical build of an aging mother, but now has her youthful build and appearance, attractive in a similar fashion to Losien
Hair: Before her youth was restored, she had grey hair. She now has her youthful hair color - similar to a 'dirty blonde'
Eye color: Brown
Unusual features: In her youthful appearance, she has an almost alien quality in her attractiveness
Outfits: Has once worn an adventurer's outfit, complete with helmet, fitting for a jungle hike
Stance: While she probably can carry herself in a regal manner, she likely moves often like a paradoxical mixture of a stereotypical 1950s housewife and a confident adventurer
Diction: Similar to Geb, if Geb were more confident and competent

To Be Filled

Personality: What is your character's general attitude and behavior? What makes your character tick? What are their character strengths and flaws? This could be similar to the synopsis.
Perceptions: What is their perception of themselves and others? What about their environment and life?
Politics: What political party do they support? Which one do they fight? How do they feel about certain governments and organizations, at least their immediate ones?
Religion: Does your character follow an organized religon? What is their philosophy and way of life?
Beliefs: What principles do they believe in? These may be tied into their religion, or politics, or more likely something independent.
Fears: What is your character afraid of? How scared are they of it? The deeper, the better.
Drives: What are your character's goals, hopes, ambitions, obsessions?
Social status: What is their economic and political class? How charismatic are they?
Occupation: What is their job? Is it a career? A vocation? Just something to pay the bills? Do they get paid?
Family: Who are their parents or guardians? Do they have siblings? A spouse and kids?
Relationships: Do they have any specific friends? Acquaintances? How about enemies? Pets?Hobbies: What do they like to do for fun? What activities do they do aside from work?
Likes: What sorts of things do they enjoy? Include the usual, such as food, movies, TV shows, books, games, and sports, as well as the unusually specific, such as etymology and the smell of napalm in the morning.
Dislikes: What sorts of things annoy them? What are their pet peeves?

Potential: What is the best and worst your character can do, act, perform, and be as a whole? Think of this as a synopsis for what your character would have at their disposal in a conflict, physical or otherwise.
Powers: What powers does your character have? In general, powers refer to a talent bestowed on the character such as a divine magic, vast riches, or innate feats of strength.
Abilities: What abilities does your character have? In general, this refers to skills that, at least in theory, anyone could obtain with practice, such as training in a martial art, calculating pi to the hundredth place, or heavy knowledge of a holy scripture.
Equipment: What weapons, items, possessions, and the like do they have? If they own a lot, just list their most used or 'signature' items generally found on their person.

Concepts: What was the initial or driving concepts behind your character? What concepts are you working with in regards to your character now? How much of yourself is in your character? This could be considered a synopsis of your character as understood "outside" the story.

Choice: Who is your character? What choices (or lack thereof) define them, or could define them?

Chance: What events revolve around them, plot or otherwise? What elements outside of their (and your) control have particular significance to them? What chances are you willing and hoping to take with them?

How does their point-of-view(s) challenge and co-exist with everyone and everything else? What conflicts do you see arising in and out of the story with them?

Where and when do they interact, and how are those settings significant to them? What is their context in and out of the story?

Why do they exist? What themes do they bring forth? What conventions are you following and fighting against with them?

Character Goals and Obstacles: What is the relationship between the character and their goal, what obstacles and antagonists are in their way, and do they transform to overcome it? See here

Character Function: What role(s) does the character serve? See here

Character Traits: What tags, etc. apply to this character? See here under "Chraacters" and here

Character Grid: Where do other characters relate to this character on a grid of friendly/hostile and dominant/submissive? See here

Character Web: How does this character feel about the other characters? See here

Character Status: What is the character's general status? How is it shown? Is there a conflict of status with other characters? Does the character change in their general status in any circumstances? See here

Character Transformation: What transformation does the character make? How is it shown? Is it enough of a change? Is it surprising and interesting? Is it believable? See here

Miscellaneous: Anything else significant about your character should be mentioned here.
Notes: Random blubs, thoughts, etc. you have on your character.
Art: Descriptions and crediting art relating to your character.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-12-16, 12:22 PM #91
Story: NeS2, Page #1686, Britt: The Legend, Chapter 1

Name: Britticus (possibly Britticus Faye). "Brittannia" when a woman.

Nicknames: Usually dubbed Britt. Often with some modifier beginning with B attached - such as Britt the Barman, or Britt the Blunderer

Titles: Lord of (Discharding), Father Britt (Anointed Priest of the Catholic Church)

Alignment: Good. He has a good heart and generally wishes well to others and will, ultimately, help people if he feels he has to. Early in his life he tried to avoid trouble and keep to his own affairs, though as he got older he became more active in said affairs when he joined the British military and started taking jobs for the Catholic Church and museums.

Home: Rome, later Britain and finally the U.S.A.

System: No.

Synopsis: Britt was once the Main Character for Britt: The Legend and was granted immortality by The Negotiator. However he lost that power when his story came to an end and though he has found alternate ways to cheat death he is not the immortal he once was. He has lived across the span of human history, from the days of Atlantis through the World Wars to the present. He has unique tassomancy powers over tea and has a great many allies across the world should he need them. He is current in the body of a woman.

Age: His actual age is unknowable, however he appears early thirties.

Gender: Female body, male mind (having possessed the clone body of a woman)

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (technically lesbian physically)

Race: White British human (former self was Itialian)

Height: 5'3''

Build: Thin, frail.

Hair: Long, blonde hair.

Eye color: Large, green eyes

Unusual features: None.

Outfits: TBA

Stance: Britt may often appear clumsy, especially around her female anatomy (because he, the male spirit, is unused to this body). She is, however, often confident and overly casual. She may sit or stand like a man rather than a woman.

Diction: Britt has a very mixed accent that will sound quite British but with strong American influence - and yet, even still, some unusual pronunciations of certain words due to his history.

What did your character do before their first appearance in the story thread? What has your character done in the story thread? Try to keep this part updated if your character is in an ongoing story.

Personality: Britt has spent many years in self-service with no desire to get himself involved in others. He is charismatic and draws others to him and for those people he will travel the entire earth, even coming round to aiding them (eventually) despite it working against his wishes. He began to become more active in helping the world when the WriterGod prodded him in the right direction. Yet he is still quite arrogant and longs to be the centre of the story. He considers his own knowledge and experiences to be superior to others', even those he likes or respects. He's often sardonic and may act the idiot often, though this is because he isn't afraid of embracing the absurd. Despite all this, he is often still lazy when it comes to 'saving the world' and he'd much rather do something banal or, his favourite activity, travelling. He does enjoy new experiences and is likely to frequently try new foods and learn about other cultures. He often enjoys banter, especially with someone similar to him. Though this bantering will often seem like insulting or arguing, he views it as healthy verbal competition. At the moment he mostly does this with Gebohq Simon.
Perceptions: Britt sees himself as the Main Character, despite no longer being so.
Politics: Britt actively works for the American government, taking part even in American military exercises and being one of the founding members of Hero Force One. He was once part of the British military too. He also does many jobs for the Catholic Church and is even considered an anointed Priest (though he considers himself an honorary Priest). He also works, often, for museums across the world due to his historical knowledge.
Religion: Britt is actually an atheist and doesn't believe that he should worship any of the deities he's met. He was once a worshipper of Roman gods. He is a Priest for the Catholic Church but doesn't 'believe' in God (despite meeting him).
Beliefs: N/A
Fears: Britt once feared losing his Story. After that happened he now fears death and the embrace of Lucyfer that death would bring.
Drives: Britt hopes to regain his former glory as Main Character and to continue living forever.
Social status: Britt was born as a slave during the Roman period, however he is now beyond most social status models. He is a Lord in many places and money long ago stopped being an object. He is, however, not proud of wealth or status and is happy to slum it in the muck as always.
Occupation: U.S. Agent, Retired HFO member, Catholic Priest, Cult of X Seer (current)
Family: Britt is the ancestor for the current Simon lineage and is also tied to the Fay lineage of the Illuminohqi lines.
* Gebohq Simon
* Losien Simon
* Ohqeanos Simon
* Lottie Simon
* Asa Simon
* Soolian Simon
* Adélaide Simonier
Relationships: Many of his family members have been his friends. As well as them there have been;
* Septimus Prime
* Cathia Imperator
* Kaptin Kwanza
* Nyneve
* Polly Simon
* Winters
* Dorian Grey
Likes: Travelling and learning new cultural mannerisms is one of his favourite things to do. His favourite food are banana creme Oreo knockoffs (thanks to Atlantis). His favourite drink is tea.
Dislikes: He's generally weary of Jupiterians because of past experiences with them.


Potential: Britt naturally has the Potential of any Main Character - to be the greatest bastion of moral authority. But his flaws will forever hold him back from reaching that ideal. He also has the Potential to condemn an entire universe to destruction just so that he may become the Main Character of his own Story once again.
Powers: TBA
Abilities: He has limited knowledge of religious practices, especially for the Catholic faith and for the Roman pantheon. He has extensive knowledge of history and artefacts because he lived throughout most of history. He is able to pilot spacecraft after training for the USA.
Equipment: TBA

Concepts: Britt was originally a joke character meant to linger in the background as a barman. He lasted for just one single post before he was killed off by another Writer. The joke then developed into 'what if Britt was the most important character to NeS history but just died in a single post'. This then evolved into Britt: The Legend sub-plot story. Eventually, Britt was such a fun character that he returned from death as a central cast character - all from a joke.

Choice: Who is your character? What choices (or lack thereof) define them, or could define them?

Chance: Britt: The Legend features extensive NeS History and ties into *many* plot points that would feature in NeS proper, including the backgrounds for many pre-existing characters. Characters affected by Britt include the Simon Family, including King Arthur. The Fay Family, and the incestuous lineage of Arthur (leading to Princess Aurora Briarose). Polly Simon, Ohqeanos Simon, Kaptin Kwanza, The Patriot, Gebohq Simon. He helped the initial destruction of Mars, greatly affecting the life of Clear. He was also one of the founding members of Hero Force One, creating and affecting members of that group.

Conflict: His most selfish desire to become Main Character of his own Story again, conflicting with the current Story in place and its Main Character.

Context: The U.S.A. is mostly Britt place of employment and is considered his home. He would likely appear pro-American agenda, despite his otherwise world-encompassing views. Many other locations of Earth will hold deep memories for him and nostalgia for people and events that happened there. Atlantis was also once his home.

Convention: Why do they exist? What themes do they bring forth? What conventions are you following and fighting against with them?

Character Goals and Obstacles:
Lucyfer is a lingering threat on Britt's mind. Those who stand between him and his Story are considered obstacles.

Character Function: Protagonist

Character Traits: Immortal, arrogant, silly, flippant, lazy, tea, sleep

Character Grid:

Character Status: What is the character's general status? How is it shown? Is there a conflict of status with other characters? Does the character change in their general status in any circumstances? See here

Character Transformation: Britt changed from being self-absorbed to, in some ways, being more prone to pro-actively helping the world.

Miscellaneous: N/A
Notes: N/A
Art: N/A
2016-01-04, 11:52 AM #92
Story: Hero Force One (Primarily)/ Never-ending Story2 (Secondarily)

Name: Unknown

Nicknames: Judge

Titles: "Team Leader"

Alignment: Hero Force One member and all out good-guy hero.

Home: England. She now lives on Orbital One.

System: N/A

Synopsis: British superhero and team leader for the current Hero Force One team. Red hair and wears nothing but her superhero underwear underneath a jacket. Both the underwear and the jacket are emblazoned with the union flag. Cocky and bold, she's not one for planning. Her awareness in a battle, however, is second to none. Extreme offensive capabilities with telekinesis, giving her a signature purple glow.

Age: 26

Gender: Female?

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: White British

Height: 180cm

Build: 78kg, athletic build on the more muscular side; especially her arms and legs and a visible (though not pronounced) six-pack.

Hair: Ginger hair, bright and vibrant

Eye color: Green

Unusual features: N/A

She wears her superhero underwear, both fashioned with the union jack of Great Britain. Atop this she wears a jacket, cut at the waist and elbows, that is also emblazoned with the union flag.

Stance: Judge oozes confidence and certainty that borders arrogance. She is also very rough and dislikes anything pretentious or disingenuous, where she may be seen to be uncomfortable and awkward.

Diction: A lighter cockney accent, filled with lots of British dialect.


Personality: Cocky and often abrasive, though she usually intends to be. She sees meanness as a sign of camaraderie and affection between friends - she can make jokes at your expense because you know she's just teasing you. She's incredibly confident in herself and those she's with, never doubting that they are capable of standing with her in a battle. She does, however, also have a fairly short-temper that can flare up and cause arguments. Bantering, however, is something she enjoys and arguing isn't far from that so arguing with someone can be a necessary vent for her mood.

Perceptions: She sees things fairly black and white. She is a good guy and some people are bad guys and need their faces stomped.

Politics: She supports Hero Force One primarily but through that she supports the USA and its allies, especially in their fight against 'evil'.

Religion: Atheist.

Beliefs: N/A

Fears: Unknown

Drives: Her goals are ultimately aligned with her team's goals. She wants her team to succeed and do well. She enjoys fighting, and winning those fights so her goal in battle is to win.

Social status: Lower class economically by birth. Now 'new money' and enjoys the luxuries that wealth and security brings.

Occupation: Hero Force One team member, paid by the US government.

Family: Unknown

Relationships: All members of Hero Force One and, by extension, a working relationship with other Hero Force members.
Dr R. Deep - She has great respect for Dr R. Deep, as do most people that know him. She admires him as a man, as a leader and as a mentor.
Qhobeg #2 - She is in love with Qhobeg #2, though she's unlikely to ever admit that to anyone; including him. Instead she shows her affection for him by arguing, bickering and bantering with him the most of anyone.
Seraphim - Her best friend. Both strong, both women, both fliers. They have to work together frequently in similar roles and being so close and similar on a team of so few has put them through much together. Of everyone in the team, there's nobody she'd rather spend down-time with than Seraphim.
Benjamin Mahir - Unusually she's not as oppressive towards Ben as other members of the team often are. While she's not above making jokes at his expense, she doesn't regard him as quite so useless as other members usually do.
Magick Snowflakes - Magick likely gets the most genuine negativity from Judge, with everyone else getting mere teases. Judge pushes Magick hard, possibly seeing herself in the girl and wanting her to excel and not be given an easy time. Despite this they share a friendship unlike any other in Judge's life.
Citizen Rex - Citizen Rex rubs most people up the wrong way and Judge often regards him as a non-member of the team not worth having around. She'll usually expect him to stay out of sight and out of mind.
Ffion Heul - Ffion is someone similar to Judge in power personality and powers, making her relatable. Ffion, however, has gone through upset in her life and views Judge as someone she can look up to and focus on. Judge, likewise, believes she can learn from Ffion and her insights into powers that they share.
High Imp - High Imp is someone Judge doesn't trust, naturally, and doesn't much like having him around. She isn't completely antagonistic towards him though, believing she can at least trust him to do his job. She believes in HFO, it's her job and her passion, while she believes that High Imp doesn't share such feelings towards the group.
Yoshi - She adopted a Yoshi, or perhaps it adopted her. She treats him like a dog; loved and cherished. If she takes him to a fight, she will ride him like a horse.
Acidspitter - Acidspitter is disliked due to the fallout between him and Seraphim when they split up. With Judge being Seraphim's best friend, she was hurt too. Though they are back together she will still dislike him for the past breakup. She also feels that Seraphim chooses to be with Acidspitter more than Judge, which obviously adds some resentment and frustration to Judge's opinion of him.

Hobbies: What do they like to do for fun? What activities do they do aside from work?

Likes: What sorts of things do they enjoy? Include the usual, such as food, movies, TV shows, books, games, and sports, as well as the unusually specific, such as etymology and the smell of napalm in the morning.

Dislikes: What sorts of things annoy them? What are their pet peeves?

Potential: What is the best and worst your character can do, act, perform, and be as a whole? Think of this as a synopsis for what your character would have at their disposal in a conflict, physical or otherwise.

Powers: She has powers of telekinesis, able to manipulate the world around her with ease. Largely she uses these powers offensively, either forcibly propelling people or kinetically charging her own strikes or creating manifests with with to strike people. She can, however, do much more than that when she takes the time to try, including shields and other powers of the mind such as telepathy. Regularly she flies most places.

Abilities: She's physically very fit and combat trained, able to beat the majority of people she's pitted against even without her extra powers. However she has come to rely on those powers for the most part and her battle prowess is primed at best utilising those powers on a large scale, rather than fighting in a genuine one-on-one fight with no powers.

Equipment: N/A

Concepts: At the time of creating Judge, Hero Force One had only been used a little and because I liked the idea of the group I wanted to "make it my own" by adding a character to it. Making a British character was, therefore, an easy way to do this and it just so happened that Judge had existed on my character roster for many years prior (though somewhat different). Seeing the group as similar to The Avengers or SHIELD from Marvel comics, I didn't see the "All-American" idea that was originally meant for the group. Fortunately this was merely extended to be "America and her allies" given Judge's presence. Judge is meant to be the very image of the powerful female superheroes of the comic book world, such as Ms Marvel, leading to the immensely strong, capable and yet also fairly sexualised identity that Judge has. Her argumentative nature didn't surface until the beginning of the Hero Force One story and her relationship with other team members and, in particular, Qhobeg.

Choice: Who is your character? What choices (or lack thereof) define them, or could define them?

Chance: Mostly she has been a supporting character to the HFO team, however she has recently come into her own by both becoming team leader and striking out on her own choices for the team and her own sub-plot involving the coma that her love, Qhobeg, is currently in. She recruited Ffion Heul into the team and will develop alongside that character.

Conflict: How does their point-of-view(s) challenge and co-exist with everyone and everything else? What conflicts do you see arising in and out of the story with them?

Context: Where and when do they interact, and how are those settings significant to them? What is their context in and out of the story?

Convention: Why do they exist? What themes do they bring forth? What conventions are you following and fighting against with them?

Character Goals and Obstacles: What is the relationship between the character and their goal, what obstacles and antagonists are in their way, and do they transform to overcome it? See here

Character Function: She was supporting cast, now protagonist.

Character Traits: Strong, confident, superhero, British, cocky.

Character Grid:

Character Web: How does this character feel about the other characters? See here

Character Status: What is the character's general status? How is it shown? Is there a conflict of status with other characters? Does the character change in their general status in any circumstances? See here

Character Transformation: What transformation does the character make? How is it shown? Is it enough of a change? Is it surprising and interesting? Is it believable? See here

Miscellaneous: N/A
Notes: N/A
Art: N/A
2016-01-07, 12:23 PM #93
Story: Hero Force One (primarily), Never-ending Story2 (secondarily)

R. Deep

Nicknames: "Doc"

Titles: Doctor

Alignment: Good

Home: U.S.A.

None, though inspired by The Matrix in physical appearance an character's tone.

Dr R. Deep is essentially the mentor figure for Hero Force One. He leads them in most respects, though in actual combat and decision-making the team leader, Judge, is responsible for that. He is cool, calm and mysterious. Physically he resembles Morpheus from The Matrix movies; black skin, bald head, black wrap-around sunglasses and a long dark trenchcoat. He uses magic in a variety of ways, trained by the Magium, and wields two swords that he can imbue with magical auras, usually causing them to glow in purple flame.


Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Black American

Height: 1.86m

178kg, strong, fairly muscular

Hair: When he had hair, it was black. Now he's bald.

Eye color: Brown

Unusual features:

Outfits: Dr R. Deep wears a black, leather trenchcoat with a snakeskin effect in the leather. Under this he wears a dark purple suit with a black shirt underneath that and it's complimented with a silver tie and smart, black leather shoes.

Stance: He would stand and walk with certainty and determination. He's unlikely to walk anywhere very slowly.

Diction: Deep, measured and with an air of mystery to it. He has a northern US accent.

Dr R. Deep's older sister, Ms Deep, was one of the original members of Hero Force One. She sold her soul to the Devil (Lucyfer) to save the, then, nine-year-old Deep from cancer. Lucyfer fulfilled the deal but shortly thereafter their parents died and Ms Deep had to take care of her brother. When Ms Deep died her soul went to Hell but was saved by Britt, another founding member of HFO. Yet Deep was now alive and well but absent his entire family, giving him survivors guilt and a fear and distrust of Hell and demons. He joined the Magium and became adept with his magical powers until he was eventually recruited into HFO, like his sister before him, by The Patriot.

Personality: Mysterious and often aloof, Deep is most comfortable in silence and introspection. Despite this he is strangely charismatic, probably aided by the fact he often knows more of what is going on than anyone else in the team. He is highly sceptical of "The Narrative Belief" and prefers more grounded explanations for the world around them. He is the kind to rely on is team mates rather than go it alone, accepting that everyone has their strengths and areas of expertise. He is the kind to do what is necessary to save the world, able to understand that one does not equal the many - though he would always choose the path that saves everyone so long as it's viable.

Perceptions: Deep considers himself to be a scholar of magic and a man willing to do what is necessary to save the world. He does not consider himself the hero, though others usually consider him thus.

Politics: Being a primary member of Hero Force One for many years, Dr R. Deep's allegiance is primarily to the U.S.A. and its government. Although he sees himself as protecting the world, he will protect the world the American way.

Religion: While he is not exactly 'religious', Deep does pay homage and respect to Thoth who, while not exactly the god of magic on Earth, does represent magic and is one of the primary gods that tries to further the course of magic and promotes the existence of aether.

Beliefs: Deep has a strong bond to aether and magic, which changes his view of the universe and of life. He doesn't believe in "The Narrative" as an explanation for reality, though he does accept that there may be some elements that enter into his view of the universe.

Fears: While not specifically afraid, Deep is haunted by his past and the deaths of his entire family. While he was sick with cancer his sister sold her soul to the devil (Lucyfer). When he got well his parents died, and then years later his sister died and her soul taken to Hell. These memories haunt him and disturb him greatly. But he uses these fears to drive him forward.

Drives: Deep primarily strives to achieve the goals of Hero Force One and the American government. However he also strives for further magical understanding, knowledge and power. He also seeks to train others, specifically Magick Snowflakes who is his current apprentice. He does also use his fear - fear of Hell, fear of sickness - to push him forward. He combats his own fears and strives to use them to make himself stronger.

Social status: Deep is from a poor background. He may have become a street thug, like his older sister, had he not been sick and also blessed with magical talent. Instead he was permitted to attend the Magium where he learnt decorum. Since he joined Hero Force One he has been on the government payroll and never wanted for money.

Occupation: As a member of Hero Force One, and a long-term one at that, Dr R. Deep is paid a large salary and all expenses are met in his line of work.

Family: His family, including his sister Ms Deep, have all died.

Relationships: As a member of Hero Force One, Deep is well acquainted with every member. He also has acquaintances in the rest of Hero Force.

Hobbies: What do they like to do for fun? What activities do they do aside from work?

Likes: What sorts of things do they enjoy? Include the usual, such as food, movies, TV shows, books, games, and sports, as well as the unusually specific, such as etymology and the smell of napalm in the morning.

Dislikes: Deep dislikes demons and anything related to Hell on Earth, due to his sister's fate. He distrusts them utterly, hence his dire opinion of High Imp and his disquiet about Acidspitter.

Potential: What is the best and worst your character can do, act, perform, and be as a whole? Think of this as a synopsis for what your character would have at their disposal in a conflict, physical or otherwise.

Powers: Magic. Deep is able to draw on aether to cast magic in a multitude of forms. Mostly he uses magic aggressively, capable of tremendous spells that can decimate many foes in an instant. However he is more than capable of up-close-and-personal combat using his dual swords. He imbues these blades with magic auras, causing them to flame in purple.

Abilities: Combat. Deep has great physical prowess and is more than capable in hand-to-hand combat. He is also well versed in a variety of weapons should he require them, however he prefers his katana and wakizashi used together for combat. He likely has several other blades hidden on his person or in his coat.

Knowledge. Deep also has great knowledge of the world and the goings-on of the world. He is a man of secrets and keeps those secrets as a need-to-know line of information, keeping a lot of information even from his team mates. Knowledge is power in Deep's mind.

Equipment: Katana & wakizashi, a long blade and a short blade. These are his signature weapons that he often uses, however he owns an assortment of weapons that may be specially suited to different tasks depending on the aim of the mission.

Concepts: What was the initial or driving concepts behind your character? What concepts are you working with in regards to your character now? How much of yourself is in your character? This could be considered a synopsis of your character as understood "outside" the story.

Choice: Who is your character? What choices (or lack thereof) define them, or could define them?

Chance: Deep is affected by the current problems with the magic system of Earth following the destruction of the nexus by the TTT.

How does their point-of-view(s) challenge and co-exist with everyone and everything else? What conflicts do you see arising in and out of the story with them?

Context: Where and when do they interact, and how are those settings significant to them? What is their context in and out of the story?

Why do they exist? What themes do they bring forth? What conventions are you following and fighting against with them?

Character Goals and Obstacles:
What is the relationship between the character and their goal, what obstacles and antagonists are in their way, and do they transform to overcome it? See here

Character Function:
Supporting Cast/Protagonist (as a group)

Character Traits: Bad-ass, magic, swords, cool

Character Grid:

Character Web:
How does this character feel about the other characters? See here

Character Status:
What is the character's general status? How is it shown? Is there a conflict of status with other characters? Does the character change in their general status in any circumstances? See here

Character Transformation:
What transformation does the character make? How is it shown? Is it enough of a change? Is it surprising and interesting? Is it believable? See here

Miscellaneous: N/A
Notes: N/A
Art: N/A
2016-05-12, 7:06 PM #94
Story: The Never-ending Story Thread Squared (first appearance here)
Name: The paperwork long ago once noted his name as “Dan Adam” and, for the demonic life he calls his own, has since noted his name as Mephistopheles. Regardless, he almost always goes by his nicknames or title.
Nicknames: Advocate, D.A.
Titles: The Devil’s Advocate
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Home: City of Dis, Dat and De Udder Ting, 6th Circle of Hell
System: Influences of typical slime-ball lawyers, but otherwise no.
Synopsis: Literally the Devil’s Advocate, often dealing with the technicalities of soul contracts and the like normally expected out of Satan himself. Also has a habit of advocating against the general (normally good) opinion of anyone, regardless of the situation.

Age: Appears to be no younger than his 30s, but probably no older than his 60s. His actual age is unknown.
Gender: Male.
Race: Demon, red-skinned.
Height: 6’6.6”
Build: Slender, almost stick-like.
Hair: Dark, pulled back to reveal sharp widow’s peak.
Eye color: Blue.
Unusual features: Typical "evil" Van-Dyke style facial hair, glasses, small horns high on his forehead.
Outfits: Usually an all-black suit with a red tie. Sometimes wears a trench coat while traveling.

Pre-Story History: As of now, his history is sketchy at best. As far as anyone is concerned, though, the D.A. has always served as the Devil’s Advocate, if only because nobody else seems to want the job.
Story History: The D.A. first appears when setting in order the paperwork for the souls of Losien and the other NeS heroes. Since then, the D.A. has been shown as a technical advisor for whomever holds the office of Ruler of Hell.

Personality: While he can be the typical stick-up-his-butt slime-ball one would expect out of a lawyer who gets technical with the rules, the D.A. is not incapable of slipping into anger or disgust, as well as nerdy when zealously debating a favorite topic. As fitting of his title, the D.A. can't help but defend the less-considered or less-desired point with even the Devil himself.
Perceptions: The more heretical something is, the more he perceives it worthy to latch onto and argues for it.
Politics: A great hot button to push, but personally cares little about politics.
Religion: Another great hot button to push, but follows no organized religion or way of life, though he is obligated to claim Satanism.
Beliefs: Anything worth anything is worth arguing.
Fears: World peace.
Drives: His dream is to be able to argue against the wisest and win. Successfully defending the indefensible is what drives him.
Social status: Fairly high class and at least not uncharismatic most of the time.
Occupation: Legal advocate of the Ruler of Hell. It pays rather well, but the D.A. performs his job out of principle, not for the pay.
Family: Mother (damned soul of Hell who only calls as part of their mutual eternal punishment), older sister (ex-chief editor of Slander Media). Currently single. He considers his boss the closest thing to family, however, and only in the mob sense, particularly since he's had multiple bosses in his tenure.
Relationships: He tends to have only enemies, of which there are many. He currently has no particular close relations, except perhaps for Jim Seven and any other Rulers of Hell.
Diction: Canadian, if any, but generally the sort of slick, technical style one would expect of a lawyer.
Hobbies: Records web video reviews of works of entertainment almost unanimously loved or hated, arguing against the general consensus.
Likes: Star Wars: Episode 1, E.T. for the Atari 2600, getting technical, and the like.
Dislikes: People agreeing. He is also not a fan of the local giant demonic rats in Dis.

Potential: He has the potential to hold his own in arguing for the unfavorable side of things, even against the wisest of people.
Powers: Despite his position, the D.A. has no significant powers. Like any demon, being killed usually just sends him back to Hell.
Adversary’s Advocate – He argues for the opposite side, and he is at least persistent, if not good at it. Most will give up far before he has really been tested just to get him to shut up.
Equipment: Mobile phone, pen and notepad, briefcase.

Concepts: The D.A. is essentially exaggerating my penchant for playing devil’s advocate in an argument. I figured he could be at least a potentially entertaining minor character as well as potentially open up for jumping in on the web video reviews, giving me the chance to act as the D.A. character. He largely acts as a sensible foil for the Ruler of Hell, who is often goofy and foolish in some regard.

Choice: He's the Devil's Advocate, literally. Because of this, he largely makes choices antithetical to others, and not choices of his 'own' so to speak. He generally doesn't have an opinion of his own unless it's to oppose someone else's.
Chance: The events usually involving the D.A. include when the Ruler of Hell needs legal or otherwise technical advice. Due to this, and because it's his job, as well as the (lack of) choice noted above, the D.A. is unlikely to have a chance to really put his skills to the test or make his dream come true. As a minor character, I feel it's best to leave the D.A. as is, without taking chances to put him in any particular situations.
Conflict: As the literal Devil's Advocate, he can easily stir conflict to those he opposes. With that said, unlike many demons or villains, he doesn't go out of his way to stir conflict. For instance, in his usual line of work, the people he'd argue against would more likely be mad at the Devil/Ruler of Hell more than the D.A.
Context: As a demon, he's typically used in context of Hell and doing bad things in some fashion (raising the dead of someone controversial, for instance).
Convention: The D.A. typically embodies the tropes of lawyers, critics, and the like.

Miscellaneous: The personality and other features of this character could easily change depending on if I were to actually do the video reviews and found myself going in a different direction or the like. Within the story, though, I wouldn’t want to have the D.A. do anything I couldn’t easily replicate in a video.
Notes: Perhaps one day there’ll be a link to the web videos here!
Art: I'll add a photo up some day.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2017-02-24, 7:16 PM #95
Story: Pantheons of the NeSiverse (first introductory post here)
Name: Sinheartha Gho'bi Nahda (birth name)
Nicknames: Nahda (if they know his identity), Gaje (if they don't know him)
Titles: Gaje of El'Psassmet, Venerable Mayamanu, Perceiver of the Veil, Head of State for The Samanvay (see Notes)
Alignment: Technically, he's a True Neutral sort. He largely aligns himself in non-complementary manners; he acts friendly to those that act evil and acts antagonistic to those that act overtly good. With that said, Nahda generally aligns himself altruistically regardless of how he acts.
Home: Born, lives, and practices his faith in El'Psassmet, the religious capital of the Nothing faith and sister city of New Sima, the governmental capital of The Samanvay.
System: Nahda takes influence from Ghandi in the first Civilization game.
Synopsis: In short, Nahda is Space Ghandi, though Nahda takes other influences such as Buddha, Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr., and historical figures of peace. Nahda is the figurehead of The Samanvay (more commonly known as The Coordination) - a multiversal power with some comparison to modern India. Nahda is also arguably the ideal practitioner of the Nothing faith, which he founded.

Age: He appears to be in his 70's. His actual age is about a generation older than the Coordination itself; its age, like many multiversal powers, is so old as to have lost meaning.
Gender: Male.
Sexual Orientation: Likely heterosexual, though Nahda long ago abstained in such thoughts.
Race: Devatan (human-looking, generally dark-skinned, with holes in their palms and in their chest, where a heart would be)
Height: "Average" (about 5'5")
Build: Thin, bordering emaciated, showing that he eats minimally
Hair: "bald crown with thorny, white hair on his sides"
Eye color: Dark brown
Unusual features: Nothing uncommon for his species (see Race)
Outfits: A traditional gaje attire described as "a simple outfit that resembles a magnolia-colored dhoti and ochre cīvara belted in clear cloth" -- Nahda rarely, if ever, wears anything else.
Stance: Humble and relaxed, but with feet rooted and his head held up as if by a balloon; an ideal tai chi stance.
Diction: Clear, but not commanding.

Born into a relatively wealthy merchant family, Nahda never grew up lacking in needs, living a largely carefree and morally-upstanding life. As he grew up and experienced more the life outside his own, he felt conflicted by thoughts of desire and disgust, by thoughts of suffering in both love and loss, of what lies beyond such mysteries of life and death both infinite and incomprehensible.

Not even as an adult yet, though, Nahda (along with his family, his race, and many others) experienced debatably the worst fate that could befall on a sentient being; being rounded up by the Omega Reich into one of many concentration camps, built typically over their own homes. Nahda watched as his family and others died slow, torturous deaths, forced into inhumane working conditions. Nahda himself all but died himself.

On the brink of death, however, Nahda had a vision of sorts, a revelation upon whom he would have once called only The Nameless, a vision he understood in clarity as Nothing. When Nahda awoke from his vision, he stood in apparent nothing -- the Omega Reich camp, its soldiers, its buildings, its prisoners, all gone. Confused, Nahda scrambled away before more Omega Reich forces had been found.

Fortunately, for Nahda, he had been found first not by the Omega Reich, but by a resistance made up of what would be founding members of the multiversal power known best as The Coordination. Nahda, through teaching of his newfound faith, gave the resistance fighters enough "spirit" to survive until the fall of the Omega Reich, after which Nahda reluctantly took up as Head of the fledgling State of the Coordination (at the imploring of many of the other founders).

At first, Nahda attempted to teach his ways as prominently and directly as he presumed a strong leader should, but quickly found that even his good intentions would become twisted (both intentionally and not), and as the Coordination grew alongside Nahda's wisdom, he began speaking more in koans and parables, and walking more in anonymity, if for no other reason than in a desire to be nothing like the tyranical man who led the Omega Reich. His faith in Nothing seems to have extended his life and ability, though few saw the extent of the latter beyond his long life. While, on average, the Coordination sees Nahda as their heart and soul, Nahda is not uncommonly also ignored and even despised at times by the Coordination citizens, depending on the political climate of the time. In at least one moment of his time as Head of State, when the FIGG Federation attempted to pursue overly-friendly diplomacy with the Coordination, Nahda wiped their presence from existence with his power, alongside several surrounding multiverses.

To this day, Nahda continues to act as the Head of State and ambassador of the Coordination, and as the Gaje of El'Psassmet.

Personality: Typically gregarious, if sometimes bordering zealous in regards to his faith in Nothing and the Coordination. He generally acts non-complementary: turning the other cheek, offering a drink to someone threatening his life, etc. Due to this, when confronted with overly-diplomatic and loving people, Nahda in turn becomes antagonistic in a fashion simultaneously cold and boiling hot.
Perceptions: "Nothing" is paramount. Everyone must find their own path to this truth, not forced to take a path by another. While everyone must find their own path, there is value in coordinating in common communion.
Politics: As Head of State for the Coordination, Nahda in part binds himself to the will of the common people, and thus sways in his subtle defense of one style of politics or another. Having experienced the horrors of the Omega Reich, he generally favors more anti-authoritarian, de-centralized policies when it comes to power, as well as favoring policies against caste systems, discrimination, and anti-immigration.
Religion: Once raised with the concept of an all-powerful, mysterious presence known as The Nameless, Nahda is now a firm practitioner of "Nothing", which he perceives as the true nature of what he knew as The Nameless. He has founded, and is debatably the most faithful practitioner, of Nothing.
Beliefs: Aside from his political and religious beliefs (of which he largely shaped), Nahda holds no particular beliefs; while he may acknowledge beliefs he otherwise has, he generally doesn't attach himself to them, including ones that may even be considered fundamental to the Coordination and Nothing (even if he often finds his "path" taking him back to certain principles).
Fears: Despite an ever-deeper detachment from the illusion of existence over Nothing, the horrors of the Omega Reich he experienced forever scar him. Above all, he might fear that the Omega Reich (or something like it) will rise once again. Despite this and the many times the Coordination itself (as well as outside forces) seem to exhibit such signs, Nahda does an admirable job of keeping his fears private.
Drives: To spread the teachings of Nothing, to build the peace that allows for common coordination and communion among others in the hopes that they may find Nothing for themselves.
Social status: As Head of State of the Coordination, as well as religious leader of the Nothing faith, Nahda on average has a fairly high social status. Despite this, Nahda generally walks about as one of a low economic class, even in anonymity.
Occupation: Head of State (and often ambassador) of the Coordination, Gaje of El'Psassmet.
Family: His biological family has long since died. In part due to his faith in Nothing, he considers both everyone and noone his family.
Relationships: See "Family"
Hobbies: People-watch.
Likes: Nothing.
Dislikes: Nothing.

Potential: Nahda is in many ways the embodiment of the potential for peace through non-complementary actions, largely in a "good" manner but also in an "evil" fashion as well. His embodied potential carries the capacity for the power of love and harmony, for better and for worse.


Faith in Nothing -- Nahda's absolute faith in Nothing allows him otherwise unfathomable "power" as traditionally understood. Nahda himself almost never exhibits any power apart from his apparent immortality, though in the times his life has been in unquestionable danger, his faith has manifested in his opponent's inability to attack him (as if they were attacking nothing). In very rare moments, Nahda has channeled his faith to render his targets as "nothing", wiping their presence from existence. While this is technically an ability, in that "anyone" can learn it, Nahda is exceptionally adept in application of his faith to a degree that easily classifies it as a power. See Notes for more on this.


Head of State -- As the Head of State for the Coordination since its inception, Nahda has a fairly good grasp on its history and acts as a fairly skilled ambassador, diplomat, and figurehead.

Leader of Nothing -- As founder of the Nothing faith, Nahda has, by nature, a perfect understanding of its principles and history. He is also fairly knowledgeable on the various factions and common deviations of the faith as he teaches it. For those who consider themselves followers of the faith, even if they find Nahda's personal approach flawed, they still consider Nahda as a leader figure.

Equipment: None.

Concepts: The initial or driving concepts behind Nahda was asking myself "what would my stupidly-vast multiversal power be like, and who would be the sort of person to lead such power?" with The Coordination (and Nahda) as the answer to that. I had also long ago considered the idea of "nothing" to be a concept that philosophically was "insurmountable" and realized that, in the context of NeS, where meta-fictional examinations made the idea of "nothing" (what fiction is in "reality") extra fitting. I also like the idea of a multiversal power that can act as something of a foil to more traditional empires like the High Empire and the Imperium, and am generally drawn to characters and figures which exhibit non-violence and non-complementary behavior such as the Doctor from Doctor Who. While I myself aspire to be like Nahda in certain ways (practicing improvised acting, tai chi, and such), I don't particularly build or envision Nahda as much like myself.

Choice: Who is your character? What choices (or lack thereof) define them, or could define them?
Nahda is in some ways an avatar of Nothing and an advocate of "the common", communion and coordination. He generally makes choices with such in mind.

Chance: What events revolve around them, plot or otherwise? What elements outside of their (and your) control have particular significance to them? What chances are you willing and hoping to take with them?
Despite his role in the Coordination and the Nothing faith, not much actually revolves around Nahda. His use in a narrative is best as the teacher/old man. In this facet, the Coordination and the followers of Nothing actually have a high chance and risk of abandoning and/or attacking him -- rarely has history treated messengers of peace well, and Nahda likely continually questions why he's still alive (in a similar vein to Jesus questioning if he must die). Nahda as a character/role actually shares many of the ambitions I had with Thand, which in itself is a risky endeavor to shoot for, considering how Thand played out.

How does their point-of-view(s) challenge and co-exist with everyone and everything else? What conflicts do you see arising in and out of the story with them?
As someone in power, Nahda is obviously placed into conflict with those who seek his position. As someone who normally teaches peace and always teaches the value of "nothing", Nahda is placed into conflict with those who harbor strong attachments, passions, contradictory beliefs, and such. Because of his own beliefs, Nahda is usually well-suited to encouraging their own unyielding ways to their self-hindering conclusions as a tai chi martial artist yields to an attacker, and as an improviser accepts what's given to them and adds to it. As it applies to most narratives, though, Nahda makes for a good foil.

Context: Where and when do they interact, and how are those settings significant to them? What is their context in and out of the story?
Nahda interacts largely within the context of the Coordination and of places of meditation upon Nothing. The Coordination itself is "epic" in its scope, scale and significance, but unlike traditional "epic" forces which emphasis great heights and sometimes breadth in power of these elements, Nahda's context within the Coordination (and itself on its own) emphasize great depths. While neither Nahda or the Coordination may be "the greatest" in relation to whatever narrative they are involved in, they may be the most profound.

Why do they exist? What themes do they bring forth? What conventions are you following and fighting against with them?
Nahda exists ultimately to be Space Ghandi (particularly as depicted in Civilization), bringing forth themes of peace, love, harmony, coordination, the common, and non-complementariness. I'd want to fight against a lot of the usual conventions of the "power of love and friendship" and the like through the real possibility of any of those things falling apart at any time, despite also presuming such conventions fueling such in Nahda. I think keeping the Space Ghandi theme at heart should help do this.

Character Goals and Obstacles: What is the relationship between the character and their goal, what obstacles and antagonists are in their way, and do they transform to overcome it? See here
Nahda's ultimate goal in spreading the teachings of Nothing and accepting those into the Coordination has the twofold obstacle of both external (other multiversal powers feeling at risk/wishing to dominate) and internal (his very principles of Nothing and the Coordination leave him "arms wide open" to those founding things straying). If a narrative were to ever revolve around Nahda, and he were faced with these obstacles manifested as absolute, his story would quickly end with his martyrdom, as his faith in both is absolute -- Nahda would not transform, but possibly transform another in his final act.

Character Function:
What role(s) does the character serve? See here
Most certainly that of mentor.

Character Traits:
What tags, etc. apply to this character? See here under "Chraacters" and here
Common, nothing, non-complementary.

Character Grid:
Where do other characters relate to this character on a grid of friendly/hostile and dominant/submissive? See here
Nahda has thusfar only interacted with Peasant Girl and an ambassador of Jupiter (with her secretary and bodyguards). In all cases, he's been generally friendly and dominant. In theory, were her confronted with someone like Ttocks, Nahda would likely be "submissive" and (at great testing) friendly. In one instance with the FIGG Federation (an overly diplomatic and friendly power), Nahda was "dominant" and extremely hostile. Since particularly in a narrative existence that thrives on conflict, Nahda himself generally would be on the "friendly" half, and he would act dominant/submissive in the inverse of whomever it was in relation to, though in truth, he's almost always truly dominant (with situations like the FIGG Federation being the outlier).

Character Web:
How does this character feel about the other characters? See here
Again, Nahda has yet to interact with many characters, but with those he has interacted with, he generally feels as if they could be a part of his family or close friends, yet simultaneously distance, as if they were people on paths that just happen to be parallel to his at the time.

Character Status:
What is the character's general status? How is it shown? Is there a conflict of status with other characters? Does the character change in their general status in any circumstances? See here
Despite holding an apparent "low" social status, in this context, Nahda is almost always holding a "high" status. Even in situations like the one involving the FIGG Federation, his status would remain high, just shown in a different manner. Perhaps some situation I've yet to foresee could change this.

Character Transformation:
What transformation does the character make? How is it shown? Is it enough of a change? Is it surprising and interesting? Is it believable? See here
As noted before, Nahda once made a transformation as a well-off, carefree worldly man into a political and spiritual leader, and in the present context, Nahda is unlikely to transform anymore (unless it's to "transform" into his death).


Miscellaneous: Like Thand, I believe Nahda will be best used sparingly, leaving it to other, more "human" characters who don't quite follow the principles of Nothing or the Coordination as ideally as him, to have their own narratives with Nahda more as context, foil, and the like.


The Coordination, techically known as The Samanvay, gets its name from the Hindi word समन्वय (samanvay), primarily translated as "coordination" but can also mean communion, adjustment, common, solidarity, integration, and merger. Any of these meanings can be used to further inform both Nahda's character and the Coordination as a whole.

Devatan is also pulled from the Hindi word for "deity" (devata) and the holes in the hands and heart area are meant to invoke the imagery of a people who are not rooted in worldly ways, whether that be followers of a faith, godly in their own fashion, or simply that they've experienced a great worldly loss -- the Jewish people during the Holocaust is an apt comparison in this case.

Regarding the power of "faith in Nothing" and how it may apply, as silly as it can sound sometimes, simply plugging in the word "nothing" in pun-like ways such as "Nothing is more powerful than the all-powerful" and "May Nothing be with you" often works well to convey its potency. The idea as it applies to the "world" of NeS is that all of fiction is truly "nothing" and so anytime Nahda invokes this faith, he's literally just calling out the fictional nature of things (the "illusion" as it were).

Possible names for the Nothing faith (or its branches):
śūnya - zero, nothing, empty, void
an - not, without
abhaav - (the) absence of, privation, annihilation, short-coming, desideratum, nothing
nahin - no

None as of yet.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2017-02-24, 11:02 PM #96
Story: Pantheons of the NeSiverse (first mentioning post here and first introductory post here)
Name: Jagisk Ew Ttocks
Nicknames: Jaggy (from older family and those close to him), Butt (from short-lived enemies normally), Ttocks (everyone else, in conjunction with a title)
Titles: Absolute dictator of the Omega Reich (title name pending)
Alignment: Most definitely a bad guy, both in the comically card-carrying capacity and the truly sadistic capacity, exploiting both law and chaos to his advantage. Any moments where he reveals a truly "good" side only further fuel and highlight the suffering he spreads (Hell is all the more terrible when given a taste of heaven)
Home: The Heinyrios (or "Henryian") universe
System: Any work that's involved lizard people disguised as people in power -- Secret Hitler is the latest source where they literally have an image of "secret hitler" as a lizard person.
Synopsis: Space Hitler as a secret lizard person. Ttocks is largely the opposite of Nahda and a parody of sorts on powerplaying leaders such as Highemperor.

Age: He would have appeared in his prime (approx in his 40's) from the start of his rise to power to his suicide. His actual age would be about a generation older than the age of the Omega Reich; as with many multiversal powers, that makes it so old as to lose meaning.
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, though he keeps his sexual life a secret from the public.
Race: Heinyrian (Henryan) -- humanoid lizard people who are capable of wearing "suits" of another race
Height: 6'6.6"
Build: 222 lbs -- his musculature comes off lean due to his height
Hair: Naturally, no. In his favorite "human skin", he has dark brown hair parted to the side.
Eye color: Glimmering green surrounded by deep blue
Unusual features: In his natural form, the area above his "upper lip" is a bit darker, giving the appearance of a toothbrush moustache.
Outfits: Commonly wears a traditional Omega Reich uniform fitting of his high rank: black overcoat, underneath of which is a dark brown three-piece suit over a grey button-up workshirt and a deep blood-red tie. On his left sleeve, a band with the Omega Reich symbol (a pink, pixeled smiley face) is displayed.
Stance: In public: tall, head high, "powerful". In private: hunched, head forward, "creepy" (like a lizard)
Diction: In public: charismatically commanding. In private: prone to mumbling, alternating whispering and barking

"Jaggy" grew up listening to tales of the Alpha Reich from his grandfather, tales of which Jaggy grasped onto as idealistic visions of an all-righteous power which served as his people's proud history. The tales served as a sort of escape from an otherwise humble and hard family life: his father a lowly civil servant and his mother a house maid, and three of his five other siblings passed away during their infancy.

With such idealistic dreams driving him through his rough childhood, Ttocks pursued life as an artist his young adult stage, wandering his home universe in a bohemian lifestyle. His attempts to become recognized as an artist failed, though he would learn of the heavy racist sentiments found through a significant portion of his people, sentiments born from frustrations of their livelihood falling so far from their proud history in the Alpha Reich. In particular, the Devatans were often targeted as scapegoats for their fears.

As part of an inept move by their people's current cosmic council, the Heinyrians went to war with other multiversal powers in an attempt to reclaim some of their lost power and prestige, a war which Ttocks had been enlisted as a soldier. In the end, though, that war ended terribly for the Heinyrians, and their disgrace grew as the other multiversal powers stepped all over them and placed sanctions on their already limited power.

Down on his luck, Ttocks boarded the Outpost Finagle, where as fate would have it, he was visited by the angelic oracle Azariel who, after sleeping with him, revealed that Ttocks's destiny would lead him to be one of the greatest men in multiversal history. Taking this as a sign, Ttocks began his quest to build a new Reich, one greater than even the Alpha Reich he idolized. Exploiting his people's fears and weaknesses, he manipulated the council to ultimately provide him more political power until he rose as their absolute dictator. In a similar fashion to his mundane rise to political power, Ttocks manipulated uber-cosmic forces beyond his current power to seize unimaginable powers of his own. With both worldly and supernatural strengths at his disposal, Ttocks would form the Omega Reich and begin his campaign to dominate all of Forever and beyond.

At first, it seemed there would be no end to Ttock's rise in power through the Omega Reich. Those who he did not deceive into aiding him as part of his Axle Vehemency quickly fell under the Omega Reich's crushing weight, with concentration camps stamped over his enemies' homes to drain their power and fuel his own. Ttocks would regularly pit his generals and other higher-ups against each other to have them attempt to win his favor, his true intent being to keep them under his boot and from colluding against him. The opportunities for Ttocks to topple even the great multiversal powers (who would collectively be known as the Amalgamated) were at his fingertips, and it seemed all but certain that he would even have control over all of the fabled Seven Seals. If Hell on Earth were applied to existence as a whole, it would still fall short of the horrors that Ttocks threatened the whole of Forever and beyond with.

For reasons (as of yet) unknown, though, Ttocks's reign of terror would not last. He would issue erratic and non-sensible orders, resulting in major losses of Omega Reich forces. The Amalgamated would form, and launch their own offensive on the Reich's domain, and as the Amalgamated began to batter back the Omega Reich more and more, Ttocks grew an increasingly sore loser. He authorized "The Ultimate Answer" -- utter obliteration of anything of value and, more importantly, all the people in concentration camps. When the Amalgamated finally invaded into the Heinyrian capital, Ttocks locked himself up with his lover, held a secret wedding, and committed suicide with him and his lover.

Personality: In public, he acts as the friend of the "Everyman" and commanding advocate for glory to "their people" and to make them great again through his infectious, bombastic speeches, embodying power through the image of the Omega Reich. In private, Ttocks emotionally matches his situation: if he's approached aggressively, he becomes more aggressive; if he's given sad news, he wails; if he's given good news, he's joyous. Regardless, in private, he is absurdly selfish and often sadistic.
Perceptions: I must have everything, and everyone will bend to follow my will. It's both acceptable and desired to manipulate others' perceptions into thinking they're acting on their own will.
Politics: As absolute dictator of the Omega Reich, Ttocks binds the common people to his will, professing as many contradictory promises as he can so that they follow. Having experienced what he perceives as the fall of his people, Ttocks enacts policies that encourage authoritarian policies centralizing power in a pyramid fashion with him on the top, implementing caste systems, discrimination laws, and anti-immigration policies as a means to rise to power.
Religion: Ttocks would profess to follow the faith of the common people (which may have included that of the Nameless), but in reality, he found all religion as false and only as tool for control. While he does not believe in The Nameless, he believes in the Seals due to their history in the Alpha Reich.
Beliefs: While he doesn't truly believe in the political and religious beliefs that drive the Omega Reich, he firmly believes that power is everything, and though he exploits his own people, he does genuinely believe they are better than others (if only because he himself is one of them). He'll often latch onto other random beliefs, even if they are contradictory to ones that uphold his empire and his own beliefs, only loosening his grip on them to grab onto other beliefs he finds more useful.
Fears: Being a loser, a failure -- being nothing.
Drives: To create the most powerful empire ever, with him as its most powerful leader.
Social status: High, largely out of fear, though he has enough loyal fanatics to mix things up as well. In many ways, though, Ttocks is as low as they can get, slithering his way to trick others into thinking he's higher long enough to actually be higher.
Occupation: Absolute ruler of the Omega Reich.
Family: His parents and surviving two siblings likely died by the time he finished his enlisted time, which likely devastated him and shaped his ambitions later on.
Relationships: Sometime during (and at the end of) the Omega Reich's reign, he would have had one secret lover he held close to his heart.
Hobbies: Painting, playing "violent holo-games"
Likes: Everything (in some fashion or another, however twisted it may be)
Dislikes: Everything (same as above -- he's a very twisted individual)

Potential: Ttocks is in many ways the embodiment of war, hatred, and dischord, while obviously for worse, even more disturbingly at times for "the better" as well.

Powers: Too many (may list specific ones as they arise)


Master Manipulator -- Ttocks gains the stupid amount of powers from manipulating those that had power to be transferred to him, and those that didn't transfer, he kept in his pockets, so to speak. It's debatable whether this is truly his one "power" of his own, rather than a "mere" ability. Refer in particular to cognitive biases on ways he would manipulate. Ex. using the "availability cascade" effect to continually repeat something in convincing others that it's true.

Reptilian Rogue -- While most Heinyrians don't embrace their "animal side" so to speak, Ttocks fully embraces and expounds on the "purity of his people's power". Aside from general sneakiness, Heinyrians have the ability to wear "suits" of other races (those Heinyrians who wore any "suits" tend to wear obviously manufactured attires that appear more like opera masks/clothing than an actual "skin"); Ttocks often wears a "human suit" with dark, parted hair and light skin.

Equipment: While he has a stupid amount of equipment at his disposal, he does have the following he prefers to carry on his person; his "signature" items, so to speak.

No and Allthing -- two weapons he carries in his right hip and his left breastpocket respectively. They resemble a combination Luger-style pistol and pick-style dagger. The edges are forged from his own soul (a very epic and complicated process, I assure you) while the cartridges are capable of holding a variety of specialized ammo, including his personal stock of the Omega Reich's deadliest interdimensional missiles, miniaturized.

Concepts: The initial or driving concepts behind Ttocks was asking myself "what would my stupidly-vast multiversal power be like, and who would be the sort of person to lead such power?" with The Omega Reich (and Ttocks) as the sort of "opposite" answer to that (at least one that I would personally want) -- Space Hitler and Space Nazis. The Omega Reich and Ttocks generally act as both a playground for just what absurdly over-the-top stuff I can think of when they pop up in my head and, more importantly, act as a historical backdrop for things such as Nahda and the Coordination. While I superficially gave Ttocks a "human suit" that could describe me, I'd hope I'm nothing like Ttocks! Though I'd be lying if I didn't say I couldn't identify with Ttock's tendencies to react in kind to a situation (i.e. get upset over upsetting news).

Choice: Who is your character? What choices (or lack thereof) define them, or could define them?
Ttocks is an avatar of pride, greed, and wrath, and an advocate (in reality) of "the elite", chaos and dog-eat-dog behavior in that it serves him. All his choices involve fueling the above to his selfish ends.

What events revolve around them, plot or otherwise? What elements outside of their (and your) control have particular significance to them? What chances are you willing and hoping to take with them?
Despite his personal drive to be the greatest and with the Omega Reich largely defined by his presence, events really only revolve around him in as much as he's manipulated them, not through any inherent narrative focus on him in particular. To this end, it's more likely that most narratives would involve how high-ranking generals and such are working to further the greatness of the Omega Reich or rise to their own power (akin to Red Skull). Ttocks has set up a house of cards, and he's tricked others into not realizing how delicate it is. I'd be interested in seeing the few moments of the "humanized" aspect of Ttocks juxtaposed with truly monstrous acts of evil, but I'd probably be more interested in taking chances of how the Omega Reich's acts of war and such has brought "good" into the present day. Mostly, though, Ttocks and the Omega Reich are just cannon fodder for narrative background as needed.

How does their point-of-view(s) challenge and co-exist with everyone and everything else? What conflicts do you see arising in and out of the story with them?
As typical of someone in his power, Ttocks often has those wishing to bring him down both external and internal. Externally, Ttocks meets them head-on with brute force, and internally, he largely pits possible opponents against each other, letting conflicts play out and only applying his own brute force and/or dirty tactics when he's exhausted his manipulation. In short, he stirs up more conflict to avoid it coming to him.

Where and when do they interact, and how are those settings significant to them? What is their context in and out of the story?
Ttocks largely interacts in the context of the Omega Reich. Like many stupidly-epic multiversal empires, the Omega Reich professes to be the greatest, with its "epic" qualities spanning the greatest heights and, to a lesser extent, greatest breadths as well. Ultimately, Ttocks and the Omega Reich are just to be narrative backdrop fodder as needed.

Why do they exist? What themes do they bring forth? What conventions are you following and fighting against with them?
Ttocks ultimately exists as Space Hitler (and parodies of characters like Highemperor to a lesser extent), embodying themes of war, hate, dischord, cutthroat competition, the elite, and "fight fire with fire" behavior. Despite this being squarely within "ultimate evil" category, I'd be interested in fighting in some small fashion against at least SOME of the tropes and conventions that go with Space Nazis, but only to give them some small flavor of their own and to mix up feelings of confusion as narratively impactful. Otherwise, embrace the Space Hitler/Nazis for all they're worth.

Character Goals and Obstacles:
What is the relationship between the character and their goal, what obstacles and antagonists are in their way, and do they transform to overcome it? See here
Ttocks seeks to make the greatest empire ever and him the most powerful being ever. Obviously, everyone and their mother wants to knock him down, and Ttocks generally doesn't transform to adapt, only ultimately slinking about until it comes crashing down on him. He is so unwilling to accept defeat that he pulls the "you can't fire me, I quit" and kills himself (though truth be told, that probably oversimplifies the situation).

Character Function:
What role(s) does the character serve? See here
Antagonist, foil.

Character Traits:
What tags, etc. apply to this character? See here under "Chraacters" and here
Elite, "has everything", rogue/snake/lizard-like, replying in like kind

Character Grid:
Where do other characters relate to this character on a grid of friendly/hostile and dominant/submissive? See here
Ttocks has only been shown to interact so far with his grandfather (as a child) and with the angelic oracle. In both cases, he's been friendly and somewhat submissive, but both cases are also before his rise in power. With that said, while he puts on a show of dominance, he's almost always likely truly submissive (even if he tricks himself into thinking otherwise), and he's friendly/hostile to those who are friendly/hostile to him back.

Character Web:
How does this character feel about the other characters? See here
As noted above, he's had limited interaction with other characters at this point. He's generally had good feelings for both of those characters though, and as for others at the height of his power, he probably only has feelings as far as they're useful to him. The exception may be with his secret lover, though even then, it's possibly only out of a selfish desire for "true" companionship.

Character Status:
What is the character's general status? How is it shown? Is there a conflict of status with other characters? Does the character change in their general status in any circumstances? See here
Ttocks almost always acts in a high status, certainly in public. In more private affairs, though, he generally exhibits low status, even if he's successfully manipulating those around him and actually has the higher status.

Character Transformation:
What transformation does the character make? How is it shown? Is it enough of a change? Is it surprising and interesting? Is it believable? See here
Ttocks does transform in part from an idealistic victim of circumstance of sorts into more or less a madman once he begins building the Omega Reich, but after that, he sticks more or less to his guns up until his death.


Miscellaneous: Like perhaps the EeP, I believe Ttocks will be best used sparingly, leaving it to other, more "human" characters who have their own agendas and such within the Omega Reich, to have their own narratives with Ttocks more as context, foil, and the like. More importantly, since Ttocks is dead in the "present" context, Ttocks should really only be used more for narrative backdrop fodder, particularly in relation to characters like Nahda.

The Omega Reich was largely spun off of the "Third Reich" (for Nazi Germany), with Omega being more epic and ominous sounding. The "pink pixeled smiley face" is based off of Evil Otto from the Atari 2600 game Berserk, though I use it as the idea of such an empire appropriating a "good" symbol (a cute looking smiley face) to their ends, similar to how the swatzika had been from the manji. Mostly, though, I just find it funny.

Same goes for the whole "lizard people wearing human skin suits" concept. I don't want to throw the whole race under the bus though, so I try to suggest that only those like Ttocks would go as far as to be super-creepy with actual human suits... more likely, they'd just not wear suits.

None as of yet.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2018-07-25, 10:20 PM #97
Story: Hero Force Ultimate
Name: Fungai Unter Nu (‘true’), Hunter F. Neuman (‘adopted’/assimilated)
Nicknames: P.I. Fun Guy, Hunter/Hun
Titles: Interstellar Detective of the Local Fluff District (past) / Gould Belt Domain (present)
Alignment: Lawful Good (at least his own if not others)
Home: American-born in Baltimore, Maryland, once with HFO, now has his own place to live in Zyba, center of the Zybal Underspace Network
System: Influences from Aquaman, as well as Green Lantern (specifically Guy Gardner with his hair, alien heritage, and less-popular status), Martian Manhunter, and to a lesser extent, Shazam of D.C., Thor of Marvel, and The Tick (for their personalities) - western superhero comics in large
Synopsis: (alien) Space detective with fungus-based powers, mocked in his early days for his ‘wholesome’ and ‘weak’ power among the Hero Force

Age: middle-aged approaching old age (40s-50s), looks slightly younger than his age and is physically younger due to a slower aging process
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Asexual / Bisexual (that is, primarily asexual, but when not, he is bisexual)
Race: Human-Connu Hybrid - ethnically appears half-German, half-Zimbabwean
Height: 6’1” - tall but almost average for male Hero Force One heyday member. He’d have been shorter than The Patriot
Build: 235lbs - built but almost average for a male Hero Force One heyday member - he’d have been significantly less buff looking than The Patriot
Hair: Dark Brown, clean-cut semi-fro Bowl-cut (early days), little longer/triangular-ish & new beard (which on very close inspection is slightly teethy/gillish/pore-ish looking)
Eye color: Brown
Unusual features: vaguely mushroom-like features attributed to his Connu heritage. His cap-like shaped hair on his head is the only characteristic the average person would consider unusual looking - only doctors would on average possibly take notice of his non-human physiology
Outfits: (early days) old fashioned Inverness cape with bright browns/oranges/reds/whites over office attire and tie with Hero Force logo (modern) more “modern” inverness cape, darker with colored trims, no HF logo on tie (would wear old tie again), Zybal Network cufflink
Stance: Head leans (to the side by default, forward when working/walking) - sway and stride like a shroom at times
Diction: Sometimes loud and wordy, bombastic, sometimes reserved in a regal way.

When Hunter’s parents, both immigrants to America, were unable to conceive, fortune from above visited them. Literally. A small fairy-tale humanoid seemed to appear out of nowhere, gravely injured. The two took it in to take care of it, and it in turn examined them with its strange devices. The alien’s time was near, and it, claiming to be the heir to a power beyond their comprehension, pleaded for them to let it pass its “lifeforce” of sorts to them, and in turn, they would bear a child that would carry all their hopes. They agreed, and it left them a message and gifts for the child to come before passing away (on more than one level). They were visited soon after by two ominous agents who, after failing to find what they were looking for, left.

Hunter grew up in Baltimore, MD, initially unaware of his nature, though as the years passed, he noticed he was different than most others in more ways than one. In fact, he was good at noticing in general, and when he noticed that Hero Force was making a difference in the world, he set his mind to join them. Barring the founding members, Hunter was one of the first among to join, quickly making a name for himself.

Unfortunately for him, that name -- P.I. Fun Guy -- made for an embarrassing reputation as often the joke of Hero Force One, taken arguably less seriously than even a Company Kid when he was known for “talking to shrooms” and, as time passed, even viewed with some judging eyes. Sometime prior to the turn of the millenium, Hunter followed an extended personal assignment off-world involving attempting to find his missing sister. Hunter went MIA himself, his only lead prior to his disappearance would be the name of his new, mysterious arch-enemy who went by the moniker Interstellar Master of Sirius, a.k.a. I.M. Sirius.

After years, fate seems to have brought Hunter to Pandemonium, where he runs into Hero Force One in the middle of a fight with Medusa, aiding them in their time of need...

Personality: Wholesome, largely light-hearted to puke-inducing positive, bombastic even at times, though occasionally (and strangely) reserved in a regal way. A team player who often charges the front even when not leading himself. A strong sense of justice, often seeking to find both evidence and motive for any given situation, becoming even obsessive-compulsive in that pursuit. Insightful, hit-or-miss inspiring and ineffectual, prone to being insufferable.
Perceptions: Some higher power (his heritage as well as his faith) has given him incredible gifts, and it’s his calling to use them to uphold his beliefs in truth,justice, life, and liberty. Heroes have a duty to pursue truth and justice and protect life and liberty. If you get to know the facts and motives of people, most people want the same (not evil), and in the end, knowing the truth will pave the way for good to triumph.
Politics: While serving as part of Hero Force historically discourages political affiliation, Hunter leans liberal/Democratic, particularly in matters regarding freedom of speech and information. As Hunter has spent more time among the stars and been exposed to alien governments and organizations, he’s had to adapt to work within various legal systems, though the Zybal Network often helps alleviate the subtler challenges. His political knowledge tends to be lacking when it doesn’t apply to law and his job, though.
Religion: Brought up Jewish (more from his father’s side). While Hunter is not a firm practitioner or very knowledgeable about even his own religion, he does what he can to observe in his private times. Despite encountering both occasional gods and faith-shuddering horrors in his life, Hunter senses truth in his faith, and so he holds onto it.
Beliefs: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; truth, justice, and liberty for all -- he firmly believes no one of those qualities should suppress another, even if he himself pursues truth and justice over personal life, liberty, and happiness. Information should (generally) be free.
Fears: Feeling useless (but not fearing failure itself), and feeling disconnected (from people, information, etc.).
Drives: To rise as the best hero and detective ever; to seek truth and justice so others can live happy; to cast the mysteries that cause pain aside for transparency.
Social status: Grew up lower-middle class. Initially, his status was high upon joining Hero Force, but quickly became a cultural joke to those that knew him on Earth. Among the stars, he’s grown to be respected by various authorities and within the Zybal Network. Among the Network, he now has a middle-high social class status (at least on a galactic scale), though his personality still will knock him down a peg or two at times.
Occupation: Hero Force One member (while MIA, his status was never revoked), Interstellar Detective. He tends to funnel much of his income back into his part of the Zybal Network as well as through charitable donations. He has a fairly well-to-do apartment of sorts in Zyba, though, which is filled with mementos of his history as a Hero Force member and cases as an interstellar detective.
Family: Sekai (mother - immigrant from Zimbabwe), Alter (father - immigrant from Germany), Scout (adopted sister, brought in when Hunter was 3 and Scout 4)
Relationships: I.M. Sirius has been his interstellar archenemy since Hunter went MIA from Hero Force. There may be Hero Force members past that liked him or not, and like many members of the time, he had a brief protege, Honey Fun, before she went off on her own in the A&CC as Deadwood. Most fungus-based life that have any sort of “mind” of their own are friendly to Hunter by default.
Hobbies: As once a high-profile hero and still an interstellar detective with a growing reputation, Hunter doesn’t have much time for hobbies. The most consistent “hobby” he’s been able to pursue is seeking out keepsakes for a given assignment: letters, souvenirs, confiscated enemy tech, etc.
Likes: Mushrooms, but not to eat. smooth jazz and broadway-style music (ex. “Jump Up, Superstar!” from Mario Odyssey), dogs that can sniff things out well, honest people.
Dislikes: Games (both literal and ‘mind’ games/’drama’), lounge music and musicals (he claims they’re different than the sort of music he likes), cats (such as the sort that get stuck hiding in trees), ’manipulative/deceitful people (it’s not rare for him to dislike how some of his superiors and peers might go about their jobs because of this).

Potential: Despite his early reputation on Hero Force One, Hunter even back then was one of the greatest heros of Earth, often acting then as the team’s eyes and ears in addition to shielding and absorbing attacks the other team members couldn’t and generally filling in when the team needed more of a particular strength. In addition presently, he has amassed a substantial network of contacts (these days largely off-world) and would be an ideal ‘tank’ for a Hero Force that now lacks many of its heyday prime fighters. In short, an old but reliable dog, ready to sniff out and bite down on crime.

“Talk to shrooms” - Hunter is able to use any surrounding fungus to significantly augment his other powers. Commonly, he will gather information (such as even from the recently dead) and, without Contenu, can only command “mundane” growths and actions from them. The closer they are to him, the more he can benefit (the “signal” doesn’t degregate); using his power on the other side of the globe would require massive effort and time while using it within reaching distance is effortless and instant.

“Shroom sense” - His senses, particularly with light/sight, gravity, touch, presence, and ‘weakness’ of something, are heightened to superhuman levels.

“Trippin’” - Hunter can have a subject experience confusing hallucinations. As with many of his powers, the effects and effectiveness can vary based on what’s available to him.

“Mushroom Medicine” - While minor compared to the sort of healing Seraphim could do in her prime, Hunter can provide a certain amount of healing, particularly in the form of boosting immune systems and relieving “status effects” (stress, confusion, etc.)

“Symbiotic Spores” - Hunter can “‘borrow” physical traits of nearby things and transfer them to himself or others, akin to ‘buffing” them.

“Decomposer” -- Hunter’s fungal connection allows him to ‘decompose’ certain objects quickly (ex. parts of a wooden door to escape a room), and to weaken living targets (ex. making them feel sick), akin to “debuffing” them.

“Fungal sponge” -- Like other fungi that have been known to absorb high levels of radiation, Hunter has the ability to absorb certain energies (like radiation) that would be lethal to others

“Mighty M’old” -- Just as mold is difficult to kill, Hunter has a similar superhuman level of durability. This has also given Hunter a superhuman lifespan and slowed aging.

“Foxfire” - Hunter can make (parts of) himself or other fungus glow

“Mushroom Men” - Given a little time, Hunter can produce short-lived sterile ‘clones’, more akin to extensions of himself than truly independent beings. Think Naruto.

Interstellar Detective - Hunter is recognized as an Interstellar Detective from the Zybal Underspace Network. He therefore shares similar abilities of other interstellar detectives regarding his intellectual skills (such as investigation, culture/law, and the sciences), physical skills (such as stealth, sleight of hand, and blending into a crowd), and social skills (such as networking, means of interrogating, and sensing the motive of others). In short, what you’d expect from all-star detectives. Among his interstellar detective peers, he’d be more socially skilled (thanks partly to his powers) but less intellectually so on average, whereas among his Hero Force peers (at least back in the heyday among the top tier members), it’d have been more so the reverse.

Hero Force One Member - Hunter has been recognized as one of the top-tier Hero Force members back in the day (despite his public reputation as something of a joke). He therefore also shares similar skills as other top-tier Hero Force One members regarding his intellectual skills (such as emergency medical triaging, ethical problem-solving, and resolve), physical skills (such as acrobatics, athletics, and martial arts), and social (such as crowd control, impressing others, and bureaucracy). Among his top-tier Hero Force peers in his heyday, he’d have been less socially skilled and more intellectually skilled, while among his interstellar detective peers, it’d have been more so the reverse.

Zybal Underspace Network Badge - usually hidden behind the coat he wears, he can easily show it to others to identify himself as an Interstellar Detective. It is also allows him easy access to Zyba and its network. His status as an Interstellar Detective would be revoked if this badge were lost or stolen, though fortunately, the badge itself is “bound” to Hunter, making its loss fairly difficult.

Stellar Scoop - Half-Lens of Truth and physical optical scope, half-multi-use spade. Used often to get stats on people and surroundings, to dig figuratively and literally for what he needs. He tends to keep this in his inside coat pocket.

Contenu - a.k.a. the Word Wand, the Blessed Brand, the Signal Septre, Contenu appears as an oversized mushroom knife of sorts (6” when its blade is not extended and 12” when it is) with a blunt tip. It carries an innate reputation allowing Hunter to command fungus instead of only communicating to them. It also acts as a stylus for writing as well as a “key” to unlock briefcases, safes, databases, and whatever else can be said to contain ‘contents’ in them. If he uses it to lock something, only Contenu can unlock it again. He tends to keep it in his shirt pocket.

Wardenwatch - Appears like a wristwatch. It has the ability to innately translate any language for Hunter as well as project a hard-light concave shield about 3 feet in diameter. He wears this on his left wrist.

Hero Force One Handgun - Issued to him when he joined Hero Force One. Holstered on his hip. Hunter has refrained from using it outside of non-lethal situations such as training and intimidation.

Interstellar Detective Railaser Pistol - Issued to him when he joined as an Interstellar Detective. Holstered by his chest under his coat. Hunter has refrained from using it outside of non-lethal situations such as training and intimidation.

Concepts: I wanted to introduce someone in the Hero Force cast that generally filled a role not already there as well as further build on the Hero Force history. I liked the idea of someone who used to be considered a joke, like Aquaman, and now having “grown the beard” to be a more effective and enjoyable hero. While Hunter will have grown up where I live, I’m also challenging myself to write some qualities (at least minor ones) that are the opposite of my own.

Choice: Who is your character? What choices (or lack thereof) define them, or could define them?
Hunter pursues truth and justice, and makes his choices based on that, commonly at the cost of self-reputation and how others perceive his actions.

Chance: What events revolve around them, plot or otherwise? What elements outside of their (and your) control have particular significance to them? What chances are you willing and hoping to take with them?
The usual Hero Force events that involve its members would also involve him, particularly for him when it comes to handling reputation and perception.

Conflict: How does their point-of-view(s) challenge and co-exist with everyone and everything else? What conflicts do you see arising in and out of the story with them?
His pursuit for the truth often rattles cages even among “the good guys” he works with, and his generally wholesome and boisterous attitude tire the more cynical and private sorts.

Context: Where and when do they interact, and how are those settings significant to them? What is their context in and out of the story?
Compared to most of the other Hero Force members (at least of the heyday), Hunter works out in the galaxy, so tends to have the “little blue orb” view of Earth as a small, delicate treasure to be protected instead of his whole world. His past likely will color his actions in the present.

Convention: Why do they exist? What themes do they bring forth? What conventions are you following and fighting against with them?
Hunter is a space detective, hunting for the truth and justice like an old dog. Any of the conventions that would apply to the likes of Aquaman and the other superheroes in the “system” section as well as other detectives such as Sherlock Holmes could apply for Hunter. Despite the mushroom theme, I’d want to use the “joke reputation” as a way to challenge the funny and/or gross ideas that come from mushrooms with Hunter.

Character Goals and Obstacles: What is the relationship between the character and their goal, what obstacles and antagonists are in their way, and do they transform to overcome it? See here
He pursues to be the best hero and detective he can, and the usual obstacles and antagonists that would get in his way are lies, misinformation, physical safe vaults, and those that use them. As a heyday Hero Force top tier member, Hunter has largely been successful at not resorting to un-truthful or injust means to his ends, instead putting his own reputation as a serious hero on the line. While I don’t envision Hunter sacrificing his principles, I do see him having to learn new ways to not have to do so, whether by relying on other people, finding information in unexpected ways, and possibly figuring out how to overcome his “weaknesses” in public perception.

Character Function: What role(s) does the character serve? See here
Protagonist, hero, sleuth

Character Traits: What tags, etc. apply to this character? See here under "Chraacters" and here
mushroom/fungi, detective/sleuth/sneak, hero, old dog, etc.

Character Grid: Where do other characters relate to this character on a grid of friendly/hostile and dominant/submissive? See here
In his heyday, he was largely friendly and dominant, and it’ll be seen how he falls in with others

Character Web: How does this character feel about the other characters? See here
I presume characters like Seraphim might butt heads with Hunter while those like Magick might get along well with him. We’ll see how it plays out.

Character Status: What is the character's general status? How is it shown? Is there a conflict of status with other characters? Does the character change in their general status in any circumstances? See here
Despite carrying himself with high status, his heyday reputation as a joke had often put him in lower status, though he largely seemed to play it off. His only known ‘low’ status would probably be with types like Seraphim and with I.M. Sirius.

Character Transformation: What transformation does the character make? How is it shown? Is it enough of a change? Is it surprising and interesting? Is it believable? See here
Hunter has “matured” since his heyday, though his wholesome and loud personality still comes off as child-like at times. It’s hard to say what other transformations he might make at this point.

I.M. Sirius is likely to have done some sort of genetic modification to herself so that she’s not just an old woman in the present day. As a classic antagonist to Hunter, she’s likely to be all about lies, misdirection, manipulation, and the like. While I haven’t pinned down her motives, I could see something akin to misgivings about her brother’s outlook and approach to life.

Zybal Underspace Network: The idea is that Hunter should be able to use the “Underspace” to travel from place to place quickly without vehicles. I envision the physical location Zyba as sort of cavernous and lit with glowing star-like spots, and while technically massive (Forever-sized), is organized in a cell-like maze with maybe “marketplaces” or “dens” at largest so that any ‘compromise” would make it very difficult to take down the Network. Hunter and his peers, for instance, would be limited largely on a galactic scale at most. In short, a “Thieve’s Den” type of place with secret passwords and murder to outsiders and all that.

Notes: Random blubs, thoughts, etc. you have on your character.
Art: Descriptions and crediting art relating to your character.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2021-02-25, 5:18 AM #98
Thank you for writing all this music Geb
This is how u will look in the future
2021-02-25, 11:00 PM #99
Damage control: I'm not gonna look at the main forum listing just to see "Last post by: Koobie"


Where's the update to the NeS webcomic, Geb! >:O
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2021-02-26, 7:47 AM #100
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Damage control: I'm not gonna look at the main forum listing just to see "Last post by: Koobie"


Where's the update to the NeS webcomic, Geb! >:O

Sadly, I don't see a webcomic version continuing in the foreseeable future. :( I'm pretty sure even the version that was online was taken down as well. I'd love to be proven wrong, of course, though I won't be spearheading such an effort if so.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories

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