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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → A rap thread
A rap thread
2005-02-04, 8:53 PM #1
My friend who really likes rap/hip-hop music got a new car recently and we have been going out a lot. During these trips I have hear a LOT of rap music. I must say i still hate the stuff. I heard "Let me see you 1 2 step" atleast 3 times in ONE FREAKING HOUR! Here is what I noticed about most of the rap music I heard

* Most of the 'love songs' I've heard in rap is VULGAR. It was all about spreading some girls legs, or licking a girl all over...and they sing these nasty songs slow like it's supposed to be romantic

* Most of the songs I heard were simple beats that a 10 year old could make...They repeat over and over and over...with claps thrown in here and there

* 'nigga', 'bling', 'uh...uh...uh', 'yeah, uh', b****', these words and sounds can be found in a lot of songs...

* The majority of the popular songs I have heard have the worst lyrics ever. They all seem to be dancing instructions with annoying beats!!! (This goes back to 1,2 step and the likes...)

* The only rap I can stand is Eminem. This guy started off as another wannabe rapper and he has turned into the only talent! His lyrics go from personal to political to humerous to whatever! Most of his songs now have meanings, it isn't simplistic ebonincs blabbering or dance instructions, or cliche nigga this nigga that bullcrap. Eminem is VERY clever and smart when it comes to music, and I honestly think he has an amazing talent.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-02-04, 8:58 PM #2
Wu-Tang Clan ain't nuttin' to **** wit'!
2005-02-04, 9:13 PM #3
I agree 110%.

"Yeah!" = Worst song name ever.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2005-02-04, 9:19 PM #4
That is because you are listening to Gangsta rap. Gangsta rap is the most profitable for the record companies, so that is what mainstream rap sounds like. There are far more intellectual and clean genres of rap out there, if you take the time to look for them.

Also, Eminem was kinda funny at first, but he just does the same stuff over and over now. BORING
2005-02-04, 9:22 PM #5
Originally posted by Thrawn42689
That is because you are listening to Gangsta rap. Gangsta rap is the most profitable for the record companies, so that is what mainstream rap sounds like. There are far more intellectual and clean genres of rap out there, if you take the time to look for them.

Also, Eminem was kinda funny at first, but he just does the same stuff over and over now. BORING

Seriously, underground stuff is where it's at. If you have a public access radio station that does a hip-hop show, try listening to that you may hear something good.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-02-04, 9:24 PM #6
Blimey, you made my text green!
2005-02-04, 9:36 PM #7
I limed it
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-02-04, 10:15 PM #8
I don't really like the stuff that's on the radio. It's super commercialized and it all sounds the same. Find some underground artists on indepensant lables and you'll find the good stuff. Old school stuff is really good too. Same goes for the early gangsta stuff as the lyrics actually had meaning behind them.
Pissed Off?
2005-02-04, 10:19 PM #9
The early Dre, NWA, and Snoop albums are good stuff. Snoops new album is pretty good, too. I made a thread about it before I picked it up, I'd say I'm a happy buyer.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-02-04, 10:31 PM #10
The OP displays some ignorance.
You can not say that Eminem is the only talented one in hip-hop because what you've heard doesn't even scratch the surface.

Guess what, not all of it is like that. Most of it isn't.

As others have said, underground is where to go. Or, you can listen to early hip-hop, which is also great.

Yeah! isn't a bad name for a song. I've seen metal songs with worse names.
It's not the side effects of cocaine, so then I'm thinking that it must be love
2005-02-04, 10:37 PM #11
Originally posted by Compos Mentis
Seriously, underground stuff is where it's at. If you have a public access radio station that does a hip-hop show, try listening to that you may hear something good.

The college station in my area has played some amazing hip-hop. They've also played some bad hip-hop, but not as much.

Something I forgot to say:
Outkast is one of the top five greatest bands today. Pitchfork called their songs B.O.B. and Hey Ya! the #1 and #2 singles of the decade/century/millenium so far.
They are brilliant on so many levels. Seriously, they're like The Beatles of hip-hop.
It's not the side effects of cocaine, so then I'm thinking that it must be love
2005-02-04, 11:05 PM #12
i generally stay away from most rap... i won't intentionally listen to something i haven't heard before because too many times someone has said i should listen to something that i just couldn't stand... however if i hear something and like it i'll look into it... but like i said it doesn't happen often because i won't go on someone's suggestion with rap anymore... unless someone who's musical taste i completely trust suggests something

rock/metal i will go on a suggestion because it's more common for me to like it...
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-02-05, 10:35 AM #13
lets ***** about music we dont have a clue about!!!
2005-02-05, 10:55 AM #14
This is the WHITEST THREAD EVAR! Here.... MC Chris, rap for white nerds like us:

"My backpacks got jets
I'm Boba the Fett
I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt
To finance my Vette"
We are the music makers... and we are the dreamers of dreams...
Neurotic||Mobius Grith||The Atrium
2005-02-05, 11:04 AM #15
I used to love old 2pac. It's great music for driving and flipping people off.
2005-02-05, 11:33 PM #16
Apart from wanting Eminems babies (hello? 8 Mile?)

I HAVE a clue about Rap music, my brother used to play it non stop and watch stuff relating to rap stars and their b**chs.

I know for a fact it SUCKS! Not just the music (including R&B and HipHop), but the attitude relating to the culture.

The basic theme :
"I'm black and better than u whiteys. My music is great ( I have to steal everyone else's stuff to make a half decent tune) I have millions of whores at my call, I'm uber, I have money, so much i can do what i want. I can shoot who I want, I'm ABOVE THE LAW!! Yo I cant talk proper American (ENGLISH!!!) I rape the language and i sound cool.
Hey are u cops persecuting me? You enslaved my forefathers man dont you gimme that sh**!!!!!
I have an IQ of 56 but I'm more successful than everyone else. But i'm still in the ghetto, i live in the gutter, I'm not a sell out!!! No way byach! I'm still down with the crew in the Projects, in the Ghettos in the streets!!! WTF hey wheres my BMW?? awwww man my 3 million $'s worth of gold chain is wearing this n*gga DOWN!!! Yeh u heard me, we call each other N*gga, but any whiteboy call me that and I bust a cap in his lilly whaaat assss!!!"

/end rant....

I think I hit the nail on the head there pretty well!
so yeh basically, I hate rap and its affiliated culture.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-02-06, 12:12 AM #17
I used to listen to rap. For a short time.

Now though, I just hate it.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-02-06, 12:58 AM #18
Blah, blah, blah. Blah blah blah? Blah blah... blah!
2005-02-06, 6:20 AM #19
Originally posted by clan ruthervain
It is my opinion that it SUCKS! Not just the music (including R&B and HipHop), but the attitude relating to the culture.


And I agree with you on most of that, but there are some singers who aren't like that, and their music is pretty good.
2005-02-06, 12:31 PM #20
Originally posted by clan ruthervain
The basic theme :
"I'm black and better than u whiteys. My music is great ( I have to steal everyone else's stuff to make a half decent tune) I have millions of whores at my call, I'm uber, I have money, so much i can do what i want. I can shoot who I want, I'm ABOVE THE LAW!! Yo I cant talk proper American (ENGLISH!!!) I rape the language and i sound cool.
Hey are u cops persecuting me? You enslaved my forefathers man dont you gimme that sh**!!!!!
I have an IQ of 56 but I'm more successful than everyone else. But i'm still in the ghetto, i live in the gutter, I'm not a sell out!!! No way byach! I'm still down with the crew in the Projects, in the Ghettos in the streets!!! WTF hey wheres my BMW?? awwww man my 3 million $'s worth of gold chain is wearing this n*gga DOWN!!! Yeh u heard me, we call each other N*gga, but any whiteboy call me that and I bust a cap in his lilly whaaat assss!!!"

I love opinions born of ignorance. :rolleyes: That is one segment of the rap community, the one that happens to be popular. The fact is, if you knew about other types of rap, you wouldn't be rattling off stupd crap like tha.
Pissed Off?
2005-02-06, 12:33 PM #21
The Roots! horray!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-02-06, 12:49 PM #22
I like listening to rap in the car with my brother because I can predict the lyrics and sing along.
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2005-02-06, 1:08 PM #23
I despise rap of all varieties. It is totally unappealing to me - I hate the sound, format, and subject matter. IMO, most rap does not equal music. Rock > rap. /rant
The man in black fled across the desert, and the Gunslinger followed...
2005-02-06, 2:44 PM #24
I like The Roots and Outkast. Particularly Andre 3000, who has a lot of culture, apparently. His music is pretty cool.

I'm usually listening to jazz, though.
2005-02-06, 4:43 PM #25
It's very unfortunate that something like rap that once had so much significance has been reduced to such a low level. You really have to look hard for those less known artists if you want something meaningful and not just "hey kids, you don't have to stay in school or even obey the law, you can be a gangsta like me and get hoes and bling bling". And it's true, the 'love' songs are really cheap and often degrading. It's like the music that was supposed to represent a culture has become a mockery of it.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2005-02-06, 11:03 PM #26
I shake my fist at The Man.
2005-02-07, 3:01 AM #27
the only decent non eminem rap songs:


SirMixALot - I LIKE BIG BUTTS! [legendary] but thats old skool rap, before they got too popular.

oh look:


Snoop was arrested? WHAT A SUPRISE!!!


Avenger, I hear your opinion, and respect it.
But rap sounds crap and I cant shake the feeling I'm 80% correct
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-02-07, 8:15 AM #28
Rap started out as something that people did on streets, not really music. Then, it became more popular and more people started doing it. Then, it became commercial. Then as time went on, it began to lose its spark and started going down hill. Now, the "popular" rap songs seem to be relating to sexual aggression and violence. This is what makes it so undesirable to listen to. Also, it's brainwashing the youth of this country. You see kids out that are broke because they spend so much money on clothes and "bling". You see people buying old, worthless cars and throwing shiny things on them to make them look good (you can only pollish a turd so much). And they think it's trendy to not have any money because they spend it on crap like this. And don't even get me started on the language that they've invented. If they become so accustomed to using slang terms that they can't speak proper english, then their chances of getting a good job is slim to none. Of course education relies on this as well, but they do see that their rap star idols didn't have a proper education, so they assume that they will succeed without one as well. It's degrading to society.
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you"?
2005-02-07, 1:00 PM #29
Originally posted by Trige
Rap started out as something that people did on streets, not really music. Then, it became more popular and more people started doing it. Then, it became commercial. Then as time went on, it began to lose its spark and started going down hill. Now, the "popular" rap songs seem to be relating to sexual aggression and violence. This is what makes it so undesirable to listen to. Also, it's brainwashing the youth of this country. You see kids out that are broke because they spend so much money on clothes and "bling". You see people buying old, worthless cars and throwing shiny things on them to make them look good (you can only pollish a turd so much). And they think it's trendy to not have any money because they spend it on crap like this. And don't even get me started on the language that they've invented. If they become so accustomed to using slang terms that they can't speak proper english, then their chances of getting a good job is slim to none. Of course education relies on this as well, but they do see that their rap star idols didn't have a proper education, so they assume that they will succeed without one as well. It's degrading to society.

This is how trends work, though. They run our country, and our economy. BUT the thing with trends is that they follow what's mainstream. The point all of us defending hip-hop are trying to make is that the mainstream DOES suck. We're saying there's other stuff with actual substance, that isn't about slapping *****es and raping hos and whatnot. We're not even saying you have to like it, but please don't stereotype all hip-hop together.

Honestly, I don't listen to much hip-hop at all. I listen to a ton more alternative and rock. Also, I listen to alot of electronic music. I'm just defending hip-hop because it's being unjustly bashed.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-02-07, 2:23 PM #30
I understand that the hip hop/rap that sucks is the mainstream stuff. The problem is that the majority of it is mainstream, whereas the majority of rock/metal isn't. And it wasn't always like this, it's come full tilt. Late 80's early 90's, rock/metal was mainstream and a lot of it wasn't good. But speaking in present, I don't like the majority of rap/hip hop.
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you"?
2005-02-07, 3:16 PM #31
Originally posted by Trige
I understand that the hip hop/rap that sucks is the mainstream stuff. The problem is that the majority of it is mainstream, whereas the majority of rock/metal isn't. And it wasn't always like this, it's come full tilt. Late 80's early 90's, rock/metal was mainstream and a lot of it wasn't good. But speaking in present, I don't like the majority of rap/hip hop.

The majority of hip-hop isn't mainstream. The whole reason you don't know any underground stuff is because it's underground. The only reason you know so much underground rock is because you actually listen. Use logic, please.

To further prove my point, listen to your local hip-hop radio station. You'll hear the same 10 songs over and over...I can promise you there's more than 10 hip-hop songs in the world...:rolleyes:
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-02-07, 3:48 PM #32
Jurrasic 5 and ICP in my opinion are the best rappers out there.
Listen to any of there stuff,and say that rap as a whole sucks.
Yeah, mainstream rap sucks. I think we can all agree on that.
2005-02-07, 3:50 PM #33
ICP? They dont count. They are clowns.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-02-07, 3:51 PM #34
Originally posted by MBeggar
ICP? They dont count. They are clowns.

They still rap, only they rap as clowns!
2005-02-07, 5:39 PM #35
Clown rappers? I gotta say that's not really changing my view for the genre.
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you"?
2005-02-07, 5:50 PM #36
Let's judge music based on what the artists choose to look like.
Now all bands like kiss suck!
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-02-07, 6:28 PM #37
Don't forget Slipknot! Or Whitesnake!
2005-02-07, 6:43 PM #38
Compos Mentis I like the name of your blog. :)
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2005-02-07, 7:13 PM #39
I like J5. ICP are different, but not for eveyone.

Deltron 3030/Del the Funkee Homosapien has some good stuff. Some of his songs have a sci-fi theme to them, if you can believe that.

Also check out Hieroglyphics . Four other good underground hip/hop artists in addition to Deltron.

The Living Legends are an underground group with local connections to the Bay Area
Pissed Off?
2005-02-07, 7:27 PM #40
Originally posted by Master Tonberry
Compos Mentis I like the name of your blog. :)

Thank you, it was actually something I just put as placeholder text..but decided it was neat enough to keep.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.

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